Latino Workers Replaced "Lazy" White and Non-Latino Counterparts, Lawsuit Says


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
A federal lawsuit claims that former employees at a western Colorado were fired and replaced with Latino workers because the business owners thought white and non-Hispanic workers were lazy.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is seeking back pay for employees that federal officials said were fired from a Hampton Inn franchise in Craig, Colo., according to the lawsuit filed last week.

The lawsuit claims the general manager of the hotel was told by the business owners "to hire more qualified maids, and that they preferred maids to be Hispanic because in their opinion Hispanics worked harder."

The lawsuit goes on to say that one of the fired employees was told she was being terminated because the hotel owners preferred non-American and non-Caucasian workers "because it was their impression that such workers are lazy."

The hotel is operated by Century Shree Corp. and Century Rama Inc., two Wyoming corporations. Attorney Tim Kingston said Monday he could not comment because he had not yet discussed the lawsuit with his clients.

Mary Jo O'Neill, regional attorney for the EEOC, the agency that handles workplace discrimination cases, said the lawsuit is unusual because minorities are typically the parties bringing complaints forward.

"I've been doing this work for 30-some years and I've never filed a case like this," she said.

O'Neill said her agency believes the hotel operators "sort of played to the stereotype of Hispanic workers — that they're going to work harder and they're not going to complain."

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of three workers in the laundry and housekeeping departments, but O'Neill said it is possible more workers also faced discrimination.

The lawsuit said that between August and November, all non-Hispanic workers in the laundry and housekeeping departments resigned or were fired and replaced with Latinos.

The EEOC also accuses the two companies of violating federal record-keeping laws by failing to archive and preserve employment documents for at least one year.

In addition to back pay, the lawsuit seeks to reinstate the fired workers at the hotel, and federal officials are also asking for mandatory antidiscrimination classes for the companies.

Fox News Latino[/url]
As a beliver in the freedom of people to conduct their business as they see fit, this company should be able to hire anyone it wants. Just as any business has the right to NOT hire hispanics at all, and only hire white and non-hispanics if they wish to do so.
A federal lawsuit claims that former employees at a western Colorado were fired and replaced with Latino workers because the business owners thought white and non-Hispanic workers were lazy.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is seeking back pay for employees that federal officials said were fired from a Hampton Inn franchise in Craig, Colo., according to the lawsuit filed last week.

The lawsuit claims the general manager of the hotel was told by the business owners "to hire more qualified maids, and that they preferred maids to be Hispanic because in their opinion Hispanics worked harder."

The lawsuit goes on to say that one of the fired employees was told she was being terminated because the hotel owners preferred non-American and non-Caucasian workers "because it was their impression that such workers are lazy."

The hotel is operated by Century Shree Corp. and Century Rama Inc., two Wyoming corporations. Attorney Tim Kingston said Monday he could not comment because he had not yet discussed the lawsuit with his clients.

Mary Jo O'Neill, regional attorney for the EEOC, the agency that handles workplace discrimination cases, said the lawsuit is unusual because minorities are typically the parties bringing complaints forward.

"I've been doing this work for 30-some years and I've never filed a case like this," she said.

O'Neill said her agency believes the hotel operators "sort of played to the stereotype of Hispanic workers — that they're going to work harder and they're not going to complain."

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of three workers in the laundry and housekeeping departments, but O'Neill said it is possible more workers also faced discrimination.

The lawsuit said that between August and November, all non-Hispanic workers in the laundry and housekeeping departments resigned or were fired and replaced with Latinos.

The EEOC also accuses the two companies of violating federal record-keeping laws by failing to archive and preserve employment documents for at least one year.

In addition to back pay, the lawsuit seeks to reinstate the fired workers at the hotel, and federal officials are also asking for mandatory antidiscrimination classes for the companies.

Fox News Latino[/url]

Its refreshing to see anti-discrimination laws being applied equally for a change.

If that is truly the reason they were fired, because they weren't of a "preferred" race, then this is legit.
What is taking 'whites' so long to sue for discrimination??? I have visited countless restaurants and other places of business where all one see are employed latinos . Not even a token white, black, asian, etc! What the hell is going on???? Are you people deaf, ignorant, AND dumb?? I have seen skilled whites being hired over unskilled latinos simply based on their ability to speak spanish and their english is atrocious! They are hired inspite of their lack of english skills less qualified for the job and those more qualified for the job but monolingual get passed over. It's a national tragedy!
No, this is factual. This happened to me constantly a while back. I applied for jobs that my friend (who is Mexican) applied to as well. Even though my experience and skills where superior in every conceivable way he was given the interview every time.
If a company does this they need to be is wrong to make blanket stereotypes. Hire the person if they are lazy fire their butt.

Tank, never been to Mexico have you?

I have been all through Mexico, why do you think so many Mexicans are fleeing Mexico?
they are fleeing right now because of the drug war...don't know though that it is so many Mexicans...the undereducated tend to go looking for better work opportunities..not because they don't like Mexico...doesn't seem like you have been to Mexico at all from your attitude.
A federal lawsuit claims that former employees at a western Colorado were fired and replaced with Latino workers because the business owners thought white and non-Hispanic workers were lazy.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is seeking back pay for employees that federal officials said were fired from a Hampton Inn franchise in Craig, Colo., according to the lawsuit filed last week.

The lawsuit claims the general manager of the hotel was told by the business owners "to hire more qualified maids, and that they preferred maids to be Hispanic because in their opinion Hispanics worked harder."

The lawsuit goes on to say that one of the fired employees was told she was being terminated because the hotel owners preferred non-American and non-Caucasian workers "because it was their impression that such workers are lazy."

The hotel is operated by Century Shree Corp. and Century Rama Inc., two Wyoming corporations. Attorney Tim Kingston said Monday he could not comment because he had not yet discussed the lawsuit with his clients.

Mary Jo O'Neill, regional attorney for the EEOC, the agency that handles workplace discrimination cases, said the lawsuit is unusual because minorities are typically the parties bringing complaints forward.

"I've been doing this work for 30-some years and I've never filed a case like this," she said.

O'Neill said her agency believes the hotel operators "sort of played to the stereotype of Hispanic workers — that they're going to work harder and they're not going to complain."

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of three workers in the laundry and housekeeping departments, but O'Neill said it is possible more workers also faced discrimination.

The lawsuit said that between August and November, all non-Hispanic workers in the laundry and housekeeping departments resigned or were fired and replaced with Latinos.

The EEOC also accuses the two companies of violating federal record-keeping laws by failing to archive and preserve employment documents for at least one year.

In addition to back pay, the lawsuit seeks to reinstate the fired workers at the hotel, and federal officials are also asking for mandatory antidiscrimination classes for the companies.

Fox News Latino[/url]

Its refreshing to see anti-discrimination laws being applied equally for a change.

If that is truly the reason they were fired, because they weren't of a "preferred" race, then this is legit.


Could you cite an example, perhaps with a link, that demonstrates unequal application in the past?
Oh, and btw, when it comes to shitty jobs that involve scrubbing toilets and wiping up other people's pubes, poor latino immigrants offer the greatest value for your labor dollar.
A federal lawsuit claims that former employees at a western Colorado were fired and replaced with Latino workers because the business owners thought white and non-Hispanic workers were lazy.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is seeking back pay for employees that federal officials said were fired from a Hampton Inn franchise in Craig, Colo., according to the lawsuit filed last week.

The lawsuit claims the general manager of the hotel was told by the business owners "to hire more qualified maids, and that they preferred maids to be Hispanic because in their opinion Hispanics worked harder."

The lawsuit goes on to say that one of the fired employees was told she was being terminated because the hotel owners preferred non-American and non-Caucasian workers "because it was their impression that such workers are lazy."

The hotel is operated by Century Shree Corp. and Century Rama Inc., two Wyoming corporations. Attorney Tim Kingston said Monday he could not comment because he had not yet discussed the lawsuit with his clients.

Mary Jo O'Neill, regional attorney for the EEOC, the agency that handles workplace discrimination cases, said the lawsuit is unusual because minorities are typically the parties bringing complaints forward.

"I've been doing this work for 30-some years and I've never filed a case like this," she said.

O'Neill said her agency believes the hotel operators "sort of played to the stereotype of Hispanic workers — that they're going to work harder and they're not going to complain."

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of three workers in the laundry and housekeeping departments, but O'Neill said it is possible more workers also faced discrimination.

The lawsuit said that between August and November, all non-Hispanic workers in the laundry and housekeeping departments resigned or were fired and replaced with Latinos.

The EEOC also accuses the two companies of violating federal record-keeping laws by failing to archive and preserve employment documents for at least one year.

In addition to back pay, the lawsuit seeks to reinstate the fired workers at the hotel, and federal officials are also asking for mandatory antidiscrimination classes for the companies.

Fox News Latino[/url]

Its refreshing to see anti-discrimination laws being applied equally for a change.

If that is truly the reason they were fired, because they weren't of a "preferred" race, then this is legit.
How odd to hear this view from you. I was under the impression that you think these type of laws were wrong and that employers should be able to hire whomever they please.

they are fleeing right now because of the drug war...don't know though that it is so many Mexicans...the undereducated tend to go looking for better work opportunities..not because they don't like Mexico...doesn't seem like you have been to Mexico at all from your attitude.
I'd rather live in Mexico than the US midwest !
A federal lawsuit claims that former employees at a western Colorado were fired and replaced with Latino workers because the business owners thought white and non-Hispanic workers were lazy.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is seeking back pay for employees that federal officials said were fired from a Hampton Inn franchise in Craig, Colo., according to the lawsuit filed last week.

The lawsuit claims the general manager of the hotel was told by the business owners "to hire more qualified maids, and that they preferred maids to be Hispanic because in their opinion Hispanics worked harder."

The lawsuit goes on to say that one of the fired employees was told she was being terminated because the hotel owners preferred non-American and non-Caucasian workers "because it was their impression that such workers are lazy."

The hotel is operated by Century Shree Corp. and Century Rama Inc., two Wyoming corporations. Attorney Tim Kingston said Monday he could not comment because he had not yet discussed the lawsuit with his clients.

Mary Jo O'Neill, regional attorney for the EEOC, the agency that handles workplace discrimination cases, said the lawsuit is unusual because minorities are typically the parties bringing complaints forward.

"I've been doing this work for 30-some years and I've never filed a case like this," she said.

O'Neill said her agency believes the hotel operators "sort of played to the stereotype of Hispanic workers — that they're going to work harder and they're not going to complain."

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of three workers in the laundry and housekeeping departments, but O'Neill said it is possible more workers also faced discrimination.

The lawsuit said that between August and November, all non-Hispanic workers in the laundry and housekeeping departments resigned or were fired and replaced with Latinos.

The EEOC also accuses the two companies of violating federal record-keeping laws by failing to archive and preserve employment documents for at least one year.

In addition to back pay, the lawsuit seeks to reinstate the fired workers at the hotel, and federal officials are also asking for mandatory antidiscrimination classes for the companies.

Fox News Latino[/url]

Its refreshing to see anti-discrimination laws being applied equally for a change.

If that is truly the reason they were fired, because they weren't of a "preferred" race, then this is legit.


Could you cite an example, perhaps with a link, that demonstrates unequal application in the past?

I'm more talking about the fact that discrimination against whites is actually being adressed for a change. Typically this type of discrimination is accepted and/or ignored.
Its refreshing to see anti-discrimination laws being applied equally for a change.

If that is truly the reason they were fired, because they weren't of a "preferred" race, then this is legit.


Could you cite an example, perhaps with a link, that demonstrates unequal application in the past?

I'm more talking about the fact that discrimination against whites is actually being adressed for a change. Typically this type of discrimination is accepted and/or ignored.

Can you cite an example where it has been accepted and/or ignored?

Could you cite an example, perhaps with a link, that demonstrates unequal application in the past?

I'm more talking about the fact that discrimination against whites is actually being adressed for a change. Typically this type of discrimination is accepted and/or ignored.

Can you cite an example where it has been accepted and/or ignored?

From my personal life or in the news? Since its accepted and ignored it will probably be difficult to find a news story but I can try.

In my personal life I was denied a promotion and told so because of affirmative action quotas. Then I got myself fired for calling the people morons for passing me over to fill a quota...well I may have used more agressive language, certain words a female higher up might not like very much ;). (and now you know the motivation behind my dislike of affirmative action, aka institutional racism)

That company got what it deserved in the end though, it went bankrupt and Ames is no longer a retailer :)
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A federal lawsuit claims that former employees at a western Colorado were fired and replaced with Latino workers because the business owners thought white and non-Hispanic workers were lazy.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is seeking back pay for employees that federal officials said were fired from a Hampton Inn franchise in Craig, Colo., according to the lawsuit filed last week.

The lawsuit claims the general manager of the hotel was told by the business owners "to hire more qualified maids, and that they preferred maids to be Hispanic because in their opinion Hispanics worked harder."

The lawsuit goes on to say that one of the fired employees was told she was being terminated because the hotel owners preferred non-American and non-Caucasian workers "because it was their impression that such workers are lazy."

The hotel is operated by Century Shree Corp. and Century Rama Inc., two Wyoming corporations. Attorney Tim Kingston said Monday he could not comment because he had not yet discussed the lawsuit with his clients.

Mary Jo O'Neill, regional attorney for the EEOC, the agency that handles workplace discrimination cases, said the lawsuit is unusual because minorities are typically the parties bringing complaints forward.

"I've been doing this work for 30-some years and I've never filed a case like this," she said.

O'Neill said her agency believes the hotel operators "sort of played to the stereotype of Hispanic workers — that they're going to work harder and they're not going to complain."

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of three workers in the laundry and housekeeping departments, but O'Neill said it is possible more workers also faced discrimination.

The lawsuit said that between August and November, all non-Hispanic workers in the laundry and housekeeping departments resigned or were fired and replaced with Latinos.

The EEOC also accuses the two companies of violating federal record-keeping laws by failing to archive and preserve employment documents for at least one year.

In addition to back pay, the lawsuit seeks to reinstate the fired workers at the hotel, and federal officials are also asking for mandatory antidiscrimination classes for the companies.

Fox News Latino[/url]

Its refreshing to see anti-discrimination laws being applied equally for a change.

If that is truly the reason they were fired, because they weren't of a "preferred" race, then this is legit.
How odd to hear this view from you. I was under the impression that you think these type of laws were wrong and that employers should be able to hire whomever they please.


Don't be confused ravi. I personally think affirimative action should be done away with but I also find it unfair that certain classes/groups/races of people can be protected in the eyes of the govt while other groups appear to go unprotected.

Either protect everyone the same or don't get involved at all, I prefer the latter but understand that in reality we do protect certain classes/groups/races and think that these protections should be applied to all groups not just certian ones.

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