Laura Ingraham discovers Bush is to blame for ISIS: ‘Iraq is worse than before we went in’

Like vowing to get bin Laden, then doing it?

Yeah...and then not doing it until his entire cabinet told him he had to...and then the only reason they found bin laden and were able to kill him is everything Bush did to get the intelligence and the assets in place...

Kind of like a different coach getting the team to the winning goal...being replaced by the new guy, the new guy keeps using time outs and then, only when he really has to tells the team to go ahead...

Wow, do you always just make shit up in your head?

He CAMPAIGNED on getting bin Laden, dope!
No, she's still a crazy rightwinger.
So her comments about Bush are meaningless then. You can't have it both ways.
One of the main things that makes someone a crazy rightwinger is their inability/unwillingness to look at the facts.

Eventually, those facts demand to be seen, because they simply cannot be ignored any longer.

Ingraham is just now seeing those facts about Iraq that Liberals saw a decade ago.

Maybe in 7 years, she's see the facts about the Stimulus, and the ACA?

Laura is just a political chameleon. Pretty vacuous as well. Oh and bitchy to beat the band.

I listen to the talkers Syn. All the time. I don't have television. I just bought Dr. Zhivago, Out of Africa and the Rocky series at my MCC to watch on my VCR ok?

All I have is radio. So I know the talkers out there and I think I can evaluate them pretty fairly.

She's not in the big leagues. And she's tied with David Frum for being the political version of "Sybil".

I agree she's a lightweight and a bitch.

Hey! We agree! :)
Bush invaded and deposed Saddam.

Try to keep up, Corky.

Wow, I didn't know that...

Bush invaded, won the war, stabilized the country, then the American hating obama pulls the troops out because his entire life he's been told the U.S. is the problem...I have yet to see where she said Bush lost Iraq....

If you know that you can win the war, win the peace but then the next guy up is going to hand it over to the bad might not be worth the lives lost to go in the first place...

Thanks for admitting that you haven't even been reading this thread.

What a dope.
No, she's still a crazy rightwinger.
So her comments about Bush are meaningless then. You can't have it both ways.
One of the main things that makes someone a crazy rightwinger is their inability/unwillingness to look at the facts.

Eventually, those facts demand to be seen, because they simply cannot be ignored any longer.

Ingraham is just now seeing those facts about Iraq that Liberals saw a decade ago.

Maybe in 7 years, she's see the facts about the Stimulus, and the ACA?

Oh bullshit, she sees a change in the situation due to OBozos incompetence or malfeance. You and the OP are total fails at showing where she blames Bush.
She blames Bush for deposing Saddam, allowing ISIS to be created from the ashes.

ISIS is an offshoot of al Qaeda in Iraq, which didn't exist while Saddam was in power.

This is probably the last time I'm going to hold your hand over this, explaining it again and again.

If you're too stupid or stubborn to understand it, then you're too stupid or stubborn.
Then again, Joe Biden's "We will chase them to the gates of hell..." comment struck a responsive chord, and was the best (damned-near only) manifestation of Real Balls that I've seen out of a Democrat

He just said words...they don't mean anything...democrats say stuff all the is actually doing something that means something...
Like vowing to get bin Laden, then doing it?
Yup, and that ended the war on terror in one fell swoop. All of this other stuff is by the Junior Varsity. They don't pose a threat to us. We can go ahead and gut our military because it's not needed any more. We can trust the Russians. They won't nuke us. We needed open borders cuz they do the work Americans won't do. Oh, and we need to change to a communist form of government where everything is owned by the feds and profits are a thing of the past.

Thanks for reminding me: on the way across town today I put on wingnut radio and it was "the best of Sean Hannity" - now there's an oxymoron if ever I saw one! - anyway, his military guest was talking about how this ISIS group has strengthened so rapidly.

He was basically saying that they were nothing less than a year ago.

I wanted to scream at the radio "you mean they were like Junior Varsity?"
No, she's still a crazy rightwinger.
So her comments about Bush are meaningless then. You can't have it both ways.
One of the main things that makes someone a crazy rightwinger is their inability/unwillingness to look at the facts.

Eventually, those facts demand to be seen, because they simply cannot be ignored any longer.

Ingraham is just now seeing those facts about Iraq that Liberals saw a decade ago.

Maybe in 7 years, she's see the facts about the Stimulus, and the ACA?

Oh bullshit, she sees a change in the situation due to OBozos incompetence or malfeance. You and the OP are total fails at showing where she blames Bush.
She blames Bush for deposing Saddam, allowing ISIS to be created from the ashes.

ISIS is an offshoot of al Qaeda in Iraq, which didn't exist while Saddam was in power.

This is probably the last time I'm going to hold your hand over this, explaining it again and again.

If you're too stupid or stubborn to understand it, then you're too stupid or stubborn.

That does not add up to saying it is BUSHES FAULT.

Good god you are thick headed.
Then again, Joe Biden's "We will chase them to the gates of hell..." comment struck a responsive chord, and was the best (damned-near only) manifestation of Real Balls that I've seen out of a Democrat

He just said words...they don't mean anything...democrats say stuff all the is actually doing something that means something...
Like vowing to get bin Laden, then doing it?
Yup, and that ended the war on terror in one fell swoop. All of this other stuff is by the Junior Varsity. They don't pose a threat to us. We can go ahead and gut our military because it's not needed any more. We can trust the Russians. They won't nuke us. We needed open borders cuz they do the work Americans won't do. Oh, and we need to change to a communist form of government where everything is owned by the feds and profits are a thing of the past.

Thanks for reminding me: on the way across town today I put on wingnut radio and it was "the best of Sean Hannity" - now there's an oxymoron if ever I saw one! - anyway, his military guest was talking about how this ISIS group has strengthened so rapidly.

He was basically saying that they were nothing less than a year ago.

I wanted to scream at the radio "you mean they were like Junior Varsity?"

So OBOzo is right because he agrees with Sean Hannity?

He CAMPAIGNED on getting bin Laden, dope!
on getting bin Laden, dope!

and when they knew it was Obama he waited months to give the order as all of his closest advisors told him he had to actually give the order...and he still waited....and then postures about how wonderful he was,for giving the order...

It turns out that he also waited,to allegedly order the rescue attempt for the journalist who had his head cut off and by the time he finally gave the order they had moved him...
How long did Obama dither about getting bin laden....?

Sense and nonsense about Obama and Osama -

• It took the president almost two years of dithering to order the bin Laden operation, which was "reduced in scope, or otherwise delayed, often by the president himself."

• Obama "stunned his staff with a string of dangerous delays and paralyzing indecision that threatened the mission's timing and nearly compromised its success."

• As a result of these delays, Gen. David Petraeus, then-commanding general in Afghanistan, during 2011 "debated acting on his own and ordering an airstrike on the bin Laden stronghold" in Pakistan.

• Obama left "critical decisions" about the bin Laden raid to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fearing "taking responsibility for a risky raid that might go tragically wrong." It was Clinton, in Miniter's account, who pushed Obama into making the decision to authorize the raid.

These charges come at the same time that a group of retired military and intelligence officers have released a 22-minute documentary "Dishonorable Disclosures" asserting that Obama has taken too much credit for the bin Laden operation. That documentary has already been viewed more than 3 million times on YouTube.
No, she's still a crazy rightwinger.
So her comments about Bush are meaningless then. You can't have it both ways.
One of the main things that makes someone a crazy rightwinger is their inability/unwillingness to look at the facts.

Eventually, those facts demand to be seen, because they simply cannot be ignored any longer.

Ingraham is just now seeing those facts about Iraq that Liberals saw a decade ago.

Maybe in 7 years, she's see the facts about the Stimulus, and the ACA?

Oh bullshit, she sees a change in the situation due to OBozos incompetence or malfeance. You and the OP are total fails at showing where she blames Bush.
She blames Bush for deposing Saddam, allowing ISIS to be created from the ashes.

ISIS is an offshoot of al Qaeda in Iraq, which didn't exist while Saddam was in power.

This is probably the last time I'm going to hold your hand over this, explaining it again and again.

If you're too stupid or stubborn to understand it, then you're too stupid or stubborn.

That does not add up to saying it is BUSHES FAULT.

Good god you are thick headed.
OK, Grandpa.
Then again, Joe Biden's "We will chase them to the gates of hell..." comment struck a responsive chord, and was the best (damned-near only) manifestation of Real Balls that I've seen out of a Democrat

He just said words...they don't mean anything...democrats say stuff all the is actually doing something that means something...
Like vowing to get bin Laden, then doing it?
Yup, and that ended the war on terror in one fell swoop. All of this other stuff is by the Junior Varsity. They don't pose a threat to us. We can go ahead and gut our military because it's not needed any more. We can trust the Russians. They won't nuke us. We needed open borders cuz they do the work Americans won't do. Oh, and we need to change to a communist form of government where everything is owned by the feds and profits are a thing of the past.

Thanks for reminding me: on the way across town today I put on wingnut radio and it was "the best of Sean Hannity" - now there's an oxymoron if ever I saw one! - anyway, his military guest was talking about how this ISIS group has strengthened so rapidly.

He was basically saying that they were nothing less than a year ago.

I wanted to scream at the radio "you mean they were like Junior Varsity?"

So OBOzo is right because he agrees with Sean Hannity?

No, dumbass. Back in January ISIS WAS the Junior Varsity.

Now go take a nap.
How long did Obama dither about getting bin laden....?

Sense and nonsense about Obama and Osama -

• It took the president almost two years of dithering to order the bin Laden operation, which was "reduced in scope, or otherwise delayed, often by the president himself."

• Obama "stunned his staff with a string of dangerous delays and paralyzing indecision that threatened the mission's timing and nearly compromised its success."

• As a result of these delays, Gen. David Petraeus, then-commanding general in Afghanistan, during 2011 "debated acting on his own and ordering an airstrike on the bin Laden stronghold" in Pakistan.

• Obama left "critical decisions" about the bin Laden raid to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fearing "taking responsibility for a risky raid that might go tragically wrong." It was Clinton, in Miniter's account, who pushed Obama into making the decision to authorize the raid.

These charges come at the same time that a group of retired military and intelligence officers have released a 22-minute documentary "Dishonorable Disclosures" asserting that Obama has taken too much credit for the bin Laden operation. That documentary has already been viewed more than 3 million times on YouTube.

You dumbfuck - that's a CNN opinion article, talking about the latest wingnut book:

Richard Miniter, the author of a number of books with a conservative slant about U.S. national security, has just released a new one about President Barack Obama whose title, "Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors who Decide for Him," leaves you in little doubt about the overall theme of the book.

You extremists no longer can recognize fact or reality.
It had nothing to do with obama's abrupt withdrawal or the utterly foolish support for ISIS early on in Syria.

Obama never supported IS or any terrorists 'early on' or lately. That is a common Rightwinger lie.

Nor did a Obama or Bush or Cameron or Harper 'made' ISIS. Evil human scum 'made' ISIS. No one else. To attribute the formation of ISIS to any of our civilized political leaders is giving political justification to the formation of ISIS. And that hinders all efforts to put an end to and manage the ISIS crisis.

Nor does it surprise me at the number of morons out there that will believe Bush made ISIS when in truth it was Obama/Harper/Cameron and others.....

If these assholes hadn't been so intent on deposing Assad....

And when you morph and attribute IS terrorists into being 'the most powerful and wealthy terror army/government on the planet' you give them credit for being something they are not. They are not an 'army' - and they are not a 'government. They are terrorists' murderers, criminals, and evil barbarians who want all decent mankind to think they are a government with an army.

They certainly are not a government. If you think they are then your standard for 'governing' is very low and thus meaningless.

And they are not an army let alone a 'powerful army.. They are terrorists and criminals who massacre innocents that never threatened them in any way.

They are not a powerful army because they have no means of production of the equipment needed for war and defense. They have no navy or Air Force. They are not powerful in today's world.

You should not cower and subject yourself to repeating the terrorist's claims of their greatness and power.

We know why you comply and spread with so much glee all the terrorists claims / and propaganda.

We know why and its sick. A political sickness like the world has never seen.
Then again, Joe Biden's "We will chase them to the gates of hell..." comment struck a responsive chord, and was the best (damned-near only) manifestation of Real Balls that I've seen out of a Democrat

He just said words...they don't mean anything...democrats say stuff all the is actually doing something that means something...
Like vowing to get bin Laden, then doing it?
Yup, and that ended the war on terror in one fell swoop. All of this other stuff is by the Junior Varsity. They don't pose a threat to us. We can go ahead and gut our military because it's not needed any more. We can trust the Russians. They won't nuke us. We needed open borders cuz they do the work Americans won't do. Oh, and we need to change to a communist form of government where everything is owned by the feds and profits are a thing of the past.

Thanks for reminding me: on the way across town today I put on wingnut radio and it was "the best of Sean Hannity" - now there's an oxymoron if ever I saw one! - anyway, his military guest was talking about how this ISIS group has strengthened so rapidly.

He was basically saying that they were nothing less than a year ago.

I wanted to scream at the radio "you mean they were like Junior Varsity?"

So OBOzo is right because he agrees with Sean Hannity?

No, dumbass. Back in January ISIS WAS the Junior Varsity.

Now go take a nap.

No, it was not. It was successfully fighting Assad's veteran military.

You are an idiot and on ignore.
That does not add up to saying it is BUSHES FAULT.

Perhaps you are confused as to what actually 'is' Bush fault.

The erroneous/deceitful decision to topple the government of Iraq when no national security or threat to peace or to humanity existed at that point in time is Bush fault. That led to AQ gaining a foothold and combat training that leads to the current situation with Sunni grievances against the Maliki government and the emergence of the murderous IS terrorist presence in Iraq.

Bush is not to blame for terrorists activity inside Syria. Terrorists are to blame for their crimes against humanity there.
That does not add up to saying it is BUSHES FAULT.

Perhaps you are confused as to what actually 'is' Bush fault.

The erroneous/deceitful decision to topple the government of Iraq when no national security or threat to peace or to humanity existed at that point in time is Bush fault. That led to AQ gaining a foothold and combat training that leads to the current situation with Sunni grievances against the Maliki government and the emergence of the murderous IS terrorist presence in Iraq.

I agree with Bushes decision to RESUME the war with Iraq as Saddam was violating the cease fire agreement on a daily basis. I disagree with how his neocon administration decided to SELL the idea to the public placing far too much emphasis on the WMDs. Saddam had failed to live up to the CFA on properly recording the chemical and biological weapons we knew he had, as we had inventories of those weapons with lots of entries not documented as having been destroyed. Just prior to the invasion, Saddam had plenty of time and Russian assistance in clearing out massive amounts of WMDs to his fellow Baathist regime in Syria ruled by Assad and there are satellite photos of HUGE convoys leaving Baghdad for Syria that could have been such an effort. We don't know. It certainly wouldnt have been documented. Even so, WMDs were found in a degenerate condition that were not usable as weapons without being transferred to new devices, but the weapons were there. News Article Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria Official Says
The 500 munitions discovered throughout Iraq since 2003 and discussed in a National Ground Intelligence Center report meet the criteria of weapons of mass destruction, the center's commander said here today.
"These are chemical weapons as defined under the Chemical Weapons Convention, and yes ... they do constitute weapons of mass destruction," Army Col. John Chu told the House Armed Services Committee.
The Chemical Weapons Convention is an arms control agreement which outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons. It was signed in 1993 and entered into force in 1997.
The munitions found contain sarin and mustard gases, Army Lt. Gen. Michael D. Maples, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said. Sarin attacks the neurological system and is potentially lethal.
"Mustard is a blister agent (that) actually produces burning of any area (where) an individual may come in contact with the agent," he said. It also is potentially fatal if it gets into a person's lungs.
The munitions addressed in the report were produced in the 1980s, Maples said. Badly corroded, they could not currently be used as originally intended, Chu added.
While that's reassuring, the agent remaining in the weapons would be very valuable to terrorists and insurgents, Maples said. "We're talking chemical agents here that could be packaged in a different format and have a great effect," he said, referencing the sarin-gas attack on a Japanese subway in the mid-1990s.
This is true even considering any degradation of the chemical agents that may have occurred, Chu said. It's not known exactly how sarin breaks down, but no matter how degraded the agent is, it's still toxic.

No Nuclear material, documents captured showing no nuclear program continued after 1991, and their informant 'Boomerang' was later proven to be an epic liar.

Bush bungled the sales job, overly trusted his neocon staff to be straight with him (neocons are as big a liars as any other hard core ideological group), and his successes are being tarred with his fewer failures by a national press that is almost openly sympathetic to a Fabian Socialist government and they think Obama is the man that will bring it to America, so they cover for him and crucify Bush on a daily basis.

Aside from the sales job, Bushes other big mistake in Iraq was staying to rebuild it. That is a mistake that I think no future American government will make again. We cannot afford it, and it is a natural consequence of initiating and losing a military conflict. To hell with Iraq.
No, it was not. It was successfully fighting Assad's veteran military.

Since the point is that early it was the Semior Varsity (aQ) fighting in Syria at that time, you are not just wrong but simply nutty.

And to claim their success against Assad's military does not comport with the facts. Assad did not confront them. He went after the secular rebels for reasons of his own.
No, it was not. It was successfully fighting Assad's veteran military.

Since the point is that early it was the Semior Varsity (aQ) fighting in Syria at that time, you are not just wrong but simply nutty.

And to claim their success against Assad's military does not comport with the facts. Assad did not confront them. He went after the secular rebels for reasons of his own.

You don't know what you are talking about. This organization has been a problem in Iraq from around 2003, and affiliated with AQ. All the accounts you read about AQ doing in Iraq was done by ISIL.

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

operations were predominately Iraq-based, but the United States Department of State alleged that the group maintained an extensive logistical network throughout the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia and Europe.[240] In a June 2008 CNN special report, Al-Qaeda in Iraq was called "a well-oiled … organization … almost as pedantically bureaucratic as was Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party", collecting new execution videos long after they stopped publicising them, and having a network of spies even in the US military bases. According to the report, Iraqis—many of them former members of Hussein's secret services—were now effectively running Al-Qaeda in Iraq, with "foreign fighters' roles" seeming to be "mostly relegated to the cannon fodder of suicide attacks", although the organization's top leadership was still dominated by non-Iraqis.[241]
The high-profile attacks linked to the group continued through early 2007, as AQI claimed responsibility for attacks such as the March assassination attempt on Sunni Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq Salam al-Zaubai, the April Iraqi Parliament bombing, and the May capture and subsequent execution of three American soldiers. Also in May, ISI leader al-Baghdadi was declared to have been killed in Baghdad, but his death was later denied by the insurgents; later, al-Baghdadi was even declared by the US to be non-existent. There were conflicting reports regarding the fate of al-Masri. From March to August, coalition forces fought the Battle of Baqubah as part of the largely successful attempts to wrest the Diyala Governorate from AQI-aligned forces. Through 2007, the majority of suicide bombings targeting civilians in Iraq were routinely identified by military and government sources as being the responsibility of al-Qaeda and its associated groups, even when there was no claim of responsibility, as was the case in the 2007 Yazidi communities bombings, which killed some 800 people in the deadliest terrorist attack in Iraq to date....
As of 2008, a series of US and Iraqi offensives managed to drive out the AQI-aligned insurgents from their former safe havens, such as the Diyala and Al Anbar governorates and the embattled capital of Baghdad, to the area of the northern city of Mosul, the latest of the Iraq War's major battlegrounds.[244] The struggle for control of Ninawa Governorate—the Ninawa campaign—was launched in January 2008 by US and Iraqi forces as part of the large-scale Operation Phantom Phoenix, which was aimed at combating al-Qaeda activity in and around Mosul, and finishing off the network's remnants in central Iraq that had escaped Operation Phantom Thunder in 2007....
In early 2009, US forces began pulling out of cities across the country, turning over the task of maintaining security to the Iraqi Army, the Iraqi Police Service and their paramilitary allies. Experts and many Iraqis were worried that in the absence of US soldiers the ISI might resurface and attempt mass-casualty attacks to destabilize the country.[266] There was indeed a spike in the number of suicide attacks,[267] and through mid- and late 2009, the ISI rebounded in strength and appeared to be launching a concerted effort to cripple the Iraqi government.[268] During August and October 2009, the ISI claimed responsibility for four bombings targeting five government buildings in Baghdad, including attacks that killed 101 at the ministries of Foreign Affairs and Finance in August and 155 at the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works in September; these were the deadliest attacks directed at the new government in more than six years of war. These attacks represented a shift away from the group's previous efforts to incite sectarian violence, although a series of suicide attacks in April targeted mainly Iranian Shia pilgrims, killing 76, and in June, a mosque bombing in Taza killed at least 73 Shias from the Turkmen ethnic minority.
In late 2009, the commander of the US forces in Iraq, General Ray Odierno, stated that the ISI "has transformed significantly in the last two years. What once was dominated by foreign individuals has now become more and more dominated by Iraqi citizens". Odierno's comments reinforced accusations by the government of Nouri al-Maliki that al-Qaeda and ex-Ba'athists were working together to undermine improved security and sabotage the planned Iraqi parliamentary elections in 2010.[269] On 18 April 2010, the ISI’s two top leaders, Abu Ayyub al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, were killed in a joint US-Iraqi raid near Tikrit.[270] In a press conference in June 2010, General Odierno reported that 80% of the ISI’s top 42 leaders, including recruiters and financiers, had been killed or captured, with only eight remaining at large. He said that they had been cut off from Al Qaeda's leadership in Pakistan, and that improved intelligence had enabled the successful mission in April that led to the killing of al-Masri and al-Baghdadi; in addition, the number of attacks and casualty figures in Iraq for the first five months of 2010 were the lowest since 2003.[271][272][273] In May 2011, the Islamic State of Iraq's "emir of Baghdad" Huthaifa al-Batawi, captured during the crackdown after the 2010 Baghdad church attack in which 68 people died, was killed during an attempted prison break, during which an Iraqi general and several others were also killed.[274][275]
On 16 May 2010, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was appointed the new leader of the Islamic State of Iraq;[276] he had previously been the general supervisor of the group's provincial sharia committees and a member of its senior consultative council.[277] Al-Baghdadi replenished the group's leadership, many of whom had been killed or captured, by appointing former Ba'athist military and intelligence officers who had served during the Saddam Hussein regime. These men, nearly all of whom had spent time imprisoned by American forces, came to make up about one-third of Baghdadi's top 25 commanders. One of them was a former Colonel, Samir al-Khlifawi, also known as Haji Bakr, who became the overall military commander in charge of overseeing the group's operations.[278][279]
In July 2012, al-Baghdadi’s first audio statement was released online. In this he announced that the group was returning to the former strongholds that US troops and their Sunni allies had driven them from prior to the withdrawal of US troops.[280] He also declared the start of a new offensive in Iraq called Breaking the Walls which would focus on freeing members of the group held in Iraqi prisons.[280] Violence in Iraq began to escalate that month, and in the following year the group carried out 24 waves of VBIED attacks and eight prison breaks. By July 2013, monthly fatalities had exceeded 1,000 for the first time since April 2008.[281] The Breaking the Walls campaign culminated in July 2013, with the group carrying out simultaneous raids on Taji and Abu Ghraib prison, freeing more than 500 prisoners, many of them veterans of the Iraqi insurgency.[281][282]
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was declared a Specially Designated Global Terrorist on 4 October 2011 by the US State Department, with an announced reward of US$10 million for information leading to his capture or death.[

Obviously ISIL was not 'JV' and Bush directly warned the country that if we withdrew from Iraq too early ISIL would return and resume their war against the Iraqi government. So ISIL was a know factor in the war going on over there, and Assad most certainly took the group seriously as that group basically controls almost all the eastern third of Syria.

Perhaps it would help you to try to read some news from sitesthat don't have their heads up Obozos ass.

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