Lead Investigator Says President Biden ‘Committed Many Crimes’

Provided you with the information regarding Milwaukee, but you have such small hands and fail to grasp it.

Thanks, small hands.
That is quite the cult of dishonesty that you belong to. You even have a symbol
He didn't flee anywhere moron. In the United States you can move where you want to, I know you fascists would like to change that though.

Sure he can. But when you commit a cromd in NY, the statute of limitations is tolled when you leave the state for a period of time.
So find a crime and get back to us.
Allow me to humbly suggest what this is really all about. They don't have any more evidence of a crime now than they did when the impeachment inquiry blew up in their faces. This is about a rehash of baseless allegations as the election draws closer. Congressional Repubs have never needed actual, provable evidence of a crime to convince the minions that Joe had committed one. They just want people to start talking about it again. Because as long as the focus is on fictitious crimes by Joe Biden, it isn't on actual crimes by Donald Trump.
Think you'll ever be able to remove the imprint of Trump's ass from your forehead, assface? No? Badge of honor that matches your MAGA hat, right?

Whatever turns you on, cultist.
I bet you smell like ass too. Dumb shit Democrat LOL. Get used to it
Allow me to humbly suggest what this is really all about. They don't have any more evidence of a crime now than they did when the impeachment inquiry blew up in their faces. This is about a rehash of baseless allegations as the election draws closer. Congressional Repubs have never needed actual, provable evidence of a crime to convince the minions that Joe had committed one. They just want people to start talking about it again. Because as long as the focus is on fictitious crimes by Joe Biden, it isn't on actual crimes by Donald Trump.
Joe Biden's crimes are much more real than any of the propaganda you used to portray Donald Trump.
Milwaukee reported 170,000 votes of which Biden received around 150,000.

Wisconsin vote surge was not fraud

Trump again flat wrong with Wisconsin voter fraud claims


But with your small hands, I don't expect you to leave the cult of stupid.
Hahaha you're so stupid you don't know by now that when they say "factcheck" it means "biased cover-up " . I have never seen a fact check that didn't hold an extreme leftist communist point of view. You are one gullible son of a bitch. Congratulations
Only because the prosecutor disagreed with the defense about the deal. As you might know if you spent more time reading and less time acting like you're 5 years old.
and just who put that clause in the plea deal ?

Allow me to humbly suggest what this is really all about. They don't have any more evidence of a crime now than they did when the impeachment inquiry blew up in their faces. This is about a rehash of baseless allegations as the election draws closer. Congressional Repubs have never needed actual, provable evidence of a crime to convince the minions that Joe had committed one. They just want people to start talking about it again. Because as long as the focus is on fictitious crimes by Joe Biden, it isn't on actual crimes by Donald Trump.

Same thing they did in 2016 with Benghazi.

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