Lara Trump is building an army of ‘100,000 poll watchers and over 500 lawyers’ to ‘deploy’ across America in November

With millions of bogus names & Illegals on swing state voter rolls, un-monitored Zucker drop boxes scattered all over (Courts in AZ says you cant be within 1000’-10,000’? to observe (its complete madness). Ballots will be (again) flooded out, collected and paid mules will fill them out and dump them in.

Who knows about hacking and changing votes or bad software awarding 60% of ever vote one-way (on select machines), BLM hired on to work ATL counting rooms re-running stacks will-nilly whenever they feel like it. Signatures ignored. Votes in person and mail-in under same name accepted in tens of thousands. Missing Scans? No problem say the Courts..

Courts allow no 2nd look, no Audit, no do-over. It is completely out of control. Nothing like a Bank would operate. A vote is valuable, at least like a $10 bill. Yet the count from printing up to sending out, returned is un-auditable.

State DEMs send all real-time early vote information to DNC operatives who then know where to target. Some were given un-restricted online access.

Polly Ana much? A few citizens standing 25’ away behind a rope watching BLM run stacks of ballots is not going to do anything. If the “see something” then what? Black govt workers are untouchable by R or D & corrupt courts.

Call me a Doomer……I am. There were no penalties in 2020 or 2022 for all of the above and much more. Why won’t the do it again?

The honest side needs to do a lot more. From the first roll of paper to the final count.
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This one goes out to the Doomers.

And the Leftist communists.

Enjoy your total loss.


This time, we're bringin' the HEAT.

I will be here on November 5th.

All us MAGA will be luxuriating in your anti-American howls of pain and loss.

And the realization:



So, if Biden wins in Nov, what will be the excuse since cheating won't be able to be used?
Critical on the map below are the 2 states of Washington & Oregon which WERE DARK BLUE, NOW MEDIUM BLUE. Despite being heavily outnumbered eastern Oregon/Washington are making a difference along with growing numbers of dissatisfied voters west of the Cascades.

polls? Conducted by the filthy MSM? Meaningless. With bad voter rolls and 100% mail-in…’s already over out west.
Deploying isn't good enough.

They have to be proactive.

They have to be willing to insert themselves.

You know darn well the Derp State will fight them every step of the way.

We need to clean house of the lying leftards.

The righties have waited too long already.
Such a shame that all your laws allow for is for you to be watchful cuckolds. :itsok: :laugh:
This one goes out to the Doomers.

And the Leftist communists.

Enjoy your total loss.


This time, we're bringin' the HEAT.

I will be here on November 5th.

All us MAGA will be luxuriating in your anti-American howls of pain and loss.

And the realization:


So you want to set up this voter harassment team...

Go on ahead...

Harass on e legal voter and there will be ads all over the country showing how you want to violently over throw the government.

It will be made clear to get rif of ye fucking traitors they have to vote.. Come together, unite and say Yes to democracy and no to your lie filled intimidation.

Thankls for this because time America stopputting up with people like you spreading propaganda and say they want the reality to kick in...

Trump Lost the 2020 election, there wasn't any serious fraud to come close to interfering with the election.

What Trump was convicted on for the 2016 election probably did swing that tight election. The voters deserve more than a slap on the wrist for Trump's actions... $2.4 billion was spent on that race and Trump cheated the voters by illegally bribing a whistleblower.

So yes we need more scrutinity on this election and keep very keen eye on the convicted criminal who cheated before.
So are there going to be 500 lawyers searching over

  • Trump financial records to see who he will pay off this time
  • Which enemy country is he is giving information too and getting support from
  • Which other country leaders he coercing illegally to open investigations on political rivals
  • and if he looses, how will he illegally and/or violently try and over throw the government
Lets make it clear, Trump looses the election, the **** is going to jail.
So you want to set up this voter harassment team...

Go on ahead...

Harass on e legal voter and there will be ads all over the country showing how you want to violently over throw the government.

It will be made clear to get rif of ye fucking traitors they have to vote.. Come together, unite and say Yes to democracy and no to your lie filled intimidation.

Thankls for this because time America stopputting up with people like you spreading propaganda and say they want the reality to kick in...

Trump Lost the 2020 election, there wasn't any serious fraud to come close to interfering with the election.

What Trump was convicted on for the 2016 election probably did swing that tight election. The voters deserve more than a slap on the wrist for Trump's actions... $2.4 billion was spent on that race and Trump cheated the voters by illegally bribing a whistleblower.

So yes we need more scrutinity on this election and keep very keen eye on the convicted criminal who cheated before.
So are there going to be 500 lawyers searching over

  • Trump financial records to see who he will pay off this time
  • Which enemy country is he is giving information too and getting support from
  • Which other country leaders he coercing illegally to open investigations on political rivals
  • and if he looses, how will he illegally and/or violently try and over throw the government
Lets make it clear, Trump looses the election, the **** is going to jail.

Cowboy homeO off his aids blocker medication. Now he goes on a rant trying to convince people to be concerned about bad caulking leaking in the bathroom shower as the house is burning 🔥 out of control.
With millions of bogus names & Illegals on swing state voter rolls, un-monitored Zucker drop boxes scattered all over (Courts in AZ says you cant be within 1000’-10,000’? to observe (its complete madness). Ballots will be (again) flooded out, collected and paid mules will fill them out and dump them in.

Who knows about hacking and changing votes or bad software awarding 60% of ever vote one-way (on select machines), BLM hired on to work ATL counting rooms re-running stacks will-nilly whenever they feel like it. Signatures ignored. Votes in person and mail-in under same name accepted in tens of thousands. Missing Scans? No problem say the Courts..

Courts allow no 2nd look, no Audit, no do-over. It is completely out of control. Nothing like a Bank would operate. A vote is valuable, at least like a $10 bill. Yet the count from printing up to sending out, returned is un-auditable.

State DEMs send all real-time early vote information to DNC operatives who then know where to target. Some were given un-restricted online access.

Polly Ana much? A few citizens standing 25’ away behind a rope watching BLM run stacks of ballots is not going to do anything. If the “see something” then what? Black govt workers are untouchable by R or D & corrupt courts.

Call me a Doomer……I am. There were no penalties in 2020 or 2022 for all of the above and much more. Why won’t the do it again?

The honest side needs to do a lot more. From the first roll of paper to the final count.
Until they pay a price for doing this there will be no change.

They dont care if caught. They know the DOJ will do nothing.

History shows where we are going. To it off more countries are joining BRIC and ditching the dollar
Until they pay a price for doing this there will be no change.

They dont care if caught. They know the DOJ will do nothing.

History shows where we are going. To it off more countries are joining BRIC and ditching the dollar

These broke arse Commee maggots just Hover over their filthy keyboards in their 34th floor studio drooling in anticipation the communists will seize all wealth and put everyone in high rises with nothing left for “equality”.
This one goes out to the Doomers.

And the Leftist communists.

Enjoy your total loss.


This time, we're bringin' the HEAT.

I will be here on November 5th.

All us MAGA will be luxuriating in your anti-American howls of pain and loss.

And the realization:


Dems will claim this is an attack on democracy.
Trumpers will do their best to upend the election, but the final result will be Trump loses again as he has lost every election since the 2016 fluke.

Then we will have to hear about election fraud from these damn whiners and their idiotic threats for another four years.
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Look in the mirror for the commie. You Trumpers are nothing but closeted Leninists who want to destroy this nation’s institutions.

Dems were outed as cheaters and ballot box stuffers, that triggered them. They like to keep their election stealing secret. 100,000 poll watchers is going to freak them out.

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