Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

You sound like a Jennifer Rubin conservative.

Following Christian laws is much better than following godless atheist laws like those allowing abortion.

I notice you did not answer my question. I volunteered to defend this nation. How about you?
So you're fine with godless laws like abortion on demand, but you're dead set against Christian laws that protect human life? Tell me how that makes sense. Unless of course you favor atheism.

Have I said I favor abortion on demand? Or are you just spouting what you want me to say to make your argument easier?
The fact that those christian laws are forced on those who are not christian would be the most objectional part, imho.
Laws against murder are also Christian laws. Do you oppose them too? Some people would no doubt like to eliminate those laws. Are the rights of murderers being infringed upon in your mind?
Laws against murder are also Christian laws. Do you oppose them too? Some people would no doubt like to eliminate those laws. Are the rights of murderers being infringed upon in your mind?

There have been laws against murder in every culture since the Code of Hammarabi. It is not a strictly christian law.
There have been laws against murder in every culture since the Code of Hammarabi. It is not a strictly christian law.
Nobody said the laws I proposed were strictly Christian laws. Other religions oppose gay marriage. Why are you bigoted against religious laws, and only favor atheist laws?
No, I was not in the armed services. But I support the party that supports the military.

How noble of you.

Look, there is no way a majority of Americans will ever accept a theocracy. No majority of Americans will accept laws based strictly on one religion. There is no way a majority of Americans will abide by your desire to outlaw all abortion. Nor will they allow all other religions to be made illegal.

So your pipedream is a waste of energy.
So how does following atheist laws such as abortion on demand more closely follow Jesus' teaching in your mind?
It's not His teachings I'm pointing out. Did He go around forcing everyone to follow them? There were Romans in Judea in the 1st century worshipping idols, for crying' out loud. Did Jesus use force to get them to stop? Of course not. You were taught by St. Paul on what your relationship is to be with whatever government you're living under.

1 Let everyone submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which derives from God, and whatever authorities exist have been instituted by God. 2 Consequently, anyone who resists authority is rebelling against what God has appointed, and those who so resist will bring judgment upon themselves.

3 Rulers are a source of fear not to those who do good but rather to those who do evil. Do you wish to be free of fear from someone in authority? Then continue to do what is right and you will receive his approval. 4 For he is acting as God’s representative for your welfare. But if you do what is evil, then be afraid for he does not wear a sword for nothing. People in authority are God’s servants to mete out punishment to wrongdoers.

5 Therefore, you are obliged to submit, not only because of fear of punishment but also because of conscience. 6 That is why you also pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, and they devote themselves to this service. 7 Pay to each person what is rightfully his—taxes to the one to whom taxes are due, tolls to the one to whom tolls are due, respect to the one to whom respect is due, honor to the one to whom honor is due. Romans 13:1-7

Paul wrote that in 55-60 AD. There were no Christians in the Roman government at that time.
Nobody said the laws I proposed were strictly Christian laws. Other religions oppose gay marriage. Why are you bigoted against religious laws, and only favor atheist laws?

I favor laws based on our Constitution. I want no religion to have sway over the laws that govern all our citizens.

Same sex marriage has not harmed anyone at all. Your claim that AIDs is involved in that is simply a lie. Two people who marry and remain monogamous, regardless of gender, are not causing the spread of AIDs. And your desire to make gay sex illegal is laughable. It won't happen. And the majority of American citizens will never favor it.
How noble of you.

Look, there is no way a majority of Americans will ever accept a theocracy. No majority of Americans will accept laws based strictly on one religion. There is no way a majority of Americans will abide by your desire to outlaw all abortion. Nor will they allow all other religions to be made illegal.

So your pipedream is a waste of energy.
How noble of me? Yeah, there was no draft when I came of age. No war. I had options and went to college. You probably didn't.

I realize the goal of the far left is for to society to accept atheism like frogs being boiled to death in a pan of water. But as a defender of America, I will not stand by and allow us to become Communist China without a fight.
It's not His teachings I'm pointing out. Did He go around forcing everyone to follow them? There were Romans in Judea in the 1st century worshipping idols, for crying' out loud. Did Jesus use force to get them to stop? Of course not. You were taught by St. Paul on what your relationship is to be with whatever government you're living under.

1 Let everyone submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which derives from God, and whatever authorities exist have been instituted by God. 2 Consequently, anyone who resists authority is rebelling against what God has appointed, and those who so resist will bring judgment upon themselves.

3 Rulers are a source of fear not to those who do good but rather to those who do evil. Do you wish to be free of fear from someone in authority? Then continue to do what is right and you will receive his approval. 4 For he is acting as God’s representative for your welfare. But if you do what is evil, then be afraid for he does not wear a sword for nothing. People in authority are God’s servants to mete out punishment to wrongdoers.

5 Therefore, you are obliged to submit, not only because of fear of punishment but also because of conscience. 6 That is why you also pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, and they devote themselves to this service. 7 Pay to each person what is rightfully his—taxes to the one to whom taxes are due, tolls to the one to whom tolls are due, respect to the one to whom respect is due, honor to the one to whom honor is due. Romans 13:1-7

Paul wrote that in 55-60 AD. There were no Christians in the Roman government at that time.
By your logic, we shouldn't have Christian laws like against murder and larceny, and people shouldn't be "forced" to follow them. That's absurd.
How noble of me? Yeah, there was no draft when I came of age. No war. I had options and went to college. You probably didn't.

I realize the goal of the far left is for to society to accept atheism like frogs being boiled to death in a pan of water. But as a defender of America, I will not stand by and allow us to become Communist China without a fight.

Once again you project what you want me to be. And do not ask anything about me.

Yes, I went to college and got my degree in Secondary Education. I even used it for a few years before changing careers.
By your logic, we shouldn't have Christian laws like against murder and larceny, and people shouldn't be "forced" to follow them. That's absurd.

Absolutely not what he said.

Laws against murder and larceny are not strictly Christian, or even strictly religious laws.
Once again you project what you want me to be. And do not ask anything about me.

Yes, I went to college and got my degree in Secondary Education. I even used it for a few years before changing careers.
Did you go into the service before college?
Was the Vietnam war going on when you were in the service?

No, it was not. There was no war on when I volunteered either. But I chose to serve. And now you choose to belittle me for it because we disagree on whether we should have a theocracy.
No, it was not. There was no war on when I volunteered either. But I chose to serve. And now you choose to belittle me for it because we disagree on whether we should have a theocracy.
, I just asked if you went in the service right out of high school. Do you consider that belittlement?
I went to college out of high school. I had options.
Laws against abortion are not strictly Christian laws. Your point?

I have made my point quite clear, I think.

No, the majority of American citizens will never allow a theocracy. The numbers of faithful, church-going Christians has been dropping for decades.
I have made my point quite clear, I think.

No, the majority of American citizens will never allow a theocracy. The numbers of faithful, church-going Christians has been dropping for decades.
No, you've contradicted your "point". You oppose anti-abortion laws because they are Christian, but then you say you are fine with laws that are not only Christian. Yet anti-abortion laws are favored by more than just Christians. You have no idea what you are objecting about. You just know you hate Christianity.
, I just asked if you went in the service right out of high school. Do you consider that belittlement?
I went to college out of high school. I had options.

You asked whether I joined the service right out of high school well after you made remarks like:
"An atheist liberal soldier? That's a good one."
"Show me a liberal soldier, and I'll show you a draftee."
"I had opportunities and went to college. You probably didn't"

And no, I joined the service about a year after high school.

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