Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

In College, the Student Lives Like a Child. So He Graduates With the Mind of a Child.

College is for teenagers who are afraid to grow up. I was afraid of not growing up, so I volunteered for combat in Vietnam.
Saying colleges is for teenagers who are afraid to grow up is the same as saying those who became military grunts out of high school had no other options.
It's a shame you don't think enough of her to commit to her.

Actually, I am very committed to her. And my commitment is not based on laws that would take property from me or her. It is not based on legal issues of a divorce.

Our commitment is based on mutual love and respect for each other. It needs no gov't license to prove it is real.
Saying colleges is for teenagers who are afraid to grow up is the same as saying those who became military grunts out of high school had no other options.

But you assumed that I had no other options and assumed I did not go to college. Funny how you don't mind assumption one way, but get insulted when they are returned your way.
You atheist activists really want to cling on to that power, don't you? Took about 300 posts for you to finally say what you are.

I have not hidden what I am at all. Mainly because it is irrelevant to the topic.
Here are a few beneficial changes that would be made under a Christian United States government. So many problems would vanish overnight with this legislation. Many more would reduce over time. There could be more. These were just a few things I thought of initially. Really common sense stuff, basically a return to 1950s television, an era when families were stronger and children became independent earlier, and societal norms opposed sex outside marriage. A time when top shows were Donna Reed and Leave it to Beaver. A time when it was the norm to attend church, there were the most priests and sisters and Catholic schools in history.

This could be a reality, folks, if enough of us think about it, work towards it, and pray hard. They never though Roe v Wade would fall, and now look what is happening, so it CAN be done!

In the Schools:
Christian/Catholic sexual morality taught from the earliest grades:
1. Human lives are of supreme importance. Animals are subordinate,
2. Sex is only permissible through marriage
3. Birth control will not be discussed, nor will condoms be distributed in the schools.
4. Sex education would be replaced with sensible teaching on dating which would include recommendations of:
..... a. Relatively early curfew times
..... b. No passionate kissing prior to marriage
.....c. Emphasis on getting to know the other person
.....d. Duggar-style side hugs, rather than frontal.

Ten Commandments, crosses, and crucifixes may be displayed.
School prayer allowed and encouraged.
Christmas may be celebrated. Christian themed decorations may be used
Christian-themed Christmas plays may be performed.
Racist CRT banned.
Prominent Americans returned to the history books. Lives of the greatest canonized saints would be added in order to inspire children.
Christian schools would be strengthened.
All leftwing/ Marxist propaganda removed from schools and universities. Overt Marxists teachers would either reform or be dismissed.
No alcohol allowed in university dorms which house underaged students. (You might be amazed this is allowed in many or most freshman dorms).

In movies and television:

  • Nudity is banned.
  • Depictions of sex outside marriage banned
  • Foul language banned
  • Graphic physical harm depictions banned
  • Only nuclear family depictions: Parents married.
  • Depictions of cohabitation banned.
  • Gay sex acts are banned.
In media:
No legislation may be pushed by a news outlet that violates Christian moral teaching. Abortion, rioting, extra rights for gays or trans, pitting women against men may not be advocated. Basically any promotion of the issues Marxist atheists use to divide and undermine the country will be banned.

In commerce and law:
Pornography banned.
Abortion mills illegal.
Mexico City Policy made permanent.
Most government domestic programs will be shut down, and a private sharing program would be established where people send funds directly to those designated in need. This would eliminate large piles of money. This will be the topic of another thread. It is based on charity, rather than coercion. It would also remove power from leftwing politicians
Government photo and/or fingerprint or retinal ID would be used for all voting. No drop boxes. Only verified mail-in voting. Very limited early voting.
Illegal immigration would be stopped cold. Legal immigration requirements would be relaxed for countries for which they are onerous.
Recreational drugs once again illegalized.
Sounds like you created hell on earth for most people, how can you live with that ? Thank God ( I mean the real one, not your religious one. ) that's never going to happen.
Sounds like you created hell on earth for most people, how can you live with that ? Thank God ( I mean the real one, not your religious one. ) that's never going to happen.
Hell on earth? Only if you're a hooker, porn addict, drug addict, or you want to steal elections. Otherwise my proposed laws wouldn't bother you in the least.
Hell on earth? Only if you're a hooker, porn addict, drug addict, or you want to steal elections. Otherwise my proposed laws wouldn't bother you in the least.
When Jesus was on earth there were the all sorts of sinners all around Him. Did He try to acquire worldly political power so He could pass laws that stop them? He didn't, but you want to? Where and when did you get the idea that you're a better Christian than Jesus?
Hell on earth? Only if you're a hooker, porn addict, drug addict, or you want to steal elections. Otherwise my proposed laws wouldn't bother you in the least.
Or you like music, movies, theater, comedy, entertainment of any type, and opinions, politics, or religious views different from the Mashmount Taliban regime.

The gulags would be full in your paradise.
Hell on earth? Only if you're a hooker, porn addict, drug addict, or you want to steal elections. Otherwise my proposed laws wouldn't bother you in the least.
I did the calculations in my head, in one way or another you offended and / or marginalized 89% of the US population. There are only about 11% of Christian zealots living in this country that might go for your plan. The majority of Christians alone wouldn't have any part of it. Most everyone knows better.
I did the calculations in my head, in one way or another you offended and / or marginalized 89% of the US population. There are only about 11% of Christian zealots living in this country that might go for your plan. The majority of Christians alone wouldn't have any part of it. Most everyone knows better.
I already see my obvious error Christians only make up 64% of the population 11% of that does not constitute the entire US population therefore the number of people who would most likely not approve of your plan for our nation's government retune jumps to somewhere between 93 and 94%. Sorry I didn't take that into consideration in my original calculations. Plus you're going to have a lot of infighting amongst those zealots so either way you look at it it's not going to fly but it's nice to know you have an active imagination. Everyone should have one of those, it's part of what makes life living here on Earth, however brief that may be.
Here are a few beneficial changes that would be made under a Christian United States government. So many problems would vanish overnight with this legislation. Many more would reduce over time. There could be more. These were just a few things I thought of initially. Really common sense stuff, basically a return to 1950s television, an era when families were stronger and children became independent earlier, and societal norms opposed sex outside marriage. A time when top shows were Donna Reed and Leave it to Beaver. A time when it was the norm to attend church, there were the most priests and sisters and Catholic schools in history.

This could be a reality, folks, if enough of us think about it, work towards it, and pray hard. They never though Roe v Wade would fall, and now look what is happening, so it CAN be done!

In the Schools:
Christian/Catholic sexual morality taught from the earliest grades:
1. Human lives are of supreme importance. Animals are subordinate,
2. Sex is only permissible through marriage
3. Birth control will not be discussed, nor will condoms be distributed in the schools.
4. Sex education would be replaced with sensible teaching on dating which would include recommendations of:
..... a. Relatively early curfew times
..... b. No passionate kissing prior to marriage
.....c. Emphasis on getting to know the other person
.....d. Duggar-style side hugs, rather than frontal.

Ten Commandments, crosses, and crucifixes may be displayed.
School prayer allowed and encouraged.
Christmas may be celebrated. Christian themed decorations may be used
Christian-themed Christmas plays may be performed.
Racist CRT banned.
Prominent Americans returned to the history books. Lives of the greatest canonized saints would be added in order to inspire children.
Christian schools would be strengthened.
All leftwing/ Marxist propaganda removed from schools and universities. Overt Marxists teachers would either reform or be dismissed.
No alcohol allowed in university dorms which house underaged students. (You might be amazed this is allowed in many or most freshman dorms).

In movies and television:

  • Nudity is banned.
  • Depictions of sex outside marriage banned
  • Foul language banned
  • Graphic physical harm depictions banned
  • Only nuclear family depictions: Parents married.
  • Depictions of cohabitation banned.
  • Gay sex acts are banned.
In media:
No legislation may be pushed by a news outlet that violates Christian moral teaching. Abortion, rioting, extra rights for gays or trans, pitting women against men may not be advocated. Basically any promotion of the issues Marxist atheists use to divide and undermine the country will be banned.

In commerce and law:
Pornography banned.
Abortion mills illegal.
Mexico City Policy made permanent.
Most government domestic programs will be shut down, and a private sharing program would be established where people send funds directly to those designated in need. This would eliminate large piles of money. This will be the topic of another thread. It is based on charity, rather than coercion. It would also remove power from leftwing politicians
Government photo and/or fingerprint or retinal ID would be used for all voting. No drop boxes. Only verified mail-in voting. Very limited early voting.
Illegal immigration would be stopped cold. Legal immigration requirements would be relaxed for countries for which they are onerous.
Recreational drugs once again illegalized.
it would be a good world to live in... but unrealistic?
It would not be a good world to live in if I have the time I will point out each and every problem with what you stated.
There you go again acting like you believe there is such a thing as right and wrong, stann.
There you go again acting like you believe there is such a thing as right and wrong, stann.
This is very getting very old. You are the one who keeps saying right or wrong you are the one who's in good or bad. I want to stay for the record how we utilize this world can only be viewed as positively or negatively. That which encourages diversity, unity and longevity of all species on the planet without preference shown to any one species is a positive attitude that allows growth and development. That which encourages division, irresponsibility, violence, hatred, and untoward emotions has a negative attitude on growth and development. It's that simple. I can't explain it any better than that if you can't comprehend it I'm sorry that's all I got.
This is very getting very old. You are the one who keeps saying right or wrong you are the one who's in good or bad. I want to stay for the record how we utilize this world can only be viewed as positively or negatively. That which encourages diversity, unity and longevity of all species on the planet without preference shown to any one species is a positive attitude that allows growth and development. That which encourages division, irresponsibility, violence, hatred, and untoward emotions has a negative attitude on growth and development. It's that simple. I can't explain it any better than that if you can't comprehend it I'm sorry that's all I got.
You keep making comments like this would be a good world if. Clearly you are stating a belief that shows you believe you absolutely know what is good and what isn't. To make matters worse you think everyone should see it the same way as you do and behave the same way. That's a horrible idea. Truth is arrived at through a conflict and confusion process. I am challenging you because I believe your beliefs are not only wrong but dangerous to freedom and liberty.

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