Lead Investigator Says President Biden ‘Committed Many Crimes’

Intentionally committing misdemeanors is a felony.

You can look that up.

I've read some dumb stuff here but this might be the very best. So you're telling me that for example, public intoxication--someone is charged a MD if they say "I didn't MEAN to be drunk" but a felony if they say "Yeah well I MEANT to be drunk".

That's ridiculous. It's laughable.

This is from MI misdemeanors:

750.167 Disorderly person; subsequent violations by person convicted of refusing or neglecting to support family; breastfeeding or expressing breast milk exempt. Sec.
167. (1) A person is a disorderly person if the person is any of the following (a) A person of sufficient ability who refuses or neglects to support his or her family.(b) A common prostitute.(c) A window peeper.(d) A person who engages in an illegal occupation or business.(e) A person who is intoxicated in a public place and who is either endangering directly the safety of another person or of property or is acting in a manner that causes a public disturbance.(f) A person who is engaged in indecent or obscene conduct in a public place.(g) A vagrant.(h) A person found begging in a public place.(i) A person found loitering in a house of ill fame or prostitution or place where prostitution or lewdness , encouraged, or allowed
No stupid. There is no Fawnboi dumbass translation needed.

The trial was a joke, and it will be overturned. Only half-brained leftists retards like you think it was a legit trial.

Suuure it is, Dumbfuck. Like i said, when the SCOTUS doesn't overturn it, you will not accept their decision. The fact of the matter is the prosecution proved Trump falsified business records to cover-up crimes related to § 17-152.
Uh-huh. And WHO was Joe Biden supposedly bribed by, backed with what evidence? WHAT was Joe Biden supposed bribed to do, backed by what evidence? WHEN did this supposedly occur, backed by what evidence? WHAT policy did Joe Biden enact in response to this supposed bribe, backed with what evidence?

You babble vaguely about 'crimes' you can't cite, evidence you don't have, and crimes you can't even describe with any specificity.

No wonder the impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden went absolutely no where.
Then you can ask yourself what were Hunter and Joe doing flying around the world when Hunter was in the throes of crack addiction? If you have any intelligence at all you know they were raking in cash from our enemies. It's so fucking obvious if you have a brain.
Hilarious cult convict

Enjoy those small hands.

And again, thanks for the reminder of them.
Hahaha you sure are stupid. Stop talking about your hands it makes you sound like a moron. That symbol sure has got you worked up, dishonesty.
Then you can ask yourself what were Hunter and Joe doing flying around the world when Hunter was in the throes of crack addiction? If you have any intelligence at all you know they were raking in cash from our enemies. It's so fucking obvious if you have a brain.
Do you have any evidence of crimes by the two. No.
Suuure it is, Dumbfuck. Like i said, when the SCOTUS doesn't overturn it, you will not accept their decision. The fact of the matter is the prosecution proved Trump falsified business records to cover-up crimes related to § 17-152.
Hey stupid, I already told you we don't need your moronic interpretations of my posts.

I am batting 1000 on predictions of cases getting reversed.

Nope, your projection fails you. Unlike you, I don't cry how unfair the system is to your orange idol.
Why would you cry about the unfairness of the legal system against Trump? You support the weaponization of the DOJ as long as it goes against Trump, Simp.
Why would you cry about the unfairness of the legal system against Trump? You support the weaponization of the DOJ as long as it goes against Trump, Simp.
We support the DoJ as long as it remains independent and uses evidence and our legal codes to enforce the rule of law. Under Biden, that is precisely what it has been doing. We all knew Donald J Trump was a criminal before he even thought of running for office and he's only gotten worse. Now you all claim that Biden should go to jail for distorting the enforcement of our laws but want to put someone in office who is openly planning to do precisely that if elected.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Hahaha you sure are stupid. Stop talking about your hands it makes you sound like a moron. That symbol sure has got you worked up, dishonesty.
Then you can ask yourself what were Hunter and Joe doing flying around the world when Hunter was in the throes of crack addiction? If you have any intelligence at all you know they were raking in cash from our enemies. It's so fucking obvious if you have a brain.

You're the one making the claim that Joe Biden received a bribe and is guilty of a crime. The burden of proof is ENTIRELY on you.

And you've got nothing.

You can't tell us WHO bribed Biden to do WHAT, or WHEN. You can't show us any policy that Biden enacted due to this 'bribe'. To say nothing of any evidence to back up any such narrative.

This is why your silly impeachment inquiry failed completely.

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