Lawsuit: Florida Clinic Botched Abortion, Threw Out Live Baby

Eighteen and pregnant, Sycloria Williams went to an abortion clinic outside Miami and paid $1,200 for Dr. Pierre Jean-Jacque Renelique to terminate her 23-week pregnancy.

Three days later, she sat in a reclining chair, medicated to dilate her cervix and otherwise get her ready for the procedure.

Only Renelique didn't arrive in time. According to Williams and the Florida Department of Health, she went into labor and delivered a live baby girl.

What Williams and the Health Department say happened next has shocked people on both sides of the abortion debate: One of the clinic's owners, who has no medical license, cut the infant's umbilical cord. Williams says the woman placed the baby in a plastic biohazard bag and threw it out. - Lawsuit: Florida Clinic Botched Abortion, Threw Out Live Baby - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News

Kudos to the doctor. We have too many babies in Florida anyway crowding out the retirees. They'll end up on their lawns if they're not disposed of one way or the other.

If this is such a monstrosity, by the way, why didn't the mother get prosecuted as well? She let the doctor do this and said nothing? She's just as culpable of the murder.
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We do not know if any of them raped there slaves, And only those from the south actually owned slaves. The only one where it is even in Question is Thomas Jefferson and the historical evidence suggests that it may have been his son rather than himself that Impregnated Sally Hemmings.
From the way you have an ignorance about you, I could subjectively deem that you are not indeed aware. It is a subjective thing. Being a human being is not subjective. Whether you have 600000 cells, or 600000000000 cells, whether you have already been exposed to air or not.... hell, you seem 'infantile' to me.. and since infanticide is not the same as killing an aware person, then off with your head....

It is you who has stated quite emphatically that not all innocent human life is the same... opening the door for subjective judgment as to who can be made expendable... sounds eerily similar to old Adolf, now don't it?

The end consequence is NOT the same... you can have a vat of sperm the size of Kansas, or a vat of unfertilized eggs the size of Nebraska... there is not life, nor is there potential for those things to advance along a stage of being into life... only when you have something that has been given the spark of life, with the combination of 2 sets of DNA from both, do you get life...

There is no basis for such claims, inasmuch as a sperm can theoretically be defined as "human life," in that it's most certainly human sperm. It is not pig sperm or goat sperm. Similarly, a human embryo would certainly be human life in that it belongs to the species homo sapiens, and not to the species canus loopus, for instance. But you have not validated the claim that human life is inherently superior to nonhuman animal life at a similar level of awareness. What basis is there for such a claim?

you have no idea what a fetus experieces..once the spark of life has ocurred...none

Which part of my description of a fetus's awareness levels was inaccurate?

I wonder if those who are Christian on here believe the Soul is present in a frozen embryo, if not, why not? But that's for another thread, I would suppose....

I would expect so, considering the Biblical doctrine of God's acknowledgment prior to birth, and indeed, prior to conception stated in Jeremiah 1:5.
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.
When I was an evangelical Christian, I certainly believed in such a doctrine. The problem with that claim is that zygotes frequently split or fuse together. Is this then a case of one soul splitting into two or two souls fusing into one?

You are a complete idiot, agenda driven for shock value and nothing more

Is the baby the mother;s DNA clone?? No

Your sperm is identified by your DNA.. as is your spit, hair etc.... Your sperm, your spit, your hair is not a life..

Nice try again.. asswipe

As for a claim that an animal is not equal.... I will wait for the first animal to come up and communicate to me that it is, at any point in that animal's life

At least I know a baby will grow up and when taught the right way will proclaim to you how your fucking warped ass views on everything are about as logical and sensible as tits on a bull
You are a complete idiot, agenda driven for shock value and nothing more

Is the baby the mother;s DNA clone?? No

Your sperm is identified by your DNA.. as is your spit, hair etc.... Your sperm, your spit, your hair is not a life..

Nice try again.. asswipe

As for a claim that an animal is not equal.... I will wait for the first animal to come up and communicate to me that it is, at any point in that animal's life

At least I know a baby will grow up and when taught the right way will proclaim to you how your fucking warped ass views on everything are about as logical and sensible as tits on a bull

On the contrary, you're simply not aware of basic biology. To use the definition of "human life," individual cells can be defined as "human life" inasmuch as they're cells of the species homo sapiens. That's why I don't bother arguing over whether or not a fetus is "innocent human life." I never denied that it was. But you have not validated your claim that it should be superior to other "innocent" forms of life at a similar level of awareness and capacity to feel pain.

Now, every one of your arguments has been rebutted, so it's understandable that you're desperately flailing away like this, but at least try not to do it so blatantly.
You are a complete idiot, agenda driven for shock value and nothing more

Is the baby the mother;s DNA clone?? No

Your sperm is identified by your DNA.. as is your spit, hair etc.... Your sperm, your spit, your hair is not a life..

Nice try again.. asswipe

As for a claim that an animal is not equal.... I will wait for the first animal to come up and communicate to me that it is, at any point in that animal's life

At least I know a baby will grow up and when taught the right way will proclaim to you how your fucking warped ass views on everything are about as logical and sensible as tits on a bull

On the contrary, you're simply not aware of basic biology. To use the definition of "human life," individual cells can be defined as "human life" inasmuch as they're cells of the species homo sapiens. That's why I don't bother arguing over whether or not a fetus is "innocent human life." I never denied that it was. But you have not validated your claim that it should be superior to other "innocent" forms of life at a similar level of awareness and capacity to feel pain.

Now, every one of your arguments has been rebutted, so it's understandable that you're desperately flailing away like this, but at least try not to do it so blatantly.

HORSESHIT you delusional and arrogant prick

I do not have to PROVE that human life if any more valuable than other forms of life....

There IS NO life with a similar level of awareness... pain is of no consequence.. whether a sow bug or a monkey can feel pain does not equate them with a human in terms of 'value' as to whether their death is morally equal to killing a human

You're the one floundering like a fish out of water... especially after your ludicrous comment that infanticide is not morally equivalent to homicide of a 'thinking adult'

And no... cells from the side of your cheek are not the same as cells of a new individual life... and cannot be 'defined' as human life... but nice try

Go draw a little anarchy A on your 3 ring binder, put on some black nail polish, and go searching for some more attention mommy and daddy did not give you
HORSESHIT you delusional and arrogant prick

I do not have to PROVE that human life if any more valuable than other forms of life....

There IS NO life with a similar level of awareness... pain is of no consequence.. whether a sow bug or a monkey can feel pain does not equate them with a human in terms of 'value' as to whether their death is morally equal to killing a human

You're the one floundering like a fish out of water... especially after your ludicrous comment that infanticide is not morally equivalent to homicide of a 'thinking adult'

And no... cells from the side of your cheek are not the same as cells of a new individual life... and cannot be 'defined' as human life... but nice try

Go draw a little anarchy A on your 3 ring binder, put on some black nail polish, and go searching for some more attention mommy and daddy did not give you

Can't stand the heat? Again, your flailing is getting especially pathetic at this point, since it's obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about. Therefore, I'll ask you again: why is a human fetus or infant morally superior to nonhuman animals with similar levels of awareness of their existence and surroundings, and a similar capacity to feel pain? Your argument from potential has already been thoroughly rebutted, so try and be more creative this time.
You're arguing an extreme tangent about what life is more important human or animal.

This particular abortion is criminal.
It's not even an abortion; it's an infanticide. Extreme tangent? I'm merely asking for validation of an apparently unsupportable belief.
I don't see what people are bitching about. She and the doctor were about to kill the baby anyway, the fucking baby is alive while inside of her womb, so if some charges are brought upon the doctor all abortion clinics should be facing charges. The girl can't be mad, its her fault.
I don't see what people are bitching about. She and the doctor were about to kill the baby anyway, the fucking baby is alive while inside of her womb, so if some charges are brought upon the doctor all abortion clinics should be facing charges. The girl can't be mad, its her fault.

It's against the law in Florida to not get the baby to be help if it is born alive, even when performing an abortion....

if the child takes it's first breath, it is considered born alive not born dead....regardless of how many weeks they are...or stillborn....or a foetus in womb.

Later term abortions are tragic and should not be allowed imho, unless for the health of the mother.

It said in the article she was in the hospital because she had taken a bad fall and this is when she found out she was pregnant...then she scheduled the abortion that week. Who knows what the doctors told her....they could have told her the baby was harmed or could have been harmed from the fall she had took....WE DON'T KNOW, because it is none of our business and between her and her doctor.
HORSESHIT you delusional and arrogant prick

I do not have to PROVE that human life if any more valuable than other forms of life....

There IS NO life with a similar level of awareness... pain is of no consequence.. whether a sow bug or a monkey can feel pain does not equate them with a human in terms of 'value' as to whether their death is morally equal to killing a human

You're the one floundering like a fish out of water... especially after your ludicrous comment that infanticide is not morally equivalent to homicide of a 'thinking adult'

And no... cells from the side of your cheek are not the same as cells of a new individual life... and cannot be 'defined' as human life... but nice try

Go draw a little anarchy A on your 3 ring binder, put on some black nail polish, and go searching for some more attention mommy and daddy did not give you

Can't stand the heat? Again, your flailing is getting especially pathetic at this point, since it's obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about. Therefore, I'll ask you again: why is a human fetus or infant morally superior to nonhuman animals with similar levels of awareness of their existence and surroundings, and a similar capacity to feel pain? Your argument from potential has already been thoroughly rebutted, so try and be more creative this time.


Bring me any animal, at any stage of it's existence, to tell me about it's cognitive abilities in any type of language or understanding.. I'll be waiting

Bring me any animal, at any stage of it's existence, to tell me about it's cognitive abilities in any type of language or understanding.. I'll be waiting

I'll do so immediately after you can bring me a human fetus that can do the same thing. Better yet, bring a human infant and I'll bring an adult chimpanzee that can communicate in sign language. I'll wager that the latter would be able to communicate awareness of its existence with greater clarity.

Bring me any animal, at any stage of it's existence, to tell me about it's cognitive abilities in any type of language or understanding.. I'll be waiting

I'll do so immediately after you can bring me a human fetus that can do the same thing. Better yet, bring a human infant and I'll bring an adult chimpanzee that can communicate in sign language. I'll wager that the latter would be able to communicate awareness of its existence with greater clarity.

so what makes their ability to communicate awayness through word or sign of existence relevant
other than you heard one of your Eugenius professors spout it once...
:clap2: I'm pretty happy that his licencse is being revoked. I actually didn't think anything would be done about it though. This sends a clear message that even in abortion clinics certain standards still apply. I find it ironic that te girl is trying to sue though, considering her intent at the time :confused:

doctor's license was revoked Friday in the case of a teenager who planned to have an abortion but instead gave birth to a baby she says was killed when clinic staffers put it into a plastic bag and threw it in the trash.

Pierre Jean-Jacques Renelique, right, and his attorney, Joseph Harrison, at the hearing.

The doctor, Pierre Jean-Jacques Renelique, was not present when the baby was born, but the Florida Medical Board upheld Department of Health allegations that he falsified medical records, inappropriately delegated tasks to unlicensed personnel and committed malpractice.

Joseph Harrison, the attorney representing Renelique at the license revocation hearing in Tampa, said Renelique has not decided whether to appeal.

The state attorney's office, meanwhile, said its criminal investigation into the incident is ongoing and no charges have been filed. A fetus born alive cannot be put to death even if its mother intended to have an abortion, police said when the incident occurred in 2006.

The baby's mother, Sycloria Williams, sued Renelique, the clinic and its staff in January, seeking damages.

She alleges in her suit that "she witnessed the murder of her daughter" and said she "sustained severe emotional distress, shock and psychic trauma which have resulted in discernible bodily injury."

"This is not about a pot of gold," said Tom Pennekamp, her attorney. "What this is about is right and wrong and making a statement, making sure it doesn't happen to other young women."

This is not about a pot of gold," said Tom Pennekamp, her attorney. "What this is about is right and wrong and making a statement, making sure it doesn't happen to other young women."

According to the suit, Williams, then 18, discovered while being treated for a fall that she was 23 weeks pregnant. She went to a clinic to get an abortion on the morning of July 20, 2006, after receiving medication and instructions the previous day.

Renelique was not at the clinic, however, and Williams was told to wait for him. She was given two pills and told they would make her ill. When she complained of feeling ill, clinic staff members gave her a robe and told her to lie down in a patient room, the suit says.

Renelique was still not present when Williams "felt a large pain" and delivered a baby girl, according to the suit.

"The staff began screaming and pandemonium ensued. Sycloria watched in horror and shock as her baby writhed with her chest rising and falling as she breathed."

Don't Miss
Read the Department of Health complaint (PDF)
A clinic co-owner entered the room and used a pair of shears to cut the baby's umbilical cord, the suit said. She "then scooped up the baby and placed the live baby, placenta and afterbirth in a red plastic biohazard bag, which she sealed, and then threw bag and the baby in a trash can."

Staff at the clinic did not call 911 or seek medical assistance for Williams or the baby, the suit said.

Renelique arrived at the clinic about an hour later and gave Williams a shot to put her to sleep. "She awoke after the procedure and was sent home still in complete shock," the suit said.

Police were notified of the incident by an anonymous caller who told them the baby was born alive and disposed of.

"The complainant [Williams] observed the baby moving and gasping for air for approximately five minutes," according to a police affidavit requesting a search warrant for the clinic.

Two search warrants found nothing, but officers executing a third warrant "found the decomposing body of a baby in a cardboard box in a closet," the suit said.

The baby was linked to Williams through DNA testing, the lawsuit said. An autopsy showed it had filled its lungs with air prior to death. Documents from the state Department of Health said its cause of death was determined to be "extreme prematurity."

Fewer than 1 percent of babies are born at less than 28 weeks, according to the March of Dimes, a nonprofit organization aimed at reducing premature births, birth defects and infant mortality.

Infants born at that stage may survive, but require treatment with oxygen, other medical help and mechanical assistance to help them breathe. They are too immature to suck or swallow and so must be fed intravenously.

Babies born before about 32 weeks of gestation face the highest risk of health problems, the March of Dimes said.

Williams' lawsuit seeks damages from Renelique, the clinic and its staff. It claims that clinic records were falsified to say only that Williams underwent an abortion. Williams filed the suit individually and "as personal representative of the estate of Shanice Denise Osbourne, deceased," the suit said.

The medical board's action Friday came at the request of the Florida Department of Health, which filed an order in February 2007 seeking emergency restrictions on Renelique's license. Department documents list many of the same allegations as Williams' lawsuit.

"Dr. Renelique's failure to practice medicine with that level of care, skill and treatment that is recognized as being acceptable, as well as his willingness to falsify medical records, poses a serious and immediate danger to the public," the health department said.

Renelique did not respond to the health department or dispute the facts it alleged, department spokeswoman Eulinda Jackson said Friday.

Williams has declined to speak publicly about the case, said Pennekamp, her attorney. She suffers from post-traumatic stress because of the experience, he said
She was 18, she had taken a bad fall and had gone in to hospital for that....i guess they ran more test and she found out she was pregnant, to her surprise...she scheduled the abortion for the next day after seeing the doctor for the bad fall....

we do not know if the doctor told her that her baby could have been damaged or hurt in the fall or whether she reacted in shock of being pregnant and that far along? only she and her Doctor knows...?

Regardless, of it being a bad decision, a shocked decision, or a concerned decision for the child's health from the fall, any baby that has taken its first breath, whether aborted or not, in the state of Florida has to be treated in the method of keeping them alive.

this did not happen in this clinic, they made a concerted effort to kill the born alive child.

This is the 6th Malpractice Case against this doctor, there were 5 previous malpractice cases against him of which he had lost.

The AMA had been complacent and should have taken this man's medical license away LONG BEFORE this 6th malpractice incident imo.

Now the State needs to prosecute....we will see if they do.

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