Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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Of course this is retarded thinking.
No one could kill more than fifty and injure more than four hundred with any weapon other than a gun.
You ever hear of bombs? Are you that stupid?
No bombs in this attack, dope.
The cartoon shows physical attacks. Not bombs.

Bombs aren't physical attacks?

The cartoon I responded to did not feature bombs, dope.
bombs are the preferred method of mass killings in the world...
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration

But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures

Once again you ignore the mental health of the shooter. Had he been caught, those weapons would not have been used to kill anyone. That requires the hand of a cognizant (mentally unstable or otherwise) to use these weapons in that way. The weapons just don't animate themselves and start killing people.

Eh, perhaps I made a mistake logging on this morning... for I am being drawn into the politics of the matter.

Look...This is America

We do everything possible to ensure that someone planning a massacre has access to the best weapons and ammo possible. We don't want to inconvenience mass shooters

As to arming crazy people? We did nothing after the Sandy Hook shooter gunned down six year olds. Background checks? Sharing information on the mentally unstable? Restricting high capacity magazines?

Too inconvenient for gun owners
My predictions.

1) Everyone in this man's life knew he was mentally unstable.
2) He was still able to get guns too easily.
Hell Joe he is just like you.

So you keep repeating non-credible stories to boost your point?

But to the point, here you have another case of a mentally unstable man being able to acquire at least 10 weapons, and kill 50 people, injure 400 others... because, um, Founding Fathers or something.
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration
But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures
While I understand your point, this could be too big for him to get away with that.

In the Sandy Hook massacre of 30 mostly six year old children, we professed outrage and then shrugged it off after a couple of weeks
Nothing we can do about it

Same thing will happen here. Now gun lovers will have a new record to try to beat next time
Can't argue. We might be beyond any event that causes us to get past our divisions for any meaningful period of time.

The main issue is the gun controllers go for blanket solutions to targeted problems. The issue is the mentally ill having access to weapons so their solution is to make it harder for everyone to get firearms, even the mentally competent.

The main hang up is a complete lack of trust from gun rights people with regards to gun control people. We know they really want nothing but law enforcement and the government to be only legally armed people, they just won't admit it.
Well, there is one more issue, and that is the types of firearms people have access to.

This guy was using automatic weapons. One shot at a time would not have done this.
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration

But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures

Once again you ignore the mental health of the shooter. Had he been caught, those weapons would not have been used to kill anyone. That requires the hand of a cognizant (mentally unstable or otherwise) to use these weapons in that way. The weapons just don't animate themselves and start killing people.

Eh, perhaps I made a mistake logging on this morning... for I am being drawn into the politics of the matter.

Look...This is America

We do everything possible to ensure that someone planning a massacre has access to the best weapons and ammo possible. We don't want to inconvenience mass shooters

As to arming crazy people? We did nothing after the Sandy Hook shooter gunned down six year olds. Background checks? Sharing information on the mentally unstable? Restricting high capacity magazines?

Too inconvenient for gun owners
People kill people not firearms... :itsok:
You assume he got the guns just before he fired them into the crowd

That was a fully auto rifle which is THE most tightly controlled weapon in the country

He either had a federal permit for the gun or illegally obtained and /or modified it

then we shouldn't let people buy guns that can be easily modified to full auto. Or that were originally designed as battlefield weapons.

This seems pretty simple, except for the nutters who are compensating for their 'shortcomings'.
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration
But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures
While I understand your point, this could be too big for him to get away with that.

In the Sandy Hook massacre of 30 mostly six year old children, we professed outrage and then shrugged it off after a couple of weeks
Nothing we can do about it

Same thing will happen here. Now gun lovers will have a new record to try to beat next time
Can't argue. We might be beyond any event that causes us to get past our divisions for any meaningful period of time.

The main issue is the gun controllers go for blanket solutions to targeted problems. The issue is the mentally ill having access to weapons so their solution is to make it harder for everyone to get firearms, even the mentally competent.

The main hang up is a complete lack of trust from gun rights people with regards to gun control people. We know they really want nothing but law enforcement and the government to be only legally armed people, they just won't admit it.
Well, there is one more issue, and that is the types of firearms people have access to.

This guy was using automatic weapons. One shot at a time would not have done this.
Again who are You?

First off you do not dictate what I can write on this board!

What part of that can you not understand?

Second, CNM introduce toddlers deaths into the conversation and I pointed out many toddlers die in accidents with autos than firearms which hit a nerve with you because you hate reality.

Finally, you responded to me acting like you can force me to write what you want but then ignore the fact the thread is still about mass shooting in Vegas and not Mass shootings across America.

So stop telling me what I can and can not write when it was your side that introduce toddlers deaths in a mass shooting thread in Vegas!

In fact this thread is not about changing laws either so you should tell others to stop changing the damn subject and if not well then fuck off!
Your point is a good one. Toddlers die in cars, people die in cars and no one is calling for a ban on cars. The bottom line is people kill people - not cars, guns, etc. In the right hands there is no danger. Whenever there is a shooting, you'll always find some people looking for a reason to demand that our 2nd Amendment rights be removed. There are communist nations which would love to see America disarmed. NK, China, Russia among others.

Personal responsibility is something the progressives hate.

Those like the one dictating what I should write demand guns should be banned because too many people die at the hands of firearms but introduce facts against the or argument and then proof they want to discuss something else.

Banning firearms will not stop terrorist, criminals or rogue governments and disarming the public so someone can pretend they are safe is never the answer.

It amazes me how when their argument is blown to pieces they want rules but when they change the subject the rules do not matter.

In the end the posters calling for the banning of firearms are the ones that do not live here ( usually ) and have no clue what the requirements are to obtain firearms in each state.

They have no clue what it take to repeal an amendment of the Constitution and it could take decades to get States approval.

So in the end all we are doing is arguing with individuals that have no clue about this country or the fact that it is the third largest populated nation in the world, so yeah people will die!
Very well said, Bruce. I could not have said it better.
I believe Americans are personally responsible for allowing their country to be awash with firearms.
I believe that Americans who voted for Obama twice and allowed him to stir up the violent masses should be shot for treason. Care to continue..
I voted for Former President Obama twice....I live in San are welcome to come here to see me.
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration
But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures
While I understand your point, this could be too big for him to get away with that.

The weekly gun carnage is mostly in our inner cities. These events are tragic and make a big splash on the nightly news, but statistically they are extremely rare considering the amount of people who own guns and the amount of crazy people we have in this country.

And we still don't know what type of weapon he used, how he got it, who he actually is, and how the people died and got hurt. (Did some die from the stampede after the shooting started or were they all shot?)

Until we know all that we can't begin to figure out what happened, why it happened, and what to do about it.

Nothing to see here people....move along

Gunning down 50-60 people is statistically irrelevant when we have 8500 murdered each year
Go back to complaining about NFL players kneeling and forget about doing anything about guns
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration
But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures
While I understand your point, this could be too big for him to get away with that.

In the Sandy Hook massacre of 30 mostly six year old children, we professed outrage and then shrugged it off after a couple of weeks
Nothing we can do about it

Same thing will happen here. Now gun lovers will have a new record to try to beat next time
Can't argue. We might be beyond any event that causes us to get past our divisions for any meaningful period of time.

The main issue is the gun controllers go for blanket solutions to targeted problems. The issue is the mentally ill having access to weapons so their solution is to make it harder for everyone to get firearms, even the mentally competent.

The main hang up is a complete lack of trust from gun rights people with regards to gun control people. We know they really want nothing but law enforcement and the government to be only legally armed people, they just won't admit it.
Well, there is one more issue, and that is the types of firearms people have access to.

This guy was using automatic weapons. One shot at a time would not have done this.

Automatic weapons are already highly restricted, if this guy was able to go full rock and roll the gun was probably illegal or heavily modified from a legal weapon.

and we still don't know exactly what he was using and how much time he had to do it. We also don't know if all the casualties were shooting casualties or crowd-crush casualties.

And as I have stated in other posts we can talk about certain restrictions when NYC stops making me wait 3-6 months and pay $700 in fees for a license to keep a revolver in my own apartment.
This will, no doubt, ultimately end up in a discussion on what can be done about guns, as it should.

Meanwhile, let's hope for the best for the families of the dead, and that no more of the wounded die, shall we?

A personal warning: Woe to any liberal or conservative who tries to politicize this. Whether for or against gun control, this is not the time or place for that crap. There are bodies still laying there lifeless on the ground. Honestly.

Now with my commentary. I am beyond appalled. This was the first thing I woke up to on the news this morning. Safe it to say I am not happy. I agree with you Mac, we need to pray no more people perish from this massacre.

What do you mean by that warning? You have pals here who have already done what you want against. Go to it, tough guy.
While I understand your point, this could be too big for him to get away with that.

In the Sandy Hook massacre of 30 mostly six year old children, we professed outrage and then shrugged it off after a couple of weeks
Nothing we can do about it

Same thing will happen here. Now gun lovers will have a new record to try to beat next time
Can't argue. We might be beyond any event that causes us to get past our divisions for any meaningful period of time.

The main issue is the gun controllers go for blanket solutions to targeted problems. The issue is the mentally ill having access to weapons so their solution is to make it harder for everyone to get firearms, even the mentally competent.

The main hang up is a complete lack of trust from gun rights people with regards to gun control people. We know they really want nothing but law enforcement and the government to be only legally armed people, they just won't admit it.
Well, there is one more issue, and that is the types of firearms people have access to.

This guy was using automatic weapons. One shot at a time would not have done this.

Is this the guy?
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration
But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures
While I understand your point, this could be too big for him to get away with that.

The weekly gun carnage is mostly in our inner cities. These events are tragic and make a big splash on the nightly news, but statistically they are extremely rare considering the amount of people who own guns and the amount of crazy people we have in this country.

And we still don't know what type of weapon he used, how he got it, who he actually is, and how the people died and got hurt. (Did some die from the stampede after the shooting started or were they all shot?)

Until we know all that we can't begin to figure out what happened, why it happened, and what to do about it.

Nothing to see here people....move along

Gunning down 50-60 people is statistically irrelevant when we have 8500 murdered each year
Go back to complaining about NFL players kneeling and forget about doing anything about guns

Nothing like having my point stretched by an inconsiderate jag-off.

This is a terrible event, but the same terrible life loss is happening every month or so in our inner cities.
Las Vegas police are investigating reports of an active shooter at the Mandalay Bay Casino on the city's famous strip.


Las Vegas police are investigating reports of a shooting at Mandalay Bay Casino. Photo: Twitter: ABC7 Eyewitness News
Several artists performing at the Route 91 Harvest music festival have reported hearing gunshots.
Police are heading to the scene last on Sunday night local time near Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.

There are reports of a country music festival, Route 90 Harvest, on Las Vegas Boulevard.

Mandalay Bay is located on the south end of the Vegas strip and across from McCarran International Airport.

Las Vegas shooting: Reports of active shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino


Who wants to bet it's a man?

Great point- only women should be allowed to own guns.
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