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Lawyers for Nick Sandmann File 250 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Washington Post

And he's just beginning! MAGA Nick Sandmanngave them 48 hours to apologize and was met with silence. Oh well, time to crack that whip!


Lawsuit in link.
For truth, for justice, for Nicholas!

Why was a Catholic kid allowed to wear a MAGA hat on a class trip? Where were the chaperones? Where were the priests? The RCC always bragged that it was the arbiter of morals. BS! So glad I got out of it.

I would say they are equally relieved, since you appear to have no understanding of the most basic Christian precepts...first and foremost the difference between good, and evil. You poor anti-Christian loons seem to have no internal ability to distinguish reality from fantasy, right from wrong. You honestly think that it's *moral* to target little kids.And you honestly think it's *immoral* to stand one's ground in the face of attack...and that anybody who does stand their ground when under attack is, in fact, attacking their attackers.

Nobody is surprised. You are the party that defends pedophiles, molesters, human traffickers, and other offal.

Before you discuss "Christian precepts," please specify what denomination or sect or cult that you follow. Please also explain how a hat with an openly political message has anything to do with the Christian religion.

BTW: are you suggesting that the Democratic Party, of which I am not a card-carrying member, but do support based on the antics of the Republican Party, "defends pedophiles, molesters, human traffickers, and other offal"? This assertion is pure nonsense.
There is NO NEED TO PROVE THEY WEREN'T made by WaPo. We presume that they WERE made by WaPo.

That's the whole fucking POINT. The suit cites seven (7) articles as "defamatory" -- and cites passages directly from those articles, rendering the WaPo paywall IRRELEVANT, since we have them right in front of us in the court document.

What you have to do then is get your teacher to read you the actual passages they cite.

And when you do that you find out that NOWHERE in ANY of them does any such "defamation" appear. I already did that, and you can too.

=OR= you can find what I somehow didn't find, and post it here.

Get busy. I an't got all week.

Good GODS you're a lazy fuck. No wonder you post wet Wisconsin trolley tracks and try to pass them off as "the Democratic convention".

So which of these statements didn't WAPO make?

On January 19, 20 and 21, the Post ignored the truth and falsely accused Nicholas of, among other things, “accost[ing]” Phillips by “suddenly swarm[ing]” him in a “threaten[ing]” and “physically intimidat[ing]” manner as Phillips “and other activists were wrapping up the march and preparing to leave,” “block[ing]” Phillips path, refusing to allow Phillips “to retreat,” “taunting the dispersing indigenous crowd,” chanting “build that wall,” “Trump2020,” or “go back to Africa,” and otherwise engaging in racist and improper conduct which ended only “when Phillips and other activists walked away.”

READ THE CITATIONS, asswipe. What you have here are the complaints --- which are written by the attorneys. WaPo didn't write that.

The CITATIONS would be under the heading, "Cause of Action for Defamation". Once again you quit reading before you got to the crucial part, and you're left standing on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin.
They're in quotes, moron. That means WAPO said them.

Here is one:

The First Article features Nicholas prominently by publication of the @2020fight and/or Taitano Videos and emphasizing his alleged involvement as the “one standing about a foot from the drummer’s face wearing a relentless smirk.”

That is what WAPO said, not Nick Sandmann or Phillips.

NO, Fingerfuck, that means the attorneys are CLAIMING WaPo said them. DIFFERENCE.

Here is the actual entire citation from that first article. Note the intro line at the beginning.

>>In its First Article, the Post published or republished the following false and defamatory statements:
  • The headline “‘It was getting ugly’: Native American drummer speaks on the MAGA-hat wearing teens who surrounded him.”

  • “In an interview Saturday, Phillips, 64, said he felt threatened by the teens and that they suddenly swarmed around him as he and other activists were wrapping up the march and preparing to leave.”

  • “Phillips, who was singing the American Indian Movement song of unity that serves as a ceremony to send the spirits home, said he noticed tensions beginning to escalate when the teens and other apparent participants from the nearby March for Life rally began taunting the dispersing indigenous crowd.”

  • “A few people in the March for Life crowd began to chant ‘Build that wall, build that wall,’ he said.”

  • “‘It was getting ugly, and I was thinking: ‘I’ve got to find myself an exit out of this situation and finish my song at the Lincoln Memorial,’ Phillips recalled. ‘I started going that way, and that guy in the hat stood in my way and we were at an impasse. He just blocked my way and wouldn’t allow me to retreat.’”

  • “‘It clearly demonstrates the validity of our concerns about the marginalization and disrespect of Indigenous peoples, and it shows that traditional knowledge is being ignored by those who should listen most closely,’ Darren Thompson, an organizer for the [Indigenous Peoples Movement], said in the statement.”

  • “Chase Iron Eyes, an attorney with the Lakota People Law Project, said the incident lasted about 10 minutes and ended when Phillips and other activists walked away.”

  • “‘It was an aggressive display of physicality. They were rambunctious and trying to instigate a conflict,’ he said. ‘We were wondering where their chaperones were. [Phillips] was really trying to defuse the situation.’”

  • “Phillips, an Omaha tribe elder who also fought in the Vietnam war, has encountered anti-Native American sentiments before . . . .” <<
That's it. The entire citation for the first article. Not only is it entirely comprised of reported statements by other people --- it makes no mention of the Smirk itself, at all. Note the operative verbs throughout --- "said" and "recalled". Not "is".

This is the entire citation of "defamatory statements" for article 1. All of it. Ain't there. The only way such a suit could make the case anything on this list is "false" is by proving Philips, Thompson, Chase Iron Eyes et al, DID NOT make those statements.
Sorry, you dumb fucking turd, but the statement is in quotes. If you claim WAPO didn't say that, then prove it.

It AIN'T MY FUCKING JOB to prove a negative, Dumbass. It's the suit's job to prove it DID say it.

As another post put it,
You made a claim, so it's on you to prove it.

Hey, that was you. Stopped clock syndrome.

The last statement was clearly made by WAPO, and it's clearly defamatory. Sandman expressed no "anti-Native American sentiments" whatsoever.

NOR IS THAT WHAT THE ARTICLE SAYS, you colossal black hole of non-brain matter.

Furthermore, WAPO presented opinions from only one side of the story, and it presented them as if they were fact.

Yuh huh. Link(s)?

See what I mean? You've had an entire month, you''ve produced ZERO.

Again ----- burden of proof, DUMBASS.

WAPO deliberately whipped up animosity towards Sandmann. Of that there is no doubt.

Then it's interesting that after an entire month you still can't show that. Isn't it.

Y'all have your collective head completely up your collective ass about what the term "facts" means. They're not "negotiable". And you can't just go whining "I want it to have happened, therefore it did". Grow the fuck UP already.
There is NO NEED TO PROVE THEY WEREN'T made by WaPo. We presume that they WERE made by WaPo.

That's the whole fucking POINT. The suit cites seven (7) articles as "defamatory" -- and cites passages directly from those articles, rendering the WaPo paywall IRRELEVANT, since we have them right in front of us in the court document.

What you have to do then is get your teacher to read you the actual passages they cite.

And when you do that you find out that NOWHERE in ANY of them does any such "defamation" appear. I already did that, and you can too.

=OR= you can find what I somehow didn't find, and post it here.

Get busy. I an't got all week.

Good GODS you're a lazy fuck. No wonder you post wet Wisconsin trolley tracks and try to pass them off as "the Democratic convention".

So which of these statements didn't WAPO make?

On January 19, 20 and 21, the Post ignored the truth and falsely accused Nicholas of, among other things, “accost[ing]” Phillips by “suddenly swarm[ing]” him in a “threaten[ing]” and “physically intimidat[ing]” manner as Phillips “and other activists were wrapping up the march and preparing to leave,” “block[ing]” Phillips path, refusing to allow Phillips “to retreat,” “taunting the dispersing indigenous crowd,” chanting “build that wall,” “Trump2020,” or “go back to Africa,” and otherwise engaging in racist and improper conduct which ended only “when Phillips and other activists walked away.”

READ THE CITATIONS, asswipe. What you have here are the complaints --- which are written by the attorneys. WaPo didn't write that.

The CITATIONS would be under the heading, "Cause of Action for Defamation". Once again you quit reading before you got to the crucial part, and you're left standing on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin.
They're in quotes, moron. That means WAPO said them.

Here is one:

The First Article features Nicholas prominently by publication of the @2020fight and/or Taitano Videos and emphasizing his alleged involvement as the “one standing about a foot from the drummer’s face wearing a relentless smirk.”

That is what WAPO said, not Nick Sandmann or Phillips.
What's wrong with that quote? What's inaccurate about that quote?
The phrase "wearing a relentless smirk" is defamatory.

It is redundant, I'll give you that.

But it also does not appear in the article citation.
So which of these statements didn't WAPO make?

On January 19, 20 and 21, the Post ignored the truth and falsely accused Nicholas of, among other things, “accost[ing]” Phillips by “suddenly swarm[ing]” him in a “threaten[ing]” and “physically intimidat[ing]” manner as Phillips “and other activists were wrapping up the march and preparing to leave,” “block[ing]” Phillips path, refusing to allow Phillips “to retreat,” “taunting the dispersing indigenous crowd,” chanting “build that wall,” “Trump2020,” or “go back to Africa,” and otherwise engaging in racist and improper conduct which ended only “when Phillips and other activists walked away.”

READ THE CITATIONS, asswipe. What you have here are the complaints --- which are written by the attorneys. WaPo didn't write that.

The CITATIONS would be under the heading, "Cause of Action for Defamation". Once again you quit reading before you got to the crucial part, and you're left standing on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin.
They're in quotes, moron. That means WAPO said them.

Here is one:

The First Article features Nicholas prominently by publication of the @2020fight and/or Taitano Videos and emphasizing his alleged involvement as the “one standing about a foot from the drummer’s face wearing a relentless smirk.”

That is what WAPO said, not Nick Sandmann or Phillips.
What's wrong with that quote? What's inaccurate about that quote?
The phrase "wearing a relentless smirk" is defamatory.

It is redundant, I'll give you that.

But it also does not appear in the article citation.
It's in quotes, moron. You insist that we accept the material quoted in the "articles citation" as legitimate, but if the brief uses quotes anywhere else, you claim it's not legitimate.

Sorry, but I've had my fill of your insanity.
BTW: are you suggesting that the Democratic Party, of which I am not a card-carrying member, but do support based on the antics of the Republican Party, "defends pedophiles, molesters, human traffickers, and other offal"?
If he is not, I am.

On exactly what grounds? Has any Democratic politician, or any other specific Democratic supporter ever spoken in support of such disgusting behavior? Evidence?
READ THE CITATIONS, asswipe. What you have here are the complaints --- which are written by the attorneys. WaPo didn't write that.

The CITATIONS would be under the heading, "Cause of Action for Defamation". Once again you quit reading before you got to the crucial part, and you're left standing on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin.
They're in quotes, moron. That means WAPO said them.

Here is one:

The First Article features Nicholas prominently by publication of the @2020fight and/or Taitano Videos and emphasizing his alleged involvement as the “one standing about a foot from the drummer’s face wearing a relentless smirk.”

That is what WAPO said, not Nick Sandmann or Phillips.
What's wrong with that quote? What's inaccurate about that quote?
The phrase "wearing a relentless smirk" is defamatory.

It is redundant, I'll give you that.

But it also does not appear in the article citation.
It's in quotes, moron. You insist that we accept the material quoted in the "articles citation" as legitimate, but if the brief uses quotes anywhere else, you claim it's not legitimate.

You fucking moron. .

Suppose I go "I eat babies!" -- Fingerboy.

What? It's "in quotes", must be true!

You fucking retard.

Sorry, but I've had my fill of your insanity.

You should be sorry. What you're saying is you know I'm right and you have no more bullshit left in your quiver so you're giving up and running away, down the wet Wisconsin trolley tracks you rode in on.
They're in quotes, moron. That means WAPO said them.

Here is one:

The First Article features Nicholas prominently by publication of the @2020fight and/or Taitano Videos and emphasizing his alleged involvement as the “one standing about a foot from the drummer’s face wearing a relentless smirk.”

That is what WAPO said, not Nick Sandmann or Phillips.
What's wrong with that quote? What's inaccurate about that quote?
The phrase "wearing a relentless smirk" is defamatory.

It is redundant, I'll give you that.

But it also does not appear in the article citation.
It's in quotes, moron. You insist that we accept the material quoted in the "articles citation" as legitimate, but if the brief uses quotes anywhere else, you claim it's not legitimate.

You fucking moron. .

Suppose I go "I eat babies!" -- Fingerboy.

What? It's "in quotes", must be true!

You fucking retard.

Sorry, but I've had my fill of your insanity.

You should be sorry. What you're saying is you know I'm right and you have no more bullshit left in your quiver so you're giving up and running away, down the wet Wisconsin trolley tracks you rode in on.
More and more, CRC's show their brilliance, don't they? :71:
If this gets before a judge the judge will likely toss this POS suit

then shit for brains Sandman will have to get a job, one day
Wrong. If it goes before a Kentucky jury they will slam WAPO with the maximum judgement.

You're saying Kentuckians are too stupid to read?
No. I'm saying you won't find an OJ jury in Kentucky.
Look! Over there! >>>>> It's a GIANT Deflection! :71:
And he's just beginning! MAGA Nick Sandmanngave them 48 hours to apologize and was met with silence. Oh well, time to crack that whip!


Lawsuit in link.
For truth, for justice, for Nicholas!

Why was a Catholic kid allowed to wear a MAGA hat on a class trip? Where were the chaperones? Where were the priests? The RCC always bragged that it was the arbiter of morals. BS! So glad I got out of it.

I would say they are equally relieved, since you appear to have no understanding of the most basic Christian precepts...first and foremost the difference between good, and evil. You poor anti-Christian loons seem to have no internal ability to distinguish reality from fantasy, right from wrong. You honestly think that it's *moral* to target little kids.And you honestly think it's *immoral* to stand one's ground in the face of attack...and that anybody who does stand their ground when under attack is, in fact, attacking their attackers.

Nobody is surprised. You are the party that defends pedophiles, molesters, human traffickers, and other offal.

Before you discuss "Christian precepts," please specify what denomination or sect or cult that you follow. Please also explain how a hat with an openly political message has anything to do with the Christian religion.

BTW: are you suggesting that the Democratic Party, of which I am not a card-carrying member, but do support based on the antics of the Republican Party, "defends pedophiles, molesters, human traffickers, and other offal"? This assertion is pure nonsense.
Allie's suggestion is typical of CDCs (conservative republican christians).
And he's just beginning! MAGA Nick Sandmanngave them 48 hours to apologize and was met with silence. Oh well, time to crack that whip!


Lawsuit in link.
For truth, for justice, for Nicholas!

Why was a Catholic kid allowed to wear a MAGA hat on a class trip? Where were the chaperones? Where were the priests? The RCC always bragged that it was the arbiter of morals. BS! So glad I got out of it.
It's also time to look into that diocese and that school's tax exempt status. Tax laws allow churches to be involved in political causes....but NOT politicians. Almost all those kids were wearing "Trump" gear....NOT anti-choice gear. Maybe WaPo can also bring that up to the IRS, file a complaint.
You're such a dingbat. The kids aren't politicians, and the school didn't force them to wear the hat. Your post is too stupid for words to describe.
THe school paid for their trip and they became walking advertisements for a political candidate....I'm sure the diocese and school will have an excellent explanation for the IRS.
And he's just beginning! MAGA Nick Sandmanngave them 48 hours to apologize and was met with silence. Oh well, time to crack that whip!

Lawsuit in link.
For truth, for justice, for Nicholas!

How inconvenient that they STILL have no evidence, huh.

I put that challenge out a MONTH ago and never got a response. Not a single one. Zero.
"Apologize for"................................ what?

From your own link:

>> On January 19, 2019, the Post also posted to its Twitter page and published to approximately 13 million followers its First Article with the following false and defamatory captions, all within a span of 14 minutes, and all within the same thread:
  • “In an interview with The Post, Omaha Tribe elder Nathan Phillips says he ‘felt like the spirit was talking through me’ as teens jeered and mocked him.”
  • “He was singing the American Indian Movement song of unity that serves as a ceremony to send the spirits home. ‘It was getting ugly, and I was thinking: ‘I’ve got to find myself an exit out of this situation and finish my song at the Lincoln Memorial.’”
  • “Phillips, who fought in the Vietnam War, says in an interview ‘I started going that way, and that guy in the hat stood in my way and we were at an impasse. He just blocked my way and wouldn’t allow me to retreat.’” <<
Whelp, guess what. That's a newspaper QUOTING Philips. Is the quote inaccurate? The fact is Philips DID make the statements, he WAS singing a NAm song, and the teens DID jeer and mock him --- "tomahawk chops" are right there in the video.

YOUR OWN LINK, Dumbass. Rotsa ruck with egomaniac attorneys getting their names in print by filing frivolous lawsuits for which they have no evidence. This will be laughed out of court, as it should be.
Wrong! The Post will succumb to MAGA Nick Sandmann and settle. God is on this fine young gentleman's side.

Nick Sandman will prolly die in a traffic accident before he graduates high school

More likely he'll be the victim of road rage after he smirks at somebody he just jumped in front of.
Probably it will be some leftwing asshole just like you.

I should really report you to the FBI for that. You're encourage people to murder Sandmann.
Oh...are you on a first name basis now with your FBI agent? The one that visited you?
How inconvenient that they STILL have no evidence, huh.

I put that challenge out a MONTH ago and never got a response. Not a single one. Zero.
"Apologize for"................................ what?

From your own link:

>> On January 19, 2019, the Post also posted to its Twitter page and published to approximately 13 million followers its First Article with the following false and defamatory captions, all within a span of 14 minutes, and all within the same thread:
  • “In an interview with The Post, Omaha Tribe elder Nathan Phillips says he ‘felt like the spirit was talking through me’ as teens jeered and mocked him.”
  • “He was singing the American Indian Movement song of unity that serves as a ceremony to send the spirits home. ‘It was getting ugly, and I was thinking: ‘I’ve got to find myself an exit out of this situation and finish my song at the Lincoln Memorial.’”
  • “Phillips, who fought in the Vietnam War, says in an interview ‘I started going that way, and that guy in the hat stood in my way and we were at an impasse. He just blocked my way and wouldn’t allow me to retreat.’” <<
Whelp, guess what. That's a newspaper QUOTING Philips. Is the quote inaccurate? The fact is Philips DID make the statements, he WAS singing a NAm song, and the teens DID jeer and mock him --- "tomahawk chops" are right there in the video.

YOUR OWN LINK, Dumbass. Rotsa ruck with egomaniac attorneys getting their names in print by filing frivolous lawsuits for which they have no evidence. This will be laughed out of court, as it should be.
Wrong! The Post will succumb to MAGA Nick Sandmann and settle. God is on this fine young gentleman's side.

Nick Sandman will prolly die in a traffic accident before he graduates high school

More likely he'll be the victim of road rage after he smirks at somebody he just jumped in front of.
Probably it will be some leftwing asshole just like you.

I should really report you to the FBI for that. You're encourage people to murder Sandmann.
Oh...are you on a first name basis now with your FBI agent? The one that visited you?

Look, another leftard who endorses violence towards minors. Enoy the loss WaPo is about to take. You are as big a POS as Phillips and Pogo. Birds of a feather.......
So which of these statements didn't WAPO make?

On January 19, 20 and 21, the Post ignored the truth and falsely accused Nicholas of, among other things, “accost[ing]” Phillips by “suddenly swarm[ing]” him in a “threaten[ing]” and “physically intimidat[ing]” manner as Phillips “and other activists were wrapping up the march and preparing to leave,” “block[ing]” Phillips path, refusing to allow Phillips “to retreat,” “taunting the dispersing indigenous crowd,” chanting “build that wall,” “Trump2020,” or “go back to Africa,” and otherwise engaging in racist and improper conduct which ended only “when Phillips and other activists walked away.”

READ THE CITATIONS, asswipe. What you have here are the complaints --- which are written by the attorneys. WaPo didn't write that.

The CITATIONS would be under the heading, "Cause of Action for Defamation". Once again you quit reading before you got to the crucial part, and you're left standing on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin.
They're in quotes, moron. That means WAPO said them.

Here is one:

The First Article features Nicholas prominently by publication of the @2020fight and/or Taitano Videos and emphasizing his alleged involvement as the “one standing about a foot from the drummer’s face wearing a relentless smirk.”

That is what WAPO said, not Nick Sandmann or Phillips.

NO, Fingerfuck, that means the attorneys are CLAIMING WaPo said them. DIFFERENCE.

Here is the actual entire citation from that first article. Note the intro line at the beginning.

>>In its First Article, the Post published or republished the following false and defamatory statements:
  • The headline “‘It was getting ugly’: Native American drummer speaks on the MAGA-hat wearing teens who surrounded him.”

  • “In an interview Saturday, Phillips, 64, said he felt threatened by the teens and that they suddenly swarmed around him as he and other activists were wrapping up the march and preparing to leave.”

  • “Phillips, who was singing the American Indian Movement song of unity that serves as a ceremony to send the spirits home, said he noticed tensions beginning to escalate when the teens and other apparent participants from the nearby March for Life rally began taunting the dispersing indigenous crowd.”

  • “A few people in the March for Life crowd began to chant ‘Build that wall, build that wall,’ he said.”

  • “‘It was getting ugly, and I was thinking: ‘I’ve got to find myself an exit out of this situation and finish my song at the Lincoln Memorial,’ Phillips recalled. ‘I started going that way, and that guy in the hat stood in my way and we were at an impasse. He just blocked my way and wouldn’t allow me to retreat.’”

  • “‘It clearly demonstrates the validity of our concerns about the marginalization and disrespect of Indigenous peoples, and it shows that traditional knowledge is being ignored by those who should listen most closely,’ Darren Thompson, an organizer for the [Indigenous Peoples Movement], said in the statement.”

  • “Chase Iron Eyes, an attorney with the Lakota People Law Project, said the incident lasted about 10 minutes and ended when Phillips and other activists walked away.”

  • “‘It was an aggressive display of physicality. They were rambunctious and trying to instigate a conflict,’ he said. ‘We were wondering where their chaperones were. [Phillips] was really trying to defuse the situation.’”

  • “Phillips, an Omaha tribe elder who also fought in the Vietnam war, has encountered anti-Native American sentiments before . . . .” <<
That's it. The entire citation for the first article. Not only is it entirely comprised of reported statements by other people --- it makes no mention of the Smirk itself, at all. Note the operative verbs throughout --- "said" and "recalled". Not "is".

This is the entire citation of "defamatory statements" for article 1. All of it. Ain't there. The only way such a suit could make the case anything on this list is "false" is by proving Philips, Thompson, Chase Iron Eyes et al, DID NOT make those statements.
Sorry, you dumb fucking turd, but the statement is in quotes. If you claim WAPO didn't say that, then prove it.

It AIN'T MY FUCKING JOB to prove a negative, Dumbass. It's the suit's job to prove it DID say it.

As another post put it,
You made a claim, so it's on you to prove it.

Hey, that was you. Stopped clock syndrome.

The last statement was clearly made by WAPO, and it's clearly defamatory. Sandman expressed no "anti-Native American sentiments" whatsoever.

NOR IS THAT WHAT THE ARTICLE SAYS, you colossal black hole of non-brain matter.

Furthermore, WAPO presented opinions from only one side of the story, and it presented them as if they were fact.

Yuh huh. Link(s)?

See what I mean? You've had an entire month, you''ve produced ZERO.

Again ----- burden of proof, DUMBASS.

WAPO deliberately whipped up animosity towards Sandmann. Of that there is no doubt.

Then it's interesting that after an entire month you still can't show that. Isn't it.

Y'all have your collective head completely up your collective ass about what the term "facts" means. They're not "negotiable". And you can't just go whining "I want it to have happened, therefore it did". Grow the fuck UP already.

Hey retard, YOU'VE been claiming for a month that Sandman started this , yet still have shown ZERO evidence. You have been shown plenty of evidence of WaPo and others misdeeds and just stick your thumb up your ass and scream it's not true. Until you have evidence of Sandman starting anything, STFU. False reporting that led to threats against these innocent kids. You lose.
Wrong! The Post will succumb to MAGA Nick Sandmann and settle. God is on this fine young gentleman's side.

Nick Sandman will prolly die in a traffic accident before he graduates high school

More likely he'll be the victim of road rage after he smirks at somebody he just jumped in front of.
Probably it will be some leftwing asshole just like you.

I should really report you to the FBI for that. You're encourage people to murder Sandmann.
Oh...are you on a first name basis now with your FBI agent? The one that visited you?

Look, another leftard who endorses violence towards minors. Enoy the loss WaPo is about to take. You are as big a POS as Phillips and Pogo. Birds of a feather.......
She keeps harping on the FBI thing. I'm fairly certain that she's the one who reported me.
Wrong! The Post will succumb to MAGA Nick Sandmann and settle. God is on this fine young gentleman's side.

Nick Sandman will prolly die in a traffic accident before he graduates high school

More likely he'll be the victim of road rage after he smirks at somebody he just jumped in front of.
Probably it will be some leftwing asshole just like you.

I should really report you to the FBI for that. You're encourage people to murder Sandmann.
Oh...are you on a first name basis now with your FBI agent? The one that visited you?

Look, another leftard who endorses violence towards minors. Enoy the loss WaPo is about to take. You are as big a POS as Phillips and Pogo. Birds of a feather.......
Well that's an interesting post....talking about something I NEVER said at all. I guess CDCs can only survive on strawmen.
Nick Sandman will prolly die in a traffic accident before he graduates high school

More likely he'll be the victim of road rage after he smirks at somebody he just jumped in front of.
Probably it will be some leftwing asshole just like you.

I should really report you to the FBI for that. You're encourage people to murder Sandmann.
Oh...are you on a first name basis now with your FBI agent? The one that visited you?

Look, another leftard who endorses violence towards minors. Enoy the loss WaPo is about to take. You are as big a POS as Phillips and Pogo. Birds of a feather.......
She keeps harping on the FBI thing. I'm fairly certain that she's the one who reported me.
I doubt it, but your thread was so gosh-darn funny! :auiqs.jpg:
And he's just beginning! MAGA Nick Sandmanngave them 48 hours to apologize and was met with silence. Oh well, time to crack that whip!


Lawsuit in link.
For truth, for justice, for Nicholas!

Why was a Catholic kid allowed to wear a MAGA hat on a class trip? Where were the chaperones? Where were the priests? The RCC always bragged that it was the arbiter of morals. BS! So glad I got out of it.
It's also time to look into that diocese and that school's tax exempt status. Tax laws allow churches to be involved in political causes....but NOT politicians. Almost all those kids were wearing "Trump" gear....NOT anti-choice gear. Maybe WaPo can also bring that up to the IRS, file a complaint.
You're such a dingbat. The kids aren't politicians, and the school didn't force them to wear the hat. Your post is too stupid for words to describe.
THe school paid for their trip and they became walking advertisements for a political candidate....I'm sure the diocese and school will have an excellent explanation for the IRS.
Which candidate were the campaigning for?

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