Last year, Texas led the nation in closing down voting locations

Vote Centers » Early Voting FAQs

. . yeah. . . I'm going to have to call bullshit on that Guardian article. A little research shows that anyone that lives in Texas would only benefit from the streamlining of voting tech. . .

Unless the ruling elite are using technology to manipulate voting results. I know that is why folks in my state have not acquiesced on letting tech companies control the vote.

Most of what I read in non-corporate media completely indicts electronic voting machines. I have seen trials, with hackers showing how simple it is to hack the vote.

OTH, simple folks that watch CNN or Fox noise actualy believe these EVM are secure? They are foolish. They, like the citizens in California b/c libs always win, or Texas, b/c it keeps conservatives in power. . . like the corruption. It feeds into their cognitive bias to believe that is what everyone wants. They don't want real competition in ideas or politics.

If those states actually had fair elections? We would probably see that both Texas and California are both far more purple than either are prepared to admit.

Folks in purple states don't accept that type of shit. They want a paper trail. Stuff your EVM isn't going to give you.

California requires a VVPAT, a paper trail on all voting machines.
Vote Centers » Early Voting FAQs

. . yeah. . . I'm going to have to call bullshit on that Guardian article. A little research shows that anyone that lives in Texas would only benefit from the streamlining of voting tech. . .

Unless the ruling elite are using technology to manipulate voting results. I know that is why folks in my state have not acquiesced on letting tech companies control the vote.

Most of what I read in non-corporate media completely indicts electronic voting machines. I have seen trials, with hackers showing how simple it is to hack the vote.

OTH, simple folks that watch CNN or Fox noise actualy believe these EVM are secure? They are foolish. They, like the citizens in California b/c libs always win, or Texas, b/c it keeps conservatives in power. . . like the corruption. It feeds into their cognitive bias to believe that is what everyone wants. They don't want real competition in ideas or politics.

If those states actually had fair elections? We would probably see that both Texas and California are both far more purple than either are prepared to admit.

Folks in purple states don't accept that type of shit. They want a paper trail. Stuff your EVM isn't going to give you.

California requires a VVPAT, a paper trail on all voting machines.

That is a pacification tool. It can be registered and changed electronically, and you can be told anything they want on your VVPAT "verification."

You need to demand that your vote be registered by hand and then counted by machines.

. . . and if the exit polling is significantly different? THEN, humans can recount the physical paper trail, not some electronic tally that has already been manipulated.

This way, if a recount is demanded, it is registered BY HAND, NOT ELECTRONICALLY. I don't think you understand the difference. If there isn't something like a hanging chad or a inked mark, it isn't a vote that can't later be flipped.

If you do not understand what I am talking about, find someone that has a Junior High level of tech savvy, and they will tell you how this works.

Mismatch of EVM votes with VVPAT slips in Gujarat points to ‘Salami Fraud’
Mismatch of EVM votes with VVPAT slips in Gujarat points to ‘Salami Fraud’

Haryana-Maharashtra Elections 2019: Here is how EVM-VVPAT can be manipulated due to a major technical glitch. EC is aware of lacuna but continues to be silent.
Yes, and as I pointed out, it did not go into effect until January 2020 and provides that VBM packets are to be sent to registered voters in counties that adopt the new all-mail ballot model. Since it literally just went into effect, it has nothing to do with why California's implementation of the vote center model in prior years wasn't demonized as a voter suppression operation. In other words, if something is voter suppression in 2018, and then something new is done in 2020 that isn't voter suppression, that doesn't change the fact that there was voter suppression in 2018.

Applying that to this discussion, if California's implementation of the vote center model wasn't voter suppression in 2018 (and I am not aware of any such claims), then it isn't voter suppression when Texas is doing it in 2020. The fact that California has added another new model in 2020 that provides for VBM packets to all registered voters in all-mail model counties is completely irrelevant to how the vote centers model in California was perceived and treated by the media prior to 2020. We're comparing two slices of key lime pie, and you're carrying on about the okra on another plate. But to your credit, at least you're talking about food in this analogy. Billy on the other hand is making excited utterances about the invisible space men in the ball pit.

The difference between CA and TX is that CA mailed a ballot to every voter. TX didn’t. The five counties that adopted the VCA in 2018 mailed a ballot to every voter. 13 of the 14 that adopted it for March 2020 also mailed a ballot to every voter. Only LA has an exemption but they have over a thousand Vote Centers, 6 of them open 24 hours. (Also, any voter in CA can request a VBM) Not the case in TX. You must be over 65, disabled or out of the area)

WRONG! The VCA has been in place since 2018. 5 counties did it in 2018. 14 are doing it in 2020. All VCA counties but LA county mail a ballot to every voter.
So only since 2018 and you are whining about Texas JUST going to centers. LOL so before 2018 it wasn't done remind me of all the carping about California voter suppression again?

Dumb ass motherfucker, TX did not mail a ballot to every voter, just closed Polling places. California VCA counties closed polling places just like Texas, yes, but unlike Texas, they mailed everyone a ballot. That’s why TX is being accused of voter suppression and CA was not.

Perry and redistricting come to mind -

The GOP managed to fool their idiotic base that actual in-person voting fraud is “rampant”, but how does one justify them closing actual voting locations? Obviously it’s to keep minorities from voting at all regardless of what ID they have in their possession because the GOP are fascist pieces of shit. Obviously white republican voters are okay with it. All that matters is that they win I guess. Either that, or they just believe anything their GOP masters tell them. Both seem equally likely.

Texas closes hundreds of polling sites, making it harder for minorities to vote | US news | The Guardian

You people consistently demonstrate that you lack even a modicum of independent thought, objectivity or curiosity. I know it's difficult for you to read past the headline of an article before racing over here and posting that it's the harbinger of the Trumpocalypse, but if you had read all of those things called "sentences" that are made up of all those words below the headline, you'd notice the following details, which the authors hid where you'd never think to look - right in the text of the article.

As the article states, the majority of the polling location closures were the result of Texas changing to "centralized, countywide polling places, called 'vote centers', which exist in almost a third of US states. Under countywide voting schemes, voters are no longer assigned to a polling place in their local precinct and can instead cast their ballot at any polling location in the county."

"Gee, I wonder what states those are?" is something a person with a normal working brain would ask. And if one were to take that inquiry a step further by opening their trusty internet browser and running a search, that person would learn that states that have switched to "vote centers" includes none other than the leftist utopia of California.

That fact in and of itself exposes this "voter suppression" narrative as pure political hackery, and you wouldn't be wrong for making that conclusion and ending your inquiry right there. But here's where genuine curiosity and objectivity come into play, as this conclusion can be objectively verified by digging a little more and lining up the vote center provisions in each state for comparison. California's vote center law (Cal. Elec. Code § 4005) requires there to be 1 vote center for every 10,000 registered voters in the three days before the election through election day, whereas the vote center roll-out in Texas, providing for "one polling place per 7,700 residents," is being called "voter suppression" by this article. This verifiable, objective evidence makes clear that the article is nothing more than a slam piece intended for consumption by impressionable lemmings who have no interest in questioning whether the headline is objectively accurate.

Lol you are such an idiot for buying that bullshit. But okay, let’s say they actually did this because it was “centralized”. Why does that somehow justify making a person drive 10s of miles when it was just easier to vote somewhere less than 5 miles away?

Oh thank you for reminding me. The very idea that having to drive 10 miles to vote when it was "just easier to vote somewhere less than 5 miles away" is tantamount to voter suppression for minorities is one of the most insulting, racially demeaning insinuations I've ever heard. I have yet to hear anyone justify that statement with anything that doesn't stink of racism when confronted, because the entire narrative is conditioned upon the implication that black people are too lazy and unmotivated to vote for their own interests in an election if they have to travel farther than a place that closed, simply because it was "easier" to vote at the other place. It's disgusting to me that this underlying narrative continues to be advanced using this sanitized boilerplate hypothetical.
Lol you assholes didn’t even think this voting crap was a problem prior to the GOP announcing for the first time in the 2012 election that it was. You just believe anything they tell you.
So I MUST assume you are MORE upset with California since it has fewer stations and thus farther apart.
Um no because Texas has CLOSED the most. California doesn’t have some voting outrage. Obviously Californians vote no problem.

Since turnout in Texas for this election eclipsed turnout in 2016, it seems Texans vote "no problem" too.

Yes, and as I pointed out, it did not go into effect until January 2020 and provides that VBM packets are to be sent to registered voters in counties that adopt the new all-mail ballot model. Since it literally just went into effect, it has nothing to do with why California's implementation of the vote center model in prior years wasn't demonized as a voter suppression operation. In other words, if something is voter suppression in 2018, and then something new is done in 2020 that isn't voter suppression, that doesn't change the fact that there was voter suppression in 2018.

Applying that to this discussion, if California's implementation of the vote center model wasn't voter suppression in 2018 (and I am not aware of any such claims), then it isn't voter suppression when Texas is doing it in 2020. The fact that California has added another new model in 2020 that provides for VBM packets to all registered voters in all-mail model counties is completely irrelevant to how the vote centers model in California was perceived and treated by the media prior to 2020. We're comparing two slices of key lime pie, and you're carrying on about the okra on another plate. But to your credit, at least you're talking about food in this analogy. Billy on the other hand is making excited utterances about the invisible space men in the ball pit.

The difference between CA and TX is that CA mailed a ballot to every voter. TX didn’t. The five counties that adopted the VCA in 2018 mailed a ballot to every voter. 13 of the 14 that adopted it for March 2020 also mailed a ballot to every voter. Only LA has an exemption but they have over a thousand Vote Centers, 6 of them open 24 hours. (Also, any voter in CA can request a VBM) Not the case in TX. You must be over 65, disabled or out of the area)

WRONG! The VCA has been in place since 2018. 5 counties did it in 2018. 14 are doing it in 2020. All VCA counties but LA county mail a ballot to every voter.
So only since 2018 and you are whining about Texas JUST going to centers. LOL so before 2018 it wasn't done remind me of all the carping about California voter suppression again?

Dumb ass motherfucker, TX did not mail a ballot to every voter, just closed Polling places. California VCA counties closed polling places just like Texas, yes, but unlike Texas, they mailed everyone a ballot. That’s why TX is being accused of voter suppression and CA was not.

Texas must suck at "voter suppression" since turnout was higher than in 2016.

BTW, who besides single digit IQ whiny ass Dimsocialists are accusing TX of voter suppression?
The difference between CA and TX is that CA mailed a ballot to every voter. TX didn’t. The five counties that adopted the VCA in 2018 mailed a ballot to every voter. 13 of the 14 that adopted it for March 2020 also mailed a ballot to every voter. Only LA has an exemption but they have over a thousand Vote Centers, 6 of them open 24 hours. (Also, any voter in CA can request a VBM) Not the case in TX. You must be over 65, disabled or out of the area)

WRONG! The VCA has been in place since 2018. 5 counties did it in 2018. 14 are doing it in 2020. All VCA counties but LA county mail a ballot to every voter.
So only since 2018 and you are whining about Texas JUST going to centers. LOL so before 2018 it wasn't done remind me of all the carping about California voter suppression again?

Dumb ass motherfucker, TX did not mail a ballot to every voter, just closed Polling places. California VCA counties closed polling places just like Texas, yes, but unlike Texas, they mailed everyone a ballot. That’s why TX is being accused of voter suppression and CA was not.

Texas must suck at "voter suppression" since turnout was higher than in 2016.

BTW, who besides single digit IQ whiny ass Dimsocialists are accusing TX of voter suppression?

yo fuzznuts, youre repeating yourself

take your geritol

WRONG! The VCA has been in place since 2018. 5 counties did it in 2018. 14 are doing it in 2020. All VCA counties but LA county mail a ballot to every voter.
So only since 2018 and you are whining about Texas JUST going to centers. LOL so before 2018 it wasn't done remind me of all the carping about California voter suppression again?

Dumb ass motherfucker, TX did not mail a ballot to every voter, just closed Polling places. California VCA counties closed polling places just like Texas, yes, but unlike Texas, they mailed everyone a ballot. That’s why TX is being accused of voter suppression and CA was not.

Texas must suck at "voter suppression" since turnout was higher than in 2016.

BTW, who besides single digit IQ whiny ass Dimsocialists are accusing TX of voter suppression?

yo fuzznuts, youre repeating yourself

take your geritol
Thanks for proving my post, IQ7.
WRONG! The VCA has been in place since 2018. 5 counties did it in 2018. 14 are doing it in 2020. All VCA counties but LA county mail a ballot to every voter.
So only since 2018 and you are whining about Texas JUST going to centers. LOL so before 2018 it wasn't done remind me of all the carping about California voter suppression again?

Dumb ass motherfucker, TX did not mail a ballot to every voter, just closed Polling places. California VCA counties closed polling places just like Texas, yes, but unlike Texas, they mailed everyone a ballot. That’s why TX is being accused of voter suppression and CA was not.

Texas must suck at "voter suppression" since turnout was higher than in 2016.

BTW, who besides single digit IQ whiny ass Dimsocialists are accusing TX of voter suppression?

yo fuzznuts, youre repeating yourself

take your geritol
Thanks for proving my post, IQ7.

that you have the same thought and post it every 2 minutes ?

yer welcome.
So only since 2018 and you are whining about Texas JUST going to centers. LOL so before 2018 it wasn't done remind me of all the carping about California voter suppression again?

Dumb ass motherfucker, TX did not mail a ballot to every voter, just closed Polling places. California VCA counties closed polling places just like Texas, yes, but unlike Texas, they mailed everyone a ballot. That’s why TX is being accused of voter suppression and CA was not.

Texas must suck at "voter suppression" since turnout was higher than in 2016.

BTW, who besides single digit IQ whiny ass Dimsocialists are accusing TX of voter suppression?

yo fuzznuts, youre repeating yourself

take your geritol
Thanks for proving my post, IQ7.

that you have the same thought and post it every 2 minutes ?

yer welcome.
Nope. I used the same fact to destroy two different single digit IQ Dimsocialists and their lies.

Run along, moron.
Dumb ass motherfucker, TX did not mail a ballot to every voter, just closed Polling places. California VCA counties closed polling places just like Texas, yes, but unlike Texas, they mailed everyone a ballot. That’s why TX is being accused of voter suppression and CA was not.

Texas must suck at "voter suppression" since turnout was higher than in 2016.

BTW, who besides single digit IQ whiny ass Dimsocialists are accusing TX of voter suppression?

yo fuzznuts, youre repeating yourself

take your geritol
Thanks for proving my post, IQ7.

that you have the same thought and post it every 2 minutes ?

yer welcome.
Nope. I used the same fact to destroy two different single digit IQ Dimsocialists and their lies.

Run along, moron.

uh, ok sure you did - go with that one

The GOP managed to fool their idiotic base that actual in-person voting fraud is “rampant”, but how does one justify them closing actual voting locations? Obviously it’s to keep minorities from voting at all regardless of what ID they have in their possession because the GOP are fascist pieces of shit. Obviously white republican voters are okay with it. All that matters is that they win I guess. Either that, or they just believe anything their GOP masters tell them. Both seem equally likely.

Texas closes hundreds of polling sites, making it harder for minorities to vote | US news | The Guardian
Very similar to Arizona in 2016
Texas must suck at "voter suppression" since turnout was higher than in 2016.

BTW, who besides single digit IQ whiny ass Dimsocialists are accusing TX of voter suppression?

yo fuzznuts, youre repeating yourself

take your geritol
Thanks for proving my post, IQ7.

that you have the same thought and post it every 2 minutes ?

yer welcome.
Nope. I used the same fact to destroy two different single digit IQ Dimsocialists and their lies.

Run along, moron.

uh, ok sure you did - go with that one

I always go with the facts, IQ7.

You should try it once.
Vote Centers » Early Voting FAQs

. . yeah. . . I'm going to have to call bullshit on that Guardian article. A little research shows that anyone that lives in Texas would only benefit from the streamlining of voting tech. . .

Unless the ruling elite are using technology to manipulate voting results. I know that is why folks in my state have not acquiesced on letting tech companies control the vote.

Most of what I read in non-corporate media completely indicts electronic voting machines. I have seen trials, with hackers showing how simple it is to hack the vote.

OTH, simple folks that watch CNN or Fox noise actualy believe these EVM are secure? They are foolish. They, like the citizens in California b/c libs always win, or Texas, b/c it keeps conservatives in power. . . like the corruption. It feeds into their cognitive bias to believe that is what everyone wants. They don't want real competition in ideas or politics.

If those states actually had fair elections? We would probably see that both Texas and California are both far more purple than either are prepared to admit.

Folks in purple states don't accept that type of shit. They want a paper trail. Stuff your EVM isn't going to give you.

California requires a VVPAT, a paper trail on all voting machines.
And yet they would not provide that paper trail to a Congressional investigation or a Presidential panel.

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