Latest Political Gimmick: Biden Orders Flags at Half Staff for Covid Deaths

Biden has ordered federal flags to be flown at half mast to commemorate the upcoming millionth Covid death in the U.S. Never mind that most of these deaths weren't caused by Covid: Hospitals gave Covid tests to everyone who was admitted and blamed any subsequent deaths on Covid for merely testing positive to exposure.

But never let a public health threat go to waste, right? Does anyone still believe in these political gimmicks?
Hmmmmmmmmmm, maybe we should find out how many Covid deaths happened under Trump and how many happened under Biden.
I don't know what you're laughing about, douche bag.
How many boosters have they claimed you needed since the first shot?

Do you actually think they were all exactly the same shit?

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Nope, you do not get it either but it so much fun to pass lies as truth, isn't it? Let us put the above to the test.


By all means do not read the article above, continue to think that you are right, why cause an earthquake in your thinking. I will be happy with a very small tremor to start with.

At least try to think, based on facts and not on conspiracy theories which are nothing but how one side tries to destroy the other, politically. ( Do I really need to look in the mirror if the facts I am showing are correct? )

And why in the world has this thread continued to descend from discussing flags at half mast to attacking the left?

Geesh !!!!!!!
I voted for the man who would do what was best for the American people rather than what was in his own best interest

Biden cares about people
Biden cares so much that twice as many have died from Covid under his watch, as died under Trump's watch...

Tell us oh snotty one, what has your bumbling fool done for the American people on Covid?
Biden cares so much that twice as many have died from Covid under his watch, as died under Trump's watch...

Tell us oh snotty one, what has your bumbling fool done for the American people on Covid?
Do you have the facts as to why many more have died during the Biden Administration than with Trump, or it really does not matter to you? Apparently not.

Here is a hint at the difference between how Trump dealt with it and then Biden. By all means, do not read it:

After one month in office, the Biden administration has fundamentally changed how the federal government responds to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In direct contrast to his predecessor, President Joe Biden is treating this as a national-scale crisis requiring a comprehensive national strategy and federal resources. If that sounds familiar, it should: It’s a return to a traditional – and in many ways proven – approach to disaster management.

The Trump administration deviated dramatically from established emergency management practices. It politicized public health and related decision-making processes and overrode the disaster response roles of federal agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Among other things, the Trump administration established an entirely new coordination structure headed by a White House task force, then changed the lead federal agency from Health and Human Services to FEMA. Those moves, combined with a disjointed array of other operational task forces, made it difficult to create an integrated response. Even basic data collection from hospitals for tracking the coronavirus’s spread was thrown into disarray by changes.

The Biden administration is now reempowering key federal agencies to return to the roles and responsibilities they were designed for within a planned national disaster management structure.

Our own work in hazards management, with both governments and nongovernmental organizations, has shown us that fidelity to proper process and respect for expertise is essential to effective disaster management. The Biden administration’s approach to the pandemic so far suggests this is the model it will follow.

(full article online)

Do you have the facts as to why many more have died during the Biden Administration than with Trump, or it really does not matter to you? Apparently not.

Here is a hint at the difference between how Trump dealt with it and then Biden. By all means, do not read it:

After one month in office, the Biden administration has fundamentally changed how the federal government responds to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In direct contrast to his predecessor, President Joe Biden is treating this as a national-scale crisis requiring a comprehensive national strategy and federal resources. If that sounds familiar, it should: It’s a return to a traditional – and in many ways proven – approach to disaster management.

The Trump administration deviated dramatically from established emergency management practices. It politicized public health and related decision-making processes and overrode the disaster response roles of federal agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Among other things, the Trump administration established an entirely new coordination structure headed by a White House task force, then changed the lead federal agency from Health and Human Services to FEMA. Those moves, combined with a disjointed array of other operational task forces, made it difficult to create an integrated response. Even basic data collection from hospitals for tracking the coronavirus’s spread was thrown into disarray by changes.

The Biden administration is now reempowering key federal agencies to return to the roles and responsibilities they were designed for within a planned national disaster management structure.

Our own work in hazards management, with both governments and nongovernmental organizations, has shown us that fidelity to proper process and respect for expertise is essential to effective disaster management. The Biden administration’s approach to the pandemic so far suggests this is the model it will follow.

(full article online)

So let's see...


Enacted the NDAct to ramp up PPE and distribution of Ventilators.

Was responsible for clearing the path for Operation Warp Speed which devoloped not one, not two, but THREE vaccines to combat this virus.

Was responsible for kicking the country back into operation after we slowly learned that the Governors and Mayor's lockdowns were largely ineffective in stopping the spread...


He tweaked some already existing response plans?

And that's achievement to you?
He wrote:

"You moron, Texas and the Confederate south account for more people serving in the armed forces since the beginning of WWII than the rest of the country combined."​

Read it again. And again. And again. Until it sinks in. Dumbass.
It doesn't relate to what I said so go troll someone else. Ignorant fuck.
Biden cares so much that twice as many have died from Covid under his watch, as died under Trump's watch...

Tell us oh snotty one, what has your bumbling fool done for the American people on Covid?
Let me give you another wake up call of something you do not know or could not care to find out:

Doctors and demographers recently noticed another tragic example of how polarization shapes America: The pandemic has killed more people in the nation’s Republican enclaves than its Democratic strongholds. They explain the gap by pointing to Republican resistance to vaccines and the GOP’s more cavalier approach to combating the virus in general.

Those findings suggest many more Republicans — tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands — have died of COVID-19 than Democrats, leading some to wonder with some morbidity what the political impact will be.

To say that someone is killing Republicans and Trump supporters in this country sounds like a conspiracy theory gone crazy. It is the kind of conspiracy theory that should be banned by Facebook and Twitter.

But the evidence is overwhelming.

People in counties that voted for Donald Trump in 2020 are dying at much higher rates from COVID-19 than people who live in counties that voted for Joe Biden, according to a study by National Public Radio.

“Since May 2021, people living in counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump during the last presidential election have been nearly three times as likely to die from COVID-19 as those who live in areas that went for now-President Biden,” NPR wrote in its report.

“People living in counties that went 60% or higher for Trump in November 2020 had 2.7 times the death rates of those that went for Biden. Counties with an even higher share of the vote for Trump saw higher COVID-19 mortality rates.”

Could this be because Trump voters were older? No, the trend was robust even after controlling for age.

What makes the difference? Vaccination rates. The percentage of people vaccinated in Trump counties is much lower than the percent vaccinated in counties that voted for Biden.

So let's see...


Enacted the NDAct to ramp up PPE and distribution of Ventilators.

Was responsible for clearing the path for Operation Warp Speed which devoloped not one, not two, but THREE vaccines to combat this virus.

Was responsible for kicking the country back into operation after we slowly learned that the Governors and Mayor's lockdowns were largely ineffective in stopping the spread...


He tweaked some already existing response plans?

And that's achievement to you?
Sure, Trump did it because he wanted to not because he was made to do what any other President would have already done under the circumstances :
U.S. government agencies routinely use the Defense Production Act. It is used thousands of times a year for things like purchasing critical military equipment and speeding up infrastructure repairs following hurricanes. But during the early months of the pandemic, the White House suggested that wielding that authority would have amounted to left-wing overreach.

Mr. Trump’s newfound embrace of the law comes as Joseph R. Biden, the Democratic nominee, has attacked the president’s failure to use it.

“Why in God’s name didn’t he move quicker on the Defense Production Act to provide P.P.E., the protective equipment for doctors and first responders?” Mr. Biden asked recently in an interview with CNN.

Biden has ordered federal flags to be flown at half mast to commemorate the upcoming millionth Covid death in the U.S. Never mind that most of these deaths weren't caused by Covid: Hospitals gave Covid tests to everyone who was admitted and blamed any subsequent deaths on Covid for merely testing positive to exposure.

But never let a public health threat go to waste, right? Does anyone still believe in these political gimmicks?

A Million people dead...
Here are the excess deaths in Ameriica

We are sick explaining this to conspiracy nutjobs.. Explain how all these extra people died?

Please go on ahead...

But do remember that you are shitting on the people who died...
Be your guest.
And by all means keep derailing every thread you are on to talk about something else, because according to you , your Free Speech is absolute and everything else be darned.

What was this thread about? I forget. :)
I derailed? Rightwinger brought Trump into it and you didn’t bitch then that it was derailed, you are seeming to be a dishonest hypocrite. Nothing new is it?
Biden has ordered federal flags to be flown at half mast to commemorate the upcoming millionth Covid death in the U.S. Never mind that most of these deaths weren't caused by Covid: Hospitals gave Covid tests to everyone who was admitted and blamed any subsequent deaths on Covid for merely testing positive to exposure.

But never let a public health threat go to waste, right? Does anyone still believe in these political gimmicks?
Trump voters don’t care about COVID deaths

That is why flying the flag at half staff offends them
Trump developed vaccines, your Vegetable Messiah ordered flags at half staff.........
Trump developed vaccines, all by himself, because he know better than doctors, scientists and any one else.

He says so, all the time.

The companies developed the vaccine. Not Trump, or Biden or anyone else.
Trump developed vaccines, all by himself, because he know better than doctors, scientists and any one else.

He says so, all the time.

The companies developed the vaccine. Not Trump, or Biden or anyone else.
And trump and everybody on fox news is vaccinated. While the rubes tell you not to get vaccinated. It's funny watching this happen.

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