Laying The Blame

In their tireless thirst for power, Liberals/Democrats lay the groundwork for the end of America.

The divide-and-conquer, the grievance doctrines, the 'blame-America-first' methodology is aimed at keeping Americans glaring at each other.

1. Black Americans, contrary to the view that they are inferior to other groups, as advanced by Liberals, were actually about to advance along the same path as other Americans.....until they were 'helped out.'

a. It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived. Coulter, "Mugged," chapter 7

b. In fact, black Americans were doing better in individual pursuits than many immigrants. Barone compared their American journey to the Irish: “Both rise smartly in hierarchies (government bureaucracies, the military) but haven't fared as well in free-market commerce.”

2. But Liberal welfare policies, clear failures, have provided not a safety net, but a weakening of the attempt by black Americans to fight their way to the top. And....instead of accepting the so-sorely-deserved blame, Liberals point to the ephemeral 'legacy of slavery.'

"Discussions of racial problems almost invariably bring out the cliche of "a legacy of slavery."
....whether fatherless children, crime or whatever -...

The great Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said that a good catch phrase could stop thinking for fifty years. Catch phrases about slavery have stopped people from thinking, even longer than that.

3..... the moral horror of slavery is so widely condemned that it is hard to realize that there were thousands of years when slavery was practiced around the world by people of virtually every race.

[Not] Africans, Asians, Polynesians nor the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere saw anything wrong with slavery, even after small segments of British and American societies began to condemn slavery as morally wrong in the 18th century.

What was special about America was not that it had slavery, which existed all over the world, but that Americans were among the very few peoples who began to question the morality of holding human beings in bondage.

4. ... the "legacy of slavery" as an explanation of social problems in black American communities today, anyone who was serious about the truth -- as distinguished from talking points -- would want to check out the facts.
Were children raised with only one parent as common at any time during the first 100 years after slavery as in the first 30 years after the great expansion of the welfare state in the 1960s?

As of 1960, 22 percent of black children were raised with only one parent, usually the mother. Thirty years later, two-thirds of black children were being raised without a father present."
A Legacy of Cliches - Thomas Sowell - Page full

Poor little brown asian girl so hard trying to be white as your avitar mention of any of the facts in my OP.

Instead....a feeble attempt to belittle your betters.

Must be the pain I administered in the other thread, huh?

How many times do you have to be told that stringing together a collection of irrelevant facts in no way makes a valid argument?
She'll never accept or understand that fact.

Like most other conservatives she has nothing but contempt for facts, the truth, reason, logic, and critical thinking skills – all of which conflict errant rightwing dogma the OP and other rightists blindly adhere to.

If anything....ANYTHING...that I post is not a fact, or the truth....why are you unable to provide examples of same?

Could it be that you are a low-life, lying Liberal?
In their tireless thirst for power, Liberals/Democrats lay the groundwork for the end of America.

The divide-and-conquer, the grievance doctrines, the 'blame-America-first' methodology is aimed at keeping Americans glaring at each other.

1. Black Americans, contrary to the view that they are inferior to other groups, as advanced by Liberals, were actually about to advance along the same path as other Americans.....until they were 'helped out.'

a. It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived. Coulter, "Mugged," chapter 7

b. In fact, black Americans were doing better in individual pursuits than many immigrants. Barone compared their American journey to the Irish: “Both rise smartly in hierarchies (government bureaucracies, the military) but haven't fared as well in free-market commerce.”

2. But Liberal welfare policies, clear failures, have provided not a safety net, but a weakening of the attempt by black Americans to fight their way to the top. And....instead of accepting the so-sorely-deserved blame, Liberals point to the ephemeral 'legacy of slavery.'

"Discussions of racial problems almost invariably bring out the cliche of "a legacy of slavery."
....whether fatherless children, crime or whatever -...

The great Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said that a good catch phrase could stop thinking for fifty years. Catch phrases about slavery have stopped people from thinking, even longer than that.

3..... the moral horror of slavery is so widely condemned that it is hard to realize that there were thousands of years when slavery was practiced around the world by people of virtually every race.

[Not] Africans, Asians, Polynesians nor the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere saw anything wrong with slavery, even after small segments of British and American societies began to condemn slavery as morally wrong in the 18th century.

What was special about America was not that it had slavery, which existed all over the world, but that Americans were among the very few peoples who began to question the morality of holding human beings in bondage.

4. ... the "legacy of slavery" as an explanation of social problems in black American communities today, anyone who was serious about the truth -- as distinguished from talking points -- would want to check out the facts.
Were children raised with only one parent as common at any time during the first 100 years after slavery as in the first 30 years after the great expansion of the welfare state in the 1960s?

As of 1960, 22 percent of black children were raised with only one parent, usually the mother. Thirty years later, two-thirds of black children were being raised without a father present."
A Legacy of Cliches - Thomas Sowell - Page full
Too bad Blacks are too stupid to realize all of this. If only they could read.

Post #17 is for you, as well.

What do you say, none of the homes in the study are populated by former slaves.....what is your explanation?
Slavery has nothing to do with what I said. Ask one of your intelligent friends to explain it to you, if you have any. attempt to explain the lack of books, the lack of effort to move themselves out of Uncle Sam's Plantation?

You Liberals have to learn that you can run, but you can't hide.

And, again.....that is post #17 that has caused the fear in you.
What the heck is the big deal about Post #17? I saw a conclusion you expressed about people getting out of poverty via welfare. Seems you believe people on welfare are not living in poverty. We need to let them know they are no longer living in poverty. Should make them all feel better.
When will the Left admit that the welfare state is a terrible failure and that it caused tremendous harm to black Americans? Based on responses from leftists in this thread, it would appear they never will.
In their tireless thirst for power, Liberals/Democrats lay the groundwork for the end of America.

The divide-and-conquer, the grievance doctrines, the 'blame-America-first' methodology is aimed at keeping Americans glaring at each other.

1. Black Americans, contrary to the view that they are inferior to other groups, as advanced by Liberals, were actually about to advance along the same path as other Americans.....until they were 'helped out.'

a. It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived. Coulter, "Mugged," chapter 7

b. In fact, black Americans were doing better in individual pursuits than many immigrants. Barone compared their American journey to the Irish: “Both rise smartly in hierarchies (government bureaucracies, the military) but haven't fared as well in free-market commerce.”

2. But Liberal welfare policies, clear failures, have provided not a safety net, but a weakening of the attempt by black Americans to fight their way to the top. And....instead of accepting the so-sorely-deserved blame, Liberals point to the ephemeral 'legacy of slavery.'

"Discussions of racial problems almost invariably bring out the cliche of "a legacy of slavery."
....whether fatherless children, crime or whatever -...

The great Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said that a good catch phrase could stop thinking for fifty years. Catch phrases about slavery have stopped people from thinking, even longer than that.

3..... the moral horror of slavery is so widely condemned that it is hard to realize that there were thousands of years when slavery was practiced around the world by people of virtually every race.

[Not] Africans, Asians, Polynesians nor the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere saw anything wrong with slavery, even after small segments of British and American societies began to condemn slavery as morally wrong in the 18th century.

What was special about America was not that it had slavery, which existed all over the world, but that Americans were among the very few peoples who began to question the morality of holding human beings in bondage.

4. ... the "legacy of slavery" as an explanation of social problems in black American communities today, anyone who was serious about the truth -- as distinguished from talking points -- would want to check out the facts.
Were children raised with only one parent as common at any time during the first 100 years after slavery as in the first 30 years after the great expansion of the welfare state in the 1960s?

As of 1960, 22 percent of black children were raised with only one parent, usually the mother. Thirty years later, two-thirds of black children were being raised without a father present."
A Legacy of Cliches - Thomas Sowell - Page full

Thanks PC. I was reading that article yesterday and bookmarked it for this site and here I am and there it IS! lol. Good work. I do love me my Thomas Sowell.

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Me too, Sowell.

I'll put up more of it later.

AND.....a piece of evidence that is jaw-dropping about what Liberal policies have to to black Americans.
Hope you get to see it.

The aid to poor and low income Americans goes to all colors of Americans.
What the heck is the big deal about Post #17? I saw a conclusion you expressed about people getting out of poverty via welfare.

1. " I saw a conclusion you expressed about people getting out of poverty via welfare."

No one gets out of poverty via welfare.

Only a Liberal would attempt to advance that lie.

"Despite nearly $15 trillion in total welfare spending since Lyndon
Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago."

Liberal welfare policy is, in fact, designed to do the very opposite: make certain that more and more Americans are ensconced in poverty.

2."What the heck is the big deal about Post #17?"

Post #17 is momentous.
It reveals that the result of Liberal policies is that black Americans no longer do what they started doing (as I showed in an earlier post)....using education to remain free of poverty and of government.

The poorest white households now have more books than the highest quintile black households.

This, the result of half a century of Liberal "help."

3. "Seems you believe people on welfare are not living in poverty. We need to let them know they are no longer living in poverty. Should make them all feel better."

Removing the burden of Liberal policies and propaganda ('the legacy of slavery') and allowing them to every group what would make them feel better.

a. Charles Murray’s “Losing Ground” documented this effect using social indicators such as work, marriage, legitimacy, crime, and alcohol and drug abuse, and showing how the massive increase in government welfare programs worsened the problem.

b. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence. Peter Ferrara, "America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb"

Yet, here you are, proving the definition of Liberals:
"Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals of the truth."
When will the Left admit that the welfare state is a terrible failure and that it caused tremendous harm to black Americans? Based on responses from leftists in this thread, it would appear they never will.

More whites receive aid within the framework of the welfare state than do blacks. Why do you people always make this a race thing?

Is your solution to simply exclude black Americans from the benefits of the social safety net programs?

It sure sounds that way.
What the heck is the big deal about Post #17? I saw a conclusion you expressed about people getting out of poverty via welfare.

1. " I saw a conclusion you expressed about people getting out of poverty via welfare."

No one gets out of poverty via welfare.

Only a Liberal would attempt to advance that lie.

"Despite nearly $15 trillion in total welfare spending since Lyndon
Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago."

Liberal welfare policy is, in fact, designed to do the very opposite: make certain that more and more Americans are ensconced in poverty.

2."What the heck is the big deal about Post #17?"

Post #17 is momentous.
It reveals that the result of Liberal policies is that black Americans no longer do what they started doing (as I showed in an earlier post)....using education to remain free of poverty and of government.

The poorest white households now have more books than the highest quintile black households.

This, the result of half a century of Liberal "help."

3. "Seems you believe people on welfare are not living in poverty. We need to let them know they are no longer living in poverty. Should make them all feel better."

Removing the burden of Liberal policies and propaganda ('the legacy of slavery') and allowing them to every group what would make them feel better.

a. Charles Murray’s “Losing Ground” documented this effect using social indicators such as work, marriage, legitimacy, crime, and alcohol and drug abuse, and showing how the massive increase in government welfare programs worsened the problem.

b. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence. Peter Ferrara, "America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb"

Yet, here you are, proving the definition of Liberals:
"Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals of the truth."

How is Medicaid a work disincentive?

Be specific.
When will the Left admit that the welfare state is a terrible failure and that it caused tremendous harm to black Americans? Based on responses from leftists in this thread, it would appear they never will.

When will the Right propose some better ideas?

I propose 'em all the time.

The CliffNotes version: get rid of Liberals, Liberal propaganda, and Liberal policies.

We could begin with liars like you.
When will the Left admit that the welfare state is a terrible failure and that it caused tremendous harm to black Americans? Based on responses from leftists in this thread, it would appear they never will.

"Never" is the correct timeframe.
What the heck is the big deal about Post #17? I saw a conclusion you expressed about people getting out of poverty via welfare.

1. " I saw a conclusion you expressed about people getting out of poverty via welfare."

No one gets out of poverty via welfare.

Only a Liberal would attempt to advance that lie.

"Despite nearly $15 trillion in total welfare spending since Lyndon
Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago."

Liberal welfare policy is, in fact, designed to do the very opposite: make certain that more and more Americans are ensconced in poverty.

2."What the heck is the big deal about Post #17?"

Post #17 is momentous.
It reveals that the result of Liberal policies is that black Americans no longer do what they started doing (as I showed in an earlier post)....using education to remain free of poverty and of government.

The poorest white households now have more books than the highest quintile black households.

This, the result of half a century of Liberal "help."

3. "Seems you believe people on welfare are not living in poverty. We need to let them know they are no longer living in poverty. Should make them all feel better."

Removing the burden of Liberal policies and propaganda ('the legacy of slavery') and allowing them to every group what would make them feel better.

a. Charles Murray’s “Losing Ground” documented this effect using social indicators such as work, marriage, legitimacy, crime, and alcohol and drug abuse, and showing how the massive increase in government welfare programs worsened the problem.

b. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence. Peter Ferrara, "America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb"

Yet, here you are, proving the definition of Liberals:
"Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals of the truth."

How is Medicaid a work disincentive?

Be specific.

1. Newt Gingrich's discussion about welfare reform. Newt refers to a proposal by Peter Ferrara, who was in the White House Office of Policy Development under President Ronald Reagan. The proposal goes like this: Block grants would still be provided to the states, and states would guarantee a day’s work assignment (paying the minimum wage) to everyone who reports to their local welfare office before 9:00 a.m.

According to Newt, “The welfare office would provide free daycare for participants’ small children”, and the children would “receive medical care and treatment when necessary” (page 190). Moreover, those working a certain number of hours would receive a Medicaid voucher for private health insurance as well as housing assistance so they could purchase a home. They would also receive the earned-income tax credit. Newt also affirms that the disabled would be trained for some line of work.

Based on minimum wage of $7.25, or $15,000 for a full year’s work, plus EITC, which is $3,000 with one child, and $5,000 with two, plus $1,000 per child tax credit. This plus the in-kind transfers of child care and health care, are an adequate safety net. “What I like about this proposal is that it would give welfare recipients work experience and job skills rather than setting welfare against work.” Newt Gingrich s To Save America 7 Welfare Reform Health Care James Ramblings

How's that for 'specific'?
When will the Left admit that the welfare state is a terrible failure and that it caused tremendous harm to black Americans? Based on responses from leftists in this thread, it would appear they never will.
When the right admits that discrimination in jobs, education and housing caused huge numbers of minorities, particularly black Americans to be trapped and held in poverty.
What the heck is the big deal about Post #17? I saw a conclusion you expressed about people getting out of poverty via welfare.

1. " I saw a conclusion you expressed about people getting out of poverty via welfare."

No one gets out of poverty via welfare.

Only a Liberal would attempt to advance that lie.

"Despite nearly $15 trillion in total welfare spending since Lyndon
Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago."

Liberal welfare policy is, in fact, designed to do the very opposite: make certain that more and more Americans are ensconced in poverty.

2."What the heck is the big deal about Post #17?"

Post #17 is momentous.
It reveals that the result of Liberal policies is that black Americans no longer do what they started doing (as I showed in an earlier post)....using education to remain free of poverty and of government.

The poorest white households now have more books than the highest quintile black households.

This, the result of half a century of Liberal "help."

3. "Seems you believe people on welfare are not living in poverty. We need to let them know they are no longer living in poverty. Should make them all feel better."

Removing the burden of Liberal policies and propaganda ('the legacy of slavery') and allowing them to every group what would make them feel better.

a. Charles Murray’s “Losing Ground” documented this effect using social indicators such as work, marriage, legitimacy, crime, and alcohol and drug abuse, and showing how the massive increase in government welfare programs worsened the problem.

b. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence. Peter Ferrara, "America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb"

Yet, here you are, proving the definition of Liberals:
"Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals of the truth."

How is Medicaid a work disincentive?

Be specific.

1. Newt Gingrich's discussion about welfare reform. Newt refers to a proposal by Peter Ferrara, who was in the White House Office of Policy Development under President Ronald Reagan. The proposal goes like this: Block grants would still be provided to the states, and states would guarantee a day’s work assignment (paying the minimum wage) to everyone who reports to their local welfare office before 9:00 a.m.

According to Newt, “The welfare office would provide free daycare for participants’ small children”, and the children would “receive medical care and treatment when necessary” (page 190). Moreover, those working a certain number of hours would receive a Medicaid voucher for private health insurance as well as housing assistance so they could purchase a home. They would also receive the earned-income tax credit. Newt also affirms that the disabled would be trained for some line of work.

Based on minimum wage of $7.25, or $15,000 for a full year’s work, plus EITC, which is $3,000 with one child, and $5,000 with two, plus $1,000 per child tax credit. This plus the in-kind transfers of child care and health care, are an adequate safety net. “What I like about this proposal is that it would give welfare recipients work experience and job skills rather than setting welfare against work.” Newt Gingrich s To Save America 7 Welfare Reform Health Care James Ramblings

How's that for 'specific'?

You didn't answer the question.
In their tireless thirst for power, Liberals/Democrats lay the groundwork for the end of America.

The divide-and-conquer, the grievance doctrines, the 'blame-America-first' methodology is aimed at keeping Americans glaring at each other.

1. Black Americans, contrary to the view that they are inferior to other groups, as advanced by Liberals, were actually about to advance along the same path as other Americans.....until they were 'helped out.'

a. It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived. Coulter, "Mugged," chapter 7

b. In fact, black Americans were doing better in individual pursuits than many immigrants. Barone compared their American journey to the Irish: “Both rise smartly in hierarchies (government bureaucracies, the military) but haven't fared as well in free-market commerce.”

2. But Liberal welfare policies, clear failures, have provided not a safety net, but a weakening of the attempt by black Americans to fight their way to the top. And....instead of accepting the so-sorely-deserved blame, Liberals point to the ephemeral 'legacy of slavery.'

"Discussions of racial problems almost invariably bring out the cliche of "a legacy of slavery."
....whether fatherless children, crime or whatever -...

The great Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said that a good catch phrase could stop thinking for fifty years. Catch phrases about slavery have stopped people from thinking, even longer than that.

3..... the moral horror of slavery is so widely condemned that it is hard to realize that there were thousands of years when slavery was practiced around the world by people of virtually every race.

[Not] Africans, Asians, Polynesians nor the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere saw anything wrong with slavery, even after small segments of British and American societies began to condemn slavery as morally wrong in the 18th century.

What was special about America was not that it had slavery, which existed all over the world, but that Americans were among the very few peoples who began to question the morality of holding human beings in bondage.

4. ... the "legacy of slavery" as an explanation of social problems in black American communities today, anyone who was serious about the truth -- as distinguished from talking points -- would want to check out the facts.
Were children raised with only one parent as common at any time during the first 100 years after slavery as in the first 30 years after the great expansion of the welfare state in the 1960s?

As of 1960, 22 percent of black children were raised with only one parent, usually the mother. Thirty years later, two-thirds of black children were being raised without a father present."
A Legacy of Cliches - Thomas Sowell - Page full

Poor little brown asian girl so hard trying to be white as your avitar
In their tireless thirst for power, Liberals/Democrats lay the groundwork for the end of America.

The divide-and-conquer, the grievance doctrines, the 'blame-America-first' methodology is aimed at keeping Americans glaring at each other.

1. Black Americans, contrary to the view that they are inferior to other groups, as advanced by Liberals, were actually about to advance along the same path as other Americans.....until they were 'helped out.'

a. It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived. Coulter, "Mugged," chapter 7

b. In fact, black Americans were doing better in individual pursuits than many immigrants. Barone compared their American journey to the Irish: “Both rise smartly in hierarchies (government bureaucracies, the military) but haven't fared as well in free-market commerce.”

2. But Liberal welfare policies, clear failures, have provided not a safety net, but a weakening of the attempt by black Americans to fight their way to the top. And....instead of accepting the so-sorely-deserved blame, Liberals point to the ephemeral 'legacy of slavery.'

"Discussions of racial problems almost invariably bring out the cliche of "a legacy of slavery."
....whether fatherless children, crime or whatever -...

The great Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said that a good catch phrase could stop thinking for fifty years. Catch phrases about slavery have stopped people from thinking, even longer than that.

3..... the moral horror of slavery is so widely condemned that it is hard to realize that there were thousands of years when slavery was practiced around the world by people of virtually every race.

[Not] Africans, Asians, Polynesians nor the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere saw anything wrong with slavery, even after small segments of British and American societies began to condemn slavery as morally wrong in the 18th century.

What was special about America was not that it had slavery, which existed all over the world, but that Americans were among the very few peoples who began to question the morality of holding human beings in bondage.

4. ... the "legacy of slavery" as an explanation of social problems in black American communities today, anyone who was serious about the truth -- as distinguished from talking points -- would want to check out the facts.
Were children raised with only one parent as common at any time during the first 100 years after slavery as in the first 30 years after the great expansion of the welfare state in the 1960s?

As of 1960, 22 percent of black children were raised with only one parent, usually the mother. Thirty years later, two-thirds of black children were being raised without a father present."
A Legacy of Cliches - Thomas Sowell - Page full

Poor little brown asian girl so hard trying to be white as your avitar

This forum never ceases to amaze. Now we have an Asian girl with an identity crisis who has read Thomas Sowell and become a street corner philisopher on the "plight" of Black Americans?

The variety here beats the hell out of a trip to the zoo.
When will the Left admit that the welfare state is a terrible failure and that it caused tremendous harm to black Americans? Based on responses from leftists in this thread, it would appear they never will.
When the right admits that discrimination in jobs, education and housing caused huge numbers of minorities, particularly black Americans to be trapped and held in poverty.


A Liberal lying????

In their tireless thirst for power, Liberals/Democrats lay the groundwork for the end of America.

The divide-and-conquer, the grievance doctrines, the 'blame-America-first' methodology is aimed at keeping Americans glaring at each other.

1. Black Americans, contrary to the view that they are inferior to other groups, as advanced by Liberals, were actually about to advance along the same path as other Americans.....until they were 'helped out.'

a. It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived. Coulter, "Mugged," chapter 7

b. In fact, black Americans were doing better in individual pursuits than many immigrants. Barone compared their American journey to the Irish: “Both rise smartly in hierarchies (government bureaucracies, the military) but haven't fared as well in free-market commerce.”

2. But Liberal welfare policies, clear failures, have provided not a safety net, but a weakening of the attempt by black Americans to fight their way to the top. And....instead of accepting the so-sorely-deserved blame, Liberals point to the ephemeral 'legacy of slavery.'

"Discussions of racial problems almost invariably bring out the cliche of "a legacy of slavery."
....whether fatherless children, crime or whatever -...

The great Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said that a good catch phrase could stop thinking for fifty years. Catch phrases about slavery have stopped people from thinking, even longer than that.

3..... the moral horror of slavery is so widely condemned that it is hard to realize that there were thousands of years when slavery was practiced around the world by people of virtually every race.

[Not] Africans, Asians, Polynesians nor the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere saw anything wrong with slavery, even after small segments of British and American societies began to condemn slavery as morally wrong in the 18th century.

What was special about America was not that it had slavery, which existed all over the world, but that Americans were among the very few peoples who began to question the morality of holding human beings in bondage.

4. ... the "legacy of slavery" as an explanation of social problems in black American communities today, anyone who was serious about the truth -- as distinguished from talking points -- would want to check out the facts.
Were children raised with only one parent as common at any time during the first 100 years after slavery as in the first 30 years after the great expansion of the welfare state in the 1960s?

As of 1960, 22 percent of black children were raised with only one parent, usually the mother. Thirty years later, two-thirds of black children were being raised without a father present."
A Legacy of Cliches - Thomas Sowell - Page full

Poor little brown asian girl so hard trying to be white as your avitar
In their tireless thirst for power, Liberals/Democrats lay the groundwork for the end of America.

The divide-and-conquer, the grievance doctrines, the 'blame-America-first' methodology is aimed at keeping Americans glaring at each other.

1. Black Americans, contrary to the view that they are inferior to other groups, as advanced by Liberals, were actually about to advance along the same path as other Americans.....until they were 'helped out.'

a. It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived. Coulter, "Mugged," chapter 7

b. In fact, black Americans were doing better in individual pursuits than many immigrants. Barone compared their American journey to the Irish: “Both rise smartly in hierarchies (government bureaucracies, the military) but haven't fared as well in free-market commerce.”

2. But Liberal welfare policies, clear failures, have provided not a safety net, but a weakening of the attempt by black Americans to fight their way to the top. And....instead of accepting the so-sorely-deserved blame, Liberals point to the ephemeral 'legacy of slavery.'

"Discussions of racial problems almost invariably bring out the cliche of "a legacy of slavery."
....whether fatherless children, crime or whatever -...

The great Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said that a good catch phrase could stop thinking for fifty years. Catch phrases about slavery have stopped people from thinking, even longer than that.

3..... the moral horror of slavery is so widely condemned that it is hard to realize that there were thousands of years when slavery was practiced around the world by people of virtually every race.

[Not] Africans, Asians, Polynesians nor the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere saw anything wrong with slavery, even after small segments of British and American societies began to condemn slavery as morally wrong in the 18th century.

What was special about America was not that it had slavery, which existed all over the world, but that Americans were among the very few peoples who began to question the morality of holding human beings in bondage.

4. ... the "legacy of slavery" as an explanation of social problems in black American communities today, anyone who was serious about the truth -- as distinguished from talking points -- would want to check out the facts.
Were children raised with only one parent as common at any time during the first 100 years after slavery as in the first 30 years after the great expansion of the welfare state in the 1960s?

As of 1960, 22 percent of black children were raised with only one parent, usually the mother. Thirty years later, two-thirds of black children were being raised without a father present."
A Legacy of Cliches - Thomas Sowell - Page full

Poor little brown asian girl so hard trying to be white as your avitar

This forum never ceases to amaze. Now we have an Asian girl with an identity crisis who has read Thomas Sowell and become a street corner philisopher on the "plight" of Black Americans?

The variety here beats the hell out of a trip to the zoo.

What your post shows is that, in actuality, I beat the heck out of you Liberals.

Couldn't find a single item in my posts to contest, could you.
When will the Left admit that the welfare state is a terrible failure and that it caused tremendous harm to black Americans? Based on responses from leftists in this thread, it would appear they never will.
When the right admits that discrimination in jobs, education and housing caused huge numbers of minorities, particularly black Americans to be trapped and held in poverty.


A Liberal lying????

What do you claim is the lie being told?
What the heck is the big deal about Post #17? I saw a conclusion you expressed about people getting out of poverty via welfare.

1. " I saw a conclusion you expressed about people getting out of poverty via welfare."

No one gets out of poverty via welfare.

Only a Liberal would attempt to advance that lie.

"Despite nearly $15 trillion in total welfare spending since Lyndon
Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago."

Liberal welfare policy is, in fact, designed to do the very opposite: make certain that more and more Americans are ensconced in poverty.

2."What the heck is the big deal about Post #17?"

Post #17 is momentous.
It reveals that the result of Liberal policies is that black Americans no longer do what they started doing (as I showed in an earlier post)....using education to remain free of poverty and of government.

The poorest white households now have more books than the highest quintile black households.

This, the result of half a century of Liberal "help."

3. "Seems you believe people on welfare are not living in poverty. We need to let them know they are no longer living in poverty. Should make them all feel better."

Removing the burden of Liberal policies and propaganda ('the legacy of slavery') and allowing them to every group what would make them feel better.

a. Charles Murray’s “Losing Ground” documented this effect using social indicators such as work, marriage, legitimacy, crime, and alcohol and drug abuse, and showing how the massive increase in government welfare programs worsened the problem.

b. ‘Welfare’ as a wholly owned subsidiary of the government, and its main result is the incentivizing of a disrespect for oneself, and for the entity that provides the welfare. As more folks in a poor neighborhood languish with little or no work, entire local culture begins to change: daily work is no longer the expected social norm. Extended periods of hanging around the neighborhood, neither working nor going to school becoming more and more socially acceptable.
    1. Since productive activity not making any economic sense because of the work disincentives of the welfare plantation, other kinds of activities proliferate: drug and alcohol abuse, crime, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup are the new social norms, as does the culture of violence. Peter Ferrara, "America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb"

Yet, here you are, proving the definition of Liberals:
"Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor rational debate will convince Liberals of the truth."

How is Medicaid a work disincentive?

Be specific.

1. Newt Gingrich's discussion about welfare reform. Newt refers to a proposal by Peter Ferrara, who was in the White House Office of Policy Development under President Ronald Reagan. The proposal goes like this: Block grants would still be provided to the states, and states would guarantee a day’s work assignment (paying the minimum wage) to everyone who reports to their local welfare office before 9:00 a.m.

According to Newt, “The welfare office would provide free daycare for participants’ small children”, and the children would “receive medical care and treatment when necessary” (page 190). Moreover, those working a certain number of hours would receive a Medicaid voucher for private health insurance as well as housing assistance so they could purchase a home. They would also receive the earned-income tax credit. Newt also affirms that the disabled would be trained for some line of work.

Based on minimum wage of $7.25, or $15,000 for a full year’s work, plus EITC, which is $3,000 with one child, and $5,000 with two, plus $1,000 per child tax credit. This plus the in-kind transfers of child care and health care, are an adequate safety net. “What I like about this proposal is that it would give welfare recipients work experience and job skills rather than setting welfare against work.” Newt Gingrich s To Save America 7 Welfare Reform Health Care James Ramblings

How's that for 'specific'?

Newt's 'plan' is just one more effort by conservatives to make sure the poor are the 'working poor'.

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