Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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Fully automatic machine gun, they are saying it almost sounds like a military weapon that you'd have a tripod for that is belt fed. The people were trapped in the venue as there were no exits behind them for security. What a horrible event. And what is wrong with people posting here that only see 'their team or the enemy's team' and a never ending ghoulish need to vomit a political statement out immediately. Disgusting.

The same haters have posted several times in the first three pages, not one of them has noted the horror of the event, had empathy for the fallen and their loved ones, and the fact that once again a gun was involved in a mass murder. In their hateful ignorance they are using Muslims and African-Americans as scapegoats, and will deny the obvious that they racists and bigots.

BTW Mods, their comments are totally off topic and lack substance. They arte divisive, anti patriotic and hateful.
If the gun didn't have a mentally ill liberal(redundant statement) pulling the trigger would the gun have shot all those people?

View attachment 152343
Trigger-happy Americans are invariably right-wing haters.

Try Chicago. Not a right-winger in sight.
:eek: I think they're leftists! :eek:

Geary is a fan of the The Rachel Maddow Show and liked several pages on Facebook including Thank You Obama, Anti-Trump Army, Progressive Day, Organizing for Action, Not My President, Proud to Be A Democrat, Fight Trump, Boycott All Things Trump, and Impeach Trump.[6]

Las Vegas Shooting
Geary allegedly was with Marilou who was named a suspect in the Mandalay Bay Resort Shooting October 2017.


Geary Danley

Another ''blinky'' fan i see... :itsok:
I swear to you guys, there are tons of countries with 0 guns or hardly any guns....Guess what??? no mass shootings, no killings at workplaces, schooles, shopping malls, roads, households, preschools, stadiums, ect....beleive me i've lived in one for 23 years, i've never heard of someone getting killed by a gun, because simply there are none.
It's doable ban guns completely you wont have these mass shootings.

GFY. Guns are banned in the UK, guess what? Three family members killed in shooting
How many of those happen there per year?
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration
But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures
While I understand your point, this could be too big for him to get away with that.
It’s impossible, unrealistic, and wouldn’t solve this problem.
I agree with the first two parts of your statement but not the third.
Firearm confiscation would result in millions of people on both sides dying… Dip shit
Watch your language or your arguments will not be refuted by me. Turning in firearms did not result in mass murders in Australia.
I have an idea, why dont you liberals all go to Australia and live your ultimate dream there, where only a few people have firearms and leave the rest of US alone. The US would be made great again that way.
No doubt, millions and millions of people own firearms and don't shoot anybody. But a few nut jobs make progressives taking firearms from everybody is the solution? :cuckoo:
It would be a small price to pay if every gun-lover was given a set of war video games for turning in a firearm.
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration

But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures
It sounds like he was/is a Bernie Sanders supporter?
It seems Bernie supports violence, didn't a Bernie supporter try to kill one of our congressmen?
Fully automatic machine gun, they are saying it almost sounds like a military weapon that you'd have a tripod for that is belt fed. The people were trapped in the venue as there were no exits behind them for security. What a horrible event. And what is wrong with people posting here that only see 'their team or the enemy's team' and a never ending ghoulish need to vomit a political statement out immediately. Disgusting.

The same haters have posted several times in the first three pages, not one of them has noted the horror of the event, had empathy for the fallen and their loved ones, and the fact that once again a gun was involved in a mass murder. In their hateful ignorance they are using Muslims and African-Americans as scapegoats, and will deny the obvious that they racists and bigots.

BTW Mods, their comments are totally off topic and lack substance. They arte divisive, anti patriotic and hateful.
If the gun didn't have a mentally ill liberal(redundant statement) pulling the trigger would the gun have shot all those people?

View attachment 152343
Trigger-happy Americans are invariably right-wing haters.
It seems he was/is a Bernie sanders supporter?
I agree with the first two parts of your statement but not the third.
Firearm confiscation would result in millions of people on both sides dying… Dip shit
Watch your language or your arguments will not be refuted by me. Turning in firearms did not result in mass murders in Australia.
I have an idea, why dont you liberals all go to Australia and live your ultimate dream there, where only a few people have firearms and leave the rest of US alone. The US would be made great again that way.
No doubt, millions and millions of people own firearms and don't shoot anybody. But a few nut jobs make progressives taking firearms from everybody is the solution? :cuckoo:
It would be a small price to pay if every gun-lover was given a set of war video games for turning in a firearm.
You're thinking of snowflakes in their safe spaces at Berkeley and the like…
Lots of people care. It goes toward profiling. And we both have a pretty good idea what side of the aisle he comes from. If you don’t... stay tuned.

You mean like Tim McVeigh? That side of the aisle? Yeah, probably.
McVeigh was a leftist.

No far, far, far right wing; beyond American conservatism by light years.

The chief guidebook for Christian Identity eschatology is "The Turner Diaries" written by William Pierce under the pseudonym Andrew MacDonald. The book is a fictional account of the "day of judgment" for which Identity adherents are preparing. Here's a summary of the book by Joel Dyer, author of "Harvest of Rage: Why Oklahoma City is Only the Beginning" (1997) – by far the best explanation in print for what led to the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City:
If the shooter had been Muslim, Trump would have used it as justification to permanently ban Muslim immigration
But since he was an older white male, he will just chalk it up to the weekly gun carnage our nation endures
While I understand your point, this could be too big for him to get away with that.

The weekly gun carnage is mostly in our inner cities. These events are tragic and make a big splash on the nightly news, but statistically they are extremely rare considering the amount of people who own guns and the amount of crazy people we have in this country.

And we still don't know what type of weapon he used, how he got it, who he actually is, and how the people died and got hurt. (Did some die from the stampede after the shooting started or were they all shot?)

Until we know all that we can't begin to figure out what happened, why it happened, and what to do about it.
Why does everybody think that every time there's a mass shooting there has to be some agenda? Can't anybody just be crazy anymore?


Of course this is retarded thinking.
No one could kill more than fifty and injure more than four hundred with any weapon other than a gun.
CNM did and that poster is the one I was responding to originally and not you. You do not dictate what I can or can not write on this board.

If you have an issue with my response then you and the other poster should have a conversation about why they introduce toddlers deaths to the fucking board!

Of course you will not and claim I changed the toddlers when in fact it was your mind that changed the subject.
Please just stick to shooting deaths in the USA. Thanks.
If you want a job as a moderator, apply for one. Discussions on USMB can go anywhere and usually do.
The rules of USMessageBoard require that members stay on topic. I am not the topic of this thread. Please respect the rules.

The other poster was bringing up toddlers deaths and I responded. Also this thread is not about changing gun laws and you and another poster are discussing it.

So if you are demanding that I stay on the subject of this thread then it is clear you are also in violation of the damn rules seeing you are not staying on subject about the mass shooting in Vegas!
Gun law are relevant.
Gun rights are also relevant.
LOL @ the media will morphe this all into a Bernie/Hillary/Obama supporter

The media will do everything they can do to portray the shooter as a white Christian gun nut they always do
Kind of hard to do if he's not. But he IS male, it would appear.
This will, no doubt, ultimately end up in a discussion on what can be done about guns, as it should.

Meanwhile, let's hope for the best for the families of the dead, and that no more of the wounded die, shall we?

A personal warning: Woe to any liberal or conservative who tries to politicize this. Whether for or against gun control, this is not the time or place for that crap. There are bodies still laying there lifeless on the ground. Honestly.

Now with my commentary. I am beyond appalled. This was the first thing I woke up to on the news this morning. Safe it to say I am not happy. I agree with you Mac, we need to pray no more people perish from this massacre.
Lots of people care. It goes toward profiling. And we both have a pretty good idea what side of the aisle he comes from. If you don’t... stay tuned.

You mean like Tim McVeigh? That side of the aisle? Yeah, probably.
McVeigh was a leftist.

No far, far, far right wing; beyond American conservatism by light years.
Na... :itsok:

The chief guidebook for Christian Identity eschatology is "The Turner Diaries" written by William Pierce under the pseudonym Andrew MacDonald. The book is a fictional account of the "day of judgment" for which Identity adherents are preparing. Here's a summary of the book by Joel Dyer, author of "Harvest of Rage: Why Oklahoma City is Only the Beginning" (1997) – by far the best explanation in print for what led to the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City:
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