Lead Prosecutor in Rittenhouse Political Prosecution Says Rittenhouse Chased His Antifa Attackers. Then He Shows Video Of Antifa Chasing Rittenhouse.

You are

You are a liar I never changed my story
You're lying again.

First you said Rosenbaum wasn't shot in the back...

No one was shot in the back or face down you moron.

When you were proven wrong, you then changed your story to it could have been an exit wound...

It COULD also be an exit wound.

When you were proven wrong again, your story changed again to it was someone other than Rittenhouse who shot Rosenbaum in the back...

He shot no one in the back
However immediately after Rosenbaum fell someone else ( unidentified maybe zimmerman maybe not ) fired three more shots. Where and at what is unknown. We just know it was not Zittenhouse.

You're lying again.

First you said Rosenbaum wasn't shot in the back...

When you were proven wrong, you then changed your story to it could have been an exit wound...

When you were proven wrong again, your story changed again to it was someone other than Rittenhouse who shot Rosenbaum in the back...

I have not been proven wrong you are lying like a coward.
Now post a link or begone bitch
2 men died after he shot them. He is responsible and will be punished. Self defence my arse. He went there to kill someone. He's nothing but a smart arse Republican kid. What would you expect.

It's jail for you Kyle baby. Take some Vaseline.

Are you going to cry when he is acquitted?
Moral of the story is don’t try to assault armed people.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Cowards, like colon here, are great at attacking old people, children, and invalids in wheelchairs, but they fail spectacularly when they attack normal people.

When are you even not a lying piece of shit...?

KENOSHA, Wis. (AP) — The first man killed by Kyle Rittenhouse on the streets of Kenosha was shot at a range of just a few feet and had soot injuries that could indicate he had his hand over the barrel of Rittenhouse’s rifle, a pathologist testified Tuesday.
But it was unclear from video footage whether Joseph Rosenbaum was grabbing for Rittenhouse’s gun or trying to swat it away, said the witness, Dr. Doug Kelley, with the Milwaukee County medical examiner’s office.

...which is what I said which you falsely called a lie and which westwall desperately and moronically thanked.

How many lies have I caught you telling now? I've lost count.
So will you exercising a Leftists right to loot, burn and murder when a verdict doesn’t go their fascist way?
2 men died after he shot them. He is responsible and will be punished. Self defence my arse.
This only illustrates your ignorance of what "self-defense" is.
Theony rreal question here is if said ignorance is willful or not,.
He went there to kill someone.
You cannot demonstrate this to be true.
You know it, and you don't care.
He's nothing but a smart arse Republican kid. What would you expect.
Why does insulting Rittenhouse make you feel better?
If the prosecution was holding on to the misdemeanor weapons charge, it just went pfffttt.

If I initiate contact with you and get you so mad that you come after me, it is really self-defense when I kill you?
yea. Making contact and making you mad doesn’t justify you killing me or anyone

the fact you would ask such a question really has me concerned
How are the living dead on yer end? A threat is not the same as an action.
well actually an action can be threatening….like chasing someone down, throwing rocks at someone, hitting someone…all can be actions that are threatening to ones life
The fix may be in on this young man...

Now the bed wetters are accusing the judge of protecting Rittenhouse. It's a total shit show. The most egregious crime committed here so far is the fact that the kid is on trial at all. He protected himself from violent criminals, he exterminated vermin. The DA should be facing trial for official oppression and facing 20 years in prison.

Happened in my neighborhood as a kid many times.
Seems like you took a lot of rocks to the skull. Rather than change you behavior you continued to irritate people, and now you have the safety of anonymity to protect you.

Typical of communist filth.

You were supposed to have learned from these experiences, you were supposed to understand that George Orwell's 1984 was a warning, not an instructions manual.

Too bad no one threw a big enough rock at you.


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