Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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He was probably a white NRA member working on a castle doctrine case.
It doesn’t matter if the guy was a Republican or a Democrat. What he was was crazy and 50 of more people are dead regardless of which political party he may have belonged to. What needs to be done is something to try and prevent nut cases like him from getting their hands on military grade weapons.

Like laws keeping gun out of mentally unstable people? Laws which the NRA opposes.

Back a year or two ago the Republicans introduced a bill to greatly improve the reporting of the mentally ill and to incorporate that data into the NICS system but the Democrats voted it down with Cloture.

So that pretty well means that the Democrats are against keeping guns out of mentally unstable people, doesn't it?

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

Senate rejects gun control background check measures

But Democrats resoundingly rejected the GOP background check measure, arguing it would do little to make sure potential criminals or terrorists couldn’t buy a gun.
His brother didn't think he was nuts. It sounds like the guy had a complete personality change in a very short time. (His brother lives in Florida, so obviously he didn't see him on a daily basis.)
The police had no history with the guy, except a citation from years prior. If they knew him, it wasn't things for which he had been arrested.
And I heard a female companion of his jumped on the stage and screamed "You are all going to die." But it wasn't his girlfriend--police say she was out of the country at the time. So was that a rumor that isn't true?

We live in a country of 330 million people. Many are crazy. Many are assholes. Many have a hair up their ass for political reasons. Too many angry, mentally ill, encouraged people who are willing to kill and die.Too many religious fanatics, fundamentalists, wannabe revolutionaries, and political malcontents.

Shit happens.

Something made this asshole do a terrible thing. Just like something made other assholes do terrible things. Like that Black Lives Matter Negro that shot up the church last week or that Democrat shithead that shot up the Congressmen.

Yup, shit happens.

Nothing to see here folks, just an old white guy who pinched a loaf.
And McVeigh choice was a truck built into a bomb... McVeigh killed more but let ban guns and did you know fully automatic weapons are hard as hell to obtain?

Bet you did not know That!

So if he bought it legally then there is a permit by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and records and if obtained illegally it will still be traced!

Notice fully automatic is what they are claiming, so know the fucking difference and know that is not common like semi-automatic firearms!

The guy is dead. Whether his weapon was legal or illegal makes no difference at this point. It was very effective.

It does make a difference if it was legally obtain or not, well to the law abiding citizen it does.

Funny to you it matter not because if it were obtained illegally then it kill a your wish for more gun control because criminals do not obey the fucking law!

Now if it were obtained legally then the seller need to show documentation that the buyer was legal to buy a fully automatic weapon!

I bet you still have no damn clue how hard it is to obtain one!

Also if modified that has to be known because then it bring into question who taught him?

Finally, the one question that has been ask is how did he get those firearms in the Hotel?

Of course you do not care because you want firearms banned!

It only matters insofar as an investigation may lead to some illegal weapon modifiers.
The reality is that if weapons like ak or ar weren't available, they couldn't be modified in this way.

I don't in any way wish to ban all weapons. The type used in this and many other cases have no purpose in the civilian world.
The reality is that if weapons like ak or ar weren't available, they couldn't be modified in this way.


they would be made, and sold, on the black market.

After Orlando, the Homemade AR-15 Industry Surges

Which means of course that simply possessing them would be illegal.

Do you think the people making them/using them would care?

Well, it should be my call. Your stance like so many millions of others is entirely selfish.

Not selfish at all since my guns pose absolutely no threat to the public Because I pose absolutely no threat to the public.

There is no reason for my ownership of firearms to be restricted because some piece of shit uses a gun to kill someone.
I'm sure you're not a threat to the public. However, in order to restrict firearms from being in the hands of someone who is a threat (and I'm not just talking mass murder, but DV killings, gang killings, etc.) the rights of all need reasonable restriction.
We already have reasonable restriction.

Convicted felons can't buy guns, the adjudicated mentally ill can't buy guns.

People with no criminal record need not be restricted.

So people like the shooter?

You can't restrict a person's right before he has committed a crime.

Should we just let North Korea and Iran have all the weapons they want then?
Las Vegas police are investigating reports of an active shooter at the Mandalay Bay Casino on the city's famous strip.


Las Vegas police are investigating reports of a shooting at Mandalay Bay Casino. Photo: Twitter: ABC7 Eyewitness News
Several artists performing at the Route 91 Harvest music festival have reported hearing gunshots.
Police are heading to the scene last on Sunday night local time near Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.

There are reports of a country music festival, Route 90 Harvest, on Las Vegas Boulevard.

Mandalay Bay is located on the south end of the Vegas strip and across from McCarran International Airport.

Las Vegas shooting: Reports of active shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino


Who wants to bet it's a man?
The odds were as good as everyone realising you're a massive pussy.

The Newsweek article mentions false claims by ISIS, yes.

Right now we don't know the motivation of the shooter.

We don't know if he was simply nuts or had a specific agenda.

Both ANTIFA and ISIS have taken credit for the shooting. Either one could be correct or both could be false.

We will see where it goes.

What alt-right wrong are you repeating?
Strange only the US has mass shootings regularly. Our police are shot and killed weekly. We have more accidental death than most countries have gun deaths...

Only an ignorant moonbat would post such bilge. Shootings take place all over the world. The U.S. is a large country, so there are more, but less fatalities when adjusted by population than some other countries. I'll also note that there are government around the world that kill far more of their OWN CITIZENS every year than the total killed by fire arms in the U.S.

View attachment 152363

If You Look at This Chart of Top 10 Nations in the World for Mass Shootings - One Thing Jumps Out

They are rare everywhere else. And ours keep getting worse.

Wrong. Ours are staying the same, but they are getting worse everywhere else because they already have the anti gun laws you want, they just can't seem to enforce them.

Strange this is the worst one ever. You call that staying the same?

The worst shooting, but not the worst mass murder. That bit of history belongs to a little shit who burned 80+ people to death in New York with a gallon of gasoline. Want to outlaw that too? That's the problem you have, you want to ban everything but the only people who follow bans are the legal people. The criminals laugh at you dipshits and say "thanks for making our crimes easier!"

Great thinking. We can't ban gasoline so we can do shit about anything.

Gasoline has a purpose as a fuel to run our cars.

Trucks have a purpose other than running people down & carrying bombs. They transport goods.

Knives have other purposes that stab people, They are used to cut our food & other stuff.

Semiautomatic rifles & those that are "wink wink" semiautomatic because of the ease to alter them to become automatic have no other purpose outside of the military & perhaps law enforcement.

When you make these illegal, then some won't try to get them, some will be caught trying to get them, and will be caught in transit & arrested prior to pulling te trigger.

Because we tend to lock up a lot of nonviolent offenders.

I've repeated this to you many times. We need to employ alternate sentencing for nonviolent crimes and reserve prison space for violent offenders

Sooo, what kind of "alternate sentence" would you give a crack dealer? How about somebody making and distributing cocaine?

If somebody embezzled you and your family out of your life savings what kind of alternate sentence would you give him?
Personally i think possession of all drugs should be legalized.

There are plenty of sentencing options. I really don't care to change the discussion in this thread

Within his first two months as president, Donald Trump repealed without public display an Obama administration gun regulation that prevented certain individuals with mental health conditions from buying firearms.

So that makes him just as guilty in your mind as the Democrats, doesn't it?

By the way, what he repealed was preventing the VA from withholding treatment to veterans that had firearms and that is a good thing.

That asshole Obama;s administration put out a position paper that said that veterans and firearm owners are potential terrorist. How stupid was that?

Did you hear what that dumbass Crooked Hillary kunt said today?

The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots.

Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.

Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 2, 2017

The dumbass doesn't understand that the silencer would have not only cut down on the velocity of the bullets but the smoke (gas) inside the room instead of being directed outward and would have probably immediately set off the fire alarms.

Cut the velocity, but not the number and silence would have allowed more shots.

Given that he planned the attack, he would planned for using silencers if he had them too.

Next stupid argument in 3, 2,1.....
so you can't answer the question then.

The only way to target gun crime is to target the actual pieces of shit committing the crimes and put them the fuck away for an extremely long time.
The only way to target those pieces of shit is to register every weapon so their movements can be tracked. The registered owner is responsible for that gun. It can't change hands without transferring ownership.

As it is now. There is nothing to stop the free and undocumented movement of guns.

I disagree. There is no need for anyone to know if or what guns I own. if I sell any gun (which I never plan on and have never done btw) I will follow all laws and only sell to a person who is legally eligible to buy a gun because that's what law abiding people do.

I am not and will never be responsible for what criminals do.

You get those pieces of shit off the streets with long mandatory sentences with no parole for any crime committed while in possession of a firearm to be served consecutively along with sentences for additional crimes

I applaud your ethical ownership but certainly you can see how that is a huge problem when guns are able to be moved so freely.

The problem as I see it is we do not enforce the gun laws we already have with the necessary severity.

Guns are not the problem PEOPLE are the problem. Keep the violent people off the streets with mandatory long sentences with no parole and watch both the crime and murder rates plummet
We already lock up more people than any other country.

My god how many times do I have to repeat myself to you people?

We tend to lock up a lot of NONVIOLENT offenders.

We need to employ alternate sentencing for NONVIOLENT offenders and reserve prison space for VIOLENT offenders
Did you know that more people are killed by fists and feet than by all types of rifles combines, even the scary black ones?

More people are killed with knives than by all rifles combined

More people are killed with hammers and other blunt objects than by all rifles combined

Didn't know that did ya?
Try killing almost 60 people and injuring over 400 from a 32 floor window using your fists and feet. Or a knife. No American civilian needs automatic or semiautomatic rifles. They couldn't effectively wage a war on our government with them, and they do nothing but allow killing machines to float through our society, to be grabbed up any time someone gets murder in his heart.

Wrong. My cousin has a class III license and a Tommy Gun. (Thompson full-auto submachine gun). Absolutely he has the right to own that. He stormed Normandy on D-Day, he cannot find a crated M1 Garand, which is the weapon he used on that campaign, there's some kind of regulation preventing that. That's not right. Did the shooter obtain the weapons used legally? Is the 64 year-old man even the real shooter?

That gives him a right to a weapon for mass killing? I don't think so.

Yes, it does. Although he has one, he has never "mass-killed" a damn thing except fish he caught. GFY Commie scum.

The fish were Bass and very tasty, btw.

This guy didn't kill anyone till he did

And you haven't raped anyone until you do

maybe we should do something about all you future rapists out there right?
Not selfish at all since my guns pose absolutely no threat to the public Because I pose absolutely no threat to the public.

There is no reason for my ownership of firearms to be restricted because some piece of shit uses a gun to kill someone.
I'm sure you're not a threat to the public. However, in order to restrict firearms from being in the hands of someone who is a threat (and I'm not just talking mass murder, but DV killings, gang killings, etc.) the rights of all need reasonable restriction.
We already have reasonable restriction.

Convicted felons can't buy guns, the adjudicated mentally ill can't buy guns.

People with no criminal record need not be restricted.

So people like the shooter?

You can't restrict a person's right before he has committed a crime.

Should we just let North Korea and Iran have all the weapons they want then?

They already have all the weapons they want

Within his first two months as president, Donald Trump repealed without public display an Obama administration gun regulation that prevented certain individuals with mental health conditions from buying firearms.

So that makes him just as guilty in your mind as the Democrats, doesn't it?

By the way, what he repealed was preventing the VA from withholding treatment to veterans that had firearms and that is a good thing.

That asshole Obama;s administration put out a position paper that said that veterans and firearm owners are potential terrorist. How stupid was that?

Did you hear what that dumbass Crooked Hillary kunt said today?

The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots.

Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.

Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 2, 2017

The dumbass doesn't understand that the silencer would have not only cut down on the velocity of the bullets but the smoke (gas) inside the room instead of being directed outward and would have probably immediately set off the fire alarms.

Sounds like she had her agenda-pushing all ready to go. Coincidence? Hmmm..

Crooked Hillary really is a dumb bitch. The reports from the crowd is that they thought the automatic fire as part of the show and didn't react.

Besides, a silencer in a high power rifle doesn't eliminate the sound. It directs the noise downrange instead of by the firearm. The baffling will decrease the sound a little bit but would also have a significant effect on the velocity of the bullet. If he had used a silencer then more people would have survived.

Also, the stupid kunt doesn't know that a silencer would jam up a full auto weapon pretty damn quick.

The dumb kunt needs to keep her filthy mouth shut about things she knows nothing about..

The white trash so sayeth...
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