Larry Elder Proves Today Democrats Are Still Racists

And you are a moron. And that's saying something on this site filled with trumptards.

Double <Yawn>
Your exact words, moron. One more time...

"If only republican votes counted, I'm sure that Elder would have won."

But keep trying to justify it, it gives me great pleasure to keep calling you a moron.

I don't need to justify anything. What I said was true. You are just being a troll and an asshole.

Larry Elders was the leading republican candidate. He was outvoted by dems. Any other claim is wrong.
I don't need to justify anything. What I said was true. You are just being a troll and an asshole.

Larry Elders was the leading republican candidate. He was outvoted by dems. Any other claim is wrong.
And you are a moron. And that's saying something on this site filled with trumptards.

Your exact words, moron. One more time...

"If only republican votes counted, I'm sure that Elder would have won."

But keep trying to justify it, it gives me great pleasure to keep calling you a moron.
And you are a moron. And that's saying something on this site filled with trumptards.

Your exact words, moron. One more time...

"If only republican votes counted, I'm sure that Elder would have won."

But keep trying to justify it, it gives me great pleasure to keep calling you a moron.

I'm not "justifying" anything. What I said was true and you are just being troll.
I'm not "justifying" anything. What I said was true and you are just being troll.
Your exact words, moron. One more time...

"If only republican votes counted, I'm sure that Elder would have won."

But keep trying to justify it, it gives me great pleasure to keep calling you a moron.
Your exact words, moron. One more time...

"If only republican votes counted, I'm sure that Elder would have won."

But keep trying to justify it, it gives me great pleasure to keep calling you a moron.

I'M NOT JUSTIFYING ANYTHING, YOU MORON. What I said made and still makes complete sense. YOu are just a troll and an asshole.
I'M NOT JUSTIFYING ANYTHING, YOU MORON. What I said made and still makes complete sense. YOu are just a troll and an asshole.
Your exact words, moron. One more time...

"If only republican votes counted, I'm sure that Elder would have won."

But keep trying to justify it, it gives me great pleasure to keep calling you a moron.
Your exact words, moron. One more time...

"If only republican votes counted, I'm sure that Elder would have won."

But keep trying to justify it, it gives me great pleasure to keep calling you a moron.

Yes, those were my words. Why are you acting like they don't make complete sense? Are you retarded or something?
Nothing in that video supports any of the bovine feces you were spewing.
Probably because you don't understand the English language.
They also made an announcement earlier clearly stating that they were working with Facebook and Twitter to identify members who were posting "misleading information" and that they had non-governmental agents scanning those forums making sure that social media punishes those members. Never mind the fact that Trump supporters are now worried that the God Damned FBI will arrest them just for gathering in large groups. The people who attended that rally in Jan are still in solitary confinement as we speak.
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Yes, those were my words. Why are you acting like they don't make complete sense? Are you retarded or something?
Did I say they didn't make sense? They actually do. They show the mindset of the average trumptard.

Count only the votes of right wing-nuts and make sure that it is difficult for everyone else. Isn't that what is going on in right-wing gerrymandering districts, Republican states that have laws that restrict voting, etc?

Let me know if you are still confused.
Probably because you don't understand the English language.
They also made an announcement earlier clearly stating that they were working with Facebook and Twitter to identify members who were posting "misleading information" and that they had non-governmental agents scanning those forums making sure that social media punishes those members. Never mind the fact that Trump supporters are now worried that the God Damned FBI will arrest them just for gathering in large groups. The people who attended that rally in Jan are still in solitary confinement as we speak.
What does that have to do with the lies you were spewing about the election results in Pennsylvania and Arizona or that COVID isn't real? You don't like that your lies are being pointed out by Facebook? Boo fucking hoo. Lie on your own site. They have a right to control theirs.

All the January 6th rioters are in solitary confinement?!? Holy cow! That would be a severe human rights violation...if it were remotely true. It's not. Nothing you believe is true.

What does that have to do with the lies you were spewing about the election results in Pennsylvania and Arizona or that COVID isn't real? You don't like that your lies are being pointed out by Facebook? Boo fucking hoo. Lie on your own site. They have a right to control theirs.

All the January 6th rioters are in solitary confinement?!? Holy cow! That would be a severe human rights violation...if it were remotely true. It's not. Nothing you believe is true.

Clearly you're guilty of being misinformed.
Last report in June said that they had over 500 American citizens waiting on a court date who are as we speak in rotting away in solitary confinement.

Wed Jun 16, 2021 - 6:18 pm EDT​
LifeSiteNews has been permanently banned on YouTube. Click HERE to sign up to receive emails when we add to our video library.
WASHINGTON, D.C., June 16, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — As part of its unprecedented investigation of the January 6 disturbance at the U.S. Capitol, Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) has arrested and is holding hundreds of “political prisoners” in a dedicated jail under “harsh almost solitary confinement conditions” while denying them bail and the constitutional right of a speedy trial.​
“This is a political persecution against Trump supporters,” said Julie Kelly, a senior contributor for American Greatness. Having provided extensive investigative reporting on this issue over the past several months, she spoke with candor on the Mark Levin Show this past Sunday.​
Despite the repeated mantra from Democrats and the mainstream media that the January 6 disturbance was an “armed insurrection” of “white supremacists,” Kelly clarified that “not one person has been charged with carrying or using a firearm inside the Capitol building that day.” On the contrary, “the only person who used a weapon, a firearm, inside the Capitol building, was the still-unidentified Capitol Police officer who shot and killed an unarmed female veteran, Ashley Babbitt.”​
Kelly did say that in her research of the cases she found “about three dozen weapons” charges, but she notes, according to the charges of prosecutors, “these aren't deadly and dangerous weapons when Antifa or BLM (Black Lives Matter) uses them, (but) only when January 6th protesters (use them).” She said these weapons include “pepper spray, riot shields, a helmet in one case, a few flagpoles, (and) a couple people brought in small batons.” These people did not necessarily even use the weapons, but just carried them into the building, or just had them outside the building, which was enough for them still being issued a “weapons” charge.​
“So it was not an ‘armed insurrection.’ No one had guns. They had no intention of using (their ‘weapons’) to assassinate Mike Pence or Nancy Pelosi or any of the other ridiculous claims that we've heard,” she said.​
Clearly you're guilty of being misinformed.
Last report in June said that they had over 500 American citizens waiting on a court date who are as we speak in rotting away in solitary confinement.

Wed Jun 16, 2021 - 6:18 pm EDT​
LifeSiteNews has been permanently banned on YouTube. Click HERE to sign up to receive emails when we add to our video library.
WASHINGTON, D.C., June 16, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — As part of its unprecedented investigation of the January 6 disturbance at the U.S. Capitol, Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) has arrested and is holding hundreds of “political prisoners” in a dedicated jail under “harsh almost solitary confinement conditions” while denying them bail and the constitutional right of a speedy trial.​
“This is a political persecution against Trump supporters,” said Julie Kelly, a senior contributor for American Greatness. Having provided extensive investigative reporting on this issue over the past several months, she spoke with candor on the Mark Levin Show this past Sunday.​
Despite the repeated mantra from Democrats and the mainstream media that the January 6 disturbance was an “armed insurrection” of “white supremacists,” Kelly clarified that “not one person has been charged with carrying or using a firearm inside the Capitol building that day.” On the contrary, “the only person who used a weapon, a firearm, inside the Capitol building, was the still-unidentified Capitol Police officer who shot and killed an unarmed female veteran, Ashley Babbitt.”​
Kelly did say that in her research of the cases she found “about three dozen weapons” charges, but she notes, according to the charges of prosecutors, “these aren't deadly and dangerous weapons when Antifa or BLM (Black Lives Matter) uses them, (but) only when January 6th protesters (use them).” She said these weapons include “pepper spray, riot shields, a helmet in one case, a few flagpoles, (and) a couple people brought in small batons.” These people did not necessarily even use the weapons, but just carried them into the building, or just had them outside the building, which was enough for them still being issued a “weapons” charge.​
“So it was not an ‘armed insurrection.’ No one had guns. They had no intention of using (their ‘weapons’) to assassinate Mike Pence or Nancy Pelosi or any of the other ridiculous claims that we've heard,” she said.​

Clearly you're guilty of being misinformed.
Last report in June said that they had over 500 American citizens waiting on a court date who are as we speak in rotting away in solitary confinement.

Wed Jun 16, 2021 - 6:18 pm EDT​
LifeSiteNews has been permanently banned on YouTube. Click HERE to sign up to receive emails when we add to our video library.
WASHINGTON, D.C., June 16, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — As part of its unprecedented investigation of the January 6 disturbance at the U.S. Capitol, Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) has arrested and is holding hundreds of “political prisoners” in a dedicated jail under “harsh almost solitary confinement conditions” while denying them bail and the constitutional right of a speedy trial.​
“This is a political persecution against Trump supporters,” said Julie Kelly, a senior contributor for American Greatness. Having provided extensive investigative reporting on this issue over the past several months, she spoke with candor on the Mark Levin Show this past Sunday.​
Despite the repeated mantra from Democrats and the mainstream media that the January 6 disturbance was an “armed insurrection” of “white supremacists,” Kelly clarified that “not one person has been charged with carrying or using a firearm inside the Capitol building that day.” On the contrary, “the only person who used a weapon, a firearm, inside the Capitol building, was the still-unidentified Capitol Police officer who shot and killed an unarmed female veteran, Ashley Babbitt.”​
Kelly did say that in her research of the cases she found “about three dozen weapons” charges, but she notes, according to the charges of prosecutors, “these aren't deadly and dangerous weapons when Antifa or BLM (Black Lives Matter) uses them, (but) only when January 6th protesters (use them).” She said these weapons include “pepper spray, riot shields, a helmet in one case, a few flagpoles, (and) a couple people brought in small batons.” These people did not necessarily even use the weapons, but just carried them into the building, or just had them outside the building, which was enough for them still being issued a “weapons” charge.​
“So it was not an ‘armed insurrection.’ No one had guns. They had no intention of using (their ‘weapons’) to assassinate Mike Pence or Nancy Pelosi or any of the other ridiculous claims that we've heard,” she said.​

Sorry son but you are the one being grossly misinformed. There are not 600 people in solitary confinement and they are not, comrade Russian stooge “political prisoners.” They are rioters and trespassers who harmed cops and were intent on causing bodily harm to Elected representatives and police officers.

Only about 13% of the roughly 500 charged are still being held. You need better sources.

Sorry son but you are the one being grossly misinformed. There are not 600 people in solitary confinement and they are not, comrade Russian stooge “political prisoners.” They are rioters and trespassers who harmed cops and were intent on causing bodily harm to Elected representatives and police officers.

Only about 13% of the roughly 500 charged are still being held. You need better sources.

Bullshit....CAN'T YOU READ???
They say it is unclear exactly how many hostages are being held.....but we're supposed to take the word of the Washington Compost? This WAPO ANALYSIS WAS IN MAY....BUT IN JUNE THEY REPORTED THAT ROUGHLY 500 WERE STILL BEING HELD. So I guess it depends on who you want to believe. The point member of congress was allowed to see the hostages personally. Also ask yourself why they're being held in facilities scattered all over the country? I have an answer for have to have a valid charge to extradite someone....and most of these people being held on trespassing or no charges at all.

"It’s unclear exactly how many Jan. 6 suspects are being held there, or whether they remain in restrictive housing. A Washington Post analysis found in May that about 50 suspects tied to the attack on the Capitol remained held without bond awaiting trial, about 13 percent of more than 400 defendants. But they also are scattered in facilities across the country. Although the cases are federal, some of those charged are held in local facilities before trial under agreements with federal authorities."

Your link says that when GOP members of congress showed up to inspect the conditions that hostages were being held in....they were accused of trespassing.

A D.C. jail official told them they were “obstructing entrance into this facility” and appeared to accuse the members of trespassing.
“We’re the people that vote on whether or not to fund you, at what level, and we’re trespassing?” Gohmert responded.
The D.C. detention center is not a federal facility and is fully funded by D.C. taxpayers — but Congress has oversight over D.C.’s budget.
Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D), the District’s nonvoting representative in Congress, said their “attempt to basically try to break into the D.C. jail is an abuse of their authority over the District.”
Their news conference Tuesday was interrupted by a group of protesters, including a person who repeatedly blew a whistle for the duration. “To the guy that’s blowing the whistle,” Greene said, “we are not deterred.”
They attempted Thursday to tell D.C. jail officials the same thing, knocking on locked doors after a supervisor declined to allow them to tour the facility. They said they showed their congressional IDs and even agreed to wear face masks to try to gain entry. But when the answer remained no, Gohmert said they “were in totalitarian Marxist territory here” and accused D.C. jail officials of operating a “dictatorship.”
Bullshit....CAN'T YOU READ???
They say it is unclear exactly how many hostages are being held.....but we're supposed to take the word of the Washington Compost? This WAPO ANALYSIS WAS IN MAY....BUT IN JUNE THEY REPORTED THAT ROUGHLY 500 WERE STILL BEING HELD. So I guess it depends on who you want to believe. The point member of congress was allowed to see the hostages personally. Also ask yourself why they're being held in facilities scattered all over the country? I have an answer for have to have a valid charge to extradite someone....and most of these people being held on trespassing or no charges at all.

"It’s unclear exactly how many Jan. 6 suspects are being held there, or whether they remain in restrictive housing. A Washington Post analysis found in May that about 50 suspects tied to the attack on the Capitol remained held without bond awaiting trial, about 13 percent of more than 400 defendants. But they also are scattered in facilities across the country. Although the cases are federal, some of those charged are held in local facilities before trial under agreements with federal authorities."

Your link says that when GOP members of congress showed up to inspect the conditions that hostages were being held in....they were accused of trespassing.

A D.C. jail official told them they were “obstructing entrance into this facility” and appeared to accuse the members of trespassing.
“We’re the people that vote on whether or not to fund you, at what level, and we’re trespassing?” Gohmert responded.
The D.C. detention center is not a federal facility and is fully funded by D.C. taxpayers — but Congress has oversight over D.C.’s budget.
Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D), the District’s nonvoting representative in Congress, said their “attempt to basically try to break into the D.C. jail is an abuse of their authority over the District.”
Their news conference Tuesday was interrupted by a group of protesters, including a person who repeatedly blew a whistle for the duration. “To the guy that’s blowing the whistle,” Greene said, “we are not deterred.”
They attempted Thursday to tell D.C. jail officials the same thing, knocking on locked doors after a supervisor declined to allow them to tour the facility. They said they showed their congressional IDs and even agreed to wear face masks to try to gain entry. But when the answer remained no, Gohmert said they “were in totalitarian Marxist territory here” and accused D.C. jail officials of operating a “dictatorship.”
Your source is bullshit.

Of the roughly 600 people charged in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, 78 remain jailed pending trial, with a majority of those still detained accused of assaulting police officers or some of the worst violence seen that day.

Just stop. They are violent rioters not "political prisoners".
Your source is bullshit.

Of the roughly 600 people charged in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, 78 remain jailed pending trial, with a majority of those still detained accused of assaulting police officers or some of the worst violence seen that day.

Just stop. They are violent rioters not "political prisoners".
Ok, so how many of the summer of 2020 rioters are in jail, and are facing trials for their attempts, and their on going attempts to take over this country by force or by any means necessary ???? This means through social media, the take over of main stream media, the take over of government, the take over of the public school systems (CRT), the take over of major media platforms, and every other measure they use to shove it all down the nation's throat without so much as a drink of vinegar to wash it all down ??
Ok, so how many of the summer of 2020 rioters are in jail, and are facing trials for their attempts, and their on going attempts to take over this country by force or by any means necessary ???? This means through social media, the take over of main stream media, the take over of government, the take over of the public school systems (CRT), the take over of major media platforms, and every other measure they use to shove it all down the nation's throat without so much as a drink of vinegar to wash it all down ??
Quite a few. The rioting and arson was bad, to be sure. It was not, however, an assault on democracy as the January 6th protest was.

Court records tell a different story.
An Associated Press review of court documents in more than 300 federal cases stemming from the protests sparked by George Floyd’s death last year shows that dozens of people charged have been convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison.
The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who’ve been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more.
The rest of your post is conspiracy theory nutbag garbage.
Quite a few. The rioting and arson was bad, to be sure. It was not, however, an assault on democracy as the January 6th protest was.

Court records tell a different story.
An Associated Press review of court documents in more than 300 federal cases stemming from the protests sparked by George Floyd’s death last year shows that dozens of people charged have been convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison.
The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who’ve been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more.
The rest of your post is conspiracy theory nutbag garbage.
It wasn't or isn't a take over eh ??? Did you just fall off the wine wagon yesterday ? Shutting your eyes and ears to the truth of what is on going in this country is very sad of you. Wake up, and no don't woke up, wake up. Of course if you are a cult believer, then I apologize for wasting your time, and vice-versa.

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