Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

Oh, we're getting there all right. And when it happens, it will be instantaneous. You'll turn on CNN and it won't be there.
Well, it isn't's happening now. Now is the time to stop it.
No, I should stay here and live with the freedom our brilliant forefathers built for us. A place where your theocratic ideals are soundly defeated at every turn.

Just ask Judge Roy Moore.
The Communists and their media can't have people like Roy Moore around. They took him out. Unfortunately, there is no one to take out the Communists.
The Communists and their media can't have people like Roy Moore around. They took him out. Unfortunately, there is no one to take out the Communists.

They removed him from the bench because he violated the US Constitution after he swore an oath to uphold it. That is the whole truth.
It's a shame you don't think enough of her to commit to her.
It's happy for him, I doubt it's all that happy for his non-wife. Sad. The only reason men don't marry is so that they have the option of walking away and not having to share the property they were able to acquire because they had a partner.
It's a shame you don't think enough of her to commit to her.

You have no idea how much I love this woman. But paying a fee for gov't approval does not change that. Marriage is fine. I have no objection to it. In fact, I fully support same sex marriages. But I see no need for my g/f and I to marry. The tax break would be nice, but that is it.
It's happy for him, I doubt it's all that happy for his non-wife. Sad. The only reason men don't marry is so that they have the option of walking away and not having to share the property they were able to acquire because they had a partner.

Once again, you have no idea what my relationship is about. She makes more money than I do. We live in her house. And we are both supremely happy.

Try not judging things of which you know nothing about.
It's happy for him, I doubt it's all that happy for his non-wife. Sad. The only reason men don't marry is so that they have the option of walking away and not having to share the property they were able to acquire because they had a partner.
In all but the most backwards jurisdiction, 10 years of living together is considered like being married for purposes of separation. The major drawback of not being married, and one of the important point in the fight for gay marriage, is the inability to make medical and legal decision for your partner.
The reason I disagree is that those who favor divorce, abortion, euthanasia use politics and lobbies (lawyers, for example) to push these policies. If lawyers and doctors can push their policies then why deny the same to priests, rabbis, and deacons? Does a true democracy deny people of opposing beliefs of a lesser voice? Note that those pushing the three issues I listed show no willingness to compromise: Abortion for any reason; divorce for any reason; euthanasia for any reason.

Until the opposing side is willing to agree, "No abortion divorce euthanasia for... they are the ones most guilty of not letting everyone have their say. All or nothing is not a good way to run what is supposedly a democracy.
Loveless Shotgun Marriages and Hated Children Is Your Sadistic Goal

True democracy follows the common people's common sense, which is shown by the fact that no woman, when asked how many children she's had would answer, "Three. One abortion, one miscarriage, and one born alive."

Life begins at birth. The rest is up to the pregnant woman. Calling her a "mother" begs the question by assuming something without proof in order to dishonestly get sympathy. So does calling the fetus a "baby."
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I doubt it would be long before laws were passed to that effect.
I do. Laws don't need to be passed to decide what is taught. So if there is some all powerful secret cabal about to impose its will, it would already have been done by now. Otherwise they wouldn't be much of an all powerful secret cabal.
I do. Laws don't need to be passed to decide what is taught. So if there is some all powerful secret cabal about to impose its will, it would already have been done by now. Otherwise they wouldn't be much of an all powerful secret cabal.

The context of my comment was if the US were to become an officially Christian nation, and the laws that would be enacted after that.
There's the flip side of this to consider too, another pope wanted his lover to be the next pope after him. I believe the bishops murdered him.
Preppy Princes Prancing

As was done eventually to the prissy prince in Braveheart, who became King Edward II on the death of Longshanks. Anyone with a father like he had would want to become a woman, but we are forbidden to understand what causes Gayism, which is not a sexuality but an Oedipus Complex. Also forbidden on the Netrix is the revealing logic that whenever a fringe group has enough power to change the people's laws, it must be upper-class.
No, but your question is irrelevant. We are a society of laws, and if you break them there are consequences. But it's time we drop the vile godless laws and replace them with Christian ones.
Sanctified Escapism

The early Christians were traitors and cowards. As Edward Gibbon proved in The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, their unmanly virtues let civilized Rome collapse into the Dark Ages. They refused to fight the barbarians, claiming that only prayer would defeat them. So they and the Romans they deserted got slaughtered mercilessly. They even approved of that, saying that it made them martyrs who would go straight to heaven. The result of dismissing the world as the Devil's Workshop was that Rome's population declined from one million to twenty thousand at the peak of "The Age of Faith." That is the future your plan would lead to.
, I just asked if you went in the service right out of high school. Do you consider that belittlement?
I went to college out of high school. I had options.
In College, the Student Lives Like a Child. So He Graduates With the Mind of a Child.

College is for teenagers who are afraid to grow up. I was afraid of not growing up, so I volunteered for combat in Vietnam.

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