Lauren Boebert being disrespectful.

Yes they are all just for show.
I wore a flag lapel pin for a couple of years after the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001.

A case got called. We did the calendar call and I stood around to chat with a court officer and the court reporter for a moment. The judge peered down at me from the bench while the next case was yet to be called and asked me why I was wearing a flag pin.

For a moment I was a bit surprised. But I quickly advised him that I wore it because “I kind of like my country.” The judge turned away in disgust. But the court officer hooted and gave me a back slap.

Some people are proud of this republic. And wearing a flag pin is just one tiny outward display of that pride.
I wore a flag lapel pin for a couple of years after the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001.

A case got called. We did the calendar call and I stood around to chat with a court officer and the court reporter for a moment. The judge peered down at me from the bench while the next case was yet to be called and asked me why I was wearing a flag pin.

For a moment I was a bit surprised. But I quickly advised him that I wore it because “I kind of like my country.” The judge turned away in disgust. But the court officer hooted and gave me a back slap.

Some people are proud of this republic. And wearing a flag pin is just one tiny outward display of that pride.
Question. If they were handing out America flag pins and someone took it and immediately threw it in the trash, would you call that being disrespectful?
I wore a flag lapel pin for a couple of years after the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001.

A case got called. We did the calendar call and I stood around to chat with a court officer and the court reporter for a moment. The judge peered down at me from the bench while the next case was yet to be called and asked me why I was wearing a flag pin.

For a moment I was a bit surprised. But I quickly advised him that I wore it because “I kind of like my country.” The judge turned away in disgust. But the court officer hooted and gave me a back slap.

Some people are proud of this republic. And wearing a flag pin is just one tiny outward display of that pride.
If someone wants to wear a flag pin or a ribbon for a particular cause fine by me I’m not going to think more of anybody for doing so or less of someone for not doing so.
If someone wants to wear a flag pin or a ribbon for a particular cause fine by me I’m not going to think more of anybody for doing so or less of someone for not doing so.
Likewise. If you are gay (or straight for that matter) and wish to show support for gays against discrimination, etc., you can wear a rainbow pin. No skin off my nose. Frankly, I respect those who stand up against mindless bigotry.

I have a dimmer view of BLM pins. But that’s only because I see BLM as a scam.
Still, I would t chastise anyone for wearing a BLM pin. My agreement with your expression of your free speech isn’t required.
Yes. Why take a freebie only to throw it out? The intent could be nothing other than to demonstrate disrespect.
Given leftists recent history of extreme violence towards anyone who disagrees with them in public, Boebert's accepting the pin was most likely to avoid being assaulted. She could have tried to avoid triggering libs by holding onto the pin until she got to her office, but then the story would be that she "disrespected" by not putting the pin on and wearing 24/7.
Clearly she has no respect for children. Especially murdered children. She was given a pin to honor one of the murdered children in Uvalde. The very next thing she did was throw it in the trash.

She accepted a pin. Subsequently tossing it established nothing. Maybe she simply doesn’t care for clutter.
She had a few choices. She could have kept the pin. She could have waited until she was not being filmed to throw it away. She chose to throw it away as soon as she possibly could. I see this as nothing more than a 'fuck you' to Maite Rodriguez. Boebert had a choice. Maite Rodriguez did not. The MAGA crowd does not care about children. You will never convince me otherwise.
At least you admit you're closed minded. It's a start.

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