Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

I'm always amused that people refer to "The '50s" as it was some idyllic, morally superior time in our history.

Portrayed by TV sitcoms as a pure country of nuclear families in Colonial houses. It was a time of great moral injustice. Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, and gender was both legal and commonplace. Drug and alcohol use had become commonplace and teen pregnancy was at its highest rate ever in the US. 1 in 10 pregnancies were unwed teens.

In fact, teen pregnancy rates today are much lower than that of our slutty mother's and grandmother's World War II generation.

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1. The point I've made about the 1950's is it was a better time for the family structure, and that applied to all races.
2. People married as teens more often 1950s Married teens having children isn't slutty. The problem today is the rampant sex outside marriage that causes all the problems. Such acts were frowned upon by society in the 50s
3. That decade was also the high point for the number of priests, sisters, and Catholic schools. People devoting their lives to the service of others. That ethos has declined in these more atheist times.
No, I ignore you because you're a boring long-winded troll stalker.
Yeah right. My questions to you regarding Humanae Vitae we’re probably just too much for a religious fanatics mind. It required an intellectually adept answer. And you ran.
1. The point I've made about the 1950's is it was a better time for the family structure, and that applied to all races.
2. People married as teens more often 1950s Married teens having children isn't slutty. The problem today is the rampant sex outside marriage that causes all the problems. Such acts were frowned upon by society in the 50s
3. That decade was also the high point for the number of priests, sisters, and Catholic schools. People devoting their lives to the service of others. That ethos has declined in these more atheist times.
The 50s were nowhere near the distorted, romanticized ideas you have about them.
The 50s were nowhere near the distorted, romanticized ideas you have about them.
The 50s were better for families. Leave it To Beaver, Father Knows Best, and Donna Reed were great models of family life, and it apparently worked very well. Far better than the godless trash on TV today. We need those moral guidance on TV today like we had then.
They think he should do more to stop Putin but not militarily. Right?

Americans respond to polls based on hourly headlines. There are no headlines yet like It take 179 Rubles to equal one dollar. Like Putin’s army is already bogged down and miscalculated fueling its own invasion vehicles. BP OIL dropping ROSNEFT - huge hit to Putin. State run oil

I wouldn’t count Biden out just yet. He got a helluva endorsement in Fox News:

Remember Biden has been superb on NATO - Trump was a pro-Putin dunce and just called NATIO leaders Dumb at CPAC yesterday.

I wouldn’t count Biden out just yet. He got a helluva endorsement in Fox News:

keep attacking Biden for not Deploying space Force - like critic Donald J Trump wants him to do.
That's the last thing we need is weapons in space targeting people all over the world. trump would have wiped out everyone except the Americans. And of course he start with the Mexicans.
1. The point I've made about the 1950's is it was a better time for the family structure, and that applied to all races.
2. People married as teens more often 1950s Married teens having children isn't slutty. The problem today is the rampant sex outside marriage that causes all the problems. Such acts were frowned upon by society in the 50s
3. That decade was also the high point for the number of priests, sisters, and Catholic schools. People devoting their lives to the service of others. That ethos has declined in these more atheist times.
The 50s were a nightmare for most people, paranoia was everywhere, everyone was waiting for nuclear war any day now, men abused women 88 times more than they do today and women had no recourse. One judge in a rape case in northeastern Pennsylvania in 1958 ruled as such, " A woman with her skirt up can run faster than a man with his pants down. Case dismissed. " And that case stood. There was no accountability. I know you want to look at the 50s Ozzie and Harriet or leave it to Beaver but those were all fiction they did not reflect the reality they reflect the hopes and dreams of the American people for better America.
I'm always amused that people refer to "The '50s" as it was some idyllic, morally superior time in our history.

Portrayed by TV sitcoms as a pure country of nuclear families in Colonial houses. It was a time of great moral injustice. Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, and gender was both legal and commonplace. Drug and alcohol use had become commonplace and teen pregnancy was at its highest rate ever in the US. 1 in 10 pregnancies were unwed teens.

In fact, teen pregnancy rates today are much lower than that of our slutty mother's and grandmother's World War II generation.

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Perception is truly in the mind of the beholder. Mashmaunt is idealistic ( his own version of what is ideal ) but far from realistic.
The 50s were better for families. Leave it To Beaver, Father Knows Best, and Donna Reed were great models of family life, and it apparently worked very well. Far better than the godless trash on TV today. We need those moral guidance on TV today like we had then.
Romanticized view of a minority. Those shows did not represent life in the 50s. They represent what people would have liked life to be like. I can state that Happy Days was a true reflection of life in the 50s. It was closer to the racism of In the heat of the night and Gentlemen's agreement. There are still real estates deeds with clauses forbidding reselling the property to Jews and blacks.
Perception is truly in the mind of the beholder. Mashmaunt is idealistic ( his own version of what is ideal ) but far from realistic.
TV and movies should strive for idealized values, not degraded values. But as I said, family life was much better then. We should do more of the things we did then to make it that way again in regards to family life.
TV and movies should strive for idealized values, not degraded values. But as I said, family life was much better then. We should do more of the things we did then to make it that way again in regards to family life.
Unfortunately the movies reflect the choices people want to view. Not the other way around. It's a business, they lose money when they don't give the people what they want. I make a personal choice I do not watch movies with a lot of foul language or a lot of violence. It's up to the person what they like. I like science fiction and adventure movies most of all, a little comedy and romance isn't bad either. The last great movie I saw was, " Passengers " with Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence it had science fiction, adventure, romance and some comedy all rolled into one. It was great. Best of all it was what I chose, having the freedom to choose is one of our most important freedoms. What you propose would alter that.
Unfortunately the movies reflect the choices people want to view. Not the other way around. It's a business, they lose money when they don't give the people what they want. I make a personal choice I do not watch movies with a lot of foul language or a lot of violence. It's up to the person what they like. I like science fiction and adventure movies most of all, a little comedy and romance isn't bad either. The last great movie I saw was, " Passengers " with Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence it had science fiction, adventure, romance and some comedy all rolled into one. It was great. Best of all it was what I chose, having the freedom to choose is one of our most important freedoms. What you propose would alter that.
Porn makes tons of money. Should Hollywood show more porn because of that?
Porn makes tons of money. Should Hollywood show more porn because of that?
Porn is still restricted on our televisions, porn only has a select minority audience. I don't think it'll ever become mainstream. But if you wish to watch it you can even get a porn channel on cable. My Baptist neighbor says he ordered it now that his wife is gone. He really keeps to himself. I didn't know what to think when you told me that. He knows how gay, I hope it wasn't some kind of come on. Although I am single he's definitely not my type.
Porn makes tons of money. Should Hollywood show more porn because of that?
I just thought about that again, the porn industry is run by a lot of smaller companies all over the country. Hollywood is an internet.
I just thought about that again, the porn industry is run by a lot of smaller companies all over the country. Hollywood is an internet.
That last sentence should be, " Hollywood isn't into it. "
Nice dodge.
Dodge ? Yes, I do have a Dodge ram pickup. How did you know that ? Like I said before I use a voice machine to save my fingers cuz I have arthritis in them now and I'm older and it hurts to type this much. If I don't proofread it, sometimes the voice machine puts in the wrong words. Either my voice isn't distinct enough or the system is just not acute enough to distinguish the differences and people's tones.
Mashmont wrote: Porn makes tons of money. Should Hollywood show more porn because of that?

ITS NONE OF YOUR business. Halliburton made a ton of money contracting for the US Government thanks to the pornography of the unnecessary war that killed half a million Iraqis. You supported that pornography - Why not concern yourself with why you supported that pornography which killed half a million a Iraqis.

Do your support the Viktor Orbán government in Hungary.

It’s no coincidence that “autocratic white Christian ethnostate” sounds an awful lot like what the far right wants for the U.S. and what it hoped to achieve under Trump: a state run by an ideologically aligned authoritarian who isn’t democratically elected by a majority of Americans, eliminates the distinction between church and state to impose a conservative white evangelical Christianity on public institutions, and intentionally marginalizes people of color to ensure that white people retain their grip on power no matter what.

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What's the difference in a pimple and a catholic priest?

Pimples wait until you're 12 to come on your face.

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