Law abiding Wisconsinites afraid for their safety

So if people become intimidated because people are slashing their tires, throwing things through windows and threatening their family they are cowards because the yare afraid?? Wow, what century is this?? I don't think burning crosses in people's yards really hurt anything did it??

The KKK has a history of hate, intolerance and exclusion. Just substitute KKK with Unions and you have the same scenario.

I'm just waiting for the lynchings to start.
So if people become intimidated because people are slashing their tires, throwing things through windows and threatening their family the are cowards because the are afraid?? Wow, what century is this?? I don't think burning crosses in people's yards really hurt anything did it??

The KKK has a history of hate, intolerance and exclusion. Just substitute KKK with Unions and you have the same scenario.

I'm just waiting for the lynchings to start.

And I am just waiting for the evidence...the HARD evidence that this kind of thing is going on above and beyond the kind of vandalism crime that happens all over the U.S. daily.
So if people become intimidated because people are slashing their tires, throwing things through windows and threatening their family they are cowards because the yare afraid?? Wow, what century is this?? I don't think burning crosses in people's yards really hurt anything did it??

The KKK has a history of hate, intolerance and exclusion. Just substitute KKK with Unions and you have the same scenario.

I'm just waiting for the lynchings to start.

Did African Americans Cower, or stand up and fight for their rights?

Who are the heroes of the Civil Rights movements? Were they able to be cowards? Use your noggin. One was assassinated, and knew very well that he could be, yet he stayed fighting for his beliefs.
So if people become intimidated because people are slashing their tires, throwing things through windows and threatening their family they are cowards because the yare afraid?? Wow, what century is this?? I don't think burning crosses in people's yards really hurt anything did it??

The KKK has a history of hate, intolerance and exclusion. Just substitute KKK with Unions and you have the same scenario.

I'm just waiting for the lynchings to start.

Did African Americans Cower, or stand up and fight for their rights?

Who are the heroes of the Civil Rights movements? Were they able to be cowards? Use your noggin. One was assassinated, and knew very well that he could be, yet he stayed fighting for his beliefs.

And was his death necessary?? Does condoning violent behavior make you "brave"?? The heroes of the Civil Rights movement were the people of all colors that stood beside the people of color. Violence did not make the opposition right, did it???

This thread is about people in Wisconsin being afraid, is that what you want for them or are they just supposed to give in to the violence and accept it as a way of life??
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So if people become intimidated because people are slashing their tires, throwing things through windows and threatening their family they are cowards because the yare afraid?? Wow, what century is this?? I don't think burning crosses in people's yards really hurt anything did it??

The KKK has a history of hate, intolerance and exclusion. Just substitute KKK with Unions and you have the same scenario.

I'm just waiting for the lynchings to start.

Did African Americans Cower, or stand up and fight for their rights?

Who are the heroes of the Civil Rights movements? Were they able to be cowards? Use your noggin. One was assassinated, and knew very well that he could be, yet he stayed fighting for his beliefs.

And was his death necessary?? Does condoning violent behavior make you "brave"?? The heroes of the Civil Rights movement were the people of all colors that stood beside the people of color. Violence did not make the opposition right, did it???

Saying "dont fear violent behavior and let it suppress your beliefs"


My gawd.......Try taking a logic clourse for fuck's sake.
Did African Americans Cower, or stand up and fight for their rights?

Who are the heroes of the Civil Rights movements? Were they able to be cowards? Use your noggin. One was assassinated, and knew very well that he could be, yet he stayed fighting for his beliefs.

And was his death necessary?? Does condoning violent behavior make you "brave"?? The heroes of the Civil Rights movement were the people of all colors that stood beside the people of color. Violence did not make the opposition right, did it???

Saying "dont fear violent behavior and let it suppress your beliefs"


My gawd.......Try taking a logic clourse for fuck's sake.

I thought lefties cared about people and here you are telling the cowards they shouldn't be afraid of violence, just stand there and take the beating, it's for your own good.

You need a whole lot more than a logic course, that's for sure. One on compassion and tolerance of different beliefs might be a great start for you.
Strange, I haven't seen any news of this violent behavior toward those who support Governor Walker. I think that the GOP in Wisconsin just ran out of steam and voters. They are hoping that by resorting to lies they can put a little life into Governor, soon to the Ex., Walker's campaign against recall.
And was his death necessary?? Does condoning violent behavior make you "brave"?? The heroes of the Civil Rights movement were the people of all colors that stood beside the people of color. Violence did not make the opposition right, did it???

Saying "dont fear violent behavior and let it suppress your beliefs"


My gawd.......Try taking a logic clourse for fuck's sake.

I thought lefties cared about people and here you are telling the cowards they shouldn't be afraid of violence, just stand there and take the beating, it's for your own good.

You need a whole lot more than a logic course, that's for sure. One on compassion and tolerance of different beliefs might be a great start for you.

No, you need an American History Course, a comprehensive reading course.

Saying that people should stand up against fear-tactics and bullying is as American as apple pie.

And what you're saying to the people saying that, is : "oh, you condone bullying and using fear tactics."

It's pathetic dishonesty.
As I type I'm listening to people calling in on a local conservative talk show. One caller noted the lack of Walker support signs. The host said people need to get off their butt and put the signs out. Then his phones and email inbox exploded with the reasons people aren't putting Walker signs in their yard or on their car.

Law abiding Wisconsinites are afraid to show support for Walker.

They're afraid for their safety. They're afraid their windows will be broken if they have a pro-Walker sticker. And they're especially afraid for the safety of their children.

An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker.

THAT's what we're dealing with in Wisconsin. Some of these anti-Walker-ites are scary. Anti-Walker people feel free to talk as loud and as radically as they want, wherever they want. They make threatening phone calls to people who are doing business with Walker supporters. Anti-Walker teachers feel free to assign children to make drawings telling what is wrong with Walker. But parents are afraid to tell their children that they support Walker in case the child mentions it in school and is harmed in some way for it.

We've been living through months of this now. We don't want to let intimidation win. But some of these people have abandoned decency. You can't trust they know where the boundaries are anymore.

LOL. Whine, lie, snivel. You guys tried to screw over most of the citizens of Wisconsin, now you are getting your just deserts. Funny as hell.

Walker is dead meat. Dumb ass tried to impose the Koch Bros. wet dream of an oiligarchy on Wisconsin, and the voters have decided to kick the bum out. Good for them.

Cry, whine, and snivel all you want, we enjoy watching it.:razz:

Walker was elected by the voters to fix Wisconsin's fiscal mess. In short order he's managed to balance the budget without raising taxes and without laying off teachers, firefighters or police. Now tell me why you think the citizens of Wisconsin are going to "kick the bum out"? The crying, whining and sniveling is being done by progressives in Wisconsin. They lost and they're not happy about it. Even worse for them? Walker is doing what he SAID he would do when he ran for office.

The majority of voters in WI and OH are not happy about taking away collective bargaining rights under false pretenses from teachers and first responders. Yeah, radical Walker will pay the price for taking away from them while giving the same amount in $$$ subsidies to Big Business.

Get used to it. The ride of the freeloading hard right is over.
Did African Americans Cower, or stand up and fight for their rights?

Who are the heroes of the Civil Rights movements? Were they able to be cowards? Use your noggin. One was assassinated, and knew very well that he could be, yet he stayed fighting for his beliefs.

And was his death necessary?? Does condoning violent behavior make you "brave"?? The heroes of the Civil Rights movement were the people of all colors that stood beside the people of color. Violence did not make the opposition right, did it???

Saying "dont fear violent behavior and let it suppress your beliefs"


My gawd.......Try taking a logic clourse for fuck's sake.

Here's some "logic" for you...

Instead of forcing people to be martyrs and victims in the face of intimidation...why don't you condemn intimidation in the first place? You seem to think it's a necessary part of the process.
Wow, all this hysteria and outrage over one alleged incident reported on right-wing radio and another alleged incident reported by the free republic, neither of which can be corroborated by any other source.

You guys are a hoot. :thup:
You can't accept that violence is wrong by all sides, but that does happen, and that you have to pull up your big boy pants and move on.
I have seen more than one person in this thread state that they think violence is OK. Like I said before, I'm just waiting for the lynchings to start.
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Strange, I haven't seen any news of this violent behavior toward those who support Governor Walker. I think that the GOP in Wisconsin just ran out of steam and voters. They are hoping that by resorting to lies they can put a little life into Governor, soon to the Ex., Walker's campaign against recall.

So you really think the people in Wisconsin are going to go back to the way it was before? Before Walker they were looking at deficits as far as the eye could see, diminishing revenues and businesses leaving the State.

Now they have a balanced budget and businesses are coming to Wisconsin. Yeah, I can see how that would make Walker WILDLY unpopular. (eye-roll)
In WI spending needs to be cut and the public interest workers have said they are willing to negotiate pay and pensions accordingly.

What is your problem here?
And was his death necessary?? Does condoning violent behavior make you "brave"?? The heroes of the Civil Rights movement were the people of all colors that stood beside the people of color. Violence did not make the opposition right, did it???

Saying "dont fear violent behavior and let it suppress your beliefs"


My gawd.......Try taking a logic clourse for fuck's sake.

Here's some "logic" for you...

Instead of forcing people to be martyrs and victims in the face of intimidation...why don't you condemn intimidation in the first place? You seem to think it's a necessary part of the process.

It's not necessary, it's cowardice to use Violence.

And if you cower to the Violent, terror-tactics, you LOSE, they WIN.

Patriots stand up for their beliefs.

I'd rather Die for Something, than Live for nothing.
Why are the far right here such cowards? Why won't they stand up instead of whine and whimper and cower?
Why are the far right here such cowards? Why won't they stand up instead of whine and whimper and cower?

A better question would be this...

Why do progressives try to shut down the system every time they don't get their way?

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