LaPierre: Stand and Fight..................

Doesn't matter, if he wasn't convicted of a felony then he has the Right to own guns.

He hasn't been convicted of much of anything. He also holds an FFL and a Class 3 license.

Nugent has been lucky... no sex offender convictions... NRA Board of Directors...

Self Confessed Pedophile Ted Nugent Will be a Guest of House Republicans at the SOTU

Romney supporter Ted Nugent: Pedophile? He says so! (Video)

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Wayne LaPierre wrote a column for the Daily Caller today, and stated as many reasons as he could for people to buy guns.

Unfortunately, many of his talking points were flat out wrong. After hurricane Sandy hit the east coast, I heard MANY news stories of people helping each other out, and I really didn't hear any stories of looting or the like.

I'm not going to post what LaPierre said, as I think most of what he wrote was inflammatory and factually inaccurate.'s the link if you wish to read it for yourself.

Stand and Fight | The Daily Caller

It seems that whenever LaPierre opens his mouth, all that comes out of it is fear and hate.

Does anyone really think that he's a good spokesperson for the NRA anymore?

LaPierre is a spokesman for the gun manufacturers.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Just as Obama is a spokesman for George Soros eh?

And his puppet.... :evil:
"Does anyone really think that he's a good spokesperson for the NRA anymore? "

Is he a good spokesman for the NRA? Well, no, but he does accurately reflect the nut jobs that are members. I kind of like that. It always seems to me to be a good idea to keep all the clowns under a single tent. Now that the Tea Party is evaporating, the NRA can serve the same purpose. We can't depend on the Moral Majority anymore for identifying these people. It's pretty much gone.

Lol, the tea party is evaporating..
how funny, NOT in the state I live in..Just because they aren't like your OWS..
oh well, just keep thinking that
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You see how the left attacks their fellow Americans who doesn't march with their agenda?

First the people in the Tea Party now the people in the NRA

and you wonder why our country is divided...
Now we are back with this stupid, he's speaking incendiary language..

Our own elected idiots have spoken more violent against us people, one even said she would help the people go to hell...

I get tired of this crap about what can be spoken
Wayne LaPierre wrote a column for the Daily Caller today, and stated as many reasons as he could for people to buy guns.

Unfortunately, many of his talking points were flat out wrong. After hurricane Sandy hit the east coast, I heard MANY news stories of people helping each other out, and I really didn't hear any stories of looting or the like.

I'm not going to post what LaPierre said, as I think most of what he wrote was inflammatory and factually inaccurate.'s the link if you wish to read it for yourself.

Stand and Fight | The Daily Caller

It seems that whenever LaPierre opens his mouth, all that comes out of it is fear and hate.

Does anyone really think that he's a good spokesperson for the NRA anymore?

He may not be a good spokesman for the NRA, but he's "perfect" for the Republican Party. Just ask Ted Nugent.

"Does anyone really think that he's a good spokesperson for the NRA anymore? "

Is he a good spokesman for the NRA? Well, no, but he does accurately reflect the nut jobs that are members. I kind of like that. It always seems to me to be a good idea to keep all the clowns under a single tent. Now that the Tea Party is evaporating, the NRA can serve the same purpose. We can't depend on the Moral Majority anymore for identifying these people. It's pretty much gone.

Lol, the tea party is evaporating..
how funny, NOT in the state I live in..Just because they aren't like your OWS..
oh well, just keep thinking that

Does this mean you will run Palin again??? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
It is with profound hope that LaPierre keeps talking his loosing talking points.
When the, by large majority of all United States Citizens and the large majority of United States Citizens who own guns, say they are in favor of background checks to purchase a gun then he looks the fool he is more and more.

La Pierre just needs to keep talking...
Background checks are only to buy guns legally. There are plenty of people who aren't bothered by the trivialities of legally.
I have seen the light.
Wayne Pierre for President.
Better than Herman Cain.
Better than Soul Sister Sarah.
Better than Mittens.
Run Wayne Run. The guns are on your side.

But then again. why would he want a cut in pay.
so and that chaps your ass how?
you get little screeds from your Dear Leader all the time that is nothing more than begging for cash and telling people not to bring a knife to gun fight..

get over yourselves about the NRA, you people have the ows, unions, etc..we never see you whine about them

Actually, what chaps my ass is that this man is using inflammatory language which could very possibly end up inciting some idiot to go off and start shooting up lots of people, or possibly end up doing a Dornier type attack.

So not only are gun grabbers afraid of guns, they are also afraid of antique Nazi Bombers? The world hasn't seen a Dornier attack since World War 2... It seems a bit extreme to worry about a threat that has been neutralized since 1945. You better seek some professional help.

So I misspelled Dorner (you know, the former Navy reservist and former cop who was the subject of a massive manhunt?).

Sue me.

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