Largest Standing Army in the World

and if there is some gun registration in the USA , maybe its new laws in the slippery slope of 'gun control' NCitizen .
Only a blithering idiot would register their firearms with the federal government… Fact
----------------------------- might be some New laws for New gun buyers which is more proof of my thinking that its the upcoming generation of millenials and tattooed hip hoppers , skate board riders and their families that are getting all greezed and prepped to take it where the sun don't shine . That being said , i don't know any older guys / geezers with registered guns .
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Only problem with it is that the most powerful, most oligarchic, most tyrannical standing army in the world, those three letter agencies we know and seemingly love so well, kees a thorough record of those hunters in the form of gun registration.

Now, why is that? Hm? Why?
The federal government/deep state/swamp has always been the country’s greatest enemy… And always will be

Something that has become a bit of a modern trend, and it's very alarming, and should concern freedom loving Americans is that it is more and more becoming the folks who identify as conservative who routinely and eagerly promote the notion of allowing the government to systematically infringe upon our liberties in the interest of the charade they call security. It's very alarming. These are staists at heart, but they're confused about what being conservative means.

Too many times Americans are being robbed of their liberties in the interest of security. They hate us for our freedoms, the government says, talking about terrorists.

And this is what that language gets us...



The only people who hate us for our freedoms is our elected officials and the three letter alphabet agaencies, those terrorist cells in DC otherwise known as the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches.

I never in my wildest dreams thought conservatism would be rendered an echo chamber to promote tyranny in the name of security.

But it has. Take guns first, due process later. And the people love them for it. Ho lee sht.
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Sure , and thats why Hunters and other gun owners all need weapons and 20 round magazines that are the same or similar to USA Military and using that same ammunition as USA Military . I pick the common and much loved and owned AR15 because its the closest to a military issue military weapon that is cheap and reliable and easily available for just about anyone Doktor .
Obviously, hunters do not constitute an army, especially a 'standing army'. That is just a sensationalistic headline. The point that private weaponry is an impediment to armed invasion, though, still stands.
Sure , and thats why Hunters and other gun owners all need weapons and 20 round magazines that are the same or similar to USA Military and using that same ammunition as USA Military . I pick the common and much loved and owned AR15 because its the closest to a military issue military weapon that is cheap and reliable and easily available for just about anyone Doktor .

Sorry NO

Standing army defined

  1. a permanently organized military force maintained by a nation.
  2. a permanent army of paid soldiers
Sorry - Hunters are not maintained by the US, paid, or organized in any manner
Ginormous thread fail
concerning deer hunting or SNIPER Rifles and Sniping i do recommend .308 in maybe an accuarized Springfield but they are expensive . And always remember when you think of Armies of Hunters . Hey , it was 'squirrel and deer and bear hunters' like my very great and long dead Gandparents from a long time ago that kicked 'british' azz and took this USA that the 'brits' thought they owned from them Doktor .
standing army of American HUNTERS , all armed to the teeth makes YOU Statists nervous eh Doktor .
standing army of American HUNTERS , all armed to the teeth makes YOU Statists nervous eh Doktor .
---------------------------- Standing Army of Hunters all armed to the teeth would make you proud if you were an AMERICAN . As of now its only possible in the USA Doktor .
and thats why its my thinking that ALL Hunters or Gun Owners should have at least one AR15 and 20 round mags in their closet and 2 is even better with how cheap an AR is to buy . Thats at least 12.7 million Standardized weapons all pretty much interchangeable and all shooting the same ammunition . And the AR15's are in addition to American Hunters Deer Hunting 'Sniper Rifles' . ------------- just saying .
It’s what Switzerland does. You are issued a full auto assault rifle, if you choose to keep it. They’re also pretty much the safest place in earth. Consistently top 3 every year. Also, ever notice how the NAZI’s invaded virtually all their neighbors and toom their gold except Switzerland, who has a lot of gold. That wasn’t because Hitler honored their nuetrality.
standing army of American HUNTERS , all armed to the teeth makes YOU Statists nervous eh Doktor .

No, not in the slightest. I don't hunt (I fish) but am a gun owner.
I don't scare myself - so why would a hunter scare me?
Hope my neighbor bags another elk this fall -
The steaks, burger, sausage etc he gave me last year were DELICIOUS!
It’s not 1938.

Modern warring countries probably aren’t to worried about hunting rifles .
It’s not 1938.

Modern warring countries probably aren’t to worried about hunting rifles .
---------------------------------------------- you have some examples of Modern WARRING Countries Timmy ?? Plus many of the hunting rifles used by American Deer Hunters , Varmint shooters , target shooters are what USA Military Rifles and Sniper Rifles are based on . And the owners of the Rifles are tinkerers and worshippers of function and accuracy Timmy . Anyway , do you have any examples of Modern Warring Countries that aren't worried about hunting rifles Timmy ??
It’s not 1938.

Modern warring countries probably aren’t to worried about hunting rifles .
---------------------------------------------- you have some examples of Modern WARRING Countries Timmy ?? Plus many of the hunting rifles used by American Deer Hunters , Varmint shooters , target shooters are what USA Military Rifles and Sniper Rifles are based on . And the owners of the Rifles are tinkerers and worshippers of function and accuracy Timmy . Anyway , do you have any examples of Modern Warring Countries that aren't worried about hunting rifles Timmy ??

Actuallly the world is a pretty peaceful place.

I was thinking of a scenario where someone was invading the us . They would need some advanced weaponry if we were at a point we needed to rely on hunters .
Hunters... More rifles... More ammo... More intimate intel on local geography... More practice... More to fight for... An army? Naaaahhhh! Not yet...

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