Lead Prosecutor in Rittenhouse Political Prosecution Says Rittenhouse Chased His Antifa Attackers. Then He Shows Video Of Antifa Chasing Rittenhouse.

Thanks for making my case. You are in fact linking his possession of a firearm with a supposed premeditated desire to kill those people.

You aren't an easy book to read, you're a brochure. Folds easily under scrutiny.
You're kidding, right? This kid illegally acquired a weapon and went across state lines looking for an excuse to use it.
Thanks for making my case. You are in fact linking his possession of a firearm with a supposed premeditated desire to kill those people.
Which is impossible for an honest, reasoned person to do.

Neither did the sandy hook guy or the Las Vegas guy or the gay bar shooter in FLA.

NoNe of them is crap happens in a vacuum.
You're making my point. None of those guys waited until they were being chased by people intent to harm or kill them to start shooting. They started the hostilities, Rittenhouse did not, he only fired when he was leaving the area and was unable to continue.
Yeah, I know. So the prosecutors there found it necessary not to charge him with underage possession. It puts the state of Wisconsin's case for that charge on flimsy ground. I'm pretty sure the jury has knowledge of that decision also.

Precedent for dismissal is already there.
Moron, the gun charge in Illinois was dropped because there's no evidence he was ever in possession of the gun in Illinois.

So no, there is no precedent and again, the judge in this case in Wisconsin already denied the motion to drop the gun charge.

It's like your brain doesn't function normally. :cuckoo:
You're making my point. None of those guys waited until they were being chased by people intent to harm or kill them to start shooting. They started the hostilities, Rittenhouse did not, he only fired when he was leaving the area and was unable to continue.
Junior Nazi "started the hostilities" when he left his home state looking for someone to shoot.
The evidence says the first man he shot was leaning toward him, not running from him. Liar.
You're too mentally unstable to hold a conversation. Quote me saying Rosenbaum was running away from him or tacitly admit YOU lied when you claim I lied about Rosenbaum running away from him.
Thanks for making my case. You are in fact linking his possession of a firearm with a supposed premeditated desire to kill those people.

You aren't an easy book to read, you're a brochure. Folds easily under scrutiny.
I made no attempt to establish any such link. Again you show your brain simply doesn't function normally.
Junior Nazi "started the hostilities" when he left his home state looking for someone to shoot.
Heck, if you want to play that game, the rioters started it when they decided to go around setting fire to buildings and trashing the place. In the context of this trial, it comes down to whether Rittenhouse had a good reason to fear for his life when he pulled the trigger, and everything we've heard supports that conclusion. He wasn't hiding in the shadows, picking off rioters, he wasn't marching down the street, shooting at a crowd in front of him, he was on the ground, facing people running at him and clearly threatening him. That's what the jury has to consider, not whether he should have been at home.
Then justice isn't what you want, because justice allows for a verdict you don't agree with.
False. If justice means he properly acted in self defense and is not guilty, I hope the jury decides that. As far as the jury, I'm good with either way they return. But the jury hasn't returned a verdict yet and from what I've seen, I believe he's guilty.

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