LBJ's "War on Poverty" has been a dismal failure

I differentiate from hard working people who have needed the occasional hand up, not the career layabout and moocher.

Well that's a good news, because nobody is suggesting otherwise. The war on the poverty always meant taking from the rich, and giving either to the working poor, or to those who can't work through no fault of their own.

But nobody ever advocated giving money to a career layabout and moocher. Honestly, where did you even get such ideas from?
No, the war on poverty has been about creating a permanent moocher underclass, entirely dependent upon the patronage of politicians and bureaucrats.

As an avowed Marxist, you should both understand that and be willing to come clean about it.

That is the most ignorant post on this thread. You just EARNED your place HERE...


YOU are the underclass in our society...
Gee, then all you would need is a calendar that has William Belsham predating the Ancient Greeks
Wowie. The relatively obscure historical reference.

Sadly for you, it still can't divert from the certainty that you are a quite simple-minded and virulently bigoted Marxist, who leads from his hallucinated prejudices of how business and markets work, rather than go to the bother of learning how markets and business really work.

Sucks to be you, guy.

I have a very sound understanding of how markets work, and how they fail. And I challenge you to debate me on that topic. I made a lot of money navigating the marketplace for over 40 years. I have never read a single word Marx wrote, so all you are trying to do is insult, deflect and hide your fear of being schooled by someone who has much more knowledge and experience than you have.

You keep posting all these empty posts that say NOTHING...why are you so insecure?
If you had a sound understanding of how markets work, then you wouldn't be making such ignorant sweeping statements, like the one claiming that wages are the singularly important reason that companies offshore their operations.

If you were so secure in your knowledge of markets, why is that you keep posting ignorant generalizations, silly cartoons and dubiously relevant quotes from others, as though their words make you look clever by extension?

I feel like I'm dealing with a far leftist Archie Bunker every time I read one of your posts.
Wowie. The relatively obscure historical reference.

Sadly for you, it still can't divert from the certainty that you are a quite simple-minded and virulently bigoted Marxist, who leads from his hallucinated prejudices of how business and markets work, rather than go to the bother of learning how markets and business really work.

Sucks to be you, guy.

I have a very sound understanding of how markets work, and how they fail. And I challenge you to debate me on that topic. I made a lot of money navigating the marketplace for over 40 years. I have never read a single word Marx wrote, so all you are trying to do is insult, deflect and hide your fear of being schooled by someone who has much more knowledge and experience than you have.

You keep posting all these empty posts that say NOTHING...why are you so insecure?
If you had a sound understanding of how markets work, then you wouldn't be making such ignorant sweeping statements, like the one claiming that wages are the singularly important reason that companies offshore their operations.

If you were so secure in your knowledge of markets, why is that you keep posting ignorant generalizations, silly cartoons and dubiously relevant quotes from others, as though their words make you look clever by extension?

I feel like I'm dealing with a far leftist Archie Bunker every time I read one of your posts.

AGAIN, empty rhetoric. TELL US the important reason that companies offshore their operations?
Never before ANYWHERE has everything passed had to be paid for. It's ideological bs, for dupes only. And STUPID, JUST A WAY TO KEEP OBAMA A FAILURE, IF YOU'RE A RACIST, BRAINWASHED FUNCTIONAL MORON...not working too...mindless.
I have a very sound understanding of how markets work, and how they fail. And I challenge you to debate me on that topic. I made a lot of money navigating the marketplace for over 40 years. I have never read a single word Marx wrote, so all you are trying to do is insult, deflect and hide your fear of being schooled by someone who has much more knowledge and experience than you have.

You keep posting all these empty posts that say NOTHING...why are you so insecure?
If you had a sound understanding of how markets work, then you wouldn't be making such ignorant sweeping statements, like the one claiming that wages are the singularly important reason that companies offshore their operations.

If you were so secure in your knowledge of markets, why is that you keep posting ignorant generalizations, silly cartoons and dubiously relevant quotes from others, as though their words make you look clever by extension?

I feel like I'm dealing with a far leftist Archie Bunker every time I read one of your posts.

AGAIN, empty rhetoric. TELL US the important reason that companies offshore their operations?

YOU made the assertion that wages are the overriding reason for offshoring. The onus is upon YOU to back it up.

And do so without the ignorant recriminations, bigoted demagoguery, silly political cartoons and empty quotations of others.

Also, follow your own rule about omitting empty rhetoric.

The floor is all yours, sport.
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If you had a sound understanding of how markets work, then you wouldn't be making such ignorant sweeping statements, like the one claiming that wages are the singularly important reason that companies offshore their operations.

If you were so secure in your knowledge of markets, why is that you keep posting ignorant generalizations, silly cartoons and dubiously relevant quotes from others, as though their words make you look clever by extension?

I feel like I'm dealing with a far leftist Archie Bunker every time I read one of your posts.

AGAIN, empty rhetoric. TELL US the important reason that companies offshore their operations?

YOU made the assertion that wages are the primary reason for offshoring. The onus is upon YOU to back it up.

And do so without the ignorant recriminations, bigoted demagoguery, silly political cartoons and empty quotations of others.

Also, follow your own rule about omitting empty rhetoric.

The floor is all yours, sport.

What a bold debating style...say NOTHING, use empty rhetoric and then run and hide.

Reasons for Outsourcing in a Manufacturing Industry

Labor Costs

Part of any analysis for a manufacturing company deciding to outsource any of its operations includes the cost of labor. Labor remains one of the biggest costs of any manufacturing company.

The Top 10 Reasons To Outsource

1. Lower operational and labor costs are among the primary reasons why companies choose to outsource. When properly executed it has a defining impact on a company’s revenue recognition and can deliver significant savings.

You're UP....
Oh, so there are at least 10 reasons that businesses choose to offshore.

Your capitulation is accepted.

Of COURSE there is more than one reason. We are debating what the NUMBER ONE reason is. Try to keep up and overcome the fear that is griping you right now.
That there aren't enough jobs relates to my point in what way?

My beloved private sector would be far better off without smug Marxist plunderers like you, pretending that you know better how to dispose of the earnings of another, more so than those who have done the earning.

You mean all those 'patriot' CEO's shipping jobs overseas and paying slave wages?
You really aren't so naive to believe that wages are the only criteria that companies use to decide to offshore production, are you?

BTW, that was a rhetorical question. :lol:

What percentage of American companies moved overseas but continued to pay wages equal to or more than they were paying in the U.S?
LBJ's "War on Poverty" has been a dismal failure

Today, the poverty rate is only slightly below where it was in 1964, and it came with a $20 trillion price tag. What’s more, a record 47 million Americans are now receiving food stamps, which is about 13 million more than when the President Obama took office.

Actually, the war on poverty hasn’t failed. It has done exactly what it was intended to do: enrich and empower the state and its interest groups. One of the problems of being a think-tank is that you must accept the state’s bona fides, or be fired. Only radical criticism, however, criticism that goes to the root, in other words, has a chance of delegitimizing these evil activities.


It is not Obama's fault more people are on food stamps.:cuckoo:
Oh, so there are at least 10 reasons that businesses choose to offshore.

Your capitulation is accepted.

Of COURSE there is more than one reason. We are debating what the NUMBER ONE reason is. Try to keep up and overcome the fear that is griping you right now.
Unlike yourself, I am not a prisoner of my emotional states. And fear has never so much as whined at me, let alone griped.

That silliness aside, the existence of more reasons than wages is all I need.

The odds that wages would be the overriding consideration, given that there are no fewer than nine other reasons that companies offshore, are statistically negligible.

Thanks for playing. Have a nice day.
50 years of a War on Poverty and we still have much did we waste on that one
40 years of a War on Drugs and we still have much did we waste on that one?
200 years of a Military and we still have much did we waste on that one?
It is not Obama's fault more people are on food stamps.:cuckoo:

Has he attempted to increase PRIVATE investment in the US by:

1- reducing /abolishing the federal "income"tax..............NO

2- has he abolished the Federal Reserve Board...........NO

3- has he abolished the massive federal regulations?......NO

4- Has he stopped the activities of War Party.................NO

5- Has he decreased federal spending...........................NO

Well then I disagree with you.

Oh, so there are at least 10 reasons that businesses choose to offshore.

Your capitulation is accepted.

Of COURSE there is more than one reason. We are debating what the NUMBER ONE reason is. Try to keep up and overcome the fear that is griping you right now.
Unlike yourself, I am not a prisoner of my emotional states. And fear has never so much as whined at me, let alone griped.

That silliness aside, the existence of more reasons than wages is all I need.

The odds that wages would be the overriding consideration, given that there are no fewer than nine other reasons that companies offshore, are statistically negligible.

Thanks for playing. Have a nice day.

Try to answer a up the the courage, you can do it.

What do you believe the number one reason companies outsource?
Of COURSE there is more than one reason. We are debating what the NUMBER ONE reason is. Try to keep up and overcome the fear that is griping you right now.
Unlike yourself, I am not a prisoner of my emotional states. And fear has never so much as whined at me, let alone griped.

That silliness aside, the existence of more reasons than wages is all I need.

The odds that wages would be the overriding consideration, given that there are no fewer than nine other reasons that companies offshore, are statistically negligible.

Thanks for playing. Have a nice day.

Try to answer a up the the courage, you can do it.

What do you believe the number one reason companies outsource?
There are numerous reasons, you said so yourself. Whichever is #1 is not germane to the fact.

What is irrevocably true is that wages alone are not the singular factor that motivates companies to offshore.

When you start with one of the highest overall corporate tax rates in the world, greedy state houses like that in California piling on that burden, rampant regulatory meddling, the costs associated with compliance to endless bureaucratic red tape, a grossly over-litigious society, parasitic insurance rackets like workman's comp and so on, wages can easily be the straw that broke the camel's back.

Given all that, a very apropos question would be as to why you love the politician, bureaucrat and ambulance-chasing lawyers, who produce absolutely nothing for the working class to build and sell, more than the American worker?
It is not Obama's fault more people are on food stamps.:cuckoo:

Has he attempted to increase PRIVATE investment in the US by:

1- reducing /abolishing the federal "income"tax..............NO

2- has he abolished the Federal Reserve Board...........NO

3- has he abolished the massive federal regulations?......NO

4- Has he stopped the activities of War Party.................NO

5- Has he decreased federal spending...........................NO

Well then I disagree with you.


You're kidding me. You actually think their shouldn't be an income tax? It really doesn't make any sense for Rightwingers to despise both the income tax and government borrowing. If you can't see how those concepts conflict, God help you.

Obama is the reason why the economy in a recovery. Before his stimulus took effect, the economy was in a free fall. When it took effect, our massive job loss rate turned to growth in a matter of months. This lifted 7 million people out of poverty and 32 million poor Americans less poor.

I'll concede Obama has spent a lot, but this has mostly been on defense. There has also been no spending growth under Obama. He has spent at the same rate as Bush.
It is not Obama's fault more people are on food stamps.:cuckoo:

Has he attempted to increase PRIVATE investment in the US by:

1- reducing /abolishing the federal "income"tax..............NO

2- has he abolished the Federal Reserve Board...........NO

3- has he abolished the massive federal regulations?......NO

4- Has he stopped the activities of War Party.................NO

5- Has he decreased federal spending...........................NO

Well then I disagree with you.


You're kidding me. You actually think their shouldn't be an income tax?
Absolutely. America had a federal government that functioned perfectly well prior to 1913.

It really doesn't make any sense for Rightwingers to despise both the income tax and government borrowing. If you can't see how those concepts conflict, God help you.
It makes perfect sense. Government borrowed lots of money prior to 1913.

But back then, they paid back the debt.

Obama is the reason why the economy in a recovery. Before his stimulus took effect, the economy was in a free fall. When it took effect, our massive job loss rate turned to growth in a matter of months. This lifted 7 million people out of poverty and 32 million poor Americans less poor.

Thank you, Jay Carney.

I'll concede Obama has spent a lot, but this has mostly been on defense. There has also been no spending growth under Obama. He has spent at the same rate as Bush.
As though spending at the same rate as Bush is anything to bray about.

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