Lavrov: The Syrian army is the most effective force in fighting terrorism


Nov 14, 2012
Here comes the truth: The Syrian army is the most effective force in fighting terrorism. All those who want that brave force to be destroyed act in favor of the terrorist groups in Syria.

"Lavrov, SANA – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that the Syrian army is the most effective force on the ground in fighting terrorism.

The international coalition against the terrorist organization of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) will not be effective with Syria not being part of it, said Lavrov in a speech addressing the students and teachers of Moscow State Institute of International Relations on Tuesday.

He dismissed the calls for President Bashar al-Assad’s departure as a precondition for embarking on the fight against terrorism as “harmful” and “unrealistic”, calling for them to be stopped.

“President al-Assad who was elected by his people is still a completely legitimate president regardless of the Western statements,” said Lavrov.

He criticized the international community over this issue, saying they have contradicted themselves when two years ago they dealt with the Syrian leadership as being a legitimate leadership as far as the chemical weapons were concerned, while they now refrain from coordinating with the Syrian government when it comes to ISIS, whereas they do coordinate with the Iraqi government in this regard.

He referred to the Russian President’s initiative on unifying the efforts of all the sides against ISIS and the other terrorist organizations, noting that Russia made it clear to all the countries that are aware of the ISIS threat that they should coordinate with the Syrian army towards more effectiveness in fighting terrorism.

This, Lavrov said, requires that all forces be unified and all other matters be put on the shelf for some time later.

“We look at the reactions of the Western and Gulf states and other countries and we see some there who are getting it,” he added.

Lavrov referred to his meeting yesterday with a delegation of the “Syrian opposition”, saying Russia seeks to unify “the opposition” with the aim to work with the Syrian government to find a form to build a future Syria.

This issue, he said, is stated in Geneva 1 document, noting that a lot of countries have started to realize that work should be in that direction in order to come to sitting down at the dialogue table.

On a relevant note, Lavrov condemned ISIS destruction of the historical temples in the ancient Syrian Palmyra city and the ruins in Iraq, dismissing these acts as aimed at shaking the base of the common human culture.

In this light, Lavrov said, the task of protecting cultural heritage is getting more urgent, calling for taking steps to come up with a firm stand by the international community against ISIS.

Lavrov announced in the course of his speech that there will be a ministerial meeting at the Security Council at the end of September to discuss international security and the terror threats in the Middle East and North Africa."

Lavrov: The Syrian army is the most effective force in fighting terrorism
As long as the West and it's allies are funding and equipping the FSA and ISIS, they will never negotiate, cooperate, and equip Assad. Now, if Assad should happen to take out loans from IMF and get with the program? If it should decide to play ball and go into debt like every other nation on Earth? Well then, maybe he would be allowed to survive. Till then, no dice. Same story with Iran.

If you don't play the game, eventually, you're goose is cooked. You are an enemy to the world order of you don't take on debt. You are slated to be "freed."

Remember kids, "Freedom is Slavery" You need some debt to be free. As long as the Central Bankers don't control Syria's banking system and can't issue debt and slavery, they will never be free.

Central Banks are the Real Target for West’s Imperial Wars
Central Banks are the Real Target for West's Imperial Wars

In this case, the most obvious and recent victim of the US/NATO juggernaut is the embattled nation of Syria. So far, the most religiously tolerant nation in the Middle East has been forced to endure NATO-backed death squads and savage terrorists (aka peaceful protestors as defined by the Western media), Western sanctions, direct aid to the destabilizing agents by NATO forces, covert operations by British and American intelligence agencies as well as French special forces inside Syria, and now the growing potential for direct NATO military action.

Coincidentally, Syria is one of the last nations left in the world that maintains a government-owned central bank. This fact has been the cause of some consternation from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In fact, in 2006, the IMF actually published its annual Article IV Consultation Report regarding Syria’s economic developments. Among the recommendations made by the IMF in the report were suggestions of changes to the Syrian banking system. The report reads:

Progress toward this medium-term goal should start by having the central bank gain full control of existing direct instruments. The central bank should have the right to decide on credit ceilings and credit policies of banks with a view to ensuring a pace of credit and monetary expansion consistent with maintaining price stability while fostering economic activity and employment. Banks have to abide by all prudential regulations. Beyond this, the role and responsibilities of the central bank and the ministry of finance in exercising oversight on the banks should be clearly defined. While the government could play a lead role in choosing the board and the management of public banks, the CBS should have the authority to evaluate and approve banks’ policies, and procedures related to the credit and investment.

Clearly, if these are the responsibilities the IMF believes the Syrian Central Bank should have, then it logically follows that they are responsibilities it does not have currently.

All in all, the Syrian banking system largely consists of four state-owned banks and fourteen private banks, mostly foreign banks providing services to the private sector inside Syria. For at least forty years, the state itself has maintained a total monopoly on the Syrian banking system. Even when that total monopoly was broken, it was not in the form of the privatization of the central bank, it was merely allowing private banks to operate commercially inside the country at all.


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