Law professor: Slippery slope to legal incest and polygamy

Reasons: (1) increased population (2) vastly improved social media and personal communication (3) a growing sense of individualism and refusal to be judged by others

Good or bad: depends on one situational beliefs.

Don't like some of this stuff? Hint: don't do it.

A civilization with no moral and ethics is a doomed civilization. We are following the example of the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, and Mayans. great civilizations destroyed by liberal thought.

Last I checked Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians are still alive and kicking. How did liberal thought destroy the Mayans?

the ancient greeks and romans, but you knew that (I hope). I am not here to be your world history teacher. If you are really interested in what brought those civilizations down go to the library and do some study.

here's a couple hints-----large corrupt governments, lost work ethic, lost moral code.
It is immoral within my personal view to deny, discriminate against or judge persons born as gay as anything less than fully legitimate humans beings in society.

Also - inbreeding was once moral thankfully. Else, would we even be here?
A civilization with no moral and ethics is a doomed civilization. We are following the example of the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, and Mayans. great civilizations destroyed by liberal thought.

Last I checked Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians are still alive and kicking. How did liberal thought destroy the Mayans?

the ancient greeks and romans, but you knew that (I hope). I am not here to be your world history teacher. If you are really interested in what brought those civilizations down go to the library and do some study.

here's a couple hints-----large corrupt governments, lost work ethic, lost moral code.

I've studied history. However, I missed the part where we supposedly learned that ancient liberals destroyed those civilizations by enacting the liberal edicts of corruption, aversion to work, and the amoral code.

>>> you can't hit a fastball with a ping pong paddle

You are trying to prove that because someone else is allowed to do wrong you should be allowed to do a different but similar wrong that is illegal. It makes no sense. It makes no sense because "fairness" is a myth. Didn't your mom teach you that?

Leave family out. Reported.

The rest is your false logic.

Live as you wish. Leave everyone else to do the same. All of you social traditionalist right wing statists' days are done. Get used to it.

You are just a lying prick quoting me out of context, changing my words, projecting vile crap against the wall.

The two of you are perfect for each other. Go get married.
Last I checked Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians are still alive and kicking. How did liberal thought destroy the Mayans?

the ancient greeks and romans, but you knew that (I hope). I am not here to be your world history teacher. If you are really interested in what brought those civilizations down go to the library and do some study.

here's a couple hints-----large corrupt governments, lost work ethic, lost moral code.

I've studied history. However, I missed the part where we supposedly learned that ancient liberals destroyed those civilizations by enacting the liberal edicts of corruption, aversion to work, and the amoral code.


Then you never studied Roman history.
Of course you red versus blue dopes think that Rome fell because of liberalism. and, of course, anyone who doesn't think that is ignorant of history. It has nothing to do with its expansions - causing its Government to adapt to the newly conquered people - nothing to do with infiltrators (Barbarians), nothing to do with the two capitals (one still standing, mind you).....and don't even DARE mention that Christianity being adopted as the state religion is cited by the leading historians on ancient rome as being one of the underlying issues.

Naw, it was simply the icky gays and liberalism.

Warped fucking minds you bickering, spiteful old fucks have.
It is immoral within my personal view to deny, discriminate against or judge persons born as gay as anything less than fully legitimate humans beings in society.

Also - inbreeding was once moral thankfully. Else, would we even be here?

Newsflash: No one gives a shit what you think is immoral. You might be the least qualifed person here to declaim on morality.
It is immoral within my personal view to deny, discriminate against or judge persons born as gay as anything less than fully legitimate humans beings in society.

Also - inbreeding was once moral thankfully. Else, would we even be here?

Newsflash: No one gives a shit what you think is immoral. You might be the least qualifed person here to declaim on morality.

Least qualified are the ass holes such as yourself that degrade each and every conversation you're in into a personal attack. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

And - you don't know me, but it's nice to pretend.
It is immoral within my personal view to deny, discriminate against or judge persons born as gay as anything less than fully legitimate humans beings in society.

Also - inbreeding was once moral thankfully. Else, would we even be here?

Newsflash: No one gives a shit what you think is immoral. You might be the least qualifed person here to declaim on morality.

Least qualified are the ass holes such as yourself that degrade each and every conversation you're in into a personal attack. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

And - you don't know me, but it's nice to pretend.
You brought your own personal feelings into it, skippy. Dont blame me if you get whacked.
I am not here to be your world history teacher. If you are really interested in what brought those civilizations down go to the library and do some study.

here's a couple hints-----large corrupt governments, lost work ethic, lost moral code.

No, none of that had anything to do with the downfall of Greece or Rome. Both cultures had lots of institutionalized homosexuality and Rome, at least, had divorce. Both had institutionalized slavery and incredible torture and spectacular executions and circus events involving mass killings.

The cultures failed in both cases because of invasion and war. The Romans conquered and enslaved the Greeks and the Gauls conquered and took over the Roman Empire. Since the Gauls were very primitive, there were Dark Ages for a thousand years.

The lesson I take from that is that we probably shouldn't welcome in the current invasion of Muslims with open arms, as they are taking over Asia and Africa rapidly and want to take over America and Europe as well and are pretty far along already.

You'd think we'd learn something from the barbarian conquest of Rome, but noooooooo......
Newsflash: No one gives a shit what you think is immoral. You might be the least qualifed person here to declaim on morality.

Least qualified are the ass holes such as yourself that degrade each and every conversation you're in into a personal attack. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

And - you don't know me, but it's nice to pretend.
You brought your own personal feelings into it, skippy. Dont blame me if you get whacked.

Nobody needs my reassurance that you're a jerkoff.
You keep on with the fallacy that the state banned same sex marriage. I've already pointed out that is wrong. I quoted the text of the TN Constitution that establishes the rule. And yet you continue to spew misinformation and claim you somehow "won" because you've disproven what I never wrote.
Are you feeling quite all right?

"We support the passage of a Constitutional Amendment THAT MARRIAGE IS BETWEEN A MAN AND WOMAN ONLY"
And you claim with a straight face that is not wanting to allow gay folks to get married.
What are you protecting your self against there?
Hate to make you look real bad here as I tried to avoid that but you do not even know that Tennessee had EXISTING STATUTES that banned gay marriage and civil unions before your "protection" act.
You folks can marry your first cousins LEGALLY but gay folks can not get married.
You can marry under age 16 with a court order.
The Official Code Annotated in Tennessee specifically states "the LEGAL union of matrimony of ONLY ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN SHALL BE THE ONLY RECOGNIZED UNION IN THIS STATE"
That is the law and you claim there is no law there.
Give it up, your bull shit has been exposed as fraud.

You continue to say I claim things which I clearly don't.
Gays get married in TN all the time. Please show me a gay couple who got married and then got hauled off to jail for it. There is nothing illegal about 2 gays, or anyone else, marrying each other.
The state however does not recognize such marriages.

Do you need the state to recognize your marriage for it to be legitimate?

So you agree that gay marriage has always been around, and has its own history and tradition,

and occurs quite normally and naturally in society, even if certain governments don't recognize it.

lol, that's what I've been trying to tell you for years.

Same sex marriage is a gay cultural/societal practice. Marriage does not have to be 'redefined' in order to bring same sex marriage in the realm of civil/legal marriage.

Same sex marriage is and always has been part of the definition of marriage,

as your post above confirms.

This ‘argument’ was used and failed in Perry.

Advocates of Proposition 8 failed to provide any objective, documented evidence in support of this canard.

It is hardly a canard. It is the truth. People are so screwed up they cannot see it.
It is a fact that children coming out of a stable home with 2 parents tend to have fewer problems than otherwise. We are already seeing children raised in deviant homes being subjected to essentially child abuse by politically hyperactive "parents".

How is the discrimination different?

People who engage in the sin of interracial marriage need to reflect upon the offspring they will parent. What race will these children identify with? We know of a child who asked her maternal grandmother when she would turn white like her. ... The above-mentioned child put powder all over herself one day, in an attempt to look like her mother. This, of course, did not work. It will never work, and this child will suffer for her mother's sin forever.

What God Says About Interracial Marriage

What is the difference between interracial marriage and sibling marriage? Is it that you think one is a sin and the other isn't? What about a mother marrying her daughter?
I was not referring to small gene pool problems, I was referring to laws against incest as brought up in the OP.

Since I wrote the OP I can state categorically that you missed the whole point that the professor was making.

Think of the Children!

This argument is more relevant to incest than polygamy. Incest raises the risk of birth defects, or so we’ve been told. But the risks are reportedly small, and probably less than for parents over forty, or smokers, or those with certain hereditary diseases. If the government stepped in to regulate the decisions of potential parents on those grounds, we’d rightly dust off our “nanny state” bromides. This is the kind of thing we usually leave for people to decide for themselves. Here, too, the argument that marriage is about protecting the children sounds eerily familiar to the arguments trotted out against same-sex couples for years. And even if we wanted to intervene to protect the potential offspring of incestuous couples, there are things we could do (mandatory genetic counseling, for example) short of outright bans on their marriages.
The point he, and I, am trying to make is that you have to come up with better arguments than the standard ones you have, yet you keep trotting out the same idiotic argument, even after you admit that you have no explanation as to people with higher risk of passing on deleterious traits are allowed to reproduce without regulation.

Keep swinging though, sooner or later you will realize that you can't hit a fastball with a ping pong paddle.

>>> you can't hit a fastball with a ping pong paddle

Yes I can.

to your point.. you are trying to prove a wrong makes a right a wrong. Your argument makes no sense. You are trying to prove that because someone else is allowed to do wrong you should be allowed to do a different but similar wrong that is illegal. It makes no sense. It makes no sense because "fairness" is a myth. Didn't your mom teach you that?

The only thing I am proving is that you aren't thinking. The article I posted addressed your argument against incestuous marraige is bad for the children by pointing out that lots of other things are actually worse, yet you keep spouting the same argument because you don't have anything else. The entire point of this thread is that all arguments against any relationship are all based on the fact that some people are made uncomfortable by them, yet you keep swinging at that fastball and thinking you are hitting home runs.
It is immoral within my personal view to deny, discriminate against or judge persons born as gay as anything less than fully legitimate humans beings in society.

Also - inbreeding was once moral thankfully. Else, would we even be here?

Why do people cling to beliefs despite the evidence that they are wrong?
The adherents of social Christian nationalism here need to understand that no longer can they enforce right wing statist progressive government edicts on the American people in accordance with the socons' ideas of cultural conformity.

Kiddos, those days are over.
Last I checked Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians are still alive and kicking. How did liberal thought destroy the Mayans?

the ancient greeks and romans, but you knew that (I hope). I am not here to be your world history teacher. If you are really interested in what brought those civilizations down go to the library and do some study.

here's a couple hints-----large corrupt governments, lost work ethic, lost moral code.

I've studied history. However, I missed the part where we supposedly learned that ancient liberals destroyed those civilizations by enacting the liberal edicts of corruption, aversion to work, and the amoral code.


I suggest you read Edward Gibbons.
Of course you red versus blue dopes think that Rome fell because of liberalism. and, of course, anyone who doesn't think that is ignorant of history. It has nothing to do with its expansions - causing its Government to adapt to the newly conquered people - nothing to do with infiltrators (Barbarians), nothing to do with the two capitals (one still standing, mind you).....and don't even DARE mention that Christianity being adopted as the state religion is cited by the leading historians on ancient rome as being one of the underlying issues.

Naw, it was simply the icky gays and liberalism.

Warped fucking minds you bickering, spiteful old fucks have.

You don't think the Roman Empire going out of its way to impose its form of government on others was the problem, yet you just argued that it imposing its form of government on others was the problem.

As for inbreeding, I suggest you look up the fundamental precept of evolution, which is based on genetic drift.
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The culture of living and letting live should prevail, but it's only half-way enacted in our youth. Some people want to over-reach, most have conflicting views. "Stay out of my bedroom" out one side of the face while the other side says "being a fatty should not be legal."

I dunno.

I think that the only way to make society function a bit better is to act within your own community and leave national judging of one another at the curb for a while.
the ancient greeks and romans, but you knew that (I hope). I am not here to be your world history teacher. If you are really interested in what brought those civilizations down go to the library and do some study.

here's a couple hints-----large corrupt governments, lost work ethic, lost moral code.

I've studied history. However, I missed the part where we supposedly learned that ancient liberals destroyed those civilizations by enacting the liberal edicts of corruption, aversion to work, and the amoral code.


I suggest you read Edward Gibbons.

Those liberal Christians, eh? "Turn the other cheek" and all that, led to the decline. It's time to revive the true meaning of the Saturnalia. :eusa_pray:

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