Las Vegas shooting - a point not yet made

If he hadn't used the bump stock, more people would be dead.

Based on your opinion? Not good enough. He used a bump stock, several ARs and extended clips to become the most successful mass shooter in our country's history without having any extensive training.

And location selection had the biggest effect on the death Virginia Tech the shooter used 2 pistols and killed 32.... the Vegas shooter firing into a crowd of over 22,000 only killed 58........and Luby's cafe the shooter killed 24 with 2 pistols......

Yes and he couldn't have accomplished his task without randomly spraying a crowd, sure the venue made a difference, combined with equipment he used.

Target location and other factors create more deaths....not weapon type....

The Russian Polytechnic shooter used a 5 shot, tube fed, pump action shotgun and killed 20 injuring 40.....

It's odd because that weapon type more often than not is used in many if not most of our deadliest mass shootings.

Wrong...hand guns are the most popular gun for mass shooters, not rifles.

Deadliest mass shootings.

Was in Paris, where more anti gun laws than even you dreamed of are already in effect.

Mass shootings are relatively rare in France. The AR has been used in 4 out of 5 most deadliest mass shootings in the U.S. where gun laws are lax compared to other countries. But this isn't even something I'm arguing.

If you want more gun laws then by all means please start more topics like in this thread.
No matter what you do. No matter how you spin will never, ever slow down the mass shootings. You are the cause. Since you will not cease and decist with the propaganda and you have endless resources from the globalists, it is moot point. You drive people crazy. Because many of your elite are crazy. Crazy that makes laws to affect our nation. And you like plenty of laws and government.
He didn't appear to have a lot if any training, he chose the weapons and equipment that fit his skill level most likely and the result was devastating.
As predicted, you avoided my question.
Let's try again:
Are you or are you not aware of the fact he had within his means to choose weapons that could have significantly increased his casualty count?
I look forward to your continued avoidance.
How would ge get access to that type of weaponry? Care to explain?
M1917A1 for sale. 2, actually.
M1919s and M60s, too.
Belt Guns | DealerNFA
That's why your argument is bullshit. You made a claim and failed to provide any support for your asinine logic.
Do I -really- need to explain the capacity of such a weapon to increase the number of casualties in this incident?
Do I really need to tell you that you must have a license to own a machine gun such as that ancient POS?
I'm sorry -- you sidestepped the question. I'll ask again:
Do I -really- need to explain the capacity of such a weapon to increase the number of casualties in this incident?

I sidestepped the question because it is
Editing my posts again?
He could have easily bought a water-cooled M1917 machine gun w/ a tripod and fired 4-5 thousand rounds of .30-06 into that crowd in that same 10 minutes.
Why do you refuse to understand how this would significantly increase his casualty count?
The number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon.
Why do you refuse to understand this?
No he could NOT have easily bought a water-cooled M1917.
He had the money,and he was legally able to own a machine gun. Buying one would take a little extra time - which he had - and nothing else.

He did not have time. He had a set date and you are making assumptions not in evidence, just like everyone else.

You ignore all kind of information that you would need. Where would he get the ammo? How would he hide a much larger weapon?

You just a talking shit!

No, he didn't have a set date. He was looking at venues all over the country. he was planning the crime for months. But it doesn't matter. Had his goal been purely to kill people he would have driven a semi tractor trailer rig through the venue. He would have killed hundreds at the very least. His goal was to make a political statement.

The question is who was he working for.
I regret that you are no longer moderator ... You were kind and fair with the members as for this thread.
M1917A1 for sale. 2, actually.
M1919s and M60s, too.
Belt Guns | DealerNFA
Do I -really- need to explain the capacity of such a weapon to increase the number of casualties in this incident?
Do I really need to tell you that you must have a license to own a machine gun such as that ancient POS?
I'm sorry -- you sidestepped the question. I'll ask again:
Do I -really- need to explain the capacity of such a weapon to increase the number of casualties in this incident?

I sidestepped the question because it is
He could have easily bought a water-cooled M1917 machine gun w/ a tripod and fired 4-5 thousand rounds of .30-06 into that crowd in that same 10 minutes.
Why do you refuse to understand how this would significantly increase his casualty count?
The number of casualties he created was limited by his choice of weapon.
Why do you refuse to understand this?
No he could NOT have easily bought a water-cooled M1917.
He had the money,and he was legally able to own a machine gun. Buying one would take a little extra time - which he had - and nothing else.

He did not have time. He had a set date and you are making assumptions not in evidence, just like everyone else.

You ignore all kind of information that you would need. Where would he get the ammo? How would he hide a much larger weapon?

You just a talking shit!

No, he didn't have a set date. He was looking at venues all over the country. he was planning the crime for months. But it doesn't matter. Had his goal been purely to kill people he would have driven a semi tractor trailer rig through the venue. He would have killed hundreds at the very least. His goal was to make a political statement.

The question is who was he working for.
I regret that you are no longer moderator ... You were kind and fair with the members as for this thread.

Oh, I am not! But I thank you for your kind words!
I have seen a lot of idiotic posts on here and yours is just another one....obviously made by someone with no common sense or analytical ability.

Try and use your brain....would anyone that is willing to shoot a bunch of innocent people actually try and limit the numbers he would kill?

If he was interested in limiting casualties he would not have shot at all.

Is that too complicated for you? geez where do these idiots come from?
Anyhow....I will tell all you morons that want to dwell on irrelevant crap all you need to know about this case and I explained it long ago.

The shooter was a degenerate gambler, hooked on drugs, mentally unstable and had lost a huge amount of money to the point where the Las Vegas Sheriff said that it would force him to change his life style......meaning he could no longer portray himself as a big time successful gambler.

The bottom line is the shooter was suicidal.

The only thing that differentiates him from all the other losers in Vegas who comitted suicide and there have been many...nevada leads the nation in suicides...he decided to take a lot of people with him.

That can be debated....why did he want to take a lot of people with him?

Realizing that he was not of sound mind and judgement.....perhaps he wanted to be remembered and not just stuck in the ground with no legacy whatsoever....stupid? of course

Insane? definitely.

Also....his father had a legacy of being a bank robber....the shooter bragged about his father being a bank robber.

Perhaps he was just trying to outdo his father?

The most important thing over-looked in this case is how vegas conspired to cover up the reason he went suicidal.........his huge gambling losses.

They would not talk about that and the clueless media did not pursue that....the real story.

Vegas did not want to accept responsibility...did not want it known how gambling has ruined so many lives and is doing so now more than ever due to the spreading of gambling establishments nation wide.

You hear a lot of talk about how devastating drugs are...gambling is even worse...gambling has destroyed more lives than drugs.

Vegas always looks out for itself.....when it perceives a threat to its outrageous theft of billions and billions of dollars from gullible gamblers it will go to any length to preserve its image as a fun city...a place to go for entertainment.

That is why no motive was ever established....because the motive would have hurt legalized gambling or as vegas prefers to call it .....gaming.
Last edited:
I have seen a lot of idiotic posts on here and yours is just another one....obviously made by someone with no common sense or analytical ability.
Try and use your brain....would anyone that is willing to shoot a bunch of innocent people actually try and limit the numbers he would kill?
And yet, he did just that with his choice of weaponry.
If he wanted to kill as many people as he could, why did he choose 24 AR15s and 10 AR10s?
I have seen a lot of idiotic posts on here and yours is just another one....obviously made by someone with no common sense or analytical ability.
Try and use your brain....would anyone that is willing to shoot a bunch of innocent people actually try and limit the numbers he would kill?
And yet, he did just that with his choice of weaponry.
If he wanted to kill as many people as he could, why did he choose 24 AR15s and 10 AR10s?

First of all the loser was delusional not of sound mind. He purchased those weapons long before he went suicidal.

He just wanted to kill a bunch of people...and he did that. That was his goal.

As to his knowledge of weaponry...probably not that good...sure he could have used weaponry that would have killed even more...but he did what he wanted.

His thinking was not at the level you kill as many people as he possibly could....he had the weapons to kill a bunch of people...that is all he wanted.
Anyhow....I will tell all you morons that want to dwell on irrelevant crap all you need to know about this case and I explained it long ago.

The shooter was a degenerate gambler, hooked on drugs, mentally unstable and had lost a huge amount of money to the point where the Las Vegas Sheriff said that it would force him to change his life style......meaning he could no longer portray himself as a big time successful gambler.

The bottom line is the shooter was suicidal.

The only thing that differentiates him from all the other losers in Vegas who comitted suicide and there have been many...nevada leads the nation in suicides...he decided to take a lot of people with him.

That can be debated....why did he want to take a lot of people with him?

Realizing that he was not of sound mind and judgement.....perhaps he wanted to be remembered and not just stuck in the ground with no legacy whatsoever....stupid? of course

Insane? definitely.

Also....his father had a legacy of being a bank robber....the shooter bragged about his father being a bank robber.

Perhaps he was just trying to outdo his father?

The most important thing over-looked in this case is how vegas conspired to cover up the reason he went suicidal.........his huge gambling losses.

They would not talk about that and the clueless media did not pursue that....the real story.

Vegas did not want to accept responsibility...did not want it known how gambling has ruined so many lives and is doing so now more than ever due to the spreading of gambling establishments nation wide.

You hear a lot of talk about how devastating drugs are...gambling is even worse...gambling has destroyed more lives than drugs.

Vegas always looks out for itself.....when it perceives a threat to its outrageous theft of billions and billions of dollars from gullible gamblers it will go to any length to preserve its image as a fun city...a place to go for entertainment.

That is why no motive was ever establishment....because the motive would have hurt legalized gambling or as vegas prefers to call it .....gaming.
So why did he choose his victims who were fans of country music? and moreover of good person who voted for Trump, it would not rather be one of his crazy leftist who is furious since the victory of Trump?
I have seen a lot of idiotic posts on here and yours is just another one....obviously made by someone with no common sense or analytical ability.
Try and use your brain....would anyone that is willing to shoot a bunch of innocent people actually try and limit the numbers he would kill?
And yet, he did just that with his choice of weaponry.
If he wanted to kill as many people as he could, why did he choose 24 AR15s and 10 AR10s?
First of all the loser was delusional not of sound mind. He purchased those weapons long before he went suicidal.
He planned this shooting over the course of 18 months including the logistics necessary to get in the right place in the right time with all his gear. This is not indicative of delusion or an unsound mind.
As to his knowledge of weaponry...probably not that good...
He bought high-end rifles - indicative of someone who knows something about guns, including the availability of firearms that could have killed a lot more people .
Instead, he chose to use a handful of AR15s, and in doing so, limited the number of people he could kill.
I have seen a lot of idiotic posts on here and yours is just another one....obviously made by someone with no common sense or analytical ability.
Try and use your brain....would anyone that is willing to shoot a bunch of innocent people actually try and limit the numbers he would kill?
And yet, he did just that with his choice of weaponry.
If he wanted to kill as many people as he could, why did he choose 24 AR15s and 10 AR10s?

First of all the loser was delusional not of sound mind. He purchased those weapons long before he went suicidal.

He just wanted to kill a bunch of people...and he did that. That was his goal.

As to his knowledge of weaponry...probably not that good...sure he could have used weaponry that would have killed even more...but he did what he wanted.

His thinking was not at the level you kill as many people as he possibly could....he had the weapons to kill a bunch of people...that is all he wanted.

The fact that he was planning this for months, and had reconnoitered multiple targets, says you are ignoring a lot about the shooter
I have seen a lot of idiotic posts on here and yours is just another one....obviously made by someone with no common sense or analytical ability.
Try and use your brain....would anyone that is willing to shoot a bunch of innocent people actually try and limit the numbers he would kill?
And yet, he did just that with his choice of weaponry.
If he wanted to kill as many people as he could, why did he choose 24 AR15s and 10 AR10s?
First of all the loser was delusional not of sound mind. He purchased those weapons long before he went suicidal.
He planned this shooting over the course of 18 months including the logistics necessary to get in the right place in the right time with all his gear. This is not indicative of delusion or an unsound mind.
As to his knowledge of weaponry...probably not that good...
He bought high-end rifles - indicative of someone who knows something about guns, including the availability of firearms that could have killed a lot more people .
Instead, he chose to use a handful of AR15s, and in doing so, limited the number of people he could kill. are not fully understanding his mental state. He was not that rational to begin with....suitcases and suitcases of way he needed that many weapons....all that demonstrated he was not of sound mind.

• Over more than three decades — from 1982 through the fall of 2016 — Mr. Paddock bought 29 firearms, including handguns, shotguns and one rifle. Such purchases accelerated beginning in October 2016: He bought more than 55 firearms in less than a year, mostly rifles. He also bought more than 100 firearm-related items such as scopes, ammunition and bump stocks in the year before the attack.
  • Jan. 19, 2018The Las Vegas police took the unusual step on Friday of releasing key details about the continuing investigation into the Oct. 1 shooting that killed 58 people and wounded hundreds of others.

Sheriff Joseph Lombardo of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department said in a news conference that he was confident that Stephen Paddock was the only gunman. No charges will be filed against Mr. Paddock’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley, Sheriff Lombardo said. He also said there was still no motive known for the attack.

Investigators have uncovered extensive details about the internet search history on Mr. Paddock’s computer, including child pornography, guidance on ballistics and information about SWAT team practices. Law enforcement officials believe Mr. Paddock had recently lost a “significant amount of wealth,” and that may have led him to open fire from his hotel room at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.

preliminary investigative report detailing Mr. Paddock’s actions in the two weeks leading up to the attack as well as his plans to carry it out. Federal court documents unsealed last week made it clear that Mr. Paddock was meticulously prepared for the operation, the worst mass shooting in modern American history. According to the report released Friday, 851 people were injured in the shooting, including 422 by gunfire.

The report offers extensive details about Mr. Paddock’s actions and planning in the time leading up to the attack. Here are some of the key takeaways:
Las Vegas Shooting Preliminary Report
The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department on Friday released its preliminary report into the killing of 58 people by a gunman opened fire on a crowd from a hotel room in October.

• Mr. Paddock complained often to friends and family members about pain and fatigue. But the doctor who had been his primary care physician since 2009 said that the only major ailment he had was from a slip and fall at a casino in 2013, when he tore a muscle. The doctor told investigators that Mr. Paddock was “odd” and showed “little emotion.” While he believed Mr. Paddock may have had bipolar disorder, Mr. Paddock refused to discuss it or take antidepressants, though he did accept anti-anxiety medication. Mr. Paddock often refused to take medication, he said.

• Ms. Danley told investigators that Mr. Paddock’s demeanor changed during the last year — he became “distant” and “their relationship was no longer intimate.” He became “germaphobic” and had strong reactions to smells. During a stay at the Mandalay Bay in early September, Ms. Danley said he had behaved strangely, and constantly looked out the windows of the room and at the concert venue below from different angles.

• Mr. Paddock appeared to begin thinking about a mass shooting last May, searching on Google for “summer concerts 2017” and “biggest open air concert venues in USA.” In early September he searched for “Las Vegas high rise condos rent” and “life is beautiful expected attendance,” a reference to another large outdoor concert in Las Vegas that month. Two weeks later, he looked for “swat weapons,” “ballistics chart 308,” “SWAT Las Vegas,” and “do police use explosives.”

• Mr. Paddock stayed in a room at the Ogden condominium complex on Sept. 17, during the Life is Beautiful music festival, requesting rooms that overlooked the downtown outdoor venue there. In video surveillance, Mr. Paddock could be seen taking several suitcases from his vehicle to his rooms. He was always alone and investigators so far “have been unable to determine if Paddock intended an attack during this festival or if he used it as a means to plan a future attack,” the report said.

• On Sept. 25, Mr. Paddock checked into room 32-135 at the Mandalay Bay and checked into the room next door four days later, under Ms. Danley’s name.

• On his first night at the hotel, Mr. Paddock had dinner at a sushi restaurant inside the hotel and returned to the front desk with five suitcases. The next day, he took seven more suitcases up to his room with the bellman.

• On Sept. 27, Mr. Paddock spent the entire night gambling, not stopping until 7 the next morning. The next day, he went to Mesquite and purchased a .308 bolt-action rifle, deposited $14,000 into a Wells Fargo account and transferred $50,000 to an account in the Philippines. He stopped at a gun range before going back to the hotel. He gambled through the night again. On Sept. 30, he brought four more suitcases to his room just before 6 a.m. and two additional one at 3:20 p.m.

A New Report on the Las Vegas Gunman Was Released. Here Are Some Takeaways. are not fully understanding his mental state. He was not that rational to begin with....suitcases and suitcases of way he needed that many weapons....all that demonstrated he was not of sound mind.
He planned this shooting over the course of 18 months, including the logistics necessary to get in the right place in the right time with all his gear.
This is not indicative of delusion or an unsound mind. are not fully understanding his mental state. He was not that rational to begin with....suitcases and suitcases of way he needed that many weapons....all that demonstrated he was not of sound mind.
He planned this shooting over the course of 18 months, including the logistics necessary to get in the right place in the right time with all his gear.
This is not indicative of delusion or an unsound mind.

You seem to want to portray this crazed degenerate gambler as some kind of evil genius. Get real.

How much intelligence does it take to bring weapons into a hotel room and shoot out the window? much intelligence does it take to find out where a lot of people are going to be for a concert?

One of the best indicators that he was delusional was how he brought so many suitcases full of weapons to the room....completely unnecessary and useless to do that.... it allowed the possibility that if security had been more observant they might have wondered what he was up to bringing all those suitcases to his room? Delusional? certainly.

No matter how long it took him to plan such simple stuff ....just about any moron could have done it...if so inclined. Even you with all your limitations could have done it.

Not to forget you try and claim that just because he could have killed more people if he had used different weaponry---that was some kind of intent or desire on his part to 'limit casualties' how ridiculous.

Just for the sake of board entertainment....why would you think he would want to limit the number of casualties?
Last edited: are not fully understanding his mental state. He was not that rational to begin with....suitcases and suitcases of way he needed that many weapons....all that demonstrated he was not of sound mind.
He planned this shooting over the course of 18 months, including the logistics necessary to get in the right place in the right time with all his gear.
This is not indicative of delusion or an unsound mind.
You seem to want to portray this crazed degenerate gambler as some kind of evil genius. Get real.
The fact he planned this shooting over the course of 18 months, including the logistics necessary to get in the right place in the right time with all his gear, negates your "crazed degenerate" claim, as his actions in this regard are not indicative of delusioned or an unsound mind are not fully understanding his mental state. He was not that rational to begin with....suitcases and suitcases of way he needed that many weapons....all that demonstrated he was not of sound mind.
He planned this shooting over the course of 18 months, including the logistics necessary to get in the right place in the right time with all his gear.
This is not indicative of delusion or an unsound mind.
You seem to want to portray this crazed degenerate gambler as some kind of evil genius. Get real.
The fact he planned this shooting over the course of 18 months, including the logistics necessary to get in the right place in the right time with all his gear, negates your "crazed degenerate" claim, as his actions in this regard are not indicative of delusioned or an unsound mind

Do you even understand what the word 'logistics' means?

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lookie here might take l8 months to plan bringing some suitcases full of weapons up to your hotel room and unloading them, however any rational intelligent person could plan than in about 5 mins or less...........geeze where do these idiots come from? This board is full of them.

It they required an i.q. of above 85 to post on here....this would be a very lonely board. hehheh
Last edited: are not fully understanding his mental state. He was not that rational to begin with....suitcases and suitcases of way he needed that many weapons....all that demonstrated he was not of sound mind.
He planned this shooting over the course of 18 months, including the logistics necessary to get in the right place in the right time with all his gear.
This is not indicative of delusion or an unsound mind.
You seem to want to portray this crazed degenerate gambler as some kind of evil genius. Get real.
The fact he planned this shooting over the course of 18 months, including the logistics necessary to get in the right place in the right time with all his gear, negates your "crazed degenerate" claim, as his actions in this regard are not indicative of delusioned or an unsound mind
Do you even understand what the word 'logistics' means?
It's what I do, so yes.
His actions were clearly and unquestionably thought out and planned well in advance - thusly negating your nonsense that he was a crazed, delusional degenerate.
Don't like it? The real world can be tough sometimes.
I have seen a lot of idiotic posts on here and yours is just another one....obviously made by someone with no common sense or analytical ability.
Try and use your brain....would anyone that is willing to shoot a bunch of innocent people actually try and limit the numbers he would kill?
And yet, he did just that with his choice of weaponry.
If he wanted to kill as many people as he could, why did he choose 24 AR15s and 10 AR10s?

First of all the loser was delusional not of sound mind. He purchased those weapons long before he went suicidal.

He just wanted to kill a bunch of people...and he did that. That was his goal.

As to his knowledge of weaponry...probably not that good...sure he could have used weaponry that would have killed even more...but he did what he wanted.

His thinking was not at the level you kill as many people as he possibly could....he had the weapons to kill a bunch of people...that is all he wanted.

The fact that he was planning this for months, and had reconnoitered multiple targets, says you are ignoring a lot about the shooter
Yes, he had reconnoitered multiple targets, again it's strange because that means he was not just targeting the conservatives?
I have seen a lot of idiotic posts on here and yours is just another one....obviously made by someone with no common sense or analytical ability.
Try and use your brain....would anyone that is willing to shoot a bunch of innocent people actually try and limit the numbers he would kill?
And yet, he did just that with his choice of weaponry.
If he wanted to kill as many people as he could, why did he choose 24 AR15s and 10 AR10s?
First of all the loser was delusional not of sound mind. He purchased those weapons long before he went suicidal.
He planned this shooting over the course of 18 months including the logistics necessary to get in the right place in the right time with all his gear. This is not indicative of delusion or an unsound mind.
As to his knowledge of weaponry...probably not that good...
He bought high-end rifles - indicative of someone who knows something about guns, including the availability of firearms that could have killed a lot more people .
Instead, he chose to use a handful of AR15s, and in doing so, limited the number of people he could kill. are not fully understanding his mental state. He was not that rational to begin with....suitcases and suitcases of way he needed that many weapons....all that demonstrated he was not of sound mind.

• Over more than three decades — from 1982 through the fall of 2016 — Mr. Paddock bought 29 firearms, including handguns, shotguns and one rifle. Such purchases accelerated beginning in October 2016: He bought more than 55 firearms in less than a year, mostly rifles. He also bought more than 100 firearm-related items such as scopes, ammunition and bump stocks in the year before the attack.
  • Jan. 19, 2018The Las Vegas police took the unusual step on Friday of releasing key details about the continuing investigation into the Oct. 1 shooting that killed 58 people and wounded hundreds of others.

Sheriff Joseph Lombardo of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department said in a news conference that he was confident that Stephen Paddock was the only gunman. No charges will be filed against Mr. Paddock’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley, Sheriff Lombardo said. He also said there was still no motive known for the attack.

Investigators have uncovered extensive details about the internet search history on Mr. Paddock’s computer, including child pornography, guidance on ballistics and information about SWAT team practices. Law enforcement officials believe Mr. Paddock had recently lost a “significant amount of wealth,” and that may have led him to open fire from his hotel room at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.

preliminary investigative report detailing Mr. Paddock’s actions in the two weeks leading up to the attack as well as his plans to carry it out. Federal court documents unsealed last week made it clear that Mr. Paddock was meticulously prepared for the operation, the worst mass shooting in modern American history. According to the report released Friday, 851 people were injured in the shooting, including 422 by gunfire.

The report offers extensive details about Mr. Paddock’s actions and planning in the time leading up to the attack. Here are some of the key takeaways:
Las Vegas Shooting Preliminary Report
The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department on Friday released its preliminary report into the killing of 58 people by a gunman opened fire on a crowd from a hotel room in October.

• Mr. Paddock complained often to friends and family members about pain and fatigue. But the doctor who had been his primary care physician since 2009 said that the only major ailment he had was from a slip and fall at a casino in 2013, when he tore a muscle. The doctor told investigators that Mr. Paddock was “odd” and showed “little emotion.” While he believed Mr. Paddock may have had bipolar disorder, Mr. Paddock refused to discuss it or take antidepressants, though he did accept anti-anxiety medication. Mr. Paddock often refused to take medication, he said.

• Ms. Danley told investigators that Mr. Paddock’s demeanor changed during the last year — he became “distant” and “their relationship was no longer intimate.” He became “germaphobic” and had strong reactions to smells. During a stay at the Mandalay Bay in early September, Ms. Danley said he had behaved strangely, and constantly looked out the windows of the room and at the concert venue below from different angles.

• Mr. Paddock appeared to begin thinking about a mass shooting last May, searching on Google for “summer concerts 2017” and “biggest open air concert venues in USA.” In early September he searched for “Las Vegas high rise condos rent” and “life is beautiful expected attendance,” a reference to another large outdoor concert in Las Vegas that month. Two weeks later, he looked for “swat weapons,” “ballistics chart 308,” “SWAT Las Vegas,” and “do police use explosives.”

• Mr. Paddock stayed in a room at the Ogden condominium complex on Sept. 17, during the Life is Beautiful music festival, requesting rooms that overlooked the downtown outdoor venue there. In video surveillance, Mr. Paddock could be seen taking several suitcases from his vehicle to his rooms. He was always alone and investigators so far “have been unable to determine if Paddock intended an attack during this festival or if he used it as a means to plan a future attack,” the report said.

• On Sept. 25, Mr. Paddock checked into room 32-135 at the Mandalay Bay and checked into the room next door four days later, under Ms. Danley’s name.

• On his first night at the hotel, Mr. Paddock had dinner at a sushi restaurant inside the hotel and returned to the front desk with five suitcases. The next day, he took seven more suitcases up to his room with the bellman.

• On Sept. 27, Mr. Paddock spent the entire night gambling, not stopping until 7 the next morning. The next day, he went to Mesquite and purchased a .308 bolt-action rifle, deposited $14,000 into a Wells Fargo account and transferred $50,000 to an account in the Philippines. He stopped at a gun range before going back to the hotel. He gambled through the night again. On Sept. 30, he brought four more suitcases to his room just before 6 a.m. and two additional one at 3:20 p.m.

A New Report on the Las Vegas Gunman Was Released. Here Are Some Takeaways.

You are describing a cold blooded killer doing the work necessary to kill a lot of people.

None of what you have posted addresses his mental state.

Nor does it address the fact that had he wanted to kill the largest number of people possible, he would have chosen a different tool.

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