Zone1 Lawsuit alleges Harvard gives preferential treatment to legacy admissions, who are ‘overwhelmingly’ White

Since blacks aren't the only people included in AA and that Asians support AA, you need to shut up. Colleges will be made to give up those spots because they violate the 14th Amendment.
Asians do not support Affirmative Action designed to increased the number of blacks on the program. You are repeating a myth being spread by progressives. The question was “do you approve increased ACCESS?” Everyone is for increasing access - an opportunity to compete - but no for race-based policies that favor increasing numbers by specific race.

This caught me by surprise. I knew certain things were going to occur however I thought the lawsuits would be by non-minorities complaining that universities are still letting in "too many Black people" and discriminating in favor of Blacks in direct violation of SCOTUS's latest ruling.

This will be interesting to see how it things play out.

CNN - Three minority advocacy groups are suing Harvard University’s governing body, accusing the school of discrimination by giving preferential treatment to children of wealthy donors and alumni, and are citing the recent US Supreme Court ruling that gutted affirmative action to bolster their lawsuit.​
The lawsuit, filed by the Lawyers for Civil Rights group on behalf of the Chica Project, the African Community Economic Development of New England, and the Greater Boston Latino Network, alleges the students who receive that preferential treatment are “overwhelmingly White,” and make up as much as 15% of admitted students.​
“This preferential treatment has nothing to do with an applicant’s merit. Instead, it is an unfair and unearned benefit that is conferred solely based on the family that the applicant is born into,” Lawyers for Civil Rights said in a news release. “This custom, pattern, and practice is exclusionary and discriminatory. It severely disadvantages and harms applicants of color.”​
The lawsuit comes less than a week after the Supreme Court gutted affirmative action in college admissions, ruling schools can no longer take race into consideration as a specific basis for accepting a candidate.​
The lawsuit cited that ruling and quoted the Supreme Court’s majority, which said, “College admissions are zero-sum, and a benefit provided to some applicants but not to others necessarily advantages the former at the expense of the latter.”​
So, it’s not because they are white, it’s because money talks.
Amazing….we have oodles of threads started about ”racist” and unfair admissions of Blacks.

But not a single one on AA preferred admissions of:

And, with legacy and donor admissions making up the bulk of “non-merit” admissions (most likely to be stealing seats from those hardworking ; more qualified students who don’t get admitted)…and no one complains. Could it be because legacy admits favors Whites?

It’s origins are rather ugly and designed to discrimminate.

In the United States, legacy admissions in universities date back to the 1920s. Elite schools used legacy admissions to maintain spots for White Anglo-Saxon Protestants amid fears that Jews, Catholics and Asians were increasingly taking spots at the schools.[8][9]

Where is the outrage?
Unfair admissions should all be revoked and punished

White women benefit most from affirmative action. So why do they oppose it?

Who is really losing Sue? Women have lost the right to stop the potential of dying because of complications happening during pregnancy that could be prevented by abortion and white women are the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action. That's at least 2 major losses for white women. You have shot yourself in the ass, hopefully you enjoy the feeling.
They oppose it because it’s bullshit and lies. SOME women may have been hired due to gender and race but prove that they are the majority. Don’t post so called studies, how do you even find out the truth?
Unfair admissions should all be revoked and punished
Why? Just for a start, you are punishing students who applied in good faith and were accepted under the rules. They did nothing wrong. What is more, there is every possibility they would accepted anyway.
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They oppose it because it’s bullshit and lies. SOME women may have been hired due to gender and race but prove that they are the majority. Don’t post so called studies, how do you even find out the truth?
Many women were. Why a different standard?
So, it’s not because they are white, it’s because money talks.
It is policy created to maintain majority a white student body. The students are majority are. They take from from students with better scores.
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Why? Just for a start, you are punishing students who applied in good faith and were accepted under the rules. They did nothing wrong. What is more, there is every possibility they would accepted anyway.
What about from the other side? What about the students, such as the Asian with a 1560 SAT and a perfect GPA, who was rejected from all IVYs because he was of the “undesired” race - a factor that has since been ruled unconstitutional? What about all the middle-class whites who were brilliant students, also rejected because the IVY wanted more blacks? And Lord knows that they rejected amazing Jewish students because we sure don’t need no more Jews!

Why is it fair that top students - valedictorians, perfect GPAs, and 1560+ SAT scores - be punished under rules that are unconstitutional?
No Molly, it's a fact. White women were included as part of affirmative action in I believe 1967. And white women have been the number one beneficiaries. Your racism allow you to be race pimped into believing that only blacks were getting it and you were being left out because you are white. But you have been part of AA. And neither you or I would ever know that's the case because nobody can go around telling people that there were admittted or hired because of the policy.
What about from the other side? What about the students, such as the Asian with a 1560 SAT and a perfect GPA, who was rejected from all IVYs because he was of the “undesired” race - a factor that has since been ruled unconstitutional? What about all the middle-class whites who were brilliant students, also rejected because the IVY wanted more blacks? And Lord knows that they rejected amazing Jewish students because we sure don’t need no more Jews!

Why is it fair that top students - valedictorians, perfect GPAs, and 1560+ SAT scores - be punished under rules that are unconstitutional?
What about the fact that the "perfect score" Asian was dumped for some dumb white child whose grandparents attended Harvard long before that child was born? You can't fix your mind to that reality. And that is what did happen. Because there were more Asians in Harvard by 10 percentage points than blacks. There were more Asians in Harvard than Hispanics and Native Americans combined, so you're right, he was not the right race, he wasn't white enough to have had relatives who attended Harvard.
Why? Just for a start, you are punishing students who applied in good faith and were accepted under the rules. They did nothing wrong. What is more, there is every possibility they would accepted anyway.
The parents should take responsibility for unfair illegal access thru money to get their kids in. If the rules involve unfair practices the rules should be changed.
The parents should take responsibility for unfair illegal access thru money to get their kids in. If the rules involve unfair practices the rules should be changed.
Why? There was nothing illegal about it. Changing the rules be the way.
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No Molly, it's a fact. White women were included as part of affirmative action in I believe 1967. And white women have been the number one beneficiaries. Your racism allow you to be race pimped into believing that only blacks were getting it and you were being left out because you are white. But you have been part of AA. And neither you or I would ever know that's the case because nobody can go around telling people that there were admittted or hired because of the policy.
You are such an asshole. Where as any racism from me? Where did I EVER say anything about AA and blacks? How the hell can you prove white women benefitted the most? That’s right, you can’t. You consistently call me racist when I have never inferred or suggested anything racist. YOU, on the other hand, are blatantly racist against whites, proof by calling whites who disagree with you racists.
What about from the other side? What about the students, such as the Asian with a 1560 SAT and a perfect GPA, who was rejected from all IVYs because he was of the “undesired” race - a factor that has since been ruled unconstitutional? What about all the middle-class whites who were brilliant students, also rejected because the IVY wanted more blacks? And Lord knows that they rejected amazing Jewish students because we sure don’t need no more Jews!

Why is it fair that top students - valedictorians, perfect GPAs, and 1560+ SAT scores - be punished under rules that are unconstitutional?
So…hold on. Are you suggesting kids who applied honestly and in good faith should be punished have their admissions revoked because they are now the “undesirable” race? What about all those less meritorious white legacy students stealing slots from your brilliant but rejected group of applicants?
So…hold on. Are you suggesting kids who applied honestly and in good faith should be punished have their admissions revoked because they are now the “undesirable” race? What about all those less meritorious white legacy students stealing slots from your brilliant but rejected group of applicants?
But they’re not the “undesirable” race.*That’s because thanks to the Supreme Court, there is no undesirable OR desirable race. It’s no longer a factor.

Thus, they are now regular individuals who were accepted over BETTER qualified students for an UNCONSTITUTIONAL reason. Why should the better students be punished for having been viewed as the “undesirable” race when it’s illegal to do that?

Legacies are not based on race.

*See, that’s the problem. You are interpreting the decision not to PRIORITIZE blacks meaning they are now being treated as “undesirable.” Nope, all it means is that blacks and whites will be viewed equally, with race not a factor at all.
And while white women who have been the ones benefitting the most from AA you didn't see, read or hear blacks or anybody else stereotyping white women as dumb unqualified people who only were admitted because they have vaginas. Unlike the white female sellouts, or should I call them Stepfords, we recognize that women were treated unfairly too. And still are. You don't see us telling white women that the law of Coverture was in the past so why don't you move on. As a black man, I don't deny the ongoing systemic sexism in this society just because "I don't see it," or "it doesn't happen to me," or "none of the people I know do it," or "I just try to treat every woman as an idividual," and all the other associated garbage I get from the Stepfords in here.

So I was not upset with the possibility that a white woman might get in before someone black, because there are more white women than blacks. But when you right wing white pieces of.....want to whine because a few blacks get admitted, it really pisses me off. And to read all this white bitching and whining about a f---ing quota when if quotas did exist whites would automatically get 70 percent of the opportunity and blacks 13 percent, shows me that there are whites who believe they are entitled to everything, merit be damned.

So now you have what you thought you wanted, except now legacy admissions are going to go. And in about 12-15 years when whites are a minority, don't ask for AA to come back.

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