Leader Wanted

Except the msm never attacks presidents who are Democrats. If Obama had been trashed by the media the way Trump is, I'm sure you would see things differently.

That's bullshit. The MSM criticizes EVERY President. That's their job. You don't notice when a Democrat is in power because it's not your ox that's being gored, but the moment they say boo about s Republican you whine about liberal bias in the MSM.
No, THAT'S bullshit. When did CNN ever slander Obama? Name some fake news stories they ran against him, something they accused him of that was patently false.

When did CNN slander Trump? Slander isn't telling the truth. Slander is lying. What lies has CNN told about Trump.

CNN hasn't slandered either President. They haven't always supported everything Obama did or said either but they've never slandered anyone.
The fact that they supported Obama and Hillary shows they're nothing but a bunch of hacks. And the last 2 weeks have shown that they were pushing slander because they had to retract several stories. Several journalists had to resign.

Bullshit. They retracted ONE story and fired the three reporters who worked on it. And the story they retracted WASN'T about Trump.

No, it wasn't about Trump, but it was about someone close to him so they could smear him by association. They lied! It is what they do.
During the campaign, CNN (and all the other msm outlets) ran stories about Trump allegedly groping women who had made unsubstantiated claims. Several of them were debunked within a few days but they continued to run the stories anyway and ignored the rebuttals.
They still continue to claim that there is evidence of Russia collusion and they know there is not.
They still claim that Comey was pressured by Trump to end the investigation even though Comey himself testified he did not feel pressured.
The NYT just had to retract their story claiming that 17 intelligence agencies agreed that Russia was behind the hack of Democratic emails in an effort to influence the 2016 election in favor of Donald Trump.
Just to name a few.

Bullshit. None of the women's stories were debunked except in the eyes of Trump's most ardent supporters who chose to believe Trump, who really has no creditably with anyone but them.

Really, all these women did was to confirm what Donald said. He said he grabs women by the pussy and gets away with it because he's a star. They agreed with him.

The NYT didn't retract their story, they amended it to reflect that the intel which form the basis of the reports came from 3 agencies, not 17. That's not a retraction.

I realize you Trumpbots hate these stories but a correction, which honest news agencies issue frequently, is not a retraction.

FOX News retracted the Seth Rich story as completely fabricated, and yet Hannity still works for them and posters here are still quoting that story as having some sort of factual basis.

CNN retracted the story about the Trump associate meeting with Russians and then fired the three reporters involved. Between FOX and CNN, which is showing higher journalistic standards? Here's a hint: it's not FOX.

So where are all these women now? You don't find it odd that they just up and disappeared? It is because they were proven liars because their "stories' could not have happened as they said. They were used by the Hillary campaign and when that failed, they were tossed aside like the rubbish they were!
Get back to the thread topic, folks. Good Trump cultists have deflected, of course, because there is nothing they can say. It's true what Senator Carper said and they know it. Trump is not a good leader.

That is his opinion and just like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink!

He's a lib. That makes his judgement suspect based on his military background.
Being Mr nice guy never helped George Bush did it. Had he fought back and stopped the toxic media then we would not have what we have from them today.

And the democrat bastards aren't done with GWB TODAY.

So, spare the angst of reporters. They brought this on themselves by a steadfast refusal to tell the truth.

decent and "nice" are not the same thing.

the orange loon is not only disgusting and Indecent but he is insane.
Date of and graduating school from which you received your MD in psychiatry, where you did your internship and other curriculum vitae.

According to all the stupid ads I see on this message board, just about everyone's IQ, net worth and how they look now is insane.
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No, THAT'S bullshit. When did CNN ever slander Obama? Name some fake news stories they ran against him, something they accused him of that was patently false.

When did CNN slander Trump? Slander isn't telling the truth. Slander is lying. What lies has CNN told about Trump.

CNN hasn't slandered either President. They haven't always supported everything Obama did or said either but they've never slandered anyone.
The fact that they supported Obama and Hillary shows they're nothing but a bunch of hacks. And the last 2 weeks have shown that they were pushing slander because they had to retract several stories. Several journalists had to resign.

Bullshit. They retracted ONE story and fired the three reporters who worked on it. And the story they retracted WASN'T about Trump.


They've been announcing a retraction every other day. You just never hear about it because you only listen to liberal media sources like Mother Jones.

Sorry, but thanks for playing....

You have no idea what I read or watch. I don't watch or read Mother Jones, but I do have subscriptions to both the NYT and WAPO so I am very aware of corrections and retractions.

Being a Canadian, I also read Canadian newspapers and magazines and the BBC as well.

Your President is an incompetent boob and that's being excessively kind. He is pandering to the least intelligent and most easily conned among you.

Those who call him a "real man" are clueless. Real men don't turn into attack dogs when criticized. That you think Putin is a "real man" shows that you prize consider mindless aggression as somehow manly. Real men consider mindless aggression to be childish and dangerous.

You've got the President you wanted but none of you seem happy about it. You want everyone to bow down to your lord and no ones doing it so you're butthurt.

As a flipping Canuck, why do you care? Can't you deal with your own pathetic socialist government? Why are you sticking your nose where it does not belong and is not wanted?
Rep Carper (D) Delaware should have been pretty close to former V.P. Joe Biden also from Delaware. I wonder if "meet the depressed" asked Crapper why democrats didn't run the V.P. presumed heir apparent instead of a socialist and the enabler wife of a sick sociopath former president?

Biden declined to run because his family was focussed on recovering from the death of his son.
Nothing is sacred to democrats. It's a shame that they use Biden's son's death in 2015 as an excuse even though Joe claimed he was willing to run if the democrat party supported him. The fact is that Joe Biden's campaign would have started long before his son died and probably would have been a plus in his campaign.
The fact that they supported Obama and Hillary shows they're nothing but a bunch of hacks. And the last 2 weeks have shown that they were pushing slander because they had to retract several stories. Several journalists had to resign.

Bullshit. They retracted ONE story and fired the three reporters who worked on it. And the story they retracted WASN'T about Trump.


They've been announcing a retraction every other day. You just never hear about it because you only listen to liberal media sources like Mother Jones.

Sorry, but thanks for playing....

You have no idea what I read or watch. I don't watch or read Mother Jones, but I do have subscriptions to both the NYT and WAPO so I am very aware of corrections and retractions.

Being a Canadian, I also read Canadian newspapers and magazines and the BBC as well.

Your President is an incompetent boob and that's being excessively kind. He is pandering to the least intelligent and most easily conned among you.

Those who call him a "real man" ate clueless. Real men don't turn into attack dogs when criticized. That you think Putin is a "real man" shows that you prize consider mindless aggression as somehow manly. Real men consider mindless aggression to be childish and dangerous.

You've got the President you wanted but none of you seem happy about it. You want everyone to bow down to your lord and no ones doing it so you're butthurt.

I said Mother Jones because I wanted to pay a compliment....but anyone dumb enough to subscribe to the NYTimes and the Washington Compost has to be dumb as a stump.

Now I can see why you're so misinformed.

To be called dumb as a stump by a Trump voter is actually s compliment because anyone who still supports the clown is hardly a good judge of brains or character.

So I take it you voted for Hillary? If you are Canadian, that would be par for the course for you to have voted illegally in this country.
Sen. Tom Carper (D Delaware) was on Meet The Press this morning and he remarked on President Trump in a way that really rang true and covered most of what people seem to be bellyaching about:

"The most important ingredient in the success of any organization, large or small--state, government, business, school--is always leadership. I've been trained as a leader since I was a 12 year old boyscout, ()cadet, midshipman, naval flight officer for 23 years.

One of the things they taught us early on in the Navy is
treat other people the way you want to be treated. They taught us that leaders don't build themselves up by pushing other people down. Leaders surround themselves with the best people they can find, and when they do well, you give them the credit. Everything I was trained on as a leader, this man is none of those things. Is none of those things. I look at it and I shake my head.

It's got to be harder for him to recruit people to come and work for him. They're having a terrible time filling positions. I was told by John Verasso (Senator from Wyoming) that they are just not getting names. Six hundred positions and they've got what--108 names? ..."

He put in a nutshell what's wrong, at heart, with this President.

That's beside the fact that our President just put out a doctored video showing him beating up a guy whose face was replaced with the CNN logo, showing his adolescent and perfectly happy with violence frame of mind. Rolling on the floor of the WWE stage in his suit and extra long tie. Nice touch. A few days ago, he put out a string of his mean girls tweets about the Morning Joe folks in language that was escalated, even for him. That is still just annoying noise from the Orange Shitlord, though. The real problem is what Carper said, and what won't be easily laughed off.

Is it impeachable? No. But it's why he's not getting healthcare passed, isn't going to get his Wall funded and won't be invited back in 2020.
He should look here on USMB for people to fill positions if he just wants yes men. There's probably a hundred Trump sycophants here praising him 24/7.
What a disgrace for the orange liar, he boasts about being 'a business man' yet nobody wants to work with or for him except all the relatives of his and the Republicans. His children are bugwits wholly unfit for the positions he installed them in, and the bugwit children of Republicans like Suckabee are just placeholders that have been given the job of speaking for the orange-faced Otis from Mayberry.

A gigantic cluster-porn of perverts and ignorants.
Trump is a typical CEO scum bucket.

Their solutions to every problem is only superficial and only fools Wall Street.

Oh, no he is not! Not by a long shot. One may consider all CEOs "scum buckets," but one has to be ignorant of a whole lot not to see that Trump's a different kind of "scum bucket" from "typical CEO scum buckets."
I have come to the conclusion that Trump WANTS to be impeached because he never really wanted the job in the first place. He did everything possible to sabotage his election and looked shocked when he won.

After the election, in the 60 Minutes interview he looked scared. Like a deer caught in the headlights. He's gone on record as saying he misses his old life. He misses driving. He's looked miserable the whole time, except when meeting with the Russian Ambassador. That's the only time he's laughed or smiled.

After Republicans and Democrats castigated him on the Morning Joe tweets and said "This is harming your agenda", he's doubled down by inciting violence against CNN. He wants out but doesn't know how to do that.

He wants to be impeached so he can complain about how ill used he was until the end of his days. Trump lives to play the perpetual victim.
I have come to the conclusion that Trump WANTS to be impeached because he never really wanted the job in the first place. He did everything possible to sabotage his election and looked shocked when he won.

I find it hard, nigh impossible, to conceive that be so. He could just resign and accomplish as much, and be highly regarded for doing so rather than derided for the lack of leadership and abundance of puerility he's been showing.
My opinion of Trump won't go up because he isn't going to have a personality transplant.
Those are examples of what he wants that he can't lead the people to agree to.

Look up disingenuous, btw.

I don't want to go too far, so I'll say that s/he shouldn't stop there....."dissolute," dissemble," and "deuced" along with "disingenuous" are but the tip of the iceberg.
Sen. Tom Carper (D Delaware) was on Meet The Press this morning and he remarked on President Trump in a way that really rang true and covered most of what people seem to be bellyaching about:

"The most important ingredient in the success of any organization, large or small--state, government, business, school--is always leadership. I've been trained as a leader since I was a 12 year old boyscout, ()cadet, midshipman, naval flight officer for 23 years.

One of the things they taught us early on in the Navy is
treat other people the way you want to be treated. They taught us that leaders don't build themselves up by pushing other people down. Leaders surround themselves with the best people they can find, and when they do well, you give them the credit. Everything I was trained on as a leader, this man is none of those things. Is none of those things. I look at it and I shake my head.

It's got to be harder for him to recruit people to come and work for him. They're having a terrible time filling positions. I was told by John Verasso (Senator from Wyoming) that they are just not getting names. Six hundred positions and they've got what--108 names? ..."

He put in a nutshell what's wrong, at heart, with this President.

That's beside the fact that our President just put out a doctored video showing him beating up a guy whose face was replaced with the CNN logo, showing his adolescent and perfectly happy with violence frame of mind. Rolling on the floor of the WWE stage in his suit and extra long tie. Nice touch. A few days ago, he put out a string of his mean girls tweets about the Morning Joe folks in language that was escalated, even for him. That is still just annoying noise from the Orange Shitlord, though. The real problem is what Carper said, and what won't be easily laughed off.

Is it impeachable? No. But it's why he's not getting healthcare passed, isn't going to get his Wall funded and won't be invited back in 2020.

And is that guy a billionaire...with businesses all around the world? No. How exactly did Trump build his empire.....leadership. The guy you quoted is a creature of the government.....
I have come to the conclusion that Trump WANTS to be impeached because he never really wanted the job in the first place. He did everything possible to sabotage his election and looked shocked when he won.

After the election, in the 60 Minutes interview he looked scared. Like a deer caught in the headlights. He's gone on record as saying he misses his old life. He misses driving. He's looked miserable the whole time, except when meeting with the Russian Ambassador. That's the only time he's laughed or smiled.

After Republicans and Democrats castigated him on the Morning Joe tweets and said "This is harming your agenda", he's doubled down by inciting violence against CNN. He wants out but doesn't know how to do that.

He wants to be impeached so he can complain about how ill used he was until the end of his days. Trump lives to play the perpetual victim.

Yes....he didn't want the job...that is why he ran for office, why he beat 16 competitors and then went on to beat hilary...all because at the end of the day, he didn't want to be President....

Did you take your stupid pill early today?
My opinion of Trump won't go up because he isn't going to have a personality transplant.
Those are examples of what he wants that he can't lead the people to agree to.

Look up disingenuous, btw.

I don't want to go too far, so I'll say that s/he shouldn't stop there....."dissolute," dissemble," and "deuced" along with "disingenuous" are but the tip of the iceberg.
Jesus Christ, thanks a lot Xelor! He was calling ME disingenuous.
My opinion of Trump won't go up because he isn't going to have a personality transplant.
Those are examples of what he wants that he can't lead the people to agree to.

Look up disingenuous, btw.

I don't want to go too far, so I'll say that s/he shouldn't stop there....."dissolute," dissemble," and "deuced" along with "disingenuous" are but the tip of the iceberg.
Jesus Christ, thanks a lot Xelor! He was calling ME disingenuous.
Apologies.....I didn't know that.
There is no question in my mind that Donald J. Trump is a deplorable human being, I do not think his personality or character are suitable for someone who holds any political office, let alone the POTUS. BUT - all that is water under the bridge, the man was elected and IS the POTUS and that's it, end of story. Now maybe information and credible evidence surfaces at some point that is cause enough for impeachment, but so far there's nothing close to that at least that we know of. Therefore, it is past time for everyone to simmer down and lower the vitriolic temperature below the point where the more impressionable among us are incited to violence.

I cannot dispute what Carper said, I think it's all true. BUT - we've still got a country to run and problems to address and we better get to it. It doesn't matter if the man in the oval office is a total jerk, our problems are still the same and IMHO we need to stop obsessing about him and focus instead on creating a better future for all of us.
He's a little hard to ignore, sitting there in 1600 Pennsylvania. I know I started this thread, but I do agree with you. Trump never made it secret what he was like and he was elected. So it is up to us to cope with it. I think it's ridiculous that there are people protesting in the streets today demanding his impeachment. For what? Being an asshole?
I wasn't actually trying to be vitriolic, here, though--maybe Shitlord was a little over the top, I'll admit.

Gee, ya think?
Sen. Tom Carper (D Delaware) was on Meet The Press this morning and he remarked on President Trump in a way that really rang true and covered most of what people seem to be bellyaching about:

"The most important ingredient in the success of any organization, large or small--state, government, business, school--is always leadership. I've been trained as a leader since I was a 12 year old boyscout, ()cadet, midshipman, naval flight officer for 23 years.

One of the things they taught us early on in the Navy is
treat other people the way you want to be treated. They taught us that leaders don't build themselves up by pushing other people down. Leaders surround themselves with the best people they can find, and when they do well, you give them the credit. Everything I was trained on as a leader, this man is none of those things. Is none of those things. I look at it and I shake my head.

It's got to be harder for him to recruit people to come and work for him. They're having a terrible time filling positions. I was told by John Verasso (Senator from Wyoming) that they are just not getting names. Six hundred positions and they've got what--108 names? ..."

He put in a nutshell what's wrong, at heart, with this President.

That's beside the fact that our President just put out a doctored video showing him beating up a guy whose face was replaced with the CNN logo, showing his adolescent and perfectly happy with violence frame of mind. Rolling on the floor of the WWE stage in his suit and extra long tie. Nice touch. A few days ago, he put out a string of his mean girls tweets about the Morning Joe folks in language that was escalated, even for him. That is still just annoying noise from the Orange Shitlord, though. The real problem is what Carper said, and what won't be easily laughed off.

Is it impeachable? No. But it's why he's not getting healthcare passed, isn't going to get his Wall funded and won't be invited back in 2020.

Another aspect of leadership one picks up in the military is not to waste time on lost causes.

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