Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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Enforce current laws... New frivolous ones will not save a single soul

Current law allows felons to avoid background checks to buy guns.
in what state is it legal for a private seller to sell to felons?

How could they know without a background check?

It doesn't matter if they know or not. it is ILLEGAL to sell guns to people who are not eligible to buy them which puts the responsibility of knowing who the gun is sold to on the seller.

So if you want to stay within the law on private sales you broker them through an FFL dealer

So you're in favor of making that mandatory then? There is no other way for LE to know a transaction even occurred otherwise.

I really don't car as I don't sell my firearms.
IMO anyone who sell a gun to someone they do not know and doesn't broker the deal through an FFL dealer is a fucking idiot.

The thing is private transfers are a minuscule part of the gun trade and most are gifts and inheritances.

The average piece of shit thug on the street doesn't buy his guns from a guy he doesn't know. Usually he gets a family member or friend to make a straw purchase or he gets them from a different piece of shit he already knows
The guy is dead. Whether his weapon was legal or illegal makes no difference at this point. It was very effective.

It does make a difference if it was legally obtain or not, well to the law abiding citizen it does.

Funny to you it matter not because if it were obtained illegally then it kill a your wish for more gun control because criminals do not obey the fucking law!

Now if it were obtained legally then the seller need to show documentation that the buyer was legal to buy a fully automatic weapon!

I bet you still have no damn clue how hard it is to obtain one!

Also if modified that has to be known because then it bring into question who taught him?

Finally, the one question that has been ask is how did he get those firearms in the Hotel?

Of course you do not care because you want firearms banned!

It only matters insofar as an investigation may lead to some illegal weapon modifiers.
The reality is that if weapons like ak or ar weren't available, they couldn't be modified in this way.

I don't in any way wish to ban all weapons. The type used in this and many other cases have no purpose in the civilian world.

You do not even know anything about proper gun usage or safety, so please spare me the damn lecture.

You don't care about anything except banning firearms and claiming just those types is just your way to work towards the other types!

Anyone with common knowledge of firearm training and safety would not be spewing the nonsense you spewed in this thread.

Also you can ban all the weapons you want because criminals do not care!

Yes, criminals do not obey the damn law, but hey pass more law, repeal the second amendment and tell law abiding citizens because criminals commit crimes the average citizen must be punished while the criminal laughs!
You do not even know anything about proper gun usage or safety, so please spare me the damn lecture.

Fuck you.
I'm a veteran, moron.
I was a 60 gunner for more than three years.
I've fired probably more than 100,000 rounds from all sorts of weapons including qualifying with the German army. I've thrown/fired crates of grenades. I would bet I have more range time than the bulk of you morons.

Well then asshole you should know that someone trained to use a firearm knows not to open fire unless you have a clear shot!

Only a fucking moron would believe people would open fire on a building without knowing where the incoming fire is coming from!

So either you forgot your training in the military or you're a fucking moron!

Which no one had and then renders the gun free zone argument moot.
Nevada has some of America’s loosest gun control laws

Well, when it comes to gun laws, Nevada has some of the weakest controls in America — and yet none of that mattered when a bad guy with a gun decided to commit mass murder.

Nevada state law does not require residents to obtain a purchasing permit, register or license for either handguns or rifles and shotguns, according to the National Rifle Association's website. The NRA website also says that you don't need a permit in order to carry rifles and shotguns, although one is required in order to carry a handgun. Nevada also does not impose a mandatory waiting period before allowing residents to purchase a firearm, and the BBC reports that there is no magazine capacity limit for assault rifles.

In giving Nevada a "C-" on its gun laws, The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence's scorecard found that in order to make its state safer, Nevada would need to repeal its "stand-your-ground" law, impose a waiting period on gun purchases, enact a gun violence protective order law, allow local governments to pass gun laws and regulate unsafe handguns.

If initial social media reports are correct that the alleged shooter, Steven Paddock, used a high-caliber automatic weapon for the mass shooting, that would draw attention to the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which had made such weapons contraband but was allowed to expire in 2004. Those automatic assault weapons have remained legal ever since, despite efforts to renew the ban against them after the Newtown, Connecticut elementary school shooting in 2012.

Nevada has some of America's loosest gun control laws

The cons blame the gun free concert

How did having the exact laws you want to enact here in Nevada help the Parisians who were murdered? Same laws you want. How is it possible they didn't prevent the crime?
Remind me in case I forget that I don't give a damn about Paris.
Indeed there is. And, amazingly enough there isn't a legal machinegun trade in France and yet the terrorists who killed all of those poor Parisians had no trouble obtaining them. Hmm. It seems that gun laws don't prevent bad people from getting them. How is that possible?

Because guns don't kill people - Bad People kill other people.

Bad people with guns kill a lot of people. Very efficiently.

So do terrorists with trucks and so do drunks with automobiles.

Which of course has nothing at all to do with what happened last night.

Still guns are just the tool of the terrorist at the time, so what will you propose to do when another McVeigh blows something up with a truck bomb?

Let me guess wish it had been a gun instead...

Again, moron. That has nothing at all to do with last night.
This whole thing doesn't pass the smell test. Maybe he was set up and the left machine did it to grab guns

Fifty-eight Americans and 515 injured were not protected by the murderer in Las Vegas last night.

Indeed they weren't. The Clark County sheriff is virulently anti gun so the concert was in a "gun free" zone. So, yet again, the victims were placed into a shooting bowl and prevented the means to defend themselves.

Dude, the shooter was at least 200m away on the 32nd floor. Well out of range for even the police on the ground. Do you really want 100 people shooting willy nilly at the hotel from the ground? What about the other guests in the hotel?

You should really think before you post.

Dude. I, and most of my friends, regularly shoot our handguns out to 400 yards. ACCURATELY. The police don't shoot nearly as much as the prior military do. You should have a passing knowledge of what you're bleating about before you post. You are ignorant of the facts, and ignorant of guns in general.

You've shown your ignorance quite clearly.
There is no circumstance where you or anyone else should return fire at a building full of thousands of people. The fact that you would even suggest it shows you to be exactly the kind of person who should not have firearms.

Sure thing silly boy. The facts are that had a few people returned fire there would be many more alive. I'm not saying any tome dick or harry do it. I am saying that those who are capable could, and should have. But your precious little gun free zone prevented even that.

Who are the designated defenders in a random crowd?
You conveniently omit that Adam Lanza killed his mother and stole her guns but hey why be truthful.

As far as I know Lanza didn't buy any guns himself.

Adam Lanza was freak'n crazy and everyone knew it. Our laws do nothing to try to prevent crazy people from gaining access to guns with large firing capacity. Holmes was crazy, Loughner was crazy, the gunman at Virginia Tech was crazy....this guy in Vegas was probably crazy

We don't care...God forbid a crazy person be blocked from access the weapons of his choice
I read on that this guy has a pilots license and access to two planes. Take away the guns and he'd have flown a plane into 22,000 people. Or. Driven a truck though them...or who knows what. Blame the guy...don't use a maniac to push your anti-gun agenda.

Bull Shit

No reason this monster should have access to automatic weapons....None
No reason we should tolerate leftist ideology... Guns are protected by the Constitution. Leftist ideology isn't...
Machine guns are illegal, even republicans admit that
No they're not.
You have to get a federal permit and tax stamp to own one
They are however extremely expensive since no automatic weapon made after 1986 are illegal for any civilian to own
‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

LAS VEGAS—In the hours following a violent rampage in Las Vegas in which a lone attacker killed more than 50 individuals and seriously injured 400 others, citizens living in the only country where this kind of mass killing routinely occurs reportedly concluded Monday that there was no way to prevent the massacre from taking place. “This was a terrible tragedy, but sometimes these things just happen and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop them,” said Iowa resident Kyle Rimmels, echoing sentiments expressed by tens of millions of individuals who reside in a nation where over half of the world’s deadliest mass shootings have occurred in the past 50 years and whose citizens are 20 times more likely to die of gun violence than those of other developed nations. “It’s a shame, but what can we do? There really wasn’t anything that was going to keep these individuals from snapping and killing a lot of people if that’s what they really wanted.” At press time, residents of the only economically advanced nation in the world where roughly two mass shootings have occurred every month for the past eight years were referring to themselves and their situation as “helpless.”

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens
You assume he got the guns just before he fired them into the crowd

That was a fully auto rifle which is THE most tightly controlled weapon in the country

He either had a federal permit for the gun or illegally obtained and /or modified it

then we shouldn't let people buy guns that can be easily modified to full auto. Or that were originally designed as battlefield weapons.

This seems pretty simple, except for the nutters who are compensating for their 'shortcomings'.

It's not as easy as you think to modify a gun for full auto.

If it was there'd be a shit ton more of them floating around

A modern semi auto with high capacity mags is a mass killer.
I've never seen a rifle semi or not chase anyone down the street and kill anybody… Have you?
People with rifles kill innocent American people.
Did you know that more people are killed by fists and feet than by all types of rifles combines, even the scary black ones?

More people are killed with knives than by all rifles combined

More people are killed with hammers and other blunt objects than by all rifles combined

Didn't know that did ya?
Dude, the shooter was at least 200m away on the 32nd floor. Well out of range for even the police on the ground. Do you really want 100 people shooting willy nilly at the hotel from the ground? What about the other guests in the hotel?

You should really think before you post.

Do you think every gun user is going to turn and open fire on a building?

If you do not have a clear shot you do not fire.

I swear to god you should think before posting because your ignorance is showing!

What does "defend themselves" mean then?
Who are the designated defenders?
No one should return fire.

Wrong. If you have a good target, and are capable of returning fire accurately, and under control, then yes, a return of fire is totally appropriate.

Your lack of judgement is exactly why you shouldn't carry weapons.

I've been carrying weapons for longer than you've been alive so clearly you're wrong. I am just a hell of a good shot, and associate with like people. Your entire gun experience comes from TV which is pathetic.

My experience has given me enough sense to know that is exactly the circumstance where return fire is a bad idea. I could drop rounds in that widow all day but where are they going? Through walls? Into corridors?
There's a reason that even the police didn't return fire from the ground. It was too risky.
If you had more sense and less ego, you might see that.
Just read he had 10 rifles, not hand guns, rifles. Lawyers will be going after some of that $1 billion of that bottom line. Excuse me while I buy some leap puts on MGM Resorts.

It's too bad we can't sue the gun industry as easily.

IF that were allowed, I assure you the Auto Industry and hammer industry and knife industry would be next

Such a stupid argument. Cars are replete with safety features, many mandated by law. Roads have rules for safety and are patrolled by police. If guns were regulated as well there would be fewer problems.

Guns aren't regulated? Silly wabbit!

Gun laws in the United States by state - Wikipedia

Regulated as well as cars, dope. I swear you're all functionally illiterate. Either that or you're not native speakers.
Last time I checked I didn't have to have my fingerprints on file with the state cops in order to get my drivers license as I had to for my carry permit.
If guns are needed for self protection, then from whom was Stephen Paddock protecting himself.? Was he in danger from innocent concert goers?
Nope, very outdated....guns should be banned completly. Results? less mass shootings, and shootings all together. Proof? most countries have that in place.

And libs are constantly telling us, "we don't want to take you guns, why don't you believe us"?

Go out there visit other countries , ask around if they have gun deaths and mass shootings. You'll be surprised that there is a civilized peaceful world out there.

Shut the fuck up.
Norway killings: The laughing gunman who shot 85 young victims, one by one

Happened once years ago. How about since and before?

The terrorists in Europe use bombs, mostly.

"...From January to July this year, 143 people died in the region, according to the BBC, citing research from the University of Maryland’s global terrorism database.

"The last time the number was higher was in 2004, when the Madrid train bombings claimed 191 victims."
Terror deaths in Western Europe in 2016 highest in over a decade: report
Will never top the victims of guns in the US.
Nevada has some of America’s loosest gun control laws

Well, when it comes to gun laws, Nevada has some of the weakest controls in America — and yet none of that mattered when a bad guy with a gun decided to commit mass murder.

Nevada state law does not require residents to obtain a purchasing permit, register or license for either handguns or rifles and shotguns, according to the National Rifle Association's website. The NRA website also says that you don't need a permit in order to carry rifles and shotguns, although one is required in order to carry a handgun. Nevada also does not impose a mandatory waiting period before allowing residents to purchase a firearm, and the BBC reports that there is no magazine capacity limit for assault rifles.

In giving Nevada a "C-" on its gun laws, The Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence's scorecard found that in order to make its state safer, Nevada would need to repeal its "stand-your-ground" law, impose a waiting period on gun purchases, enact a gun violence protective order law, allow local governments to pass gun laws and regulate unsafe handguns.

If initial social media reports are correct that the alleged shooter, Steven Paddock, used a high-caliber automatic weapon for the mass shooting, that would draw attention to the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which had made such weapons contraband but was allowed to expire in 2004. Those automatic assault weapons have remained legal ever since, despite efforts to renew the ban against them after the Newtown, Connecticut elementary school shooting in 2012.

Nevada has some of America's loosest gun control laws

The cons blame the gun free concert

How did having the exact laws you want to enact here in Nevada help the Parisians who were murdered? Same laws you want. How is it possible they didn't prevent the crime?
Remind me in case I forget that I don't give a damn about Paris.

The point being that France has ALL of the laws you want, and more, and it didn't prevent 150+ Parisians from being murdered. Thus your claim that gun control laws prevent these crimes is rendered moot.
If guns are needed for self protection, then from whom was Stephen Paddock protecting himself.? Was he in danger from innocent concert goers?

Guns are fun. They are used as a hobby. Others use them to put food on the table, and some like me, have used them in self defense

then we shouldn't let people buy guns that can be easily modified to full auto. Or that were originally designed as battlefield weapons.

This seems pretty simple, except for the nutters who are compensating for their 'shortcomings'.

It's not as easy as you think to modify a gun for full auto.

If it was there'd be a shit ton more of them floating around

A modern semi auto with high capacity mags is a mass killer.
I've never seen a rifle semi or not chase anyone down the street and kill anybody… Have you?
People with rifles kill innocent American people.
Did you know that more people are killed by fists and feet than by all types of rifles combines, even the scary black ones?

More people are killed with knives than by all rifles combined

More people are killed with hammers and other blunt objects than by all rifles combined

Didn't know that did ya?

That is useful information

Next time someone wants to kill a movie theater full of people, a classroom full of first graders or thousands of concert goers in Vegas....You should let them know that a hammer is the weapon of choice
Fifty-eight Americans and 515 injured were not protected by the murderer in Las Vegas last night.

Indeed they weren't. The Clark County sheriff is virulently anti gun so the concert was in a "gun free" zone. So, yet again, the victims were placed into a shooting bowl and prevented the means to defend themselves.

Dude, the shooter was at least 200m away on the 32nd floor. Well out of range for even the police on the ground. Do you really want 100 people shooting willy nilly at the hotel from the ground? What about the other guests in the hotel?

You should really think before you post.

Do you think every gun user is going to turn and open fire on a building?

If you do not have a clear shot you do not fire.

I swear to god you should think before posting because your ignorance is showing!

What does "defend themselves" mean then?
Who are the designated defenders?
No one should return fire.

Wrong. If you have a good target, and are capable of returning fire accurately, and under control, then yes, a return of fire is totally appropriate.
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