Leader Wanted

I find it hilarious as hell that progressives are going into a tizzy over things they can't definitively say Trump did. Like tweeted texts, pictures posted in hotels, WikiLeaks, etc,... then crying and whining over the insubstantial. It was the Rooshuns! Look kitty the laser light is over there.

Somebody please pass the popcorn.:popcorn:

Thank you!


How about this? A leader who doesn't bully others from his position of ultimate authority. A leader who tells the truth at least most of the time. A leader who people are inspired to work for.

Little late for that.

Perhaps Occupy Walstreet/America, BLM (Black Lives Matter), or maybe even ANTIFA, could help you out there. After all they're so.o..o... non-aggressive. Unlike the Nazi fascist Tea Party composed of a bunch of deplorables.


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How about this? A leader who doesn't bully others from his position of ultimate authority. A leader who tells the truth at least most of the time. A leader who people are inspired to work for.

How about a leader that doesn't consider half the nation the enemy? How about a leader that isn't afraid of the vile lefty media? How about a leader that Political Correctness can't defeat?
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How about this? A leader who doesn't bully others from his position of ultimate authority. A leader who tells the truth at least most of the time. A leader who people are inspired to work for.
How about the slanderous, vile, caustic, lying, name calling, leftist trash machine back the fuck off and shut their fucking SUCK HOLE?

Maybe then PRESIDENT Trump would show them some respect.

Just remember, respect is EARNED, not GIVEN, and these filthy sanctimonious prog piles of dog shit haven't earned a SPECK of RESPECT.
Except the msm never attacks presidents who are Democrats. If Obama had been trashed by the media the way Trump is, I'm sure you would see things differently.

That's bullshit. The MSM criticizes EVERY President. That's their job. You don't notice when a Democrat is in power because it's not your ox that's being gored, but the moment they say boo about s Republican you whine about liberal bias in the MSM.
No, THAT'S bullshit. When did CNN ever slander Obama? Name some fake news stories they ran against him, something they accused him of that was patently false.

When did CNN slander Trump? Slander isn't telling the truth. Slander is lying. What lies has CNN told about Trump.

CNN hasn't slandered either President. They haven't always supported everything Obama did or said either but they've never slandered anyone.
The fact that they supported Obama and Hillary shows they're nothing but a bunch of hacks. And the last 2 weeks have shown that they were pushing slander because they had to retract several stories. Several journalists had to resign.

Bullshit. They retracted ONE story and fired the three reporters who worked on it. And the story they retracted WASN'T about Trump.


They've been announcing a retraction every other day. You just never hear about it because you only listen to liberal media sources like Mother Jones.

Sorry, but thanks for playing....

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That's bullshit. The MSM criticizes EVERY President. That's their job. You don't notice when a Democrat is in power because it's not your ox that's being gored, but the moment they say boo about s Republican you whine about liberal bias in the MSM.
No, THAT'S bullshit. When did CNN ever slander Obama? Name some fake news stories they ran against him, something they accused him of that was patently false.

When did CNN slander Trump? Slander isn't telling the truth. Slander is lying. What lies has CNN told about Trump.

CNN hasn't slandered either President. They haven't always supported everything Obama did or said either but they've never slandered anyone.
The fact that they supported Obama and Hillary shows they're nothing but a bunch of hacks. And the last 2 weeks have shown that they were pushing slander because they had to retract several stories. Several journalists had to resign.

Bullshit. They retracted ONE story and fired the three reporters who worked on it. And the story they retracted WASN'T about Trump.


They've been announcing a retraction every other day. You just never hear about it because you only listen to liberal media sources like Mother Jones.

Sorry, but thanks for playing....

You have no idea what I read or watch. I don't watch or read Mother Jones, but I do have subscriptions to both the NYT and WAPO so I am very aware of corrections and retractions.

Being a Canadian, I also read Canadian newspapers and magazines and the BBC as well.

Your President is an incompetent boob and that's being excessively kind. He is pandering to the least intelligent and most easily conned among you.

Those who call him a "real man" are clueless. Real men don't turn into attack dogs when criticized. That you think Putin is a "real man" shows that you prize consider mindless aggression as somehow manly. Real men consider mindless aggression to be childish and dangerous.

You've got the President you wanted but none of you seem happy about it. You want everyone to bow down to your lord and no ones doing it so you're butthurt.
No, THAT'S bullshit. When did CNN ever slander Obama? Name some fake news stories they ran against him, something they accused him of that was patently false.

When did CNN slander Trump? Slander isn't telling the truth. Slander is lying. What lies has CNN told about Trump.

CNN hasn't slandered either President. They haven't always supported everything Obama did or said either but they've never slandered anyone.
The fact that they supported Obama and Hillary shows they're nothing but a bunch of hacks. And the last 2 weeks have shown that they were pushing slander because they had to retract several stories. Several journalists had to resign.

Bullshit. They retracted ONE story and fired the three reporters who worked on it. And the story they retracted WASN'T about Trump.


They've been announcing a retraction every other day. You just never hear about it because you only listen to liberal media sources like Mother Jones.

Sorry, but thanks for playing....

You have no idea what I read or watch. I don't watch or read Mother Jones, but I do have subscriptions to both the NYT and WAPO so I am very aware of corrections and retractions.

Being a Canadian, I also read Canadian newspapers and magazines and the BBC as well.

Your President is an incompetent boob and that's being excessively kind. He is pandering to the least intelligent and most easily conned among you.

Those who call him a "real man" ate clueless. Real men don't turn into attack dogs when criticized. That you think Putin is a "real man" shows that you prize consider mindless aggression as somehow manly. Real men consider mindless aggression to be childish and dangerous.

You've got the President you wanted but none of you seem happy about it. You want everyone to bow down to your lord and no ones doing it so you're butthurt.

I said Mother Jones because I wanted to pay a compliment....but anyone dumb enough to subscribe to the NYTimes and the Washington Compost has to be dumb as a stump.

Now I can see why you're so misinformed.
Sen. Tom Carper (D Delaware) was on Meet The Press this morning and he remarked on President Trump in a way that really rang true and covered most of what people seem to be bellyaching about:

"The most important ingredient in the success of any organization, large or small--state, government, business, school--is always leadership. I've been trained as a leader since I was a 12 year old boyscout, ()cadet, midshipman, naval flight officer for 23 years.

One of the things they taught us early on in the Navy is
treat other people the way you want to be treated. They taught us that leaders don't build themselves up by pushing other people down. Leaders surround themselves with the best people they can find, and when they do well, you give them the credit. Everything I was trained on as a leader, this man is none of those things. Is none of those things. I look at it and I shake my head.

It's got to be harder for him to recruit people to come and work for him. They're having a terrible time filling positions. I was told by John Verasso (Senator from Wyoming) that they are just not getting names. Six hundred positions and they've got what--108 names? ..."

He put in a nutshell what's wrong, at heart, with this President.

That's beside the fact that our President just put out a doctored video showing him beating up a guy whose face was replaced with the CNN logo, showing his adolescent and perfectly happy with violence frame of mind. Rolling on the floor of the WWE stage in his suit and extra long tie. Nice touch. A few days ago, he put out a string of his mean girls tweets about the Morning Joe folks in language that was escalated, even for him. That is still just annoying noise from the Orange Shitlord, though. The real problem is what Carper said, and what won't be easily laughed off.

Is it impeachable? No. But it's why he's not getting healthcare passed, isn't going to get his Wall funded and won't be invited back in 2020.
99% of the time when a Democrat shows up on these talkshows like Meet The Depressed....they ain't honest.

So don't take stock in anything they say.
No lies in there. Just truth you don't want to hear.
You supported Hillary and Obama. You don't know what the truth is anymore.
That is not an answer.
Actually it's a pretty good answer.....because it's well documented that both are dishonest as a person could be. Yet you supported them.
How about this? A leader who doesn't bully others from his position of ultimate authority. A leader who tells the truth at least most of the time. A leader who people are inspired to work for.
How about the slanderous, vile, caustic, lying, name calling, leftist trash machine back the fuck off and shut their fucking SUCK HOLE?

Maybe then PRESIDENT Trump would show them some respect.

Just remember, respect is EARNED, not GIVEN, and these filthy sanctimonious prog piles of dog shit haven't earned a SPECK of RESPECT.

Neither has Trump. And he's not going to get anything but more of the same with his current behaviour.

You're complaining that the media reports on what he says and does. Trump gets the press he asks for. He shoots himself in the foot with his lies and inability to focus on the job at hand.

What did he accomplish with the fake WWF tweet today. Anything useful? What's he trying to hide with these deflections?

As long as Trump behaves like a total asshole, nothing will change. But his Party is getting fed up with his antics. The rest of the world will do business with you when you get a competent leader. Until then you'll be isolated and excluded from the important stuff.
When did CNN slander Trump? Slander isn't telling the truth. Slander is lying. What lies has CNN told about Trump.

CNN hasn't slandered either President. They haven't always supported everything Obama did or said either but they've never slandered anyone.
The fact that they supported Obama and Hillary shows they're nothing but a bunch of hacks. And the last 2 weeks have shown that they were pushing slander because they had to retract several stories. Several journalists had to resign.

Bullshit. They retracted ONE story and fired the three reporters who worked on it. And the story they retracted WASN'T about Trump.


They've been announcing a retraction every other day. You just never hear about it because you only listen to liberal media sources like Mother Jones.

Sorry, but thanks for playing....

You have no idea what I read or watch. I don't watch or read Mother Jones, but I do have subscriptions to both the NYT and WAPO so I am very aware of corrections and retractions.

Being a Canadian, I also read Canadian newspapers and magazines and the BBC as well.

Your President is an incompetent boob and that's being excessively kind. He is pandering to the least intelligent and most easily conned among you.

Those who call him a "real man" ate clueless. Real men don't turn into attack dogs when criticized. That you think Putin is a "real man" shows that you prize consider mindless aggression as somehow manly. Real men consider mindless aggression to be childish and dangerous.

You've got the President you wanted but none of you seem happy about it. You want everyone to bow down to your lord and no ones doing it so you're butthurt.

I said Mother Jones because I wanted to pay a compliment....but anyone dumb enough to subscribe to the NYTimes and the Washington Compost has to be dumb as a stump.

Now I can see why you're so misinformed.

To be called dumb as a stump by a Trump voter is actually s compliment because anyone who still supports the clown is hardly a good judge of brains or character.
Rep Carper (D) Delaware should have been pretty close to former V.P. Joe Biden also from Delaware. I wonder if "meet the depressed" asked Crapper why democrats didn't run the V.P. presumed heir apparent instead of a socialist and the enabler wife of a sick sociopath former president?
Being Mr nice guy never helped George Bush did it. Had he fought back and stopped the toxic media then we would not have what we have from them today.

And the democrat bastards aren't done with GWB TODAY.

So, spare the angst of reporters. They brought this on themselves by a steadfast refusal to tell the truth.

decent and "nice" are not the same thing.

the orange loon is not only disgusting and Indecent but he is insane.
Being Mr nice guy never helped George Bush did it. Had he fought back and stopped the toxic media then we would not have what we have from them today.

And the democrat bastards aren't done with GWB TODAY.

So, spare the angst of reporters. They brought this on themselves by a steadfast refusal to tell the truth.

decent and "nice" are not the same thing.

the orange loon is not only disgusting and Indecent but he is insane.
But libs define those terms far differently than normal people.
Rep Carper (D) Delaware should have been pretty close to former V.P. Joe Biden also from Delaware. I wonder if "meet the depressed" asked Crapper why democrats didn't run the V.P. presumed heir apparent instead of a socialist and the enabler wife of a sick sociopath former president?

Biden declined to run because his family was focussed on recovering from the death of his son.
Sen. Tom Carper (D Delaware) was on Meet The Press this morning and he remarked on President Trump in a way that really rang true and covered most of what people seem to be bellyaching about:

"The most important ingredient in the success of any organization, large or small--state, government, business, school--is always leadership. I've been trained as a leader since I was a 12 year old boyscout, ()cadet, midshipman, naval flight officer for 23 years.

One of the things they taught us early on in the Navy is
treat other people the way you want to be treated. They taught us that leaders don't build themselves up by pushing other people down. Leaders surround themselves with the best people they can find, and when they do well, you give them the credit. Everything I was trained on as a leader, this man is none of those things. Is none of those things. I look at it and I shake my head.
Well, President Trump is right about all of our laws and morals comes from the scriptures.

Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Luke 22:26 But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.

Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
I'm sure you would prefer Trump just let creeps like Joe and Mika go on tv daily and slander the shit out of him without responding.

You mean like Clinton, Obama and Bush did? Yeah.

I expect the President to act like a grown up, not a petulant spoiled little brat. Putting up fake Time magazine covers in his golf clubs??? How juvenile is that?

How do you know he had anything to do with that?
I'm sure you would prefer Trump just let creeps like Joe and Mika go on tv daily and slander the shit out of him without responding.
Yup. That's what Presidents do.
Except the msm never attacks presidents who are Democrats. If Obama had been trashed by the media the way Trump is, I'm sure you would see things differently.

That's bullshit. The MSM criticizes EVERY President. That's their job. You don't notice when a Democrat is in power because it's not your ox that's being gored, but the moment they say boo about s Republican you whine about liberal bias in the MSM.

The MSM was always fawning over President Obama Bin Lying! He could do no wrong, and they sat on stories that would make him look bad.
I'm sure you would prefer Trump just let creeps like Joe and Mika go on tv daily and slander the shit out of him without responding.
Yup. That's what Presidents do.
Except the msm never attacks presidents who are Democrats. If Obama had been trashed by the media the way Trump is, I'm sure you would see things differently.
Maybe I would. It's pretty hard to imagine Obama behaving like Trump, though...
We'll never know because the msm never attacked Obama. All they ever did was gush over him.
Obama’s First 100 Days
There's some interesting stats on media coverage of Obama's first 100 hundred days from Pew Research. He had a little under 50% positive coverage in his first 100 days, which was much higher than Clinton or Bush (both in the high twenties). But it also means over half of the coverage on Obama was negative.

The media covers what the President and Congress is doing. It usually voices both sides of the debate. I have seen CNN enough to know they always manage to throw in one "but" from a conservative on the issue. At least one. During that time, I'm sure Fox was merrily giving Obama its hate fest coverage from Day One. So will you please stop coming up with absolutely unsupportable "facts?"

You just proved that Obama was being given slack when compared to past presidents! The problem with you libs is you never learned to read and write. You are your own undoing when you read something wrong and then double down by contradicting what you just posted!

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