Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

You keep making comments like this would be a good world if. Clearly you are stating a belief that shows you believe you absolutely know what is good and what isn't. To make matters worse you think everyone should see it the same way as you do and behave the same way. That's a horrible idea. Truth is arrived at through a conflict and confusion process. I am challenging you because I believe your beliefs are not only wrong but dangerous to freedom and liberty.
Wow, never saw that coming I'm saying just the opposite and I'm done talking to you you are one confused crazy man. Goodbye you go on and on about nothing.
When Margaret Atwood wrote "Handmaid's Tale" in 1985, she envisioned an American xtian theocracy.

Because, at the time, the most politically active xtian sect were Protestant, it was a Protestant Evangelical theocracy.

In it, members of any non-Protestant faith were executed or sent to concentration camps.

I believe Mashmont is a Catholic so ... he had better be careful for what he's wishing.
When Margaret Atwood wrote "Handmaid's Tale" in 1985, she envisioned an American xtian theocracy.

Because, at the time, the most politically active xtian sect were Protestant, it was a Protestant Evangelical theocracy.

In it, members of any non-Protestant faith were executed or sent to concentration camps.

I believe Mashmont is a Catholic so ... he had better be careful for what he's wishing.
Remember the millions that died on both sides when the Protestants broke off from the Catholics. Or in Islam, the sunnis and the Shiites are always fighting and murdering one another in the name of God again. That's why it won't work.
Truth is arrived at through a conflict and confusion process
Are you sure? This confused man has no contribution to ever finding truth.


"Well I think I know exactly what should be done," Trump responded. "There are things that he should do, I would rather not tell him under this forum. I don't think it's appropriate to say that. But there are things he could do that would be very strong, very powerful, and I think would end it pretty quickly."

Trump claims Biden could end Ukraine crisis 'quickly' but refuses to say how – mentions Space Force

John Wright
February 26, 2022

"Remember this, we are the greatest nuclear power — when I was in office, I had it rebuilt, modernized, and also rebuilt our military, also started Space Force, which has a lot to do with what we're talking about," Trump added. "But Russia has an almost equal nuclear power, and China is five years behind, but they have very substantial nuclear power. We all have to be very careful."
Are you sure? This confused man has no contribution to ever finding truth.


"Well I think I know exactly what should be done," Trump responded. "There are things that he should do, I would rather not tell him under this forum. I don't think it's appropriate to say that. But there are things he could do that would be very strong, very powerful, and I think would end it pretty quickly."

Trump claims Biden could end Ukraine crisis 'quickly' but refuses to say how – mentions Space Force

John Wright
February 26, 2022

"Remember this, we are the greatest nuclear power — when I was in office, I had it rebuilt, modernized, and also rebuilt our military, also started Space Force, which has a lot to do with what we're talking about," Trump added. "But Russia has an almost equal nuclear power, and China is five years behind, but they have very substantial nuclear power. We all have to be very careful."
Do you turn everything in to politics?

Yes, it is true that truth is discovered.
Wow, never saw that coming I'm saying just the opposite and I'm done talking to you you are one confused crazy man. Goodbye you go on and on about nothing.
Says the guy who claims to have traveled through time multiple times.
I'm always amused that people refer to "The '50s" as it was some idyllic, morally superior time in our history.

Portrayed by TV sitcoms as a pure country of nuclear families in Colonial houses. It was a time of great moral injustice. Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, and gender was both legal and commonplace. Drug and alcohol use had become commonplace and teen pregnancy was at its highest rate ever in the US. 1 in 10 pregnancies were unwed teens.

In fact, teen pregnancy rates today are much lower than that of our slutty mother's and grandmother's World War II generation.

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Do you turn everything in to politics?
Trump has political power because he has a specific white evangelical Christian base. We get much conflict and confusion from that bizarre alignment - none of which produces truth.

The knuckleheads at CPAC will multiply the TRUMP lie that he has a way, possibly using Space Force m, to stop Putin’s war crimes in the Ukraine. It’s claptrap bullshit on matters of grave concern to millions. Is it ethical to give support to persons and organization that abuse truth for ill gotten ends. Trump has no way to stop Putin. He is lying. It’s unethical, DOes IT MATTER to a Catholic ding
Trump has political power because he has a specific white evangelical Christian base. We get much conflict and confusion from that bizarre alignment - none of which produces truth.

The knuckleheads at CPAC will multiply the TRUMP lie that he has a way, possibly using Space Force m, to stop Putin’s war crimes in the Ukraine. It’s claptrap bullshit on matters of grave concern to millions. Is it ethical to give support to persons and organization that abuse truth for ill gotten ends. Trump has no way to stop Putin. He is lying. It’s unethical, DOes IT MATTER to a Catholic ding
Let's cut to the chase. What is it that you want me to believe about how truth is arrived at?

Without making this about politics.
I already see my obvious error Christians only make up 64% of the population 11% of that does not constitute the entire US population therefore the number of people who would most likely not approve of your plan for our nation's government retune jumps to somewhere between 93 and 94%. Sorry I didn't take that into consideration in my original calculations. Plus you're going to have a lot of infighting amongst those zealots so either way you look at it it's not going to fly but it's nice to know you have an active imagination. Everyone should have one of those, it's part of what makes life living here on Earth, however brief that may be.
And you assume that the majority if zealot Xtians in the US would be OK with the Catholic interpretation. That's quite a stretch. I would venture that outside Opus Dei, not many would agree.
Are you sure? This confused man has no contribution to ever finding truth.


"Well I think I know exactly what should be done," Trump responded. "There are things that he should do, I would rather not tell him under this forum. I don't think it's appropriate to say that. But there are things he could do that would be very strong, very powerful, and I think would end it pretty quickly."

Trump claims Biden could end Ukraine crisis 'quickly' but refuses to say how – mentions Space Force

John Wright
February 26, 2022

"Remember this, we are the greatest nuclear power — when I was in office, I had it rebuilt, modernized, and also rebuilt our military, also started Space Force, which has a lot to do with what we're talking about," Trump added. "But Russia has an almost equal nuclear power, and China is five years behind, but they have very substantial nuclear power. We all have to be very careful."
Of course trump would have ended it like you did with the Taliban he would have given them everything under the sun that they asked for and consider it a victory. Leaving US and our allies with nothing, further destroying NATO because he loves Putin and Putin maybe may be murdering thug but it's not a liar. ( This coming from the biggest liar on the planet is absolutely ridiculous. )
When Margaret Atwood wrote "Handmaid's Tale" in 1985, she envisioned an American xtian theocracy.

Because, at the time, the most politically active xtian sect were Protestant, it was a Protestant Evangelical theocracy.

In it, members of any non-Protestant faith were executed or sent to concentration camps.

I believe Mashmont is a Catholic so ... he had better be careful for what he's wishing.
The laws I propose are only objectionable to porn addicts, drug addicts, and leftwing politicans.
What is it that you want me to believe about how truth is arrived at?

Trump has no way to stop Putin. He is lying. It’s unethical, Does IT MATTER to a Catholic ding
The laws I propose are only objectionable to porn addicts, drug addicts, and leftwing politicans
Your fellow Catholic ding is lying about his religiously fanatical drive to change laws that would put an end to Americans’ constitutional right to freedom of religion. He is another Trump supporter who thrives on lying. Is that OK?
The laws I propose are only objectionable to porn addicts, drug addicts, and leftwing politicans.
Americans are freedom loving people. The very concept you are proposing is objectionable to at least 93 to 94% of the American population.
Americans are freedom loving people. The very concept you are proposing is objectionable to at least 93 to 94% of the American population.
It’s un-American and comes from a flaming disregard for the Constitution by a right wing religious fanatical Catholic who cant get half of Biden Voting Catholics to agree.
It’s un-American and comes from a flaming disregard for the Constitution by a right wing religious fanatical Catholic who cant get half of Biden Voting Catholics to agree.
This garbage is coming from a Catholic. That's very sad I thought it was coming from some crazy Evangelical type. They're always launching campaigns because of their own evil-doing.
The majority of Americans think Biden is a failure according to NPR
NFBW {} wrote: They think he should do more to stop Putin but not militarily. Right?

Americans respond to polls based on hourly headlines. There are no headlines yet like It take 179 Rubles to equal one dollar. ~ Like Putin’s army is already bogged down and miscalculated fueling its own invasion vehicles. ~ Like BP OIL dropping ROSNEFT - huge hit to Putin. State run oil

I wouldn’t count Biden out just yet. He got a helluva endorsement in Fox News:

Remember Biden has been superb on NATO - Trump was a pro-Putin dunce and just called NATIO leaders Dumb at CPAC yesterday.

I wouldn’t count Biden out just yet. He got a helluva endorsement in Fox News:

Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice on Sunday praised President Joe Biden after NATO united under him in a way that it did not under President Donald Trump.

"There's this worry among generals whom I've talked with," Fox News host Harris Faulkner told Rice. "Nobody wants a world war. But that [Russian President Vladimir Putin] would do something at this point that he might not have done a few years ago in terms of more of a land grab, the Baltics for instance. And because of Article 5 with NATO, what does that mean for us. We get involved in war. We can't go to war with a nuclear power."
"It is certainly against every principle of international law and international order, and that's why throwing the book at them now in terms of economic sanctions and punishments is also a part of it," she said. "And I think the world is there. Certainly, NATO is there. He's managed to unite NATO in ways I didn't think I would ever see again after the end of the Cold War."

As president, Trump actively worked to undermine NATO and even considered withdrawing from the treaty organization

Keep attacking Biden for not Deploying Space Force - like critic Donald J Trump wants him to do.

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This garbage is coming from a Catholic. That's very sad I thought it was coming from some crazy Evangelical type. They're always launching campaigns because of their own evil-doing.
I was surprised by that too. Mashmont Is on a crusade to apply spiritual Humanae Vitae catholic rules of procreation and family to American law and secular worldly government. As a Catholic he probably won’t get very far but being aligned with the white evangelical nationalistic Christians plus the events of the past few years, his fanaticism could be detrimental to our democracy and freedom of religion. For that he has to ignore me, so I am very proud of that effort being smuggled into his conscience.

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