Last post wins!


Jan 28, 2016
The other one had not been posted in for over two years. Wasn't sure if that would be a necro or not. So I have made another!

Last post is the winner.
I consider myself to be a Christian. I am a major league BACK slidden one. But, I believe we live forever.

As for this thread, well, hard to imagine me still posting here when I'm in my 70s or 80s... but once never knows!
That is largely what I meant: eternal winning of the thread, posting from the nursing home.
I meant that eternity is the goal of this thread — we shall all still be here when we are in the nursing home.
I meant that eternity is the goal of this thread — we shall all still be here when we are in the nursing home.

Oh, I thought you were actually in one now! Hmmmm I don't see that happening but one never did you find out about USMB?
I Googled about and browsed a few different options. The Clean Debate Zone is what made me decide to register here and leave behind a couple others I had tried. So many political forums consist of entire threads of single sentences, references to Hitler, and calling anyone and everyone stupid. It gets old quickly.
Some of that happens here. I like clean debate as well.
People are very ignorant that resort to name calling and such. My opinion. I am very open minded and like to consider all angles and arguments. I like to hear arguments, I don’t feel defensive about my opinions. I’m open to change them if someone is persuasive enough…. Or if what they say makes logical sense or feels right to me.
Sure, it can never be entirely avoided. Personally, I tend to prefer threads that feel more like a discussion than argumentation. That tends to be rare online when it comes to political topics. My hunch is that people think their presence on a forum is making some sort of tangible political impact and so they get defensive as if in a war. In my opinion, one's online presence has very little impact on anything unless you have a popular blog or column. The rest of us are just having conversations. I much prefer them to be civil and friendly ones.
I like to learn about people too. Not personal information, just about what they are like, their personality etc.
I do up to a point. As soon as someone starts becoming inordinately rude or impolite, I lose interest in knowing them further. But for everyone else, I agree.

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