Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon by Trump if he cleared Russia

Fake news OP

Unlike the coward president, Assange is willing to go under oath on this.
You are not a coward when you avoid a perjury trap.
Only if you're lying and this isn't about a BJ. He's up to so much shenanigans it's ridiculous.... Ukraine by far the worst. Worth an impeachment maybe not a conviction.

Nah it's definitely worth a conviction. Schiff has been using laundered Ukraine money illegally in his campaign funds for a while now.

Once he is convicted he will no doubt also be impeached.

Fake news OP

Unlike the coward president, Assange is willing to go under oath on this.
You are not a coward when you avoid a perjury trap.
Only if you're lying and this isn't about a BJ. He's up to so much shenanigans it's ridiculous.... Ukraine by far the worst. Worth an impeachment maybe not a conviction.

Nah it's definitely worth a conviction. Schiff has been using laundered Ukraine money illegally in his campaign funds for a while now.

Once he is convicted he will no doubt also be impeached.

And that makes 1000 phony scandals with no evidence just total garbage hate propaganda for the chumps of the greedy idiot rich. GOP brainwashed functional moron
Denizen grasps at any straw he sees because he knows that when November comes, its 4-more years of Trump. <g>

Donald Trump's second term will be a jail term in a family cell.

Got a link for that? Didn't think so. Your threads are just lies, lies, and more lies.
Either put up credible links and real truths to debate or go to the flame zone with the other AHs.

Thanks for the invitation to your home base, but no thanks.
You are not a coward when you avoid a perjury trap.
Which is a description of trum under oath anywhere, anyt That's quite the low bar you have set for your dear leader. Well, kind of. The fact that he is a pathological liar is one of the things you like about him.
And here we go again! Not illegal, i don't think..just...corrupt and manipulative..if true:

Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon if he cleared Russia

A lawyer for Julian Assange said Wednesday that the WikiLeaks founder plans to claim during his extradition hearing that he was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Assange is fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges, and his full court hearing is due to begin next week.
At a preliminary hearing, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that in August 2017, then-Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.”
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
more he said she said bull ! :laughing0301:
And here we go again! Not illegal, i don't think..just...corrupt and manipulative..if true:

Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon if he cleared Russia

A lawyer for Julian Assange said Wednesday that the WikiLeaks founder plans to claim during his extradition hearing that he was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Assange is fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges, and his full court hearing is due to begin next week.
At a preliminary hearing, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that in August 2017, then-Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.”
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Why is it NOT illegal to do that? Are you sure?
Pretty sure..the power to pardon is absolute..and requiring a Q.P.Q. is legal. As if...a felon undertakes a secret mission for the US..under the understanding that he would be pardoned. No illegality there.'s a bit corrupt...but not all corruption is illegal, after all.

It bears reminding that Assange is fighting for his he has motive to lie as well.
But asking someone to testify to something which may not be true? Isn't that what Trump is doing? Isn't that telling Assange what to say in order to get a pardon, whether or not it is true?
And here we go again! Not illegal, i don't think..just...corrupt and manipulative..if true:

Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon if he cleared Russia

A lawyer for Julian Assange said Wednesday that the WikiLeaks founder plans to claim during his extradition hearing that he was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Assange is fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges, and his full court hearing is due to begin next week.
At a preliminary hearing, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that in August 2017, then-Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.”
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
more he said she said bull ! :laughing0301:

Maybe. Although this was the first step for evidence to be introduced into court so if there is more to this we should know sooner than later. It certainly correlates well with reporting that was contemporary to the allegation.
And here we go again! Not illegal, i don't think..just...corrupt and manipulative..if true:

Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon if he cleared Russia

A lawyer for Julian Assange said Wednesday that the WikiLeaks founder plans to claim during his extradition hearing that he was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Assange is fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges, and his full court hearing is due to begin next week.
At a preliminary hearing, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that in August 2017, then-Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.”
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
more he said she said bull ! :laughing0301:

Maybe. Although this was the first step for evidence to be introduced into court so if there is more to this we should know sooner than later. It certainly correlates well with reporting that was contemporary to the allegation.
we shall see i guess .
And here we go again! Not illegal, i don't think..just...corrupt and manipulative..if true:

Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon if he cleared Russia

A lawyer for Julian Assange said Wednesday that the WikiLeaks founder plans to claim during his extradition hearing that he was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Assange is fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges, and his full court hearing is due to begin next week.
At a preliminary hearing, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that in August 2017, then-Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.”
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
more he said she said bull ! :laughing0301:

Maybe. Although this was the first step for evidence to be introduced into court so if there is more to this we should know sooner than later. It certainly correlates well with reporting that was contemporary to the allegation.
we shall see i guess .

Just a hypothetical then, if Trump offered a pardon to get Assange to say something of this nature, would that be corrupt in your mind?
Nothing Assange says can be taken on his word, but if he has solid evidence to back it up there is enough here for another Abuse of Power article of impeachment or at least a major scandal (aka just another day for Trump) that puts Trump playing footsie with Putin into a renewed focus.

Nothing he has said has been proven false. Quite unlike those who want to continue to prosecute him.

Seriously??...he just said in court that he lied about Russians because he was promissed leniency from Trump.
Nothing Assange says can be taken on his word, but if he has solid evidence to back it up there is enough here for another Abuse of Power article of impeachment or at least a major scandal (aka just another day for Trump) that puts Trump playing footsie with Putin into a renewed focus.

Nothing he has said has been proven false. Quite unlike those who want to continue to prosecute him.

Seriously??...he just said in court that he lied about Russians because he was promissed leniency from Trump.

No he didn't.
I actually heard her talking about the guy making a video that sparked the benghazi attack. That guy went to jail over that stuff. When you lie and someone goes to jail for your lies, your are shit. Now what part of that do you disagree with? She showed bad character all the way back to Arkansas when Bill was Governor, and stayed with him out of personal political ambition. Emails? I didn't mention them. Had a lot of communication that was or became classified at one level or another, but never put it on a non-government server because I knew it was a breach of security. Just because you cannot be proven guilty of a crime, does not mean you are innocent. She was a political animal and I am glad she is not president. I only wish we had had a candidate on either side that was not a complete sleaze.
Hillary has never been anywhere near a courtroom and you have no evidence for all those phony scandals against her. And then there's the crap hacked emails that meant nothing and then there's the Russian social media that is also total garbage. All of that wrecked the election. Everything you know is wrong. and there is no deep state conspiracy either, those are called our wonderful public servants. You are a disgrace too disrespecting our great institutions.
Oh, cry me a river. In your case cry enough to float a battleship or cruiser. I think she is a skillful liar and a craven politician. I am entitled to my opinion and do not care what you think. Her time is over. I am glad I did not vote for her. The republicans like to float thoughts of her becoming a VP running mate (mostly because they would like to run against her, due to the fact, many share my opinion), but it is wishful thinking. Back in 2016, I thought her more dangerous than trump because she is a lot smarter and more experienced in government than the lying crooked trump. I don't know what is actually worse, her lying manipulatiion of government or dumb ass taking a wrecking ball to government, and the constitution with no oversite, due to zombie-like support from what used to be a legitimate long lived political party that stood for good government, fiscal responsibility, law and order and a united front against totalitarianism throughout the world. You young people got a lot of work to do to fix this mess.
I admire and respect your brainwashed functional moron opinion. So you believe in the deep State protecting Hillary also? Talk about conspiracy theories with no evidence. Everything you know is wrong super duper.
No. I do not believe the the deep state "period". I don't believe that something is "fake news", just because it is unflattering to trump. I do not believe that anyone who doesn't support the pres is a commie, or a nazi or whatever else the trump nutballs are calling them tonight. I believe mainstream news gets it right a lot more than it gets it wrong. Nice to have your respect, but I form my own opinions regardless of the stupidity of the left or right. Good to be independent, so I don't have to care about nutballs like you.
If you think I am a nut ball give me an example or two, if you believe that you are a brainwashed functional moron. You call yourself independent but that only means you are ignorant and brainwashed. The GOP is a swamp and a total disaster for 38 years now. and got worse with Rush Limbaugh and the propaganda machine it is now totally out of control and seems to control a government. If you know the facts you are a Democrat
Damn, Franko. Except for calling me a moron, I agree with just about everything you said on that post. I still count myself independent, I guess because of my voting record and despising the fringes on both sides equally. This cycle I will be voting Democratic and probably for a while on national elections. I still like my local and state republicans.
Nothing Assange says can be taken on his word, but if he has solid evidence to back it up there is enough here for another Abuse of Power article of impeachment or at least a major scandal (aka just another day for Trump) that puts Trump playing footsie with Putin into a renewed focus.

Nothing he has said has been proven false. Quite unlike those who want to continue to prosecute him.

Seriously??...he just said in court that he lied about Russians because he was promissed leniency from Trump.

No he didn't.


From OP:

[Assange] was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.

Assange was saying exactly that after that meeting:

Julian Assange: Russia didn't give emails to WikiLeaks
And here we go again! Not illegal, i don't think..just...corrupt and manipulative..if true:

Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon if he cleared Russia

A lawyer for Julian Assange said Wednesday that the WikiLeaks founder plans to claim during his extradition hearing that he was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Assange is fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges, and his full court hearing is due to begin next week.
At a preliminary hearing, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that in August 2017, then-Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.”
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
more he said she said bull ! :laughing0301:

Maybe. Although this was the first step for evidence to be introduced into court so if there is more to this we should know sooner than later. It certainly correlates well with reporting that was contemporary to the allegation.
we shall see i guess .

Just a hypothetical then, if Trump offered a pardon to get Assange to say something of this nature, would that be corrupt in your mind?
absolutely ..and heres a hypothetical for you if it is proven that the dems tried to frame Trump on collusion to overturn an election would that be illegal .
And here we go again! Not illegal, i don't think..just...corrupt and manipulative..if true:

Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon if he cleared Russia

A lawyer for Julian Assange said Wednesday that the WikiLeaks founder plans to claim during his extradition hearing that he was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Assange is fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges, and his full court hearing is due to begin next week.
At a preliminary hearing, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that in August 2017, then-Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.”
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
more he said she said bull ! :laughing0301:

Maybe. Although this was the first step for evidence to be introduced into court so if there is more to this we should know sooner than later. It certainly correlates well with reporting that was contemporary to the allegation.
we shall see i guess .

Just a hypothetical then, if Trump offered a pardon to get Assange to say something of this nature, would that be corrupt in your mind?
absolutely ..and heres a hypothetical for you if it is proven that the dems tried to frame Trump on collusion to overturn an election would that be illegal .
Framing someone means making false accusations and that may or may not be illegal depending on where and how it’s made. Making false accusations is certainly wrong no matter how it’s done.
I did not. TopTenn website sent me emails, but I knew Trump was a lying SOS. I am not on facebook, so I did not get the 13 state advertising campaign. I am an avid shooter and considered competent with any weapon I ever fired, but do not support the NRA so was immune to their influence over that organization. My daddy taught me to spot hucksters a mile off and avoid liars and people of low morals. That is why knew not to vote Trump. I didn't vote the Hill because I knew she was equally morally and ethically challenged, having seen her in politics and as Sec of State. Being independent is a wonderful thing. You should try it. You could have principles again.
Claiming you an independent doesn't mean shit......and it doesn't shield you from anything matter how much you think it does...
At least I was smart enough and independent enough to not follow the crowd to knowingly vote for one of those two. I am only shielded by being debt free and financially solid for the rest of my foreseeable life. Good luck to you as you follow the herd.
unfortunately you were misinformed about Hillary. All of the crap about her was proven wrong in the end and the emails were just bologna. Everything was investigated nothing there.
I actually heard her talking about the guy making a video that sparked the benghazi attack. That guy went to jail over that stuff. When you lie and someone goes to jail for your lies, your are shit. Now what part of that do you disagree with? She showed bad character all the way back to Arkansas when Bill was Governor, and stayed with him out of personal political ambition. Emails? I didn't mention them. Had a lot of communication that was or became classified at one level or another, but never put it on a non-government server because I knew it was a breach of security. Just because you cannot be proven guilty of a crime, does not mean you are innocent. She was a political animal and I am glad she is not president. I only wish we had had a candidate on either side that was not a complete sleaze.
Of course the video and the Muslim Rush Limbaugh of Cairo triggered the attack in Benghazi look just like all the other attacks about that time that bad guy called for. Everybody knows it but the brainwashed over on Fox news. All investigated nothing there.

Have you ever made a post that didn't reek of mental retardation?

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