Lawmakers block Pentagon move to transfer $1 billion for Trump's border wall

No it isn’t. The money is being used is from the counterdrug fund. The money is being “reprogrammed” which is entirely legal.

No it is not, the DOD gave a list of construction projects on the chopping block to get the money. The money is going from the DOD to the DHS...which is against the Constitution.

Congress hasn’t objected. One committee member did. And they didn’t try and stop the money. The threat is they will pass a law next year recending their Reprogramming permission if Trump does this.

congress objected when they passed the spending bill without the money that Trump signed.

are you really this stupid or is it just an act to get on my good side?

This is what I hate about these things as I’ve said before. The Democrats leave you minions twisting and squirming on things they know they can’t win. You are a sort of crushable bumper.

House Armed Services Committee Chair Adam Smith (D-WA) formally rejected that notice in a letter today: “The committee does not approve the use of Department of Defense funds to construct additional physical barriers,”

But the letter was meaningless.

As Smith himself acknowledged while questioning Shanahan in an oversight hearing Tuesday, the request was unilateral — it wasn’t sent to Smith and Congress for approval, and it’s not something they have the ability to stop. The only thing that congressional Democrats can do now is to reduce the Pentagon’s ability to shift money around going forward — and that’s just what they’re threatening to do.

The Pentagon is putting $1 billion toward the wall — and House Democrats can’t stop them

To stop DoD’s use of the $1 billion now, Berger said the House would have to work with the Republican-controlled Senate and quickly pass specific legislation blocking that specific use. Given the pace and political reality of Congress, that’s unlikely, and DoD would have spent the funds before any such legislation could progress.

In reality, Berger said, "there’s nothing Congress can do to keep DoD from obligating and moving [the funds] to those 57 miles on the border,”

It’s more likely DoD’s overall reprogramming authority would be rescinded through a future debate — one that Republicans on the Senate side likely do not welcome, Berger said

Capitol Hill tries to deny Pentagon use of $1B for border wall

And then there's the court.
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No it isn’t. The money is being used is from the counterdrug fund. The money is being “reprogrammed” which is entirely legal.

No it is not, the DOD gave a list of construction projects on the chopping block to get the money. The money is going from the DOD to the DHS...which is against the Constitution.

Congress hasn’t objected. One committee member did. And they didn’t try and stop the money. The threat is they will pass a law next year recending their Reprogramming permission if Trump does this.

congress objected when they passed the spending bill without the money that Trump signed.

are you really this stupid or is it just an act to get on my good side?

This is what I hate about these things as I’ve said before. The Democrats leave you minions twisting and squirming on things they know they can’t win. You are a sort of crushable number.

House Armed Services Committee Chair Adam Smith (D-WA) formally rejected that notice in a letter today: “The committee does not approve the use of Department of Defense funds to construct additional physical barriers,”

But the letter was meaningless.

As Smith himself acknowledged while questioning Shanahan in an oversight hearing Tuesday, the request was unilateral — it wasn’t sent to Smith and Congress for approval, and it’s not something they have the ability to stop. The only thing that congressional Democrats can do now is to reduce the Pentagon’s ability to shift money around going forward — and that’s just what they’re threatening to do.

The Pentagon is putting $1 billion toward the wall — and House Democrats can’t stop them

To stop DoD’s use of the $1 billion now, Berger said the House would have to work with the Republican-controlled Senate and quickly pass specific legislation blocking that specific use. Given the pace and political reality of Congress, that’s unlikely, and DoD would have spent the funds before any such legislation could progress.

In reality, Berger said, "there’s nothing Congress can do to keep DoD from obligating and moving [the funds] to those 57 miles on the border,”

It’s more likely DoD’s overall reprogramming authority would be rescinded through a future debate — one that Republicans on the Senate side likely do not welcome, Berger said

Capitol Hill tries to deny Pentagon use of $1B for border wall

And then there's the court.

Whether he can get away with it or not does not make it right.

Obama did all sorts of shit that was wrong and against the Constitution and got away with it, that did not make it right.

Either you support the Constitution or you do not...and for you it is the latter.
Legislative veto ruled unconstitutional

“Congress must abide by its delegation of authority until that delegation...veto's legislative character is confirmed by the fact that, when the Framers intended to authorize either House of Congress to act alone and outside of its prescribed bicameral legislative role, they narrowly and precisely defined the procedure for such action in the Constitution.”
INS v. Chadha, 462 U.S. 919 (1983)

In the Chadha decision, however, the Supreme Court declared all legislative vetoes unconstitutional. The court concluded Congress could not act through concurrent resolution, but only by enacting a new law, through the process of bicameralism and presentment to the president—which provides the president with an opportunity to veto...

The Supreme Court’s Contribution to the Confrontation Over Emergency Powers

In other words ...bringing this down to a Golfing Gator level...if congress wants to stop this reprogramming both houses together have to change the law and then send it to Trump to sign.

Can’t wait :)
No it isn’t. The money is being used is from the counterdrug fund. The money is being “reprogrammed” which is entirely legal.

No it is not, the DOD gave a list of construction projects on the chopping block to get the money. The money is going from the DOD to the DHS...which is against the Constitution.

Congress hasn’t objected. One committee member did. And they didn’t try and stop the money. The threat is they will pass a law next year recending their Reprogramming permission if Trump does this.

congress objected when they passed the spending bill without the money that Trump signed.

are you really this stupid or is it just an act to get on my good side?
The money is not going to the DHS. It's going to build the wall.
No it isn’t. The money is being used is from the counterdrug fund. The money is being “reprogrammed” which is entirely legal.

No it is not, the DOD gave a list of construction projects on the chopping block to get the money. The money is going from the DOD to the DHS...which is against the Constitution.

Congress hasn’t objected. One committee member did. And they didn’t try and stop the money. The threat is they will pass a law next year recending their Reprogramming permission if Trump does this.

congress objected when they passed the spending bill without the money that Trump signed.

are you really this stupid or is it just an act to get on my good side?

This is what I hate about these things as I’ve said before. The Democrats leave you minions twisting and squirming on things they know they can’t win. You are a sort of crushable number.

House Armed Services Committee Chair Adam Smith (D-WA) formally rejected that notice in a letter today: “The committee does not approve the use of Department of Defense funds to construct additional physical barriers,”

But the letter was meaningless.

As Smith himself acknowledged while questioning Shanahan in an oversight hearing Tuesday, the request was unilateral — it wasn’t sent to Smith and Congress for approval, and it’s not something they have the ability to stop. The only thing that congressional Democrats can do now is to reduce the Pentagon’s ability to shift money around going forward — and that’s just what they’re threatening to do.

The Pentagon is putting $1 billion toward the wall — and House Democrats can’t stop them

To stop DoD’s use of the $1 billion now, Berger said the House would have to work with the Republican-controlled Senate and quickly pass specific legislation blocking that specific use. Given the pace and political reality of Congress, that’s unlikely, and DoD would have spent the funds before any such legislation could progress.

In reality, Berger said, "there’s nothing Congress can do to keep DoD from obligating and moving [the funds] to those 57 miles on the border,”

It’s more likely DoD’s overall reprogramming authority would be rescinded through a future debate — one that Republicans on the Senate side likely do not welcome, Berger said

Capitol Hill tries to deny Pentagon use of $1B for border wall

And then there's the court.

Whether he can get away with it or not does not make it right.

Obama did all sorts of shit that was wrong and against the Constitution and got away with it, that did not make it right.

Either you support the Constitution or you do not...and for you it is the latter.

Could be :). As I said...a fish doesn’t notice water. We weren’t arguing over the rightness of the issue. You like the Democrat and media position and I don’t.
I say they can’t stop Trump. And that’s that.
I’m wondering if your view of the wall and funding it line up with the Democrats and the press(again).

Hmmm....I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

my view of the wall funding is that I wanted Congress to give Trump the money that the Border Patrol said they needed to repair and add fencing where needed. I trust the BP to know what they need. Further, my view is that it was dishonest for the president to sign a spending bill he knew he was going to ignore. I think it is wrong for the POTUS to spend money specifically denied him by congress. The Constitution is clear on this.

So, feel free to give me a list of the press and the Dems that agree with that view of mine, how many Dems and the press wanted congress to give Trump the funding the BP asked for?

Fish don’t notice water...and you don’t notice your master. It just seems natural to you to servilely repeat the mantras.

you are so damn cute...I give you my view on the wall and you know it does not match that of anybody, so you resort to this.

how embarrassing for you.
Oh you are better than *everybody* lol.

No your view matches Pelosi’s. If she wins you win.

Yeah, I remember well Pelosi begging Trump to take money for fencing along the border.

you are not only stupid, you are as dishonest as Obama.

Dont try and burnish your credentials now. Do try and at least stay in your pro-Democrat anti- trump rant.
“It's unclear the extent to which Smith's panel can deny the money movement, since the Pentagon is acting on an order from President Donald Trump and has indicated it will do so unilaterally.“

Top lawmakers of both parties have warned they may cut off the Pentagon’s ability to move money within its budget if defense leaders violate longstanding custom by shifting funding without asking Congress’ permission.”

“We said, ‘Here are the risks longer term to the department,’ and those risks were weighed,” Shanahan said. “And then given a legal order from the commander in chief, we are executing on that order.”

House Armed Services chair rejects Pentagon bid to shift $1B toward border wall

The military will obey trump.

You have to laugh at these clowns. Schiff for brains believes he commands the armed forces. Apparently he doesn't understand how our government works.

Lawmakers blocked the Department of Defense's move to transfer $1 billion for the construction of a physical barrier along the US-Mexico border, the latest showdown in the battle over the border wall that President Trump has vowed to build.

On Monday, the Pentagon authorized the transfer of funds to Army engineers for projects along the border, which include building 57 miles of 18-foot-high fencing, constructing and improving roads, and installing lighting in support of Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Patrol. The move was carried out under the president's declaration of a national emergency, the department said in a statement.

As Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan was testifying before his committee, Rep. Adam Smith, the Democrat who chairs the House Armed Services Committee, released a letter denying the Pentagon's move to reprogram $1 billion.

"The House Committee on Armed Services has completed its review of the proposed reprogramming request," Smith's letter read, according to a copy obtained by Military Times. "The committee denies this request."

In a more detailed statement, Smith called the Department of Defense's decision to reprogram $1 billion without Congressional approval a violation of trust. "DoD is attempting to circumvent Congress and the American people's opposition to using taxpayer money for the construction of an unnecessary wall."

Seems that Congress has the power of the purse....but you never did care for the Constitution did you

Sent from my iPhone using
Congress can help with the budget and spending bills but the military after reciving funds can spend the money as they desire within limits
You have to laugh at these clowns. Schiff for brains believes he commands the armed forces. Apparently he doesn't understand how our government works.

Lawmakers blocked the Department of Defense's move to transfer $1 billion for the construction of a physical barrier along the US-Mexico border, the latest showdown in the battle over the border wall that President Trump has vowed to build.

On Monday, the Pentagon authorized the transfer of funds to Army engineers for projects along the border, which include building 57 miles of 18-foot-high fencing, constructing and improving roads, and installing lighting in support of Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Patrol. The move was carried out under the president's declaration of a national emergency, the department said in a statement.

As Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan was testifying before his committee, Rep. Adam Smith, the Democrat who chairs the House Armed Services Committee, released a letter denying the Pentagon's move to reprogram $1 billion.

"The House Committee on Armed Services has completed its review of the proposed reprogramming request," Smith's letter read, according to a copy obtained by Military Times. "The committee denies this request."

In a more detailed statement, Smith called the Department of Defense's decision to reprogram $1 billion without Congressional approval a violation of trust. "DoD is attempting to circumvent Congress and the American people's opposition to using taxpayer money for the construction of an unnecessary wall."

You don't understand how our government works. The Congress has the power of the purse. They can defund any military action the President takes.
You have to laugh at these clowns. Schiff for brains believes he commands the armed forces. Apparently he doesn't understand how our government works.

Lawmakers blocked the Department of Defense's move to transfer $1 billion for the construction of a physical barrier along the US-Mexico border, the latest showdown in the battle over the border wall that President Trump has vowed to build.

On Monday, the Pentagon authorized the transfer of funds to Army engineers for projects along the border, which include building 57 miles of 18-foot-high fencing, constructing and improving roads, and installing lighting in support of Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Patrol. The move was carried out under the president's declaration of a national emergency, the department said in a statement.

As Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan was testifying before his committee, Rep. Adam Smith, the Democrat who chairs the House Armed Services Committee, released a letter denying the Pentagon's move to reprogram $1 billion.

"The House Committee on Armed Services has completed its review of the proposed reprogramming request," Smith's letter read, according to a copy obtained by Military Times. "The committee denies this request."

In a more detailed statement, Smith called the Department of Defense's decision to reprogram $1 billion without Congressional approval a violation of trust. "DoD is attempting to circumvent Congress and the American people's opposition to using taxpayer money for the construction of an unnecessary wall."

Seems that Congress has the power of the purse....but you never did care for the Constitution did you

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So how did Obama give $150 billion to Iran?

Because it was Iran's money. It was a refund for military equipment that was paid for but never delivered.
You have to laugh at these clowns. Schiff for brains believes he commands the armed forces. Apparently he doesn't understand how our government works.

Lawmakers blocked the Department of Defense's move to transfer $1 billion for the construction of a physical barrier along the US-Mexico border, the latest showdown in the battle over the border wall that President Trump has vowed to build.

On Monday, the Pentagon authorized the transfer of funds to Army engineers for projects along the border, which include building 57 miles of 18-foot-high fencing, constructing and improving roads, and installing lighting in support of Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Patrol. The move was carried out under the president's declaration of a national emergency, the department said in a statement.

As Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan was testifying before his committee, Rep. Adam Smith, the Democrat who chairs the House Armed Services Committee, released a letter denying the Pentagon's move to reprogram $1 billion.

"The House Committee on Armed Services has completed its review of the proposed reprogramming request," Smith's letter read, according to a copy obtained by Military Times. "The committee denies this request."

In a more detailed statement, Smith called the Department of Defense's decision to reprogram $1 billion without Congressional approval a violation of trust. "DoD is attempting to circumvent Congress and the American people's opposition to using taxpayer money for the construction of an unnecessary wall."

Seems that Congress has the power of the purse....but you never did care for the Constitution did you

Sent from my iPhone using
Congress can help with the budget and spending bills but the military after reciving funds can spend the money as they desire within limits

No they cannot. They need approval from Congress to move a large sum of money around.
i've lost track of all the money he was scraping together

god bless dadonald :beer:

like AOC would say at least hes trying
You have to laugh at these clowns. Schiff for brains believes he commands the armed forces. Apparently he doesn't understand how our government works.

Lawmakers blocked the Department of Defense's move to transfer $1 billion for the construction of a physical barrier along the US-Mexico border, the latest showdown in the battle over the border wall that President Trump has vowed to build.

On Monday, the Pentagon authorized the transfer of funds to Army engineers for projects along the border, which include building 57 miles of 18-foot-high fencing, constructing and improving roads, and installing lighting in support of Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Patrol. The move was carried out under the president's declaration of a national emergency, the department said in a statement.

As Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan was testifying before his committee, Rep. Adam Smith, the Democrat who chairs the House Armed Services Committee, released a letter denying the Pentagon's move to reprogram $1 billion.

"The House Committee on Armed Services has completed its review of the proposed reprogramming request," Smith's letter read, according to a copy obtained by Military Times. "The committee denies this request."

In a more detailed statement, Smith called the Department of Defense's decision to reprogram $1 billion without Congressional approval a violation of trust. "DoD is attempting to circumvent Congress and the American people's opposition to using taxpayer money for the construction of an unnecessary wall."
These are traitors!
Adam Smith does not have that authority, nor does his Committee. The entire House already had it’s little resolution disagreeing with the President’s emergency declaration and failed to override Trump’s veto. This is pure and simple grandstanding. Adam Smith is a corrupt idiot who doesn’t even know what his authority is.

The committee does have that power. They have the power of the purse. This clears the way for the courts to step in and block Trump's plan.
Congress may have the "power of the purse", but once that money is allocated it is OUT of their control. The department decides how to use that money, not Schiff or Pelosi or anybody else. .

It cannot be used for something other than what it was allocated for. The DOT cannot take money from the USDA without congressional approval.

What Trump is doing it taking money from the DOD and giving it to the DHS, and that is against the Constitution.
Unless money is allocated for a specific project or program, departments are able to use it as they see fit. The government has done this for decades.

You are a lying little brat. Departments cannot spend it for whatever they desire.
You have to laugh at these clowns. Schiff for brains believes he commands the armed forces. Apparently he doesn't understand how our government works.

Lawmakers blocked the Department of Defense's move to transfer $1 billion for the construction of a physical barrier along the US-Mexico border, the latest showdown in the battle over the border wall that President Trump has vowed to build.

On Monday, the Pentagon authorized the transfer of funds to Army engineers for projects along the border, which include building 57 miles of 18-foot-high fencing, constructing and improving roads, and installing lighting in support of Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Patrol. The move was carried out under the president's declaration of a national emergency, the department said in a statement.

As Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan was testifying before his committee, Rep. Adam Smith, the Democrat who chairs the House Armed Services Committee, released a letter denying the Pentagon's move to reprogram $1 billion.

"The House Committee on Armed Services has completed its review of the proposed reprogramming request," Smith's letter read, according to a copy obtained by Military Times. "The committee denies this request."

In a more detailed statement, Smith called the Department of Defense's decision to reprogram $1 billion without Congressional approval a violation of trust. "DoD is attempting to circumvent Congress and the American people's opposition to using taxpayer money for the construction of an unnecessary wall."
These are traitors!
Adam Smith does not have that authority, nor does his Committee. The entire House already had it’s little resolution disagreeing with the President’s emergency declaration and failed to override Trump’s veto. This is pure and simple grandstanding. Adam Smith is a corrupt idiot who doesn’t even know what his authority is.

The committee does have that power. They have the power of the purse. This clears the way for the courts to step in and block Trump's plan.
It does absolutely nothing.
You have to laugh at these clowns. Schiff for brains believes he commands the armed forces. Apparently he doesn't understand how our government works.

Lawmakers blocked the Department of Defense's move to transfer $1 billion for the construction of a physical barrier along the US-Mexico border, the latest showdown in the battle over the border wall that President Trump has vowed to build.

On Monday, the Pentagon authorized the transfer of funds to Army engineers for projects along the border, which include building 57 miles of 18-foot-high fencing, constructing and improving roads, and installing lighting in support of Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Patrol. The move was carried out under the president's declaration of a national emergency, the department said in a statement.

As Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan was testifying before his committee, Rep. Adam Smith, the Democrat who chairs the House Armed Services Committee, released a letter denying the Pentagon's move to reprogram $1 billion.

"The House Committee on Armed Services has completed its review of the proposed reprogramming request," Smith's letter read, according to a copy obtained by Military Times. "The committee denies this request."

In a more detailed statement, Smith called the Department of Defense's decision to reprogram $1 billion without Congressional approval a violation of trust. "DoD is attempting to circumvent Congress and the American people's opposition to using taxpayer money for the construction of an unnecessary wall."

Seems that Congress has the power of the purse....but you never did care for the Constitution did you

Sent from my iPhone using
Congress can help with the budget and spending bills but the military after reciving funds can spend the money as they desire within limits

No they cannot. They need approval from Congress to move a large sum of money around.
No they dont
You have to laugh at these clowns. Schiff for brains believes he commands the armed forces. Apparently he doesn't understand how our government works.

Lawmakers blocked the Department of Defense's move to transfer $1 billion for the construction of a physical barrier along the US-Mexico border, the latest showdown in the battle over the border wall that President Trump has vowed to build.

On Monday, the Pentagon authorized the transfer of funds to Army engineers for projects along the border, which include building 57 miles of 18-foot-high fencing, constructing and improving roads, and installing lighting in support of Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Patrol. The move was carried out under the president's declaration of a national emergency, the department said in a statement.

As Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan was testifying before his committee, Rep. Adam Smith, the Democrat who chairs the House Armed Services Committee, released a letter denying the Pentagon's move to reprogram $1 billion.

"The House Committee on Armed Services has completed its review of the proposed reprogramming request," Smith's letter read, according to a copy obtained by Military Times. "The committee denies this request."

In a more detailed statement, Smith called the Department of Defense's decision to reprogram $1 billion without Congressional approval a violation of trust. "DoD is attempting to circumvent Congress and the American people's opposition to using taxpayer money for the construction of an unnecessary wall."

Seems that Congress has the power of the purse....but you never did care for the Constitution did you

Sent from my iPhone using
Congress can help with the budget and spending bills but the military after reciving funds can spend the money as they desire within limits

Yes, they can spend the money as they desire within limits...and one of those limits is not transferring the money to a different department.
my view of the wall funding is that I wanted Congress to give Trump the money that the Border Patrol said they needed to repair and add fencing where needed. I trust the BP to know what they need. Further, my view is that it was dishonest for the president to sign a spending bill he knew he was going to ignore. I think it is wrong for the POTUS to spend money specifically denied him by congress. The Constitution is clear on this.

So, feel free to give me a list of the press and the Dems that agree with that view of mine, how many Dems and the press wanted congress to give Trump the funding the BP asked for?

Fish don’t notice water...and you don’t notice your master. It just seems natural to you to servilely repeat the mantras.

you are so damn cute...I give you my view on the wall and you know it does not match that of anybody, so you resort to this.

how embarrassing for you.
Oh you are better than *everybody* lol.

No your view matches Pelosi’s. If she wins you win.

Yeah, I remember well Pelosi begging Trump to take money for fencing along the border.

you are not only stupid, you are as dishonest as Obama.

Dont try and burnish your credentials now. Do try and at least stay in your pro-Democrat anti- trump rant.

you are so cute when you try so hard to put me into the duopoly box. my very existence is beyond your limited ability to comprehend.

but it is not your fault, you cannot help that you were born a moron

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