LAPD : We Can Harrass Citizens for asserting their Constitutional Rights"

Anymore If you see a cop doing anything, literally anything, start recording.

That stupid bitch is a great example of why my respect for the cops is going downhill fast.

The scary part is that they have managed to make that illegal in some states – a law that I think needs to be removed post haste.

The problem: audio recording ANYONE without their consent is a crime in some states. (Offhand: Massachusetts.)

Fortunately, as cited above, the SCOTUS has rejected the states claim that you cannot record police, audio or otherwise, in the normal execution of their duties anywhere that a reasonable expectation of privacy does not exist.

IOW, that law is meaningless as the SCOTUS has essentially determined it is not applicable. TBH, the use of those laws in these situations was bunk anyway as that was not the intent of such laws nor were they ever structured to apply in public places under normal conditions.
That stupid bitch is a great example of why my respect for the cops is going downhill fast.

On the other hand we have to keep in mind that this woman doesn't represent the attitude and professionalism of the majority of Police Officers (who have difficult and often dangerous jobs), she represents the exception not the rule.
I have never seen a cop NOT react negatively when someone evokes their Constitutional rights.

It's like flashing a crucifix in front of a vampire...they HATE IT.
That stupid bitch is a great example of why my respect for the cops is going downhill fast.

On the other hand we have to keep in mind that this woman doesn't represent the attitude and professionalism of the majority of Police Officers (who have difficult and often dangerous jobs), she represents the exception not the rule.

I know, and I've always had the utmost respect, and shown that respect. However, more and more she seems to becoming the norm.
That stupid bitch is a great example of why my respect for the cops is going downhill fast.

On the other hand we have to keep in mind that this woman doesn't represent the attitude and professionalism of the majority of Police Officers (who have difficult and often dangerous jobs), she represents the exception not the rule.

I know, and I've always had the utmost respect, and shown that respect. However, more and more she seems to becoming the norm.

That's cool, I suspect that the feeling that Police Officers like this woman seem to be "becoming the norm" is based on the fact that far more often than not what we see in the media are the *bad* examples like this one and not the millions of *good* examples that occur every day around the country, the *bad* examples are far easier to sensationalize.

All of us can help our own communities by getting involved in rooting out the *bad* apples from our Police Departments while also taking the time to give praise to the Men & Women that serve & protect faithfully and honorably, after all a pat on the back is the least they deserve. I have a good many friends that are metro Police Officers and all of them are highly professional and selfless individuals that don't hesitate to put themselves in harms way to protect the citizens they serve, I always try to remember to remind them from time to time that their service is appreciated. I also know that Officers like the one in that video are ones that make good Officers angrier than they make the citizenry because as one of my friends put it "Those a*holes make us all look like the thugs we're trying to protect people from".
On the other hand we have to keep in mind that this woman doesn't represent the attitude and professionalism of the majority of Police Officers (who have difficult and often dangerous jobs), she represents the exception not the rule.

I know, and I've always had the utmost respect, and shown that respect. However, more and more she seems to becoming the norm.

That's cool, I suspect that the feeling that Police Officers like this woman seem to be "becoming the norm" is based on the fact that far more often than not what we see in the media are the *bad* examples like this one and not the millions of *good* examples that occur every day around the country, the *bad* examples are far easier to sensationalize.

All of us can help our own communities by getting involved in rooting out the *bad* apples from our Police Departments while also taking the time to give praise to the Men & Women that serve & protect faithfully and honorably, after all a pat on the back is the least they deserve. I have a good many friends that are metro Police Officers and all of them are highly professional and selfless individuals that don't hesitate to put themselves in harms way to protect the citizens they serve, I always try to remember to remind them from time to time that their service is appreciated. I also know that Officers like the one in that video are ones that make good Officers angrier than they make the citizenry because as one of my friends put it "Those a*holes make us all look like the thugs we're trying to protect people from".

If in fact most don't agree with behavior like this whore, then it's high time they start policing each other and root out the ones making them all look bad. They work with each other and know who the idiots are, stop protecting them and deal with them for their, and our, sake.
I know, and I've always had the utmost respect, and shown that respect. However, more and more she seems to becoming the norm.

That's cool, I suspect that the feeling that Police Officers like this woman seem to be "becoming the norm" is based on the fact that far more often than not what we see in the media are the *bad* examples like this one and not the millions of *good* examples that occur every day around the country, the *bad* examples are far easier to sensationalize.

All of us can help our own communities by getting involved in rooting out the *bad* apples from our Police Departments while also taking the time to give praise to the Men & Women that serve & protect faithfully and honorably, after all a pat on the back is the least they deserve. I have a good many friends that are metro Police Officers and all of them are highly professional and selfless individuals that don't hesitate to put themselves in harms way to protect the citizens they serve, I always try to remember to remind them from time to time that their service is appreciated. I also know that Officers like the one in that video are ones that make good Officers angrier than they make the citizenry because as one of my friends put it "Those a*holes make us all look like the thugs we're trying to protect people from".

If in fact most don't agree with behavior like this whore, then it's high time they start policing each other and root out the ones making them all look bad. They work with each other and know who the idiots are, stop protecting them and deal with them for their, and our, sake.

Excellent point, I think they get more encouragement to do so when the citizenry lets the good Officers know that we are on their side. :)
So because of this stupid bitch all you liberals think all cops are bad?

"Liberal" Bwaaaahaaaaaahaaaaahaaaa holy fuck, now I've been called everything lol

Seeing as you are disrespecting all police like a liberal bitch I would say I hit my mark dead on.

no, you are waaaay off the mark, and an example of the ever increasing number of thin skinned cops I'm referring to. Anyone, even an anonymous internet poster dare question or comment negatively and off you go with your projections.
So because of this stupid bitch all you liberals think all cops are bad?

"Liberal" Bwaaaahaaaaaahaaaaahaaaa holy fuck, now I've been called everything lol

Seeing as you are disrespecting all police like a liberal bitch I would say I hit my mark dead on.
Ah so to be conservative I must lick the boot of cops who abuse their power and only take jobs that they can use their authority to harm others to great depths. OK I will be a Liberal then :D

Trayvon Martin was walking back from buying candy and soda before a game and was stopped and shot dead. Constitutional rights are only for white people.
Well 1. Trayvon wasn't shot by a cop 2. Zimmerman isn't white. So what's your point?
I have never seen a cop NOT react negatively when someone evokes their Constitutional rights.

It's like flashing a crucifix in front of a vampire...they HATE IT.


The officer told the driver that she could detain and search his car even though she could not use whatever evidence was obtained against him.

I know, and I've always had the utmost respect, and shown that respect. However, more and more she seems to becoming the norm.

That's cool, I suspect that the feeling that Police Officers like this woman seem to be "becoming the norm" is based on the fact that far more often than not what we see in the media are the *bad* examples like this one and not the millions of *good* examples that occur every day around the country, the *bad* examples are far easier to sensationalize.

All of us can help our own communities by getting involved in rooting out the *bad* apples from our Police Departments while also taking the time to give praise to the Men & Women that serve & protect faithfully and honorably, after all a pat on the back is the least they deserve. I have a good many friends that are metro Police Officers and all of them are highly professional and selfless individuals that don't hesitate to put themselves in harms way to protect the citizens they serve, I always try to remember to remind them from time to time that their service is appreciated. I also know that Officers like the one in that video are ones that make good Officers angrier than they make the citizenry because as one of my friends put it "Those a*holes make us all look like the thugs we're trying to protect people from".

If in fact most don't agree with behavior like this whore, then it's high time they start policing each other and root out the ones making them all look bad. They work with each other and know who the idiots are, stop protecting them and deal with them for their, and our, sake.

And here is what needs to happen. I think that there is a tendency to protect your own and in this case what ends up happening is that cops like these get protected by their coworkers when, in fact, they should be the first ones remover her from the position of power she occupies.

You can’t tell me that those working around her do not see that attitude or are surprised by this conduct. I don’t agree with the other posters claiming that most cops are ‘good’ cops though and do not violate people’s rights or abuse their power. I have known several good cops but then again, I don’t think I would make friends with bad cops. I have also been on the other side as well and I can say that the average experience I have had with cops is utterly terrible. I have been illegally searched several times, stolen from and framed by police. To this date, not once have they ever actually done anything I needed them to.

That does not mean I don’t respect police. The problem is they are given a lot of power and they deal with one segment of society, the worst of it. That does something to people and it is not a good thing. They are taking that on and deserve respect for it. Cops are, IMHO, a necessary evil that because we need someone to take that bullet for society. There has to be people making that sacrifice so that we can have the rule of law.
is a great example of why my respect for the cops is going downhill fast.

This is why we must hurry up and get the guns away from the sheeple, once all sheeple lose respect for the police, then apply simple arithmetic, they will soon discover that they can defeat the police by war of attrition ............ this would be bad.
That's cool, I suspect that the feeling that Police Officers like this woman seem to be "becoming the norm" is based on the fact that far more often than not what we see in the media are the *bad* examples like this one and not the millions of *good* examples that occur every day around the country, the *bad* examples are far easier to sensationalize.

All of us can help our own communities by getting involved in rooting out the *bad* apples from our Police Departments while also taking the time to give praise to the Men & Women that serve & protect faithfully and honorably, after all a pat on the back is the least they deserve. I have a good many friends that are metro Police Officers and all of them are highly professional and selfless individuals that don't hesitate to put themselves in harms way to protect the citizens they serve, I always try to remember to remind them from time to time that their service is appreciated. I also know that Officers like the one in that video are ones that make good Officers angrier than they make the citizenry because as one of my friends put it "Those a*holes make us all look like the thugs we're trying to protect people from".

If in fact most don't agree with behavior like this whore, then it's high time they start policing each other and root out the ones making them all look bad. They work with each other and know who the idiots are, stop protecting them and deal with them for their, and our, sake.

And here is what needs to happen. I think that there is a tendency to protect your own and in this case what ends up happening is that cops like these get protected by their coworkers when, in fact, they should be the first ones remover her from the position of power she occupies.

You can’t tell me that those working around her do not see that attitude or are surprised by this conduct. I don’t agree with the other posters claiming that most cops are ‘good’ cops though and do not violate people’s rights or abuse their power. I have known several good cops but then again, I don’t think I would make friends with bad cops. I have also been on the other side as well and I can say that the average experience I have had with cops is utterly terrible. I have been illegally searched several times, stolen from and framed by police. To this date, not once have they ever actually done anything I needed them to.

That does not mean I don’t respect police. The problem is they are given a lot of power and they deal with one segment of society, the worst of it. That does something to people and it is not a good thing. They are taking that on and deserve respect for it. Cops are, IMHO, a necessary evil that because we need someone to take that bullet for society. There has to be people making that sacrifice so that we can have the rule of law.

It's sounds like your local Police Department and mine are very different, I have had nothing but positive experiences with mine, whereas it sounds like you've been dealt a relatively bad hand by the boys in blue in your neck of the woods.

That being said, where you point out that the police need to police there own, my theory is that the resistance to doing so is most often the "fortress mentality" effect that sets in when you are programmed by various sources to believe that the citizenry in general views you with disdain, that your only "allies" are those people that are around you, even if some of those people are douche-bags the instinctual response is likely to be "they might be douche-bags but I at least they're on my side".
It's sounds like your local Police Department and mine are very different, I have had nothing but positive experiences with mine, whereas it sounds like you've been dealt a relatively bad hand by the boys in blue in your neck of the woods.

That being said, where you point out that the police need to police there own, my theory is that the resistance to doing so is most often the "fortress mentality" effect that sets in when you are programmed by various sources to believe that the citizenry in general views you with disdain, that your only "allies" are those people that are around you, even if some of those people are douche-bags the instinctual response is likely to be "they might be douche-bags but I at least they're on my side".
That might be very true and there is little to be done about that considering that cops are going to deal mostly with people that simply do not like them. Criminals rarely appreciate the police :D I can see that very much as turning into an us vs. them type of deal. Unfortunately, it really is EVERYONE vs. the bad cops but it is rare that a person can see beyond their own microcosm of a world. Speaking of which, that very much describes the first point on both our sides. You see a useful PD and I see one that regularly breaks the rules. I would ask where you are at though because I think that has a huge impact on that. I find that rural cops are almost always more reasonable. Everyone knows their local sheriff in small towns and, more importantly, that sheriff knows you. That brings things to another level entirely. I have lived in the city or suburbia all my life where you simply do not know the people you are dealing with. Those cops not only don’t know me but they have never heard of anyone anywhere in my family. IOW, they7 have no real grounded connections with the people that they are supposed to be protecting. That, in my mind, makes a massive difference and leads to the type of cops that I was speaking about and the actions that we all abhor. That does not mean all those cops are bad or all the small town cops are good. Quite the contrary, you can find all stripes everywhere BUT I would bet my bottom dollar that there is going to be some pretty stark tendencies that are different between a sheriff in a county of a few thousand and a cop in a town of millions.

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