Zone1 Lawsuit alleges Harvard gives preferential treatment to legacy admissions, who are ‘overwhelmingly’ White

What the legacies provide is money. Donations. Lots of money. Stop the legacies. Stop the money.

Or they get money through tuition, like they are supposed to.

Again, not sure why you are so happy being a peasant.

The golden rule. Those who have get. The rich have always gotten special treatment and always will.

Until people get fed up with it and then they get a different kind of special treatment.


This young womans statement is about a racist comment I have seen in a while and she claims to be a liberal.
Her statement is an insult to all my black teachers who achieved their educations before affirmative action.
You ignorant right wing whites don't even know what AA is.

More equal time refuting...

You ignorant right wing whites don't even know what AA is.


Okay, IM, but here's the thing.

Women may have benefited from AA when it was first introduced, but they don't need it anymore.
Asians have concluded that AA doesn't benefit them, because they can make it on their own despite what an awfully racist country this is.

The problem with AA Admissions is that they weren't really benefiting the poor black kid from the ghetto, they benefit the affluent black kid from the suburbs whose parents were lucky or hard working enough to make it.

So what we are likely to see is "life story" considerations in college admission in the future, which will benefit poor people of all races.

As I have said, I've had a couple of times I've been passed up for opportunities to advance an AA agenda. One time they promoted a woman who had no business being a supervisor because another woman who had no business being a supervisor had been fired and was suing.

Another time, they brought in a black female even though I had been doing the job for more than a year as a contractor. This woman couldn't keep up with the work and spent about half her day shopping on Amazon.

So please, please, please don't tell me that AA never results in unqualified people being advanced. It doesn't pass the laugh test.

They are correct. The minority groups, that is.

If the colleges take federal money, hmmmm......this has legs it would seem. Of course if they are like Hillsdale and take no federal money, they are free to do as they like.

This will be fascinating.

White women benefit most from affirmative action. So why do they oppose it?

Who is really losing Sue? Women have lost the right to stop the potential of dying because of complications happening during pregnancy that could be prevented by abortion and white women are the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action. That's at least 2 major losses for white women. You have shot yourself in the ass, hopefully you enjoy the feeling.
White women benefit most from affirmative action. So why do they oppose it?

Because they don't need it. Except for a few intersectional feminists, most women know that they can rise or fall on their own merits. They don't need set-asides for jobs at this point. They know they can compete with the boys for those college admissions and get them the old fashioned way, by studying hard and getting good test scores.
Since historically black colleges were built because blacks weren't allowed in white colleges your question shows an idiotic denial of American history. There is no black studenT who is denied entry into an HBCU who could take a case to the supreme court whining about being racially discriminated against because a white student was admitted. But whites have done so from majority white colleges for 50 years.

Nor could a black organization use Asians to claim racial discrimination in a HBCU.


Just sayin...
That doesn't address the question. Does your opposition to legacy admissions extend to HBCU or just to traditionally white ones? IOW, are legacy admissions universally negative in your eyes (it would seem so, since you always complain about them) or not?
Or they get money through tuition, like they are supposed to.

Again, not sure why you are so happy being a peasant.

Until people get fed up with it and then they get a different kind of special treatment.

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Tuition doesn't come close to paying these elite universities bills. I am amused at your complaints.
Would you say that the issue is not Race but economic level?
This has nothing to do with race. These colleges have been graduating blacks at least since 1970. Every one of those blacks can claim a legacy spot for their children. Either they don't want to donate in the amounts that are necessary to secure a spot. Or, their affirmative action education didn't result in a high enough income to allow them to be this charitable.
Tuition doesn't come close to paying these elite universities bills. I am amused at your complaints.

Well, then they'll have to learn how to live on a budget, then.

The main reason why College is so ridiculously expensive now is the Administration of these places spend like drunken sailors at a whorehouse.

Giving admission to the underachieving kid of a wealthy alumnus seems a lot more corrupt than giving admission to a black kid who tried hard to get there.

This has nothing to do with race. These colleges have been graduating blacks at least since 1970. Every one of those blacks can claim a legacy spot for their children. Either they don't want to donate in the amounts that are necessary to secure a spot. Or, their affirmative action education didn't result in a high enough income to allow them to be this charitable.

The percentage of blacks with college degrees was 5% in 1970.
Today it's 24%, thanks to affirmative action.

Still well below the percentage of the general population, but a vast improvement.

Legacies are still bribes, and they are corrupt. Chucking them would give the Ivy League more prestige, not less.
Well, then they'll have to learn how to live on a budget, then.

The main reason why College is so ridiculously expensive now is the Administration of these places spend like drunken sailors at a whorehouse.

Giving admission to the underachieving kid of a wealthy alumnus seems a lot more corrupt than giving admission to a black kid who tried hard to get there.

The percentage of blacks with college degrees was 5% in 1970.
Today it's 24%, thanks to affirmative action.

Still well below the percentage of the general population, but a vast improvement.

Legacies are still bribes, and they are corrupt. Chucking them would give the Ivy League more prestige, not less.
Colleges and universities are not going to give up selling legacy spots. If forced, they will find another way. Blacks are getting all the virtue signaling they can squeeze out already.
Colleges and universities are not going to give up selling legacy spots. If forced, they will find another way. Blacks are getting all the virtue signaling they can squeeze out already.
Since blacks aren't the only people included in AA and that Asians support AA, you need to shut up. Colleges will be made to give up those spots because they violate the 14th Amendment.
Since blacks aren't the only people included in AA and that Asians support AA, you need to shut up. Colleges will be made to give up those spots because they violate the 14th Amendment.
You still haven't definitively answered whether or not HBCU should be barred from giving legacy admissions.
That doesn't address the question. Does your opposition to legacy admissions extend to HBCU or just to traditionally white ones? IOW, are legacy admissions universally negative in your eyes (it would seem so, since you always complain about them) or not?
It does answer the question. It was a dumb question and you're trying to argue a false equivalence. No 74 year old black man could create a fake student organization and be able to stand before the supreme court whining about racial discrimination if a black student was denied admission to an HBCU and a white student was accepted. So your question about legacy simply has no merit based on this reality.
You still haven't definitively answered whether or not HBCU should be barred from giving legacy admissions.
I have given you the answer you're going to get.
Have you read their Complaint? Is their argument disparate impact?
The complaint was rejected by the First Circuit Court. It went to the SCOTUS on appeal. No Asian testified to SCOTUS while Asians testified in support of Affirmative action.
The complaint was rejected by the First Circuit Court. It went to the SCOTUS on appeal. No Asian testified to SCOTUS while Asians testified in support of Affirmative action.
To answer my question, yes, their complaint is based on disparate impact.

This is going to be a tough case to win.
It does answer the question. It was a dumb question and you're trying to argue a false equivalence. No 74 year old black man could create a fake student organization and be able to stand before the supreme court whining about racial discrimination if a black student was denied admission to an HBCU and a white student was accepted. So your question about legacy simply has no merit based on this reality.
It sounds a lot like you're arguing HBCU can't be held to the same standard as others, thus making your antipathy towards legacy admissions a race-based decision.

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