

Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
How many have heard of Lawfare?

Basically, they are Obama Boys. Lawfare is sponsored by the Brookings Institute, a very, very, liberal, "Think Tank" in that Cesspool, Washington DC.

One of those heavily involved in Lawfare is a turd, first class turd, and Best Friend of James the name of Benjamin Wittes. He's is one of those pompous shits whose Confirmation Bias Bubble extends from New York down to Washington, D. C. and where ever he is in that bubble---when he looks West and particularly South, all he sees are scenes from the Movie Deliverance.

I don't want to say more. I just want to post this article LAWFARE has posted on its site---and for any of you who want to read it, please be asking yourself:

What Foreign Government are these Cocksuckers being paid by?

For you slow ones, here's a hint: Just click, you don't need to read---just check the Flag flying proudly at the beginning of the Article.

A good example of lawfare is when a watermelon group called Save Our Wetlands sued to prevent the Army Corps of Engineers from installing floodgates to prevent New Orleans from flooding in the event of a massive storm surge.

The tactic ensured the destruction of a very strategic major American city and oil/gas hub. For the commies, that was a huge win.
LAWFARE backs every effort to slander Trump; to impeach him; and particularly to defend the Coup Plotters in the Russia-Gate Scam.

I am pointed out the obvious reason----They. Work. For. CHINA!
What Foreign Government are these Cocksuckers being paid by?
Which foreign government is paying this cocksucker?

Best Book on Trump-Russian Scandal
Benjamin Wittes is editor in chief of Lawfare and a Senior Fellow in Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of several books {ALL OF THEM BULLSHIT}.

Wittes describing his relationship with the Traitor and TDS Sufferer Jim Comey said:

"That said, sometimes, as friends do, we have lunch, and when we do so, we talk about things of mutual interest, like how Lawfare is going or how life running the FBI is going. And those latter conversations necessarily involve President Trump—and President Obama before him."

Appears to me LAWFARE works for CHINA!

Read the article in the OP. In my opinion, No American person or entity, not on the Chinese payroll somehow, would have ever allowed that article to be posted on its web-site.

It's a small club of Deep State Bolsheviks like Comey, Liberal Cocksuckers, and Traitors whose only defense for their behavior will be Insanity as soon as the American Psychiatric Association gets around to declaring Trump Derangement Syndrome a Mental Disability and puts it in its:

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

How many have heard of Lawfare?

Basically, they are Obama Boys. Lawfare is sponsored by the Brookings Institute, a very, very, liberal, "Think Tank" in that Cesspool, Washington DC.


So, they're kinda like the ultraconservative judicial watch? Only with smarter members of course.

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