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LBJ's "War on Poverty" has been a dismal failure

Of course not! Even if someone making millions have to give up "most" of his/her income in taxes, what's left would still make for quite a bit more than a decent living, don't you think?
How sporting of you to allow someone you have mugged, to keep enough money for cab fare home.

You have to be quite a nutjob to equate paying taxes to being mugged. Or, for that matter, a few millions of after tax income to a cab fare.

Nobody is telling anyone that they make too much. But redistributing income from the rich to the poor is a good policy -- and no, I am not kidding you, the US government is doing it for the past 100 years at least.
Yes, you are telling them that they are making too much, by taking away a portion of what you deem to be too much, in order to give to people who have done nothing to deserve those resources.

OK, I guess I am telling that rich are making too much in this country. 'Cause it's true.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to rationalize your Marxist thievery, buddy.

You, the other hand, claiming that hard working people have done nothing to deserve their fair share of the wealth they helped to create -- well, I was about to describe it as a new low, but on the second thought, this is something conservatives always believed.

Simply working hard a honest job is not something a person should be proud for or being respected for -- not in your book.
I'm making no such claim.

I differentiate from hard working people who have needed the occasional hand up, not the career layabout and moocher. Not only do you make no such distinction, but you cower behind the few who are down on their luck to excuse the professional deadbeat.

BTW, you aren't very good at putting words in another's mouth.
I wanted to come back and address this post with another thought. Yes, there will always be winners and losers in life. Not everyone can be a CEO, or a business owner or a supervisor of computer programmers. Every person can, however, do as much as their education, talents and determination will allow them. Otoh, no matter how much technology is improved upon in our lives, and no matter how much easier those improvements make our lives, there will always be a need for basic laborers. There will always be a need for cashiers, for food workers, for cab drivers and for ditch diggers. No one should ever be ashamed for filling the needs of others, no matter what that need may be. So whatever your particular niche in life may be, do the best you can, and do it with pride. You CAN make whatever improvements in your life that your particular job or payscale will allow. You DON"T have to sit at home and collect welfare.

But helping the poor is not about paying welfare to able people sitting at home. It's about making sure that those who can't work live in dignity, just as those working the minimal wage.

But neither is it about stealing from others to give to them just so that they can feel better about themselves. It's about teaching them how to stand up and make their own way in life.
If a person doesn't make as much at a particular job as they might need to support themselves, then they can take a second job, and if necessary a third. They won't be the first people to ever work multiple jobs and they won't be the last. A little hard work never hurt anyone. To the contrary, it teaches a person the value of both work and money, and teaches them to value both.

The GOP is heading for extinction because of that sort of ignorance.

"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
The "war" was a failure. Perpetuating poverty was not accomplished, rather poverty itself has become institutionalized. Obama is doing his level best to extend this trend by championing the welfare state at the cost of the only thing that has ever proved effective in creating wealth; the free market.

The typical right wing mantra...social Darwinism...survival of the richest.

Contumacious, Meathead, TemplarKormac, HelenaHandbag and friends...


If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy
Typical sweeping generalization smear from the left, when they've exhausted their intellectual ammunition, presuming they had any for starters.

You cannot help the poor by being one of them yourself.

BTW, I thought leftists believed in Darwinism.

Actually it is the MOST accurate and succinct description of what conservatism has become. All you need to do is read the replies by the people I put above that picture.
Because there hasn't been enough bureaucracy and money thrown at it, even after the erection of uncountable agencies, programs and the expenditure of tens of trillions of dollars.

We just have to put the *right* Marxist central planners in place, then everything will be sunshine and peace beads. :doubt:


There are not enough JOBS.

1 job for every 3 unemployed Americans

That's better than the 7 Americans competing for every open position in 2009, but it's still double the prerecession levels.

1 job for every 3 unemployed Americans- MSN Money

Your beloved private sector f***ed you in the ass, and you folks bring the Vaseline...
That there aren't enough jobs relates to my point in what way?

My beloved private sector would be far better off without smug Marxist plunderers like you, pretending that you know better how to dispose of the earnings of another, more so than those who have done the earning.

You mean all those 'patriot' CEO's shipping jobs overseas and paying slave wages?

There are not enough JOBS.

1 job for every 3 unemployed Americans

That's better than the 7 Americans competing for every open position in 2009, but it's still double the prerecession levels.

1 job for every 3 unemployed Americans- MSN Money

Your beloved private sector f***ed you in the ass, and you folks bring the Vaseline...
That there aren't enough jobs relates to my point in what way?

My beloved private sector would be far better off without smug Marxist plunderers like you, pretending that you know better how to dispose of the earnings of another, more so than those who have done the earning.

You mean all those 'patriot' CEO's shipping jobs overseas and paying slave wages?
You really aren't so naive to believe that wages are the only criteria that companies use to decide to offshore production, are you?

BTW, that was a rhetorical question. :lol:
The typical right wing mantra...social Darwinism...survival of the richest.

Contumacious, Meathead, TemplarKormac, HelenaHandbag and friends...


If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
President John F. Kennedy
Typical sweeping generalization smear from the left, when they've exhausted their intellectual ammunition, presuming they had any for starters.

You cannot help the poor by being one of them yourself.

BTW, I thought leftists believed in Darwinism.

Actually it is the MOST accurate and succinct description of what conservatism has become. All you need to do is read the replies by the people I put above that picture.
No, it's a bigoted stereotype, bigot.
That there aren't enough jobs relates to my point in what way?

My beloved private sector would be far better off without smug Marxist plunderers like you, pretending that you know better how to dispose of the earnings of another, more so than those who have done the earning.

You mean all those 'patriot' CEO's shipping jobs overseas and paying slave wages?
You really aren't so naive to believe that wages are the only criteria that companies use to decide to offshore production, are you?

BTW, that was a rhetorical question. :lol:

Yes I do, because it is true.
You mean all those 'patriot' CEO's shipping jobs overseas and paying slave wages?
You really aren't so naive to believe that wages are the only criteria that companies use to decide to offshore production, are you?

BTW, that was a rhetorical question. :lol:

Yes I do, because it is true.
Well, as long as you're comfortable in your ignorant naivete, then who would anyone be to argue out of it? :lol:
You really aren't so naive to believe that wages are the only criteria that companies use to decide to offshore production, are you?

BTW, that was a rhetorical question. :lol:

Yes I do, because it is true.
Well, as long as you're comfortable in your ignorant naivete, then who would anyone be to argue out of it? :lol:

It is by FAR the number one factor.

The real irony is you like to use words like Marxist to attack liberals. The truth is communism is conservative, not liberal. And if you folks on the right had the power, you would turn America into a carbon copy of communist Russia: a nuclear time-bomb and an environmental toxic dump.
You claiming it is by far the number one factor doesn't make it so. All you do in making the claim that wages are the primary reason for offshoring, is lay bare your rank ignorance of and bigotry toward business.

And if a naive Marxist bigot like you wants to claim the mantle of conservative, I'm good with returning to the term liberal to its rightful owners; the libertarians.

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You claiming it is by far the number one factor doesn't make it so. All you do in making the claim that is is the primary reason for offshoring is lay bare your rank ignorance of and bigotry toward business.

And if a naive Marxist bigot like you wants to claim the mantle of conservative, I'm good with returning to the term liberal to its rightful owners; the libertarians.


Gee, then all you would need is a calendar that has William Belsham predating the Ancient Greeks
How sporting of you to allow someone you have mugged, to keep enough money for cab fare home.

You have to be quite a nutjob to equate paying taxes to being mugged. Or, for that matter, a few millions of after tax income to a cab fare.

Yes, you are telling them that they are making too much, by taking away a portion of what you deem to be too much, in order to give to people who have done nothing to deserve those resources.

OK, I guess I am telling that rich are making too much in this country. 'Cause it's true.

You, the other hand, claiming that hard working people have done nothing to deserve their fair share of the wealth they helped to create -- well, I was about to describe it as a new low, but on the second thought, this is something conservatives always believed.

Simply working hard a honest job is not something a person should be proud for or being respected for -- not in your book.

Yes, working hard at an honest job is something to be respected. It is demanding that others who work just as hard at other jobs give up part of their wage and give it to you that is both dishonest and disrespectful.

No, it is neither dishonest, not disrespectful. If person A makes several hundreds times more than person B working just as hard the same hours -- then it is only fair to equalize that outcome at least to some degree. Like leaving the rich person with only one hundred times more in after-tax income.

Your problem is that you treat someone wage like a sacred cow -- and why is that? What a person makes depends on tons of factors that have nothing to do with how much actual efforts he/she puts into work. In other words, in case of high income earners for the most part it is pure luck -- like being born at the right time in the right environment with the right genetic makeup.

What moral rule makes keeping what you have got by sheer luck an inalienable right?
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You claiming it is by far the number one factor doesn't make it so. All you do in making the claim that is is the primary reason for offshoring is lay bare your rank ignorance of and bigotry toward business.

And if a naive Marxist bigot like you wants to claim the mantle of conservative, I'm good with returning to the term liberal to its rightful owners; the libertarians.


Gee, then all you would need is a calendar that has William Belsham predating the Ancient Greeks
Wowie. The relatively obscure historical reference.

Sadly for you, it still can't divert from the certainty that you are a quite simple-minded and virulently bigoted Marxist, who leads from his hallucinated prejudices of how business and markets work, rather than go to the bother of learning how markets and business really work.

Sucks to be you, guy.
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I differentiate from hard working people who have needed the occasional hand up, not the career layabout and moocher.

Well that's a good news, because nobody is suggesting otherwise. The war on the poverty always meant taking from the rich, and giving either to the working poor, or to those who can't work through no fault of their own.

But nobody ever advocated giving money to a career layabout and moocher. Honestly, where did you even get such ideas from?
I differentiate from hard working people who have needed the occasional hand up, not the career layabout and moocher.

Well that's a good news, because nobody is suggesting otherwise. The war on the poverty always meant taking from the rich, and giving either to the working poor, or to those who can't work through no fault of their own.

But nobody ever advocated giving money to a career layabout and moocher. Honestly, where did you even get such ideas from?
No, the war on poverty has been about creating a permanent moocher underclass, entirely dependent upon the patronage of politicians and bureaucrats.

As an avowed Marxist, you should both understand that and be willing to come clean about it.

Really? How about paying for extending benefits by borrowing money at 0% (which is about how much interest government has to pay when the economy is depressed)? What, no deal? Who's being obstructionist now?
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I differentiate from hard working people who have needed the occasional hand up, not the career layabout and moocher.

Well that's a good news, because nobody is suggesting otherwise. The war on the poverty always meant taking from the rich, and giving either to the working poor, or to those who can't work through no fault of their own.

But nobody ever advocated giving money to a career layabout and moocher. Honestly, where did you even get such ideas from?
No, the war on poverty has been about creating a permanent moocher underclass, entirely dependent upon the patronage of politicians and bureaucrats.

As an avowed Marxist, you should both understand that and be willing to come clean about it.

What the fuck are you talking about? I would ask you again -- what makes you think that the war on poverty has been anything BUT helping the working poor, or those unable to work? Anything?..
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You claiming it is by far the number one factor doesn't make it so. All you do in making the claim that is is the primary reason for offshoring is lay bare your rank ignorance of and bigotry toward business.

And if a naive Marxist bigot like you wants to claim the mantle of conservative, I'm good with returning to the term liberal to its rightful owners; the libertarians.


Gee, then all you would need is a calendar that has William Belsham predating the Ancient Greeks
Wowie. The relatively obscure historical reference.

Sadly for you, it still can't divert from the certainty that you are a quite simple-minded and virulently bigoted Marxist, who leads from his hallucinated prejudices of how business and markets work, rather than go to the bother of learning how markets and business really work.

Sucks to be you, guy.

I have a very sound understanding of how markets work, and how they fail. And I challenge you to debate me on that topic. I made a lot of money navigating the marketplace for over 40 years. I have never read a single word Marx wrote, so all you are trying to do is insult, deflect and hide your fear of being schooled by someone who has much more knowledge and experience than you have.

You keep posting all these empty posts that say NOTHING...why are you so insecure?

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