Leaked Plan: Construction on the 50 Foot Concrete Wall Starts in March

Its very simple. Those that don't want a wall are 1 of a few things

1. They USE illegal aliens for their cheap labor
2.They hate America and want to see its founding race wiped out which is what illegal Mexican invasion is doing
3. They think its MEAN to want to defend ourselves and our nation from criminals

Its ALWAYS one of those 3 things if you DON'T want a wall. Especially a wall we won't pay for. I guess you enjoy having border guards being murdered? Drugs pouring across the border? The extra strain on our welfare,medical and education systems. Deny all you want the proof is in the pudding. ILLEGAL MEXICANS bring NOTHING positive to America and A LOT of negative to it. If you love Mexicans so much MOVE TO MEXICO!

Founding race wiped out? Uh... white Europeans already did that. They killed millions of Native Americans and then made them live on reservations like criminals. Now with the wall, it allows them to destroy Native American grave sites without relocating the remains, and just bull dozing over them.

I do like how you decided all people against wasting money on a wall fall into your three categories, it works well with your other racist comments throughout the forum. At least there is one thing I can say about you, you're consistent.
Cupcake, Asiatic Indians didn't found jack....European American men founded this country and its systems. Now if you can't comment on the topic I suggest you fuck off.

Oh and we waste more money in 1 year on healthcare,education,welfare,criminal justice system etc for these Illegal scum than we would on the wall if we were even paying for it which we aren't. You pathetic loons STILL haven't comprehended how easy it is to get Mexico to pay for. There are MANY options it just depends on how hard Mexico wants to make this whole thing. They are already crumbling on NAFTA its just a matter of time for the Wall as well. The Mexican president got his ass chewed up one side and down the other after Trumps visit a few months ago imagine what happens when people sending money back to Mexico have a nice hefty tax put on it!


I'm serious when I ask this, do you have a learning disability are you this dumb on purpose? If it a learning disability I can at least give you some slack, but if it is on purpose I can't feel sorry for you.

You do realize statistics show that immigrants commit crimes in the U.S. at a lower rate than naturally born citizens? You want to talk about the costs of paying for illegal immigrants, show me numbers, then we'll compare that to the cost of the wall.
There is no "lower rate" of crime.

Illegals are an ADDED COST that is never addressed or negated.

You're in Prague? So wait... you are commenting on a wall in the U.S., that you don't even live or pay tax dollars here, that would go to pay for that wall? GTFO...
Listen dingbat. I am an American citizen and have been since birth. That does not exempt me from American taxes or voting or other responsibilities or civic duties that you have. However, it does exempt me from mooching off the federal government, unlike you.

Wrong. Unless you live in a country that is not part of the U.S. list of countries allowed for American citizens to live and receive benefits, then you can still mooch off the U.S. government. There are only a few of those countries, like China, Cuba, and North Korea for example.
Come here and try to get your foodstamps and Section 8 benefits. Try it!

Social security is not mooching. If you were less of a parasite and more informed you would understand these things.

Wait... so now you are amending your statement to fit your needs? Gotcha. Bet you didn't think I knew about the benefits a person can receive outside of the country huh?
Lew, life is not a safe space. You cannot control or limit your critics through self-righteousness or what you perceive as injustice. There are real reasons you and those of your ilk lost the presidential election. Hypocrisy and your insistence on entitlement are certainly among them.

You have to understand, I am far better informed and much more intelligent than you. While that might be considered bragging, it is none-the-less true.
Its very simple. Those that don't want a wall are 1 of a few things

1. They USE illegal aliens for their cheap labor
2.They hate America and want to see its founding race wiped out which is what illegal Mexican invasion is doing
3. They think its MEAN to want to defend ourselves and our nation from criminals

Its ALWAYS one of those 3 things if you DON'T want a wall. Especially a wall we won't pay for. I guess you enjoy having border guards being murdered? Drugs pouring across the border? The extra strain on our welfare,medical and education systems. Deny all you want the proof is in the pudding. ILLEGAL MEXICANS bring NOTHING positive to America and A LOT of negative to it. If you love Mexicans so much MOVE TO MEXICO!

Founding race wiped out? Uh... white Europeans already did that. They killed millions of Native Americans and then made them live on reservations like criminals. Now with the wall, it allows them to destroy Native American grave sites without relocating the remains, and just bull dozing over them.

I do like how you decided all people against wasting money on a wall fall into your three categories, it works well with your other racist comments throughout the forum. At least there is one thing I can say about you, you're consistent.
Cupcake, Asiatic Indians didn't found jack....European American men founded this country and its systems. Now if you can't comment on the topic I suggest you fuck off.

Oh and we waste more money in 1 year on healthcare,education,welfare,criminal justice system etc for these Illegal scum than we would on the wall if we were even paying for it which we aren't. You pathetic loons STILL haven't comprehended how easy it is to get Mexico to pay for. There are MANY options it just depends on how hard Mexico wants to make this whole thing. They are already crumbling on NAFTA its just a matter of time for the Wall as well. The Mexican president got his ass chewed up one side and down the other after Trumps visit a few months ago imagine what happens when people sending money back to Mexico have a nice hefty tax put on it!


I'm serious when I ask this, do you have a learning disability are you this dumb on purpose? If it a learning disability I can at least give you some slack, but if it is on purpose I can't feel sorry for you.

You do realize statistics show that immigrants commit crimes in the U.S. at a lower rate than naturally born citizens? You want to talk about the costs of paying for illegal immigrants, show me numbers, then we'll compare that to the cost of the wall.
Oh so its OK for use to have to waste money on illegals just because they commit less crime supposedly...and you want to call ME stupid. I don't want 1 damn cent spent on people who SHOULD NOT BE HERE. I hope President Trump uses GITMO for the likes of you.

No, I was showing you the point that the criminal justice system spends more on native born Americans than immigrants.

I'm sorry, I can't take anything you say seriously when you think White Europeans are the ones that founded this country, and that Native Americans weren't here first.
1. Big difference between BEING SOMEWHERE and actually Establishing a country,political system,rule of law etc out of it.
2. I don't care that native born Americans use the criminal justice system. That's kind of to be expected when blacks who are US citizens unfortunately make up for more than HALF the crime in this country despite being less than 15% of the population.
3. Google solutrean theory we were here first.
You're in Prague? So wait... you are commenting on a wall in the U.S., that you don't even live or pay tax dollars here, that would go to pay for that wall? GTFO...
Listen dingbat. I am an American citizen and have been since birth. That does not exempt me from American taxes or voting or other responsibilities or civic duties that you have. However, it does exempt me from mooching off the federal government, unlike you.

Wrong. Unless you live in a country that is not part of the U.S. list of countries allowed for American citizens to live and receive benefits, then you can still mooch off the U.S. government. There are only a few of those countries, like China, Cuba, and North Korea for example.
Come here and try to get your foodstamps and Section 8 benefits. Try it!

Social security is not mooching. If you were less of a parasite and more informed you would understand these things.

Wait... so now you are amending your statement to fit your needs? Gotcha. Bet you didn't think I knew about the benefits a person can receive outside of the country huh?
Lew, life is not a safe space. You cannot control or limit your critics through self-righteousness or what you perceive as injustice. There are real reasons you and those of your ilk lost the presidential election. Hypocrisy and your insistence on entitlement are certainly among them.

You have to understand, I am far better informed and much more intelligent than you. While that might be considered bragging, it is none-the-less true.

Wrong, good try though. My ilk lost the election because Hillary and the DNC contrived a way to do so. You think you are smart... which is dangerous... and sad.
Founding race wiped out? Uh... white Europeans already did that. They killed millions of Native Americans and then made them live on reservations like criminals. Now with the wall, it allows them to destroy Native American grave sites without relocating the remains, and just bull dozing over them.

I do like how you decided all people against wasting money on a wall fall into your three categories, it works well with your other racist comments throughout the forum. At least there is one thing I can say about you, you're consistent.
Cupcake, Asiatic Indians didn't found jack....European American men founded this country and its systems. Now if you can't comment on the topic I suggest you fuck off.

Oh and we waste more money in 1 year on healthcare,education,welfare,criminal justice system etc for these Illegal scum than we would on the wall if we were even paying for it which we aren't. You pathetic loons STILL haven't comprehended how easy it is to get Mexico to pay for. There are MANY options it just depends on how hard Mexico wants to make this whole thing. They are already crumbling on NAFTA its just a matter of time for the Wall as well. The Mexican president got his ass chewed up one side and down the other after Trumps visit a few months ago imagine what happens when people sending money back to Mexico have a nice hefty tax put on it!


I'm serious when I ask this, do you have a learning disability are you this dumb on purpose? If it a learning disability I can at least give you some slack, but if it is on purpose I can't feel sorry for you.

You do realize statistics show that immigrants commit crimes in the U.S. at a lower rate than naturally born citizens? You want to talk about the costs of paying for illegal immigrants, show me numbers, then we'll compare that to the cost of the wall.
Oh so its OK for use to have to waste money on illegals just because they commit less crime supposedly...and you want to call ME stupid. I don't want 1 damn cent spent on people who SHOULD NOT BE HERE. I hope President Trump uses GITMO for the likes of you.

No, I was showing you the point that the criminal justice system spends more on native born Americans than immigrants.

I'm sorry, I can't take anything you say seriously when you think White Europeans are the ones that founded this country, and that Native Americans weren't here first.
1. Big difference between BEING SOMEWHERE and actually Establishing a country,political system,rule of law etc out of it.
2. I don't care that native born Americans use the criminal justice system. That's kind of to be expected when blacks who are US citizens unfortunately make up for more than HALF the crime in this country despite being less than 15% of the population.
3. Google solutrean theory we were here first.

So you are basing your knowledge on a theory that few if any highly educated people believe in. Genius!

You are also basing your theory on the founding of the country is based on the idea that European settlers set up their own system... I hate to tell you genius, but Native Americans, whom were here first, had their won set of rules.
Cupcake, Asiatic Indians didn't found jack....European American men founded this country and its systems. Now if you can't comment on the topic I suggest you fuck off.

Oh and we waste more money in 1 year on healthcare,education,welfare,criminal justice system etc for these Illegal scum than we would on the wall if we were even paying for it which we aren't. You pathetic loons STILL haven't comprehended how easy it is to get Mexico to pay for. There are MANY options it just depends on how hard Mexico wants to make this whole thing. They are already crumbling on NAFTA its just a matter of time for the Wall as well. The Mexican president got his ass chewed up one side and down the other after Trumps visit a few months ago imagine what happens when people sending money back to Mexico have a nice hefty tax put on it!


I'm serious when I ask this, do you have a learning disability are you this dumb on purpose? If it a learning disability I can at least give you some slack, but if it is on purpose I can't feel sorry for you.

You do realize statistics show that immigrants commit crimes in the U.S. at a lower rate than naturally born citizens? You want to talk about the costs of paying for illegal immigrants, show me numbers, then we'll compare that to the cost of the wall.
Oh so its OK for use to have to waste money on illegals just because they commit less crime supposedly...and you want to call ME stupid. I don't want 1 damn cent spent on people who SHOULD NOT BE HERE. I hope President Trump uses GITMO for the likes of you.

No, I was showing you the point that the criminal justice system spends more on native born Americans than immigrants.

I'm sorry, I can't take anything you say seriously when you think White Europeans are the ones that founded this country, and that Native Americans weren't here first.
1. Big difference between BEING SOMEWHERE and actually Establishing a country,political system,rule of law etc out of it.
2. I don't care that native born Americans use the criminal justice system. That's kind of to be expected when blacks who are US citizens unfortunately make up for more than HALF the crime in this country despite being less than 15% of the population.
3. Google solutrean theory we were here first.

So you are basing your knowledge on a theory that few is any highly educated people believe in. Genius!

You are also basing your theory on the founding of the country is based on the idea that European settlers set up their own system... I hate to tell you genius, but Native Americans, whom were here first, had their won set of rules.
Asiatic Indians slaughtered the Solutreans first hence WE were here first now Asiatic Indians. Might is Right they slaughtered us. We came back later and destroyed them and established America. This is MY COUNTRY MY FOUNDING FATHERS established it. No if's and's or but's about it. The rule of law will be established and enforced with President Trump. You anti whites are just gonna have to accept it. No more white genocide via erasing the white race from America by outbreeding them.
African tribes slaughtered the Pygmies, whose descendant are only found in the Kalahari and the depths of the Congo rain forests. Humans slaughtered all ilk of animals across the world which is why there are no mammoths or lions in Europe.

The Turks conquered Constantinople, yet I, as a Greek, get over these things.

That's life.
Its very simple. Those that don't want a wall are 1 of a few things

1. They USE illegal aliens for their cheap labor
2.They hate America and want to see its founding race wiped out which is what illegal Mexican invasion is doing
3. They think its MEAN to want to defend ourselves and our nation from criminals

Its ALWAYS one of those 3 things if you DON'T want a wall. Especially a wall we won't pay for. I guess you enjoy having border guards being murdered? Drugs pouring across the border? The extra strain on our welfare,medical and education systems. Deny all you want the proof is in the pudding. ILLEGAL MEXICANS bring NOTHING positive to America and A LOT of negative to it. If you love Mexicans so much MOVE TO MEXICO!

Founding race wiped out? Uh... white Europeans already did that. They killed millions of Native Americans and then made them live on reservations like criminals. Now with the wall, it allows them to destroy Native American grave sites without relocating the remains, and just bull dozing over them.

I do like how you decided all people against wasting money on a wall fall into your three categories, it works well with your other racist comments throughout the forum. At least there is one thing I can say about you, you're consistent.
Cupcake, Asiatic Indians didn't found jack....European American men founded this country and its systems. Now if you can't comment on the topic I suggest you fuck off.

Oh and we waste more money in 1 year on healthcare,education,welfare,criminal justice system etc for these Illegal scum than we would on the wall if we were even paying for it which we aren't. You pathetic loons STILL haven't comprehended how easy it is to get Mexico to pay for. There are MANY options it just depends on how hard Mexico wants to make this whole thing. They are already crumbling on NAFTA its just a matter of time for the Wall as well. The Mexican president got his ass chewed up one side and down the other after Trumps visit a few months ago imagine what happens when people sending money back to Mexico have a nice hefty tax put on it!


I'm serious when I ask this, do you have a learning disability are you this dumb on purpose? If it a learning disability I can at least give you some slack, but if it is on purpose I can't feel sorry for you.

You do realize statistics show that immigrants commit crimes in the U.S. at a lower rate than naturally born citizens? You want to talk about the costs of paying for illegal immigrants, show me numbers, then we'll compare that to the cost of the wall.

Pure horseshit, of course:

The second main line of attack on the idea that immigrants are committing prodigious amounts of crime are the apocryphal "studies."

The two researchers whose work is cited over and over again for the proposition that immigrants are less criminal than Americans are Alex Piquero, criminology professor at the University of Texas at Dallas, and Bianca Bersani, sociology professor at the University of Massachusetts, Boston.

Pew cites their studies -- and everyone in the media cites Pew, leading to headlines like these:

"UT Dallas prof finds immigrant kids less likely to commit serious crimes, re-offend" -- The Dallas Morning News

"UMass Boston Prof: Stereotype of 'Criminal Immigrant' Doesn't Hold Up" -- Targeted News Service

"Surprise! Donald Trump is wrong about immigrants and crime" -- The Washington Post

Curiously, we are never shown the actual studies, but simply told -- with some heat -- "studies show!"

I looked up some of these alleged studies this weekend. They're all hidden behind ridiculous Internet paywalls. I was often only the sixth person to read them.

It turns out that neither Piquero nor Bersani compared immigrant crime to "the overall population" -- as the British Guardian recently claimed in an article purporting to prove Donald Trump wrong. Rather, they compare immigrants' crime rate to the crime rate of America's most criminally inclined subgroups.

Thus, for example, once you get past the paywall, you will find that Piquero and Bersani's joint study, "Comparing Patterns and Predictors of Immigrant Offending Among a Sample of Adjudicated Youth," used as its base group "adolescents who were found guilty of a serious offense."

THAT'S NOT A REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE OF AMERICANS! It's a representative sample of teenagers who are convicted criminals.

Similarly, professor Bersani's oft-cited, but never-read study, "An Examination of First and Second Generation Immigrant Offending Trajectories," looked at a population group that included "an over-sample of Hispanic and African-American youth."

Instead of immigrants who are less crime-prone than our native blacks and Hispanics, we were hoping for immigrants less criminal than our Norwegians.

True, as Bersani explains, "because many immigrants initially settle in disadvantaged environments and are exposed to a number of crime-inducing risk factors, their experiences may be similar to many native-born minorities -- particularly the African-American population."

But here's an idea: How about NOT taking in immigrants who are poor, uneducated, come from dysfunctional families and settle in disadvantaged environments?

Amazingly, Bersani's study also produced this startling result: There is very little difference in crime rates between young native whites and blacks. Why no headlines about that? Instead of looking at "studies," how about we just count the number of immigrants arrested, convicted and imprisoned in America?
Its very simple. Those that don't want a wall are 1 of a few things

1. They USE illegal aliens for their cheap labor
2.They hate America and want to see its founding race wiped out which is what illegal Mexican invasion is doing
3. They think its MEAN to want to defend ourselves and our nation from criminals

Its ALWAYS one of those 3 things if you DON'T want a wall. Especially a wall we won't pay for. I guess you enjoy having border guards being murdered? Drugs pouring across the border? The extra strain on our welfare,medical and education systems. Deny all you want the proof is in the pudding. ILLEGAL MEXICANS bring NOTHING positive to America and A LOT of negative to it. If you love Mexicans so much MOVE TO MEXICO!

Founding race wiped out? Uh... white Europeans already did that. They killed millions of Native Americans and then made them live on reservations like criminals. Now with the wall, it allows them to destroy Native American grave sites without relocating the remains, and just bull dozing over them.

I do like how you decided all people against wasting money on a wall fall into your three categories, it works well with your other racist comments throughout the forum. At least there is one thing I can say about you, you're consistent.
Cupcake, Asiatic Indians didn't found jack....European American men founded this country and its systems. Now if you can't comment on the topic I suggest you fuck off.

Oh and we waste more money in 1 year on healthcare,education,welfare,criminal justice system etc for these Illegal scum than we would on the wall if we were even paying for it which we aren't. You pathetic loons STILL haven't comprehended how easy it is to get Mexico to pay for. There are MANY options it just depends on how hard Mexico wants to make this whole thing. They are already crumbling on NAFTA its just a matter of time for the Wall as well. The Mexican president got his ass chewed up one side and down the other after Trumps visit a few months ago imagine what happens when people sending money back to Mexico have a nice hefty tax put on it!


I'm serious when I ask this, do you have a learning disability are you this dumb on purpose? If it a learning disability I can at least give you some slack, but if it is on purpose I can't feel sorry for you.

You do realize statistics show that immigrants commit crimes in the U.S. at a lower rate than naturally born citizens? You want to talk about the costs of paying for illegal immigrants, show me numbers, then we'll compare that to the cost of the wall.
Oh so its OK for use to have to waste money on illegals just because they commit less crime supposedly...and you want to call ME stupid. I don't want 1 damn cent spent on people who SHOULD NOT BE HERE. I hope President Trump uses GITMO for the likes of you.

They don't commit less crime. They commit far more crime. Look here for the proof:

Ann Coulter - July 15, 2015 - EVERY PRO-IMMIGRATION CLAIM IS A LIE
Its very simple. Those that don't want a wall are 1 of a few things

1. They USE illegal aliens for their cheap labor
2.They hate America and want to see its founding race wiped out which is what illegal Mexican invasion is doing
3. They think its MEAN to want to defend ourselves and our nation from criminals

Its ALWAYS one of those 3 things if you DON'T want a wall. Especially a wall we won't pay for. I guess you enjoy having border guards being murdered? Drugs pouring across the border? The extra strain on our welfare,medical and education systems. Deny all you want the proof is in the pudding. ILLEGAL MEXICANS bring NOTHING positive to America and A LOT of negative to it. If you love Mexicans so much MOVE TO MEXICO!

Founding race wiped out? Uh... white Europeans already did that. They killed millions of Native Americans and then made them live on reservations like criminals. Now with the wall, it allows them to destroy Native American grave sites without relocating the remains, and just bull dozing over them.

I do like how you decided all people against wasting money on a wall fall into your three categories, it works well with your other racist comments throughout the forum. At least there is one thing I can say about you, you're consistent.
Cupcake, Asiatic Indians didn't found jack....European American men founded this country and its systems. Now if you can't comment on the topic I suggest you fuck off.

Oh and we waste more money in 1 year on healthcare,education,welfare,criminal justice system etc for these Illegal scum than we would on the wall if we were even paying for it which we aren't. You pathetic loons STILL haven't comprehended how easy it is to get Mexico to pay for. There are MANY options it just depends on how hard Mexico wants to make this whole thing. They are already crumbling on NAFTA its just a matter of time for the Wall as well. The Mexican president got his ass chewed up one side and down the other after Trumps visit a few months ago imagine what happens when people sending money back to Mexico have a nice hefty tax put on it!


I'm serious when I ask this, do you have a learning disability are you this dumb on purpose? If it a learning disability I can at least give you some slack, but if it is on purpose I can't feel sorry for you.

You do realize statistics show that immigrants commit crimes in the U.S. at a lower rate than naturally born citizens? You want to talk about the costs of paying for illegal immigrants, show me numbers, then we'll compare that to the cost of the wall.
Oh so its OK for use to have to waste money on illegals just because they commit less crime supposedly...and you want to call ME stupid. I don't want 1 damn cent spent on people who SHOULD NOT BE HERE. I hope President Trump uses GITMO for the likes of you.

No, I was showing you the point that the criminal justice system spends more on native born Americans than immigrants.

I'm sorry, I can't take anything you say seriously when you think White Europeans are the ones that founded this country, and that Native Americans weren't here first.

That's a big fat pro open borders lie.
This will provide the president of Mexico with the opportunity of a hundred life times.

He will get to stand in front of 'a wall' and say "Mr Orangutan, tear down this wall!". It will be a huge bitch slap to p.o.shit trump and reagan at the same time.
This will provide the president of Mexico with the opportunity of a hundred life times.

He will get to stand in front of 'a wall' and say "Mr Orangutan, tear down this wall!". It will be a huge bitch slap to p.o.shit trump and reagan at the same time.

Ahhh, fantasy ... it is so comforting.
This will provide the president of Mexico with the opportunity of a hundred life times.

He will get to stand in front of 'a wall' and say "Mr Orangutan, tear down this wall!". It will be a huge bitch slap to p.o.shit trump and reagan at the same time.

No one cares, douche bag.
Cupcake, Asiatic Indians didn't found jack....European American men founded this country and its systems. Now if you can't comment on the topic I suggest you fuck off.

Oh and we waste more money in 1 year on healthcare,education,welfare,criminal justice system etc for these Illegal scum than we would on the wall if we were even paying for it which we aren't. You pathetic loons STILL haven't comprehended how easy it is to get Mexico to pay for. There are MANY options it just depends on how hard Mexico wants to make this whole thing. They are already crumbling on NAFTA its just a matter of time for the Wall as well. The Mexican president got his ass chewed up one side and down the other after Trumps visit a few months ago imagine what happens when people sending money back to Mexico have a nice hefty tax put on it!


I'm serious when I ask this, do you have a learning disability are you this dumb on purpose? If it a learning disability I can at least give you some slack, but if it is on purpose I can't feel sorry for you.

You do realize statistics show that immigrants commit crimes in the U.S. at a lower rate than naturally born citizens? You want to talk about the costs of paying for illegal immigrants, show me numbers, then we'll compare that to the cost of the wall.
Oh so its OK for use to have to waste money on illegals just because they commit less crime supposedly...and you want to call ME stupid. I don't want 1 damn cent spent on people who SHOULD NOT BE HERE. I hope President Trump uses GITMO for the likes of you.

No, I was showing you the point that the criminal justice system spends more on native born Americans than immigrants.

I'm sorry, I can't take anything you say seriously when you think White Europeans are the ones that founded this country, and that Native Americans weren't here first.
1. Big difference between BEING SOMEWHERE and actually Establishing a country,political system,rule of law etc out of it.
2. I don't care that native born Americans use the criminal justice system. That's kind of to be expected when blacks who are US citizens unfortunately make up for more than HALF the crime in this country despite being less than 15% of the population.
3. Google solutrean theory we were here first.

So you are basing your knowledge on a theory that few if any highly educated people believe in. Genius!

You are also basing your theory on the founding of the country is based on the idea that European settlers set up their own system... I hate to tell you genius, but Native Americans, whom were here first, had their won set of rules.
Yep, and they had no rules about property ownership. They didn't believe you could own land. The European settlers proved them wrong.
The wall idea is dumb. We need to go after the employers hiring illegals. As long as there are jobs they will come, a wall will not stop them.
EVeryone who says "go after the employers" is a douche bag who wants illegal immigration to continue. The wall is a smart idea. That's why countries all over the world are building them.
They absolutely need to go after employers. I go out of my way to ensure I only hire citizens and I pay them well. My competition makes liberal use of illegals and pays them crap, which gives them an edge financially. The faces of my competitors are white pro American bullshitters, but the people doing the actual work are illegals.
Wall and enforce laws against employers. It is good to hear that you are an honest above board employer, btw. Kudos.

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