Leader Of Dem Sit-in Was On No-Fly List Himself

Terrorists favorite tool is bombs. Guns are fun for them, but their bread and butter is bombs. Make it hard to buy guns and they'll start bombing us like they do in the Middle-East. Then you won't be able to get on a bus without thinking your time is up.
Now there is no doubt you are stupid from many too many years of booze and drugs and conspiracy theories. Guns are "fun" for terrorists! You fucking moronic sap.
Booze, drugs, and conspiracy theories....sounds like Berntards to me?
Nope, only you.
I don't do drugs, Berntard.
Yup, you do. Your goofy conspiracy theories and hatred only arise from drugs (like Hitler) and booze with drugs (like you).
You'll die tommorow most likely.
Now there is no doubt you are stupid from many too many years of booze and drugs and conspiracy theories. Guns are "fun" for terrorists! You fucking moronic sap.
Booze, drugs, and conspiracy theories....sounds like Berntards to me?
Nope, only you.
I don't do drugs, Berntard.
Yup, you do. Your goofy conspiracy theories and hatred only arise from drugs (like Hitler) and booze with drugs (like you).
You'll die tommorow most likely.
Anyone who thinks a terrorist on the no fly list should hold public office is a traitor

Jerkoff fakey and other bed wetting fascists believe arbitrarily revoking rights without due process is just fine as long as it isn't done to one of their fellow travelers.

Ted Kennedy was a killer and on the no fly list. Rules don't apply to the lawless.

Booze, drugs, and conspiracy theories....sounds like Berntards to me?
Nope, only you.
I don't do drugs, Berntard.
Yup, you do. Your goofy conspiracy theories and hatred only arise from drugs (like Hitler) and booze with drugs (like you).
You'll die tommorow most likely.
Your old hippy ass is done for. Time is slipping for an old coot like yourself.
Nope, only you.
I don't do drugs, Berntard.
Yup, you do. Your goofy conspiracy theories and hatred only arise from drugs (like Hitler) and booze with drugs (like you).
You'll die tommorow most likely.
Your old hippy ass is done for. Time is slipping for an old coot like yourself.
Your poor liver. Tick Tock.
I don't do drugs, Berntard.
Yup, you do. Your goofy conspiracy theories and hatred only arise from drugs (like Hitler) and booze with drugs (like you).
You'll die tommorow most likely.
Your old hippy ass is done for. Time is slipping for an old coot like yourself.
Your poor liver. Tick Tock.
Nope. I'm in perfect health, you decrepit geezer. Sorry to disappoint you. Gotta be in tip top shape for the RWDS you know.
Yup, you do. Your goofy conspiracy theories and hatred only arise from drugs (like Hitler) and booze with drugs (like you).
You'll die tommorow most likely.
Your old hippy ass is done for. Time is slipping for an old coot like yourself.
Your poor liver. Tick Tock.
Nope. I'm in perfect health, you decrepit geezer. Sorry to disappoint you. Gotta be in tip top shape for the RWDS you know.
You are not. Your liver is failing and you are wheezing. You will see, in your case, the Dark Shadow soon.
Your old hippy ass is done for. Time is slipping for an old coot like yourself.
Your poor liver. Tick Tock.
Nope. I'm in perfect health, you decrepit geezer. Sorry to disappoint you. Gotta be in tip top shape for the RWDS you know.
You are not. Your liver is failing and you are wheezing. You will see, in your case, the Dark Shadow soon.
My liver isn't failing and I am not wheezing, that must be you.

Too bad, I really wanted the RWDS to get you.
I think we as level headed intelligent adults can come to an understanding that although the right to keep and bear arms is sacrosanct, we can also come to an understanding that that right is not absolute.
For example, I see nothing wrong with a person going through a similar licensing procedure ( written test and training courses) as one does when they wish to operate a motor vehicle on a public roadway. I also see no reason to not undergo at least a State background check. Heck we are subject to these when we accept employment offers.
What I see here are two fringe factions engaging in this fight. One is for absolute gun rights. The other is in support of eliminating the right to keep and bear arms.
Meanwhile the rest of us are growing weary of this bickering.
Exactly. Here is the problem, the instant you suggest that we need to prevent certain kinds of people from getting weapons that have the capacity to kill many people very rapidly, the gun nuts immediatly start the bullshit that we are trying to ban all guns. And keep up that meme, no matter how many times you point out that we are speaking of a certain class of weapons in the hands of a certain kind of person.

I have owned guns for 60 years. Hunting rifles and a shotgun. Perfectly adaquete for self defense, and in fact, have used the shotgun in exactly that capacity. I will never have one of the war weapons in my house, and really believe that no one needs one of those. However, I do not propose that we try to take those weapons away from anyone presently owning them. But require them to have the same license as that required for a full automatic weapon when they have said weapon off their own property. If they are found to have such a weapon off their own property without that license, they have committed a felony, and lose their right to own any firearm, all their firearms are confiscated and destroyed. To buy such a weapon, you would have to get that license ahead of time. Whether the sale was a dealer or private. And anyone selling anyone else such a weapon without such licenses on both ends would be subject to the same law.

Now it is not going to take but one or two more massacres with this type of weapon and you will see far more stringent laws than this put into place, and it will be the fault of you gun nuts who blocked all reasonable laws.

Please stop referring to AR15s, etc etc as "war weapons" it's dishonest political jargon and does nothing to further the solution to our very obvious problem.

I have FOUR fully automatic assault rifles. NONE of which have ever murdered anyone. PROVING conclusively that weapons are not the problem. The person pulling the trigger is.

PROVING conclusively that weapons are not the problem. The person pulling the trigger is

Came up with that one on your own did ya?

Cars are not a problem, it is the people driving them
Guns don't kill people, it is people with guns that kill people

Just because there is a human element doesn't mean you don't place restrictions on both the human and the object
Logic dictates that you focus on the source of the violence, not some inanimate object.
However, your illogical approach is to drain the oceans because sometimes people drown.

Logic dictates that a gun is a tool a criminal needs to do his job. Separating a criminal from his favorite tool is appropriate
Punishing law abiding citizens as a desperate means to prevent crime is no way to govern.
The real problem is that the punishments for crimes committed with guns are far too light.
We are the only civilized nation that coddles criminals. We give them second, third, fourth and beyond number of chances.
Nor do I. I never carry a gun on me unless I'm going to the gun range to practice. I do, however, have two in my house because if someone busts down the door and you have only seconds for you and your family to live the police are only minutes away. If you don't get that you're a fucking fool.


RW only feels safe when the government suppresses somebody else's rights. And it's a false sense of security at that.

I sleep soundly without a gun under my pillow

I am not afraid of evil badguys I need to shoot it out with

Being prepared =/= being fearful. You morons always do that. Everything is "oh you must fear that, IE "islamaphobe or homophobe" . Being against something isn't being afraid of that thing, nor is being prepared in case something happens.

I carry jumper cables in my vehicles, that doesn't mean I'm afraid of a dead fucking battery.

He knows all of this. It just doesn't fit his flawed argument to admit it.
I probably fired more rounds from more weapons than the three of you together. I don't sleep with a pistol under my pillow. You gun nuts are . . . nuts.

Neither do I, tard
Anyone who thinks a terrorist on the no fly list should hold public office is a traitor

Jerkoff fakey and other bed wetting fascists believe arbitrarily revoking rights without due process is just fine as long as it isn't done to one of their fellow travelers.

Ted Kennedy was a killer and on the no fly list. Rules don't apply to the lawless.
Fakey Jakey needs a job. This one isn't panning out.
Exactly. Here is the problem, the instant you suggest that we need to prevent certain kinds of people from getting weapons that have the capacity to kill many people very rapidly, the gun nuts immediatly start the bullshit that we are trying to ban all guns. And keep up that meme, no matter how many times you point out that we are speaking of a certain class of weapons in the hands of a certain kind of person.

I have owned guns for 60 years. Hunting rifles and a shotgun. Perfectly adaquete for self defense, and in fact, have used the shotgun in exactly that capacity. I will never have one of the war weapons in my house, and really believe that no one needs one of those. However, I do not propose that we try to take those weapons away from anyone presently owning them. But require them to have the same license as that required for a full automatic weapon when they have said weapon off their own property. If they are found to have such a weapon off their own property without that license, they have committed a felony, and lose their right to own any firearm, all their firearms are confiscated and destroyed. To buy such a weapon, you would have to get that license ahead of time. Whether the sale was a dealer or private. And anyone selling anyone else such a weapon without such licenses on both ends would be subject to the same law.

Now it is not going to take but one or two more massacres with this type of weapon and you will see far more stringent laws than this put into place, and it will be the fault of you gun nuts who blocked all reasonable laws.

Please stop referring to AR15s, etc etc as "war weapons" it's dishonest political jargon and does nothing to further the solution to our very obvious problem.

I have FOUR fully automatic assault rifles. NONE of which have ever murdered anyone. PROVING conclusively that weapons are not the problem. The person pulling the trigger is.

PROVING conclusively that weapons are not the problem. The person pulling the trigger is

Came up with that one on your own did ya?

Cars are not a problem, it is the people driving them
Guns don't kill people, it is people with guns that kill people

Just because there is a human element doesn't mean you don't place restrictions on both the human and the object
Logic dictates that you focus on the source of the violence, not some inanimate object.
However, your illogical approach is to drain the oceans because sometimes people drown.

Logic dictates that a gun is a tool a criminal needs to do his job. Separating a criminal from his favorite tool is appropriate
Punishing law abiding citizens as a desperate means to prevent crime is no way to govern.
The real problem is that the punishments for crimes committed with guns are far too light.
We are the only civilized nation that coddles criminals. We give them second, third, fourth and beyond number of chances.
Your inability to have your fantasy toys does not upset me

We have 2.5 million filling our prisons..
More than any nation on earth
Your inability to have your fantasy toys does not upset me

We have 2.5 million filling our prisons..
More than any nation on earth

And yet gun related crime has declined while the amount of guns has increased. It's not gun crime that's putting them in prison.

Using federal government data, University of Michigan and American Enterprise Institute economist Mark Perry last year measured the gun homicide rate against the number of guns per person from 1993-2013. As the number of guns per person rose from 0.94 to 1.45, the gun homicide rate fell by 49 percent, from 7 to 3.6 per 100,000 people.

Also using federal government data, the Pew Research Center reported last year that non-fatal gun victimizations have fallen from 725.3 to 174.8 per 100,000 people from 1993-2014. So all gun-related crime is falling, not just gun homicides.

The United States seems to be recovering a large chunk of the civility obliterated in the tumult of the 1960s and ’70s, suggesting (as do global historical data) that human-on-human violence is predominantly a product of culture, not technology. The U.S. homicide rate more than doubled from 1963-1973 and remained high for the next 20 years. In 1973, the rate was 9.4 per 100,000 people; in 1993 it was 9.5. Although we will need more time before we can know for sure, this spike in homicides appears to have been an historical aberration. Since 1993, the homicide rate has collapsed and it now hovers around its 1962-63 level.

In 2014, the homicide rate was 4.5 per 100,000 people, less than half the rate in 1995. The last time it was that low was 1963, when the rate was 4.6. The median age in the United States is 37, so for the average American alive today the odds of being murdered have never been lower — even though Americans possess millions more firearms than they did two decades ago when homicide rates were higher....

America Is Awash In Guns, And Crime Is At Record Lows
Exactly. Here is the problem, the instant you suggest that we need to prevent certain kinds of people from getting weapons that have the capacity to kill many people very rapidly, the gun nuts immediatly start the bullshit that we are trying to ban all guns. And keep up that meme, no matter how many times you point out that we are speaking of a certain class of weapons in the hands of a certain kind of person.

I have owned guns for 60 years. Hunting rifles and a shotgun. Perfectly adaquete for self defense, and in fact, have used the shotgun in exactly that capacity. I will never have one of the war weapons in my house, and really believe that no one needs one of those. However, I do not propose that we try to take those weapons away from anyone presently owning them. But require them to have the same license as that required for a full automatic weapon when they have said weapon off their own property. If they are found to have such a weapon off their own property without that license, they have committed a felony, and lose their right to own any firearm, all their firearms are confiscated and destroyed. To buy such a weapon, you would have to get that license ahead of time. Whether the sale was a dealer or private. And anyone selling anyone else such a weapon without such licenses on both ends would be subject to the same law.

Now it is not going to take but one or two more massacres with this type of weapon and you will see far more stringent laws than this put into place, and it will be the fault of you gun nuts who blocked all reasonable laws.

Please stop referring to AR15s, etc etc as "war weapons" it's dishonest political jargon and does nothing to further the solution to our very obvious problem.

I have FOUR fully automatic assault rifles. NONE of which have ever murdered anyone. PROVING conclusively that weapons are not the problem. The person pulling the trigger is.

PROVING conclusively that weapons are not the problem. The person pulling the trigger is

Came up with that one on your own did ya?

Cars are not a problem, it is the people driving them
Guns don't kill people, it is people with guns that kill people

Just because there is a human element doesn't mean you don't place restrictions on both the human and the object
Logic dictates that you focus on the source of the violence, not some inanimate object.
However, your illogical approach is to drain the oceans because sometimes people drown.

Logic dictates that a gun is a tool a criminal needs to do his job. Separating a criminal from his favorite tool is appropriate
Punishing law abiding citizens as a desperate means to prevent crime is no way to govern.
The real problem is that the punishments for crimes committed with guns are far too light.
We are the only civilized nation that coddles criminals. We give them second, third, fourth and beyond number of chances.

Not getting what you want for Christmas is not punishment

You still have plenty of toys in your toybox
Your inability to have your fantasy toys does not upset me

We have 2.5 million filling our prisons..
More than any nation on earth

And yet gun related crime has declined while the amount of guns has increased. It's not gun crime that's putting them in prison.

Using federal government data, University of Michigan and American Enterprise Institute economist Mark Perry last year measured the gun homicide rate against the number of guns per person from 1993-2013. As the number of guns per person rose from 0.94 to 1.45, the gun homicide rate fell by 49 percent, from 7 to 3.6 per 100,000 people.

Also using federal government data, the Pew Research Center reported last year that non-fatal gun victimizations have fallen from 725.3 to 174.8 per 100,000 people from 1993-2014. So all gun-related crime is falling, not just gun homicides.

The United States seems to be recovering a large chunk of the civility obliterated in the tumult of the 1960s and ’70s, suggesting (as do global historical data) that human-on-human violence is predominantly a product of culture, not technology. The U.S. homicide rate more than doubled from 1963-1973 and remained high for the next 20 years. In 1973, the rate was 9.4 per 100,000 people; in 1993 it was 9.5. Although we will need more time before we can know for sure, this spike in homicides appears to have been an historical aberration. Since 1993, the homicide rate has collapsed and it now hovers around its 1962-63 level.

In 2014, the homicide rate was 4.5 per 100,000 people, less than half the rate in 1995. The last time it was that low was 1963, when the rate was 4.6. The median age in the United States is 37, so for the average American alive today the odds of being murdered have never been lower — even though Americans possess millions more firearms than they did two decades ago when homicide rates were higher....

America Is Awash In Guns, And Crime Is At Record Lows

Gun related crime has gone down significantly since the 90s
It has gone down in states with strict gun rules and states with lax regulations

It has gone down because the crack wars of the 90s ended. Stop pretending it is because you have more guns
In the rush to take our guns, the hypocrisy by Democrats is glaring. Democrats think that love will protect us from a terrorist attack. Obama just released another terrorist from GITMO, most of which have gone back to terrorism, yet he and the Dems want to use an attack, the cause of which can be directly linked to the White House, as a reason to take away our rights. All of this screaming and yelling over a bill that will not save one single life.

Rep Lewis Was Once On The No-Fly List He Wants To Use To Restrict Gun Rights

Democratic Rep. John Lewis was erroneously put on the no-fly list he now wants to use to restrict gun ownership for U.S. citizens.

Lewis staged a “sit-in” at the House of Representatives Wednesday to call for a law barring people on the federal no-fly list from purchasing guns. But Lewis himself was erroneously put on the list at one point for an entire year, meaning he would have been unable to buy a gun had his new proposal been law.

Several different gun control measures have been circulating in Congress in the wake of Omar Mateen’s June 12 shooting spree at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. One of the proposals would ban anybody on the federal government’s no-fly list from purchasing a gun. In the House, Lewis has become a champion of such a rule, leading an occupation of the House floor to demand a vote on the measure.

Lewis may view the no-fly list as a good vehicle for stopping terrorists from getting weapons. But terrorists wouldn’t be the only people hindered by Collins’ proposal. In fact, if such a law had existed a decade ago, Lewis himself would have been victimized by it.

Press accounts from 2004 to 2008 reveal that Lewis’ name somehow ended up on the federal no-fly list, and remained there for years despite his best efforts to get it off. In 2004, he claimed he was stopped 35 to 40 times in a single year by airport personnel who tried to keep him from flying. Presumably, if the “no fly, no gun” law had been in place then, Lewis would have had even more trouble buying a gun than he had getting on a plane.

Lewis isn’t the only prominent person to have trouble with the no-fly list, as Sen. Ted Kennedy and singer Cat Stevens also claimed they were mistakenly placed on it. Their experiences illustrate one of the chief criticisms of the no-fly list: That it can limit individual rights while giving individuals very limited power to fight back.

According to the FBI, the current no-fly list has about 81,000 names, although only a few hundred of them are Americans.​

Beyond that, Conservatives accused Lewis of being a communist, a race baiter and agitator

That was before they crushed his skull on the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma

John Lewis is an American Patriot and still attacked by the right just like 50 years ago

Lewis is the one doing the attacking. He's busy trying to take away our rights this time. Not the other way around.
Your inability to have your fantasy toys does not upset me

We have 2.5 million filling our prisons..
More than any nation on earth

And yet gun related crime has declined while the amount of guns has increased. It's not gun crime that's putting them in prison.

Using federal government data, University of Michigan and American Enterprise Institute economist Mark Perry last year measured the gun homicide rate against the number of guns per person from 1993-2013. As the number of guns per person rose from 0.94 to 1.45, the gun homicide rate fell by 49 percent, from 7 to 3.6 per 100,000 people.

Also using federal government data, the Pew Research Center reported last year that non-fatal gun victimizations have fallen from 725.3 to 174.8 per 100,000 people from 1993-2014. So all gun-related crime is falling, not just gun homicides.

The United States seems to be recovering a large chunk of the civility obliterated in the tumult of the 1960s and ’70s, suggesting (as do global historical data) that human-on-human violence is predominantly a product of culture, not technology. The U.S. homicide rate more than doubled from 1963-1973 and remained high for the next 20 years. In 1973, the rate was 9.4 per 100,000 people; in 1993 it was 9.5. Although we will need more time before we can know for sure, this spike in homicides appears to have been an historical aberration. Since 1993, the homicide rate has collapsed and it now hovers around its 1962-63 level.

In 2014, the homicide rate was 4.5 per 100,000 people, less than half the rate in 1995. The last time it was that low was 1963, when the rate was 4.6. The median age in the United States is 37, so for the average American alive today the odds of being murdered have never been lower — even though Americans possess millions more firearms than they did two decades ago when homicide rates were higher....

America Is Awash In Guns, And Crime Is At Record Lows

Gun related crime has gone down significantly since the 90s
It has gone down in states with strict gun rules and states with lax regulations

It has gone down because the crack wars of the 90s ended. Stop pretending it is because you have more guns
Since you liberals started your attacks on the police, gun violence has risen dramatically.

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