Laura Ingraham discovers Bush is to blame for ISIS: ‘Iraq is worse than before we went in’

I worked with a lot of Muslims since 911 and many said the worst thing to happen to that whole region was to get rid of Saddam. I kinda agree now. Was he evil? Yes, but he kept SOME semblance of order there.
Seriously? I believe he invaded 5 countries altogether and most leaders on planet Earth was so worried about him there were regular inspections and sanctions going on, among other things. You have an odd way of defining a semblance of order.

'Rhetoric that helps justify/rationalize something the Leader has done' = 'semblance of order' for Dimbocrap libtards.
Laura Ingraham discovers Bush is to blame for ISIS: ‘Iraq is worse than before we went in

Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham lamented over the weekend that Iraq was worse now because President George W. Bush had invaded the country in 2003.

During a panel segment on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace asked Ingraham if President Barack Obama had made the correct decision by ordering airstrikes against ISIS, a group of Islamic radicals who are taking advantage of a power vacuum in Iraq to slowly seize control of the country.

“It’s really hard, I don’t think you can judge how he did right now,” she admitted. “We’re almost in an impossible situation. The America people really have no appetite for America to reengage. They don’t want us to go into Syria.”

“He’s now reluctantly seeing the perils of inaction,” the radio host continued. “If we do nothing here, then what? I mean, let’s say Iraq does fall, which I think is a possibility. Iraq may fall. If, indeed, there are no boots are the ground, not going to happen, can’t happen.”

Ingraham added that she was “not saying” she wanted to see U.S. forces return to Iraq: “I don’t know if there’s a good solution right now, which is a horrible thing to say for the United States of America.”

Later in the segment, Ingraham pointed out that al Qaeda — through its ISIS offshoot group — was “becoming the Islamic state.

“We tried to do all these things in Iraq, now Iraq is worse off!” she exclaimed. “I mean, I hate to say that, but Iraq is worse than before we went in to Iraq. Christians are gone, there’s no sense of order at all.”

“Saddam Hussein is gone. That’s a good thing, but what’s left? A more embolden Islamic state.
Yesterday to people like yourself she was a crazy rightwinger,today not so much right?
Laura Ingraham discovers Bush is to blame for ISIS: ‘Iraq is worse than before we went in

Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham lamented over the weekend that Iraq was worse now because President George W. Bush had invaded the country in 2003.

During a panel segment on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace asked Ingraham if President Barack Obama had made the correct decision by ordering airstrikes against ISIS, a group of Islamic radicals who are taking advantage of a power vacuum in Iraq to slowly seize control of the country.

“It’s really hard, I don’t think you can judge how he did right now,” she admitted. “We’re almost in an impossible situation. The America people really have no appetite for America to reengage. They don’t want us to go into Syria.”

“He’s now reluctantly seeing the perils of inaction,” the radio host continued. “If we do nothing here, then what? I mean, let’s say Iraq does fall, which I think is a possibility. Iraq may fall. If, indeed, there are no boots are the ground, not going to happen, can’t happen.”

Ingraham added that she was “not saying” she wanted to see U.S. forces return to Iraq: “I don’t know if there’s a good solution right now, which is a horrible thing to say for the United States of America.”

Later in the segment, Ingraham pointed out that al Qaeda — through its ISIS offshoot group — was “becoming the Islamic state.

“We tried to do all these things in Iraq, now Iraq is worse off!” she exclaimed. “I mean, I hate to say that, but Iraq is worse than before we went in to Iraq. Christians are gone, there’s no sense of order at all.”

“Saddam Hussein is gone. That’s a good thing, but what’s left? A more embolden Islamic state.
Yesterday to people like yourself she was a crazy rightwinger,today not so much right?

To the libtards EVERYTHING is about ideology and politics that serve their ideology.

Since Ingram said something they can put on a slogan or banner, she is not crazy.
Google US-Iraq SOFA and get back to us when you're all caught up.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said opponents are lying when they say the Iraqi government did not want a continued troop presence in the country when U.S. combat missions ended in 2011.

The Arizona senator has blamed the current militant Sunni uprising in Iraq on the failure of the United States to secure a status of forces agreement in 2011. He said some Democrats are trying to explain that away by inaccurately claiming the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki did not want troops to remain.

"Opponents and those who want to justify this colossal failure that has caused the greatest threat to United States's national security since the end of the Cold War, they're trying to justify it by saying that Maliki didn't want American troops there," he told PBS on Wednesday night.

And here is the key to how the negotiations fell apart. And the problem wasn't the Iraqis.

McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) were in direct talks with the Iraqi government at the time, McCain said, and Iraq was ready for a deal before the number of troops the United States proposed leaving fell sharply.

"What Senator Kaine is saying is just totally false," McCain said. "In fact, it's a lie, because Lindsey Graham and I were there."

"The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff himself said that the number of troops that we were proposing cascaded down to 3,000, when it had been recommended to be 20,000," McCain added.

He said Iraq, at that point, determined an agreement “wasn't worth the problem.”

McCain Opponents lying about Iraq history TheHill

So you believe the sterling word of John McCain, RINO.

Right after you were dismissing Kathleen Parker and David Frum as illegitimate because they are RINOs.

Facts are facts. Spin is spin. I'll believe the journalists over the proven liars like John McCain.

Lol, so you dismiss primary sources in favor of secondary sources when it suits you.

Lol, fucking idiot.

No, I dismiss John McCain.

Just like you do, when it's convenient for you.
Laura Ingraham discovers Bush is to blame for ISIS: ‘Iraq is worse than before we went in

Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham lamented over the weekend that Iraq was worse now because President George W. Bush had invaded the country in 2003.

During a panel segment on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace asked Ingraham if President Barack Obama had made the correct decision by ordering airstrikes against ISIS, a group of Islamic radicals who are taking advantage of a power vacuum in Iraq to slowly seize control of the country.

“It’s really hard, I don’t think you can judge how he did right now,” she admitted. “We’re almost in an impossible situation. The America people really have no appetite for America to reengage. They don’t want us to go into Syria.”

“He’s now reluctantly seeing the perils of inaction,” the radio host continued. “If we do nothing here, then what? I mean, let’s say Iraq does fall, which I think is a possibility. Iraq may fall. If, indeed, there are no boots are the ground, not going to happen, can’t happen.”

Ingraham added that she was “not saying” she wanted to see U.S. forces return to Iraq: “I don’t know if there’s a good solution right now, which is a horrible thing to say for the United States of America.”

Later in the segment, Ingraham pointed out that al Qaeda — through its ISIS offshoot group — was “becoming the Islamic state.

“We tried to do all these things in Iraq, now Iraq is worse off!” she exclaimed. “I mean, I hate to say that, but Iraq is worse than before we went in to Iraq. Christians are gone, there’s no sense of order at all.”

“Saddam Hussein is gone. That’s a good thing, but what’s left? A more embolden Islamic state.
Yesterday to people like yourself she was a crazy rightwinger,today not so much right?
No, she's still a crazy rightwinger.
Google US-Iraq SOFA and get back to us when you're all caught up.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said opponents are lying when they say the Iraqi government did not want a continued troop presence in the country when U.S. combat missions ended in 2011.

The Arizona senator has blamed the current militant Sunni uprising in Iraq on the failure of the United States to secure a status of forces agreement in 2011. He said some Democrats are trying to explain that away by inaccurately claiming the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki did not want troops to remain.

"Opponents and those who want to justify this colossal failure that has caused the greatest threat to United States's national security since the end of the Cold War, they're trying to justify it by saying that Maliki didn't want American troops there," he told PBS on Wednesday night.

And here is the key to how the negotiations fell apart. And the problem wasn't the Iraqis.

McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) were in direct talks with the Iraqi government at the time, McCain said, and Iraq was ready for a deal before the number of troops the United States proposed leaving fell sharply.

"What Senator Kaine is saying is just totally false," McCain said. "In fact, it's a lie, because Lindsey Graham and I were there."

"The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff himself said that the number of troops that we were proposing cascaded down to 3,000, when it had been recommended to be 20,000," McCain added.

He said Iraq, at that point, determined an agreement “wasn't worth the problem.”

McCain Opponents lying about Iraq history TheHill

So you believe the sterling word of John McCain, RINO.

Right after you were dismissing Kathleen Parker and David Frum as illegitimate because they are RINOs.

Facts are facts. Spin is spin. I'll believe the journalists over the proven liars like John McCain.

Lol, so you dismiss primary sources in favor of secondary sources when it suits you.

Lol, fucking idiot.

No, I dismiss John McCain.

Just like you do, when it's convenient for you.

I dismiss a lot of things about McCain, like his constant saber rattling and jingoism.

But at times he is right and when he is a primary witness to an historical event that transcends his personal foibles, and if you knew much about historical research you would know that.
whoa, six years later and still everything is Bush's fault

what a shocker eh? ain't been nothing that's been the man/child Obama's fault yet

Miraculous just like he is. but he hasn't stopped the seas rising yet or healed the planet...he be working on that while on the golf course

Saddam Hussein was strong enough to prevent groups like ISIS from running amok. When we took down Hussein and killed nearly a million Iraqis, we created a power vacuum that ISIS is filling. The same is true of Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

We will be paying for the Iraq war for generations--it was a monumental policy disaster. Thanks, Cheney.

Well ya---he gassed em. So why are we forcing Assad to get rid of all of his ?

The only goal the U.S. and its allies has is the permanent destabilization of Middle Eastern nations. Remember Reagan's funding of the Iraqi war machine (and its chemical weapons programs) against Iran? It was done to perpetuate the conflict and create as much havoc as possible.

Thanks to Obama the plan is continuing to play out in Syria. Disarm Syria and empower ISIS.

Syrian Dictator Bashar al-Assad is a maniac who killed his own people. Syrians hate him just like Iraqis hated Saddam Hussein. We did right on both counts to get rid of Saddam and try to get rid of Assad.
Where does she blame Bush? she says Iraq,is worse now than when we invaded but I don't see where she says it's Bush's had been stable...until Obama was it's a mess...

We can only fight wars now in 8 years,when a republican is in office...modern democrats couldn't fight a war even if they actually wanted to...
Where does she blame Bush? she says Iraq,is worse now than when we invaded but I don't see where she says it's Bush's had been stable...until Obama was it's a mess...

We can only fight wars now in 8 years,when a republican is in office...modern democrats couldn't fight a war even if they actually wanted to...
Mebbe... mebbe...

Then again, Joe Biden's "We will chase them to the gates of hell..." comment struck a responsive chord, and was the best (damned-near only) manifestation of Real Balls that I've seen out of a Democrat in quite some time.
Remember when we pulled our troops out of Germany, Japan, Italy after World War 2, or Korea after the Korean War....ohhhh...that's right...we still have troops in all of those countries and stayed until they were stable...What would Europe look like if we left Germany and the rest of the Continent to Russia...seems to me we stayed and kept a presence their even in the face of the Berlin Wall and Russian occupation of numerous countries...

Obama and the left are fools with no understanding of history...that is why Iraq and Afghanistan are messes...
Then again, Joe Biden's "We will chase them to the gates of hell..." comment struck a responsive chord, and was the best (damned-near only) manifestation of Real Balls that I've seen out of a Democrat

He just said words...they don't mean anything...democrats say stuff all the is actually doing something that means something...
Then again, Joe Biden's "We will chase them to the gates of hell..." comment struck a responsive chord, and was the best (damned-near only) manifestation of Real Balls that I've seen out of a Democrat

He just said words...they don't mean anything...democrats say stuff all the is actually doing something that means something...
I think the guy actually meant it.

Mind you, I'm no Biden fan, and I think he'd be another Walking Clusterphukk as a President, but I think he meant it - I think he was pissed - and I think he finally wants blood.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Every so often, even a worn-out dishrag like Old Joe is gonna get one right.

If I'm right (and I may not be, of course), then I don't have any problem with giving the guy props for that.
whoa, six years later and still everything is Bush's fault

what a shocker eh? ain't been nothing that's been the man/child Obama's fault yet

Miraculous just like he is. but he hasn't stopped the seas rising yet or healed the planet...he be working on that while on the golf course

Saddam Hussein was strong enough to prevent groups like ISIS from running amok. When we took down Hussein and killed nearly a million Iraqis, we created a power vacuum that ISIS is filling. The same is true of Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

We will be paying for the Iraq war for generations--it was a monumental policy disaster. Thanks, Cheney.

Well ya---he gassed em. So why are we forcing Assad to get rid of all of his ?

The only goal the U.S. and its allies has is the permanent destabilization of Middle Eastern nations. Remember Reagan's funding of the Iraqi war machine (and its chemical weapons programs) against Iran? It was done to perpetuate the conflict and create as much havoc as possible.

Thanks to Obama the plan is continuing to play out in Syria. Disarm Syria and empower ISIS.

Syrian Dictator Bashar al-Assad is a maniac who killed his own people. Syrians hate him just like Iraqis hated Saddam Hussein. We did right on both counts to get rid of Saddam and try to get rid of Assad.

Well it certainly will make Israel happy. Now if we could just take out Iran
people complain about Iraq...they have such short memories and a lack of strategic vision....we had troops on both borders of the worlds worst terrorist nation, Iran...which meant we could insert our people and money and equipment to help Iranian opposition parties very easily....they had to worry about us because we were,right next to no troops...the whole area is cratering....

again...imagine if we had pulled our troops out of Europe right after the Berlin was being strangled....and Russia was consolidating its hold on the new satellite you think they would have just stopped in place...and again...our troops are still there...ditto Korea and Japan...
Where does she blame Bush? she says Iraq,is worse now than when we invaded but I don't see where she says it's Bush's had been stable...until Obama was it's a mess...

We can only fight wars now in 8 years,when a republican is in office...modern democrats couldn't fight a war even if they actually wanted to...
Mebbe... mebbe...

Then again, Joe Biden's "We will chase them to the gates of hell..." comment struck a responsive chord, and was the best (damned-near only) manifestation of Real Balls that I've seen out of a Democrat in quite some time.

But they are only 'show balls'. I would be happy if Speaker Boner only had those. The House GOP leadership hasn't shown any nerve since DeLay was run out by backstabbing GOP leaders using the Dim show trial results for an excuse to do it.
whoa, six years later and still everything is Bush's fault

what a shocker eh? ain't been nothing that's been the man/child Obama's fault yet

Miraculous just like he is. but he hasn't stopped the seas rising yet or healed the planet...he be working on that while on the golf course

Saddam Hussein was strong enough to prevent groups like ISIS from running amok. When we took down Hussein and killed nearly a million Iraqis, we created a power vacuum that ISIS is filling. The same is true of Libya, Egypt, and Syria.

We will be paying for the Iraq war for generations--it was a monumental policy disaster. Thanks, Cheney.

Well ya---he gassed em. So why are we forcing Assad to get rid of all of his ?

The only goal the U.S. and its allies has is the permanent destabilization of Middle Eastern nations. Remember Reagan's funding of the Iraqi war machine (and its chemical weapons programs) against Iran? It was done to perpetuate the conflict and create as much havoc as possible.

Thanks to Obama the plan is continuing to play out in Syria. Disarm Syria and empower ISIS.

Syrian Dictator Bashar al-Assad is a maniac who killed his own people. Syrians hate him just like Iraqis hated Saddam Hussein. We did right on both counts to get rid of Saddam and try to get rid of Assad.

Well it certainly will make Israel happy. Now if we could just take out Iran

We are going to have to push Iran to evolve into the 19th century and hope the momentum carries them.

They are not invadable as a mere policy option except in a declared TOTAL war.

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