Lauren Boebert now leads CO House Seat 3

The Republican Party can easily neutralize me by nominating Liz or Mitt or Hogan in 2024.

Then they won't have to worry about seeing me around any more.

That would be to their benefit. In case you haven't been paying attention, in the last three election cycles your party has gotten either blown out of the water or had your progress heavily blunted, like Tuesday. Trumplings like yourself aren't an asset to them; you're a liability and they would be smart to finally purge you people from their ranks.
And it's the answer you'll keep getting because I don't waste my time arguing with cult members who have the IQ of a tomato. Have a nice day.
I think it's proven my IQ is higher than yours but in the words of your friend Fetterman

I guess Republicans should have thought about that before pushing in their endless abortion crusade on the public and making Trump the face of their party. Eliminate those two factors and they would have had an epic blow out Tuesday night.
Will you please stop. You sound deranged. Lee Zeldin was a good candidate and he got trounced in crime ridden NY. Zero to do with Trump. All to do with a dumb voting base that votes based on ideology. Enjoy your crime wave, NY.
That would be to their benefit. In case you haven't been paying attention, in the last three election cycles your party has gotten either blown out of the water or had your progress heavily blunted, like Tuesday. Trumplings like yourself aren't an asset to them; you're a liability and they would be smart to finally purge you people from their ranks.
Another ignorant statement. For all his flaws, Trump did win in 2016. He did start a movement. He did add there Supreme Court justices. He went ape shit after losing to Biden. COVID was responsible as well as the biased media. But don’t make it seem like he hasn’t been beneficial. Your worship of Kinzinger and Cheney is comical. You’re losing a lot of cred, Bro.
Will you please stop. You sound deranged. Lee Zeldin was a good candidate and he got trounced in crime ridden NY. Zero to do with Trump. All to do with a dumb voting base that votes based on ideology. Enjoy your crime wave, NY.
Lee Zeldin got 46% of the vote, the best showing of any statewide Republican in 20 years, and he never brought Trump into the game. He stuck to the issues. He helped considerably down ballot. The Republicans picked up four House seats in New York, which will probably be the reason they take the majority. They also ended the Democrats' supermajority in the New York State Senate.

Zeldin, like many Republicans across the country, got blunted by angry Dobbs voters, but even minus that, he may still have come up short, because at the end of the day, it's New York, and it will take a considerable amount of time invested to turn things around there. Also, some people are simply beyond saving.
I bet you also believe evolution occurred without an intelligent designer (meaning God), and Obama was born in Hawaii, and pizzagate is fake, and humans are causing the climate to swerve drastically, and the 2020 election was honest and no voting machines or fake ballots or mail in ballots could ever sway an election.
You make my case for right wing mental illness beautifully.
Yup. If the useful idiots didn’t have the chance to cast that ballot for the brain-damaged Fetterman WEEKS before he was willing to debate, we’d have Oz right now and would have won the Senate.

The Dems’ plan to win elections is to keep their voters ignorant.

Damn! Do they ever do a good job of it on a national scale!
Lee Zeldin got 46% of the vote, the best showing of any statewide Republican in 20 years, and he never brought Trump into the game. He stuck to the issues. He helped considerably down ballot. The Republicans picked up four House seats in New York, which will probably be the reason they take the majority. They also ended the Democrats' supermajority in the New York State Senate.

Zeldin, like many Republicans across the country, got blunted by angry Dobbs voters, but even minus that, he may still have come up short, because at the end of the day, it's New York, and it will take a considerable amount of time invested to turn things around there. Also, some people are simply beyond saving.
So he was a good candidate. Zero to do with Trump and still lost. Why? Democratic Party voters are insanely deranged and there are more of them than there are of normal persons like myself. Hence I concede this country is done.

New Yorkers are literally scared to go on the subway or to a grocery store and yet they vote in the person who is mostly responsible for this disaster.

But you keep talking about Trump. LOL

Rent Free, bro. Rent Free.
Another ignorant statement. For all his flaws, Trump did win in 2016. He did start a movement. He did add there Supreme Court justices. He went ape shit after losing to Biden. COVID was responsible as well as the biased media. But don’t make it seem like he hasn’t been beneficial. Your worship of Kinzinger and Cheney is comical. You’re losing a lot of cred, Bro.

Trump got LUCKY in 2016 because he ran against Shrillary who people despised as much as him and he just happened to squeak out a few thousand votes in a handful of key states. Aside from his SCOTUS picks (which you might to reconsider as a victory since they overturned Roe and fucked your red wave Tuesday night) he accomplished very little of his agenda. About all he did was turn suburban Republican areas against his party because they found his personality repulsive. He presided over a blistering midterm in 2018 and his failed to win a very winnable reelection because he refused to rein in his toxicity. He didn't even try and as a result he lost to a walking vegetable with dementia. Then this recent election he sabotaged the midterm with a bunch of shitty endorsements who couldn't win.

That's what Trump did for the Republican Party, but by all means, stick by him and keep losing. It's not hurting me any.
Trump got LUCKY in 2016 because he ran against Shrillary who people despised as much as him and he just happened to squeak out a few thousand votes in a handful of key states. Aside from his SCOTUS picks (which you might to reconsider as a victory since they overturned Roe and fucked your red wave Tuesday night) he accomplished very little of his agenda. About all he did was turn suburban Republican areas against his party because they found his personality repulsive. He presided over a blistering midterm in 2018 and his failed to win a very winnable reelection because he refused to rein in his toxicity. He didn't even try and as a result he lost to a walking vegetable with dementia. Then this recent election he sabotaged the midterm with a bunch of shitty endorsements who couldn't win.

That's what Trump did for the Republican Party, but by all means, stick by him and keep losing. It's not hurting me any.
Bro. He got 8mil more votes in 2020 than 2016. He lost due to COVID panic. Did I say I am sticking by him? Learn to read. The party should move on. But he hasn’t been all negative. That’s an insane POV. You think Ted Cruz beats Hillary? I do not. He has also raised millions for the GOP.
Bro. He got 8mil more votes in 2020 than 2016.
And the walking potato who hid in his basement got eight million more than him.

He lost due to COVID panic.
Maybe he shouldn't have called it a hoax and took it more seriously.

Did I say I am sticking by him? Learn to read. The party should move on. But he hasn’t been all negative. That’s an insane POV. You think Ted Cruz beats Hillary? I do not. He has also raised millions for the GOP.

I think just about any Republican could have beaten Hillary. Nobody likes her.
And the walking potato who hid in his basement got eight million more than him.

Maybe he shouldn't have called it a hoax and took it more seriously.

I think just about any Republican could have beaten Hillary. Nobody likes her.
And Fetterman won and Newsome won. Democratic Party voters are morons. Hell you see many of them here. But the country is full of them. If Trump disappears tomorrow we still have the woke problem. That’s what you don’t get.
And Fetterman won and Newsome won. Democratic Party voters are morons. Hell you see many of them here. But the country is full of them. If Trump disappears tomorrow we still have the woke problem. That’s what you don’t get.

Yes, Fetterman won, again, thanks to TRUMP putting his endorsement behind a carpetbagging candidate from out of state. That primary was razor close. Had McCormick won that primary the GOP probably would have held the seat, but Trump had to horn his way in and play kingmaker and his endorsement put Oz over the top as well as Mastriano, the absolute worst gubernatorial candidate in the country.

As for California, well, as I said earlier, some people are just beyond saving.
Yes, Fetterman won, again, thanks to TRUMP putting his endorsement behind a carpetbagging candidate from out of state. That primary was razor close. Had McCormick won that primary the GOP probably would have held the seat, but Trump had to horn his way in and play kingmaker and his endorsement put Oz over the top as well as Mastriano, the absolute worst gubernatorial candidate in the country.

As for California, well, as I said earlier, some people are just beyond saving.
Kathy Barnette was the best choice for PA

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