Lawyers For The DNC Argue That 'Primary Rigging' Is Protected By The First Amendment

i didn't say a thing about her e-mails. i said her entire history is ripe with skirting between ethics and law.

But her e-mails were the focus of the Russian bot and Conservative troll effort to spread propaganda during the 2016 election. So you're pretending people voted against Clinton in the general election because of how the DNC ran the primary, but that's a load of horseshit, and you know it.

And where are Trump's tax returns?

and i didn't know it was e-mails from the russians. i thought it was bots on facebook. oh wait, fake websites giving fake news. oh wait, bots replying and keeping stupid comments in articles going...

It was Conservative/Russian bots that were amplifying bullshit about e-mails in the last couple months of the campaign, after their previous bullshit -Pizzagate- resulted in a deranged Conservative being manipulated into holding up the pizza joint because of Russian propaganda about a child sex trafficking cult run out of the pizza shop's basement (the pizza shop didn't even have a basement).
you're not even a very good troll.

have a day.
So don't have a primary then. Don't have debates, don't pretend you care about your candidate. Put how ever many hats you need for candidates, lay them on the floor and asked them to be filled with donations. Whoever gets the most wins.

That's pretty much the system as it exists today anyway. It won't change until we remove money from political campaigns and move to an entirely, 100% publicly-financed sy
stem with a ban on PACs, donations, and fundraising.

If that were true Jeb Bush would have been the GOP nominee.

celebrity trumps $$ in the 24 hour news cycle.
the DNC 100% LIED about the DNC primaries being authentic elections. PERIOD.


And Dems cheat in theirs

And? If you are so concerned with the integrity of our primaries then you should be supporting an entirely publicly-funded campaign system with a 100% ban on all political donations and fundraising.

Do you support that? Probably not. So you're just trolling.

they are only concerned with the "integrity" of the democratic primary.... which they think should somehow have gone to someone who isn't a registered democrat.

they're so cute that way.
It is very simple, if you read the actual court document it does not say what the article claims it does. But these sites count on you sheep not taking the time to check for yourself

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it says it appears to argue..... again, thanks for the lie. we appreciate it.

And that is a lie, it does not appear to argue that. But you will never know because like the good little sheep you will never question your masters

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and yet in the document it states:

the Supreme Court has repeatedly and “vigorously affirm[ed]” that the First Amendment reserves “special place” and accords “special protection.” Cal. Democratic Party v. Jones, 530 U.S. 567, 575 (2000). See also DE 62 p. 18 (RE p. 626) (“‘[A] political party’s determination of the structure which best allows it to pursue its political goals is protected by the Constitution.’”) (quoting Eu v. v. San Francisco Cty. Democratic Cent. Comm., 489 U.S. 214, 229 (1989)).

Which does not in anyway speak of rigging anything.

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but it is what the OP was about. so again, the defense appears to argue, and that is exactly what they argued. so there is nothing wrong with the OP and makes you the liar.

It only appears that way to brainless partisans, so yes they lied.

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it says it appears to argue..... again, thanks for the lie. we appreciate it.

And that is a lie, it does not appear to argue that. But you will never know because like the good little sheep you will never question your masters

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and yet in the document it states:

the Supreme Court has repeatedly and “vigorously affirm[ed]” that the First Amendment reserves “special place” and accords “special protection.” Cal. Democratic Party v. Jones, 530 U.S. 567, 575 (2000). See also DE 62 p. 18 (RE p. 626) (“‘[A] political party’s determination of the structure which best allows it to pursue its political goals is protected by the Constitution.’”) (quoting Eu v. v. San Francisco Cty. Democratic Cent. Comm., 489 U.S. 214, 229 (1989)).

Which does not in anyway speak of rigging anything.

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but it is what the OP was about. so again, the defense appears to argue, and that is exactly what they argued. so there is nothing wrong with the OP and makes you the liar.

It only appears that way to brainless partisans, so yes they lied.

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not they, lied. it was the argument. so, again, proven to you that again you lied.
And that is a lie, it does not appear to argue that. But you will never know because like the good little sheep you will never question your masters

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and yet in the document it states:

the Supreme Court has repeatedly and “vigorously affirm[ed]” that the First Amendment reserves “special place” and accords “special protection.” Cal. Democratic Party v. Jones, 530 U.S. 567, 575 (2000). See also DE 62 p. 18 (RE p. 626) (“‘[A] political party’s determination of the structure which best allows it to pursue its political goals is protected by the Constitution.’”) (quoting Eu v. v. San Francisco Cty. Democratic Cent. Comm., 489 U.S. 214, 229 (1989)).

Which does not in anyway speak of rigging anything.

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but it is what the OP was about. so again, the defense appears to argue, and that is exactly what they argued. so there is nothing wrong with the OP and makes you the liar.

It only appears that way to brainless partisans, so yes they lied.

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not they, lied. it was the argument. so, again, proven to you that again you lied.

An argument based on a fake reading of the document. Which makes the argument fake, sort of like you are being now

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If you voted for the candidate from the RIGGED primary, and you thought that candidate and party has any ethics, you are a fucking idiot.
Actually., I am smart enough to know how the Democrat Party nominated their President candidates.

The Democtrats can choose to pick their candidates any way they want. They opted for a system with super delegates. Everyone knew this. Bernie knew this.

Both partires try to get the losing candidates to drop out when the outcome is known.

Too bad you are such a fucking moron. You voted for Vlad's choice.
And Dems cheat in theirs

And? If you are so concerned with the integrity of our primaries then you should be supporting an entirely publicly-funded campaign system with a 100% ban on all political donations and fundraising.

Do you support that? Probably not. So you're just trolling.

they are only concerned with the "integrity" of the democratic primary.... which they think should somehow have gone to someone who isn't a registered democrat.

they're so cute that way.

Hillary should have been named the candidate as soon as the DNC decided they were going to rig the prmaries.

it's not that tough....


How difficult is that? I just did it in about 10 seconds.
and yet in the document it states:

the Supreme Court has repeatedly and “vigorously affirm[ed]” that the First Amendment reserves “special place” and accords “special protection.” Cal. Democratic Party v. Jones, 530 U.S. 567, 575 (2000). See also DE 62 p. 18 (RE p. 626) (“‘[A] political party’s determination of the structure which best allows it to pursue its political goals is protected by the Constitution.’”) (quoting Eu v. v. San Francisco Cty. Democratic Cent. Comm., 489 U.S. 214, 229 (1989)).

Which does not in anyway speak of rigging anything.

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but it is what the OP was about. so again, the defense appears to argue, and that is exactly what they argued. so there is nothing wrong with the OP and makes you the liar.

It only appears that way to brainless partisans, so yes they lied.

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not they, lied. it was the argument. so, again, proven to you that again you lied.

An argument based on a fake reading of the document. Which makes the argument fake, sort of like you are being now

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no, I posted from the court ruling. so it is you lying actually. let's don't create a document that doesn't exist for your gratification of something. the facts follow the OP. so it is you that is lying.
Posted by Sock # 23,687 from the Stats & Starkey Media Matters Internet Outreach Center for Political Awareness

Conservatives have to rely on Russian trolls to spread their message because so few people actually agree with it.

It's why Trump lost the popular vote by 3,000,000.

What does the National Popular vote have to do with the Presidential Election?

You keep on screaming " Russian Trolls " and how so many have no clue about the U.S. Constitution and yet you keep on bringing up the Popular vote that was actually swayed to Clinton favor because of California.

So tell me why is it those like you are fixated on the popular vote when you damn well know the President is elected by the Electoral College or are you one of those Russian trolls trying to divert attention from you?

Oh, before you claim I am one ( Russian Troll ), well it is true I am a troll from the Slate days that went by the name " Nanu " and have been trolling boards since 2002 but I am not some fucking Ruskie!

So again if you know the Constitution so well then why fixate on the popular vote when Trump beat Hillary by a decent margin in the Electoral College, you know the vote that really matters!?!
If you voted for the candidate from the RIGGED primary, and you thought that candidate and party has any ethics, you are a fucking idiot.
Actually., I am smart enough to know how the Democrat Party nominated their President candidates.

The Democtrats can choose to pick their candidates any way they want. They opted for a system with super delegates. Everyone knew this. Bernie knew this.

Both partires try to get the losing candidates to drop out when the outcome is known.

Too bad you are such a fucking moron. You voted for Vlad's choice.

Why did the DNC lie about their primaries being ACTUAL elections?

That's my beef. Don't lie.....just say Hillary is the decided nominee.....PERIOD.
If you voted for the candidate from the RIGGED primary, and you thought that candidate and party has any ethics, you are a fucking idiot.
Actually., I am smart enough to know how the Democrat Party nominated their President candidates.

The Democtrats can choose to pick their candidates any way they want. They opted for a system with super delegates. Everyone knew this. Bernie knew this.

Both partires try to get the losing candidates to drop out when the outcome is known.

Too bad you are such a fucking moron. You voted for Vlad's choice.

Why did the DNC lie about their primaries being ACTUAL elections?

That's my beef. Don't lie.....just say Hillary is the decided nominee.....PERIOD.
kinda would defeat the purpose of the primaries overall, wouldn't it?
Actually., I am smart enough to know how the Democrat Party nominated their President candidates..

If you actually were smart, you'd know to refer to it as the Democratic Party, not the Democrat Party
Show us on the doll where the Russian trolls touched you to make you vote for Trump

Unlike you, I was able to resist Russian propaganda.

Were you?

If so why in hell did you vote for Hillary?

Also think of this and Jill Stein of the Green Party along with voters staying home in swing states cost Hillary more votes than any Russian influence...

Maybe had voters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan gotten off their lazy ass and voted, well your candidate would have won...

So run a candidate that could win in swing states and if not, well enjoy losing...
If you voted for the candidate from the RIGGED primary, and you thought that candidate and party has any ethics, you are a fucking idiot.
Actually., I am smart enough to know how the Democrat Party nominated their President candidates.

The Democtrats can choose to pick their candidates any way they want. They opted for a system with super delegates. Everyone knew this. Bernie knew this.

Both partires try to get the losing candidates to drop out when the outcome is known.

Too bad you are such a fucking moron. You voted for Vlad's choice.

Why did the DNC lie about their primaries being ACTUAL elections?

That's my beef. Don't lie.....just say Hillary is the decided nominee.....PERIOD.
kinda would defeat the purpose of the primaries overall, wouldn't it?
well exactly, and really the argument should be those who donated to Bernie thinking it was a fair election, they wasted their money and should sue for it back. It was a conspiracy to commit something against their own base. truly sad fks on the left, truly.
If you voted for the candidate from the RIGGED primary, and you thought that candidate and party has any ethics, you are a fucking idiot.
Actually., I am smart enough to know how the Democrat Party nominated their President candidates.

The Democtrats can choose to pick their candidates any way they want. They opted for a system with super delegates. Everyone knew this. Bernie knew this.

Both partires try to get the losing candidates to drop out when the outcome is known.

Too bad you are such a fucking moron. You voted for Vlad's choice.

Why did the DNC lie about their primaries being ACTUAL elections?

That's my beef. Don't lie.....just say Hillary is the decided nominee.....PERIOD.
kinda would defeat the purpose of the primaries overall, wouldn't it?

What do you perceive the purpose of primaries to be?

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