Leaked Plan: Construction on the 50 Foot Concrete Wall Starts in March

El President will sneak punch the President on his side of the boarder.

The wall is not going to be built. No mass deportations will happen.

The far right and alt right will go stark ravers.
The regulation has already been passed. The executive branch just needs the balls to enforce it. The last 2 regimes didn't

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The regulation has already been passed to take tax dollars to build a wall... but that isn't what Trump promised. He said Mexico would pay for the wall.

They will still pay for the wall, but we aren't waiting for that before we start building it. Construction will commence on March of next year.

Eat it, you open borders douche bag.

He lied to you to get elected... he has been the POTUS elect 4 days and he has already back peddled on four major things. I'll be laughing my ass off at you right wing nut jobs as he continues to change his stance on policy after policy that got him elected.

Maybe you could do us the courtesy of listing these "four major things" --- with proof, if you please.

Mexico isn't paying for the wall.

He isn't going to repeal Obamacare, he wants to amend it.

He isn't deporting all the 11 million undocumented immigrants.

He isn't draining the swamp, in fact some of his cabinet are going to be the same types of people he railed against Hillary for being friends with.

Four things he has already back peddled on.

Trump is going to appoint criminals to his cabinet?

I hardly think so.
The regulation has already been passed to take tax dollars to build a wall... but that isn't what Trump promised. He said Mexico would pay for the wall.

They will still pay for the wall, but we aren't waiting for that before we start building it. Construction will commence on March of next year.

Eat it, you open borders douche bag.

He lied to you to get elected... he has been the POTUS elect 4 days and he has already back peddled on four major things. I'll be laughing my ass off at you right wing nut jobs as he continues to change his stance on policy after policy that got him elected.

Maybe you could do us the courtesy of listing these "four major things" --- with proof, if you please.

Mexico isn't paying for the wall.

He isn't going to repeal Obamacare, he wants to amend it.

He isn't deporting all the 11 million undocumented immigrants.

He isn't draining the swamp, in fact some of his cabinet are going to be the same types of people he railed against Hillary for being friends with.

Four things he has already back peddled on.

Trump is going to appoint criminals to his cabinet?

I hardly think so.

Look up State Bannon and Steven Mnuchin and their work history. End of story.
They will still pay for the wall, but we aren't waiting for that before we start building it. Construction will commence on March of next year.

Eat it, you open borders douche bag.

He lied to you to get elected... he has been the POTUS elect 4 days and he has already back peddled on four major things. I'll be laughing my ass off at you right wing nut jobs as he continues to change his stance on policy after policy that got him elected.

Maybe you could do us the courtesy of listing these "four major things" --- with proof, if you please.

Mexico isn't paying for the wall.

He isn't going to repeal Obamacare, he wants to amend it.

He isn't deporting all the 11 million undocumented immigrants.

He isn't draining the swamp, in fact some of his cabinet are going to be the same types of people he railed against Hillary for being friends with.

Four things he has already back peddled on.

Trump is going to appoint criminals to his cabinet?

I hardly think so.

Look up State Bannon and Steven Mnuchin and their work history. End of story.

I think you mean Stephen Bannon. Domestic violence? The number of women who accuse their spouses of domestic violence when they are getting divorced is virtually equal to the number of divorced women. That's a typical female tactic, and only fools like you believe these accusations have any merit. The case was dropped when she failed to show up in court, so Bannon has no record of any kind.

What crime did Steven Mnuchin commit? None that I can determine.

As usual, your claims are not true.

Big surprise there.
The regulation has already been passed. The executive branch just needs the balls to enforce it. The last 2 regimes didn't

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The regulation has already been passed to take tax dollars to build a wall... but that isn't what Trump promised. He said Mexico would pay for the wall.

They will still pay for the wall, but we aren't waiting for that before we start building it. Construction will commence on March of next year.

Eat it, you open borders douche bag.

He lied to you to get elected... he has been the POTUS elect 4 days and he has already back peddled on four major things. I'll be laughing my ass off at you right wing nut jobs as he continues to change his stance on policy after policy that got him elected.

Maybe you could do us the courtesy of listing these "four major things" --- with proof, if you please.

Mexico isn't paying for the wall.

He isn't going to repeal Obamacare, he wants to amend it.

He isn't deporting all the 11 million undocumented immigrants.

He isn't draining the swamp, in fact some of his cabinet are going to be the same types of people he railed against Hillary for being friends with.

Four things he has already back peddled on.

YOU say these things ... he hasn't said those things.

1) Mexico will pay for the wall --- they can either write a check, lose the income they expect from the US, or Mexican based companies can pay up thru increased tariffs.

2) Since February 2016, Trump has said that he will repeal obamacare, and implement some of its more features into a new healthcare plan. He has specifically mentioned keeping the "no pre-existing conditions" element and the "still at home until 26" element. All the rhetoric about him backing off is, simply, political nonsense.

3) I would suspect we'll have to wait until he actually has authority to see what he's going to do with illegal immigrants. This 11 million nonsense is fabrication of the Dem propaganda machine. He has consistently said that he will provide a path to citizenship for law abiding illegals ... "sending them out and bringing them back in thru a legal, but expedited, process." Of course, the propaganda machine immediately says he's loading them in buses and dropping them at the border. In fact, does this mean he is going to physically remove these people? No - it means he's going to identify the illegals, and give them the opportunity to become citizens - with appropriate, but yet to be determined, penalties. If, however, you are an illegal immigrant who has broken the law, or been previously deported and returned, your ass is outta here. That would seem to be the most rational way to "eliminate" 11 million illegals.

4) Draining the swamp - the most incredibly stupid and inane complaint of the left. I'm pretty sure that selecting people familiar with the processes in DC, but agree with his policies, is EXACTLY who he should hire. I can't believe you want him to hire a grocer from Omaha to be the Secretary of State. Just because a person is familiar with the ins and outs of DC doesn't automatically make him part of the swamp. Once in office, if he doesn't live up to his promise to put controls on lobbyists, etc., then, and only then, will you have a reason to complain.
The regulation has already been passed to take tax dollars to build a wall... but that isn't what Trump promised. He said Mexico would pay for the wall.

They will still pay for the wall, but we aren't waiting for that before we start building it. Construction will commence on March of next year.

Eat it, you open borders douche bag.

He lied to you to get elected... he has been the POTUS elect 4 days and he has already back peddled on four major things. I'll be laughing my ass off at you right wing nut jobs as he continues to change his stance on policy after policy that got him elected.

Maybe you could do us the courtesy of listing these "four major things" --- with proof, if you please.

Mexico isn't paying for the wall.

He isn't going to repeal Obamacare, he wants to amend it.

He isn't deporting all the 11 million undocumented immigrants.

He isn't draining the swamp, in fact some of his cabinet are going to be the same types of people he railed against Hillary for being friends with.

Four things he has already back peddled on.

YOU say these things ... he hasn't said those things.

1) Mexico will pay for the wall --- they can either write a check, lose the income they expect from the US, or Mexican based companies can pay up thru increased tariffs.

2) Since February 2016, Trump has said that he will repeal obamacare, and implement some of its more features into a new healthcare plan. He has specifically mentioned keeping the "no pre-existing conditions" element and the "still at home until 26" element. All the rhetoric about him backing off is, simply, political nonsense.

3) I would suspect we'll have to wait until he actually has authority to see what he's going to do with illegal immigrants. This 11 million nonsense is fabrication of the Dem propaganda machine. He has consistently said that he will provide a path to citizenship for law abiding illegals ... "sending them out and bringing them back in thru a legal, but expedited, process." Of course, the propaganda machine immediately says he's loading them in buses and dropping them at the border. In fact, does this mean he is going to physically remove these people? No - it means he's going to identify the illegals, and give them the opportunity to become citizens - with appropriate, but yet to be determined, penalties. If, however, you are an illegal immigrant who has broken the law, or been previously deported and returned, your ass is outta here. That would seem to be the most rational way to "eliminate" 11 million illegals.

4) Draining the swamp - the most incredibly stupid and inane complaint of the left. I'm pretty sure that selecting people familiar with the processes in DC, but agree with his policies, is EXACTLY who he should hire. I can't believe you want him to hire a grocer from Omaha to be the Secretary of State. Just because a person is familiar with the ins and outs of DC doesn't automatically make him part of the swamp. Once in office, if he doesn't live up to his promise to put controls on lobbyists, etc., then, and only then, will you have a reason to complain.
Illegals should never be allowed to become citizens. They might be allowed a special kind of permanent residency status that does not allow them to become citizens, but they should never be allowed to vote. Of course, the open borders crowd will fight that tooth and nail, which just goes to prove what their true agenda is.
You're really quoting Ann Coulter as your source?

Check her sources. I'm not depending on her authority. Is what she says true or not?

Politifact says she is wrong. Who do I trust more? Ann Coulter or Politicfact?

Our ruling

Johnson said Mexican immigrants are not "murderers and rapists" but are actually "more law-abiding than U.S. citizens and that is a statistic."

Numerous studies by scholars and partisan groups show that the foreign-born population is less likely to commit crimes than the native-born, and experts say this includes Mexican immigrants.

Researchers agree more data is needed to get a better understanding of immigration and crime, but the information available does not disprove Johnson’s point. We rate Johnson’s statement Mostly True.

Libertarian candidate challenges Trump on Mexican immigrants
politi"fact" has been proven to be biased against conservatives. No one cares who you believe. We know bullshit when we see bullshit we know facts when we see facts.
The wall idea is dumb. We need to go after the employers hiring illegals. As long as there are jobs they will come, a wall will not stop them.
EVeryone who says "go after the employers" is a douche bag who wants illegal immigration to continue. The wall is a smart idea. That's why countries all over the world are building them.
They absolutely need to go after employers. I go out of my way to ensure I only hire citizens and I pay them well. My competition makes liberal use of illegals and pays them crap, which gives them an edge financially. The faces of my competitors are white pro American bullshitters, but the people doing the actual work are illegals.
They can do both. Anyone who says not to build the wall is trying to allow illegal immigration to continue.

Nice fallacy. :blahblah:

Anyone that doesn't want to send a mission to Mars wants the human race to die off. Anyone that doesn't cheer for the Cleveland Cavaliers hates the citizens of Cleveland. Anyone that uses paper thinks that the Rain Forest of Central and South America aren't important. See how that works?

NO. he is completely right. The open border supporters have been playing dishonest sophist games with this issue for decades.

Anyone who says to not build the wall is not motivated by a desire to do the job more efficiently. THey want to continue the status quo, of an effectively open border.
EVeryone who says "go after the employers" is a douche bag who wants illegal immigration to continue. The wall is a smart idea. That's why countries all over the world are building them.
They absolutely need to go after employers. I go out of my way to ensure I only hire citizens and I pay them well. My competition makes liberal use of illegals and pays them crap, which gives them an edge financially. The faces of my competitors are white pro American bullshitters, but the people doing the actual work are illegals.
They can do both. Anyone who says not to build the wall is trying to allow illegal immigration to continue.

Nice fallacy. :blahblah:

Anyone that doesn't want to send a mission to Mars wants the human race to die off. Anyone that doesn't cheer for the Cleveland Cavaliers hates the citizens of Cleveland. Anyone that uses paper thinks that the Rain Forest of Central and South America aren't important. See how that works?

It's not a fallacy. It's an observation of the character of all those who say we shouldn't build a wall. They are all douche bags who have supported a "comprehensive immigration bill" - amnesty, in other words.

A wall isn't the only answer for the immigration problem. That's the point. So the fallacy remains. It is not a clear relation of If not A then B. Take for example Fort Knox. They use ground vibration sensors outside of their fences. These would work great along the border because they would not only detect people trying to cross the border, but also would detect people trying to dig tunnels. Then drones could be used to find the people and follow them until border patrol agents caught up with them. All of which would be much cheaper than building a 2,000 mile long 50 foot wall.

After 50 years of screwing around delaying and deflection tactics, the point is that it is too late for any such talk.

DO everything. Do it now.

If you wanted to have a more nuanced discussion on the most efficient use of money in the pursuit of this goal, you should have started that conversation back in the late 80s.


They will still pay for the wall, but we aren't waiting for that before we start building it. Construction will commence on March of next year.

Eat it, you open borders douche bag.

He lied to you to get elected... he has been the POTUS elect 4 days and he has already back peddled on four major things. I'll be laughing my ass off at you right wing nut jobs as he continues to change his stance on policy after policy that got him elected.

Maybe you could do us the courtesy of listing these "four major things" --- with proof, if you please.

Mexico isn't paying for the wall.

He isn't going to repeal Obamacare, he wants to amend it.

He isn't deporting all the 11 million undocumented immigrants.

He isn't draining the swamp, in fact some of his cabinet are going to be the same types of people he railed against Hillary for being friends with.

Four things he has already back peddled on.

YOU say these things ... he hasn't said those things.

1) Mexico will pay for the wall --- they can either write a check, lose the income they expect from the US, or Mexican based companies can pay up thru increased tariffs.

2) Since February 2016, Trump has said that he will repeal obamacare, and implement some of its more features into a new healthcare plan. He has specifically mentioned keeping the "no pre-existing conditions" element and the "still at home until 26" element. All the rhetoric about him backing off is, simply, political nonsense.

3) I would suspect we'll have to wait until he actually has authority to see what he's going to do with illegal immigrants. This 11 million nonsense is fabrication of the Dem propaganda machine. He has consistently said that he will provide a path to citizenship for law abiding illegals ... "sending them out and bringing them back in thru a legal, but expedited, process." Of course, the propaganda machine immediately says he's loading them in buses and dropping them at the border. In fact, does this mean he is going to physically remove these people? No - it means he's going to identify the illegals, and give them the opportunity to become citizens - with appropriate, but yet to be determined, penalties. If, however, you are an illegal immigrant who has broken the law, or been previously deported and returned, your ass is outta here. That would seem to be the most rational way to "eliminate" 11 million illegals.

4) Draining the swamp - the most incredibly stupid and inane complaint of the left. I'm pretty sure that selecting people familiar with the processes in DC, but agree with his policies, is EXACTLY who he should hire. I can't believe you want him to hire a grocer from Omaha to be the Secretary of State. Just because a person is familiar with the ins and outs of DC doesn't automatically make him part of the swamp. Once in office, if he doesn't live up to his promise to put controls on lobbyists, etc., then, and only then, will you have a reason to complain.
Illegals should never be allowed to become citizens. They might be allowed a special kind of permanent residency status that does not allow them to become citizens, but they should never be allowed to vote. Of course, the open borders crowd will fight that tooth and nail, which just goes to prove what their true agenda is.

It's not a fallacy. It's an observation of the character of all those who say we shouldn't build a wall. They are all douche bags who have supported a "comprehensive immigration bill" - amnesty, in other words.

A wall isn't the only answer for the immigration problem. That's the point. So the fallacy remains. It is not a clear relation of If not A then B. Take for example Fort Knox. They use ground vibration sensors outside of their fences. These would work great along the border because they would not only detect people trying to cross the border, but also would detect people trying to dig tunnels. Then drones could be used to find the people and follow them until border patrol agents caught up with them. All of which would be much cheaper than building a 2,000 mile long 50 foot wall.

The wall is the best answer to illegal immigration. that's the bottom line. For one thing, it can't be made to disappear at the stroke of a pen when a new administration comes in. Any other scheme can be abolished simply by failing to enforce it.

Fort Knox has a big fence around it and plenty of soldiers guarding it. Ground sensors are useless without a wall. Your plan would disappear the minute another Obama got into office. Furthermore, a wall would still be cheaper and more effective. Your plan requires a lot of manpower. The wall reduces the amount of manpower required. Over the long term, manpower is far more expensive than infrastructure.

Of course, we all understand that you really don't want the border to be enforced. You're an open borders douche bag, so all your "solutions" are disingenuous.

See what you do there? Because someone comes up with an alternate solution to your's, they don't believe in the same results and you attack them. Seriously, how can you expect anyone on this forum to take you seriously? You act like you have the social abilities of a 5 year old.

You have been an opponent of border enforcement and an amnesty supporter since you joined this forum. One thing I note is that all such douche bags oppose building the wall. It's obvious that you oppose the wall because you oppose effective enforcement of the border. Any claims that other methods are more effective is pure bullshit. Nothing would be more effective than a wall. That's why Israel and Saudi Arabia both built one.

Yeah, Fort Knox has a fence and soldiers, but do they have a 50 foot wall!?!? Nope... and it is one of the most secure places in the world. Do you think with a 50 foot wall all of a sudden there is no need for border patrol agents? Uhhh I hate to break it to you, but they aren't going to be laying any of those guys off. And your 50 foot wall? Yeah people will continue to dig tunnels under it. Hell, unless people continue to patroll it, people can cut holes through it, or even blast it down in sections. This wall isn't going to be built out of Vibranium... it's concrete.

Fort Knox is a small place within the confines of a military base swarming with soldiers, tanks and other means of defense. It doesn't need a 50 ft wall. However, our border is mostly in the middle of nowhere. A more substantial barrier is required because it will take manpower defending the wall more time to reach any attempted incursions. The wall will require less manpower than any other proposed solution that doesn't include it. That much is undeniable.

We already know the wall works because we have working examples of such a wall. Anyone attempting to make holes in the wall will be apprehended in short order. Any holes can be repaired quite cheaply. Tunnels can easily be detected.

The bottom line is that walls have worked for thousands of years. Anyone who claims they don't work is blowing hot gas out his ass.

I have been? Prove it. Show where I have said I am against border enforcement. You can't. What I've said however is that if there are people already here, that are contributing positively to society, working, paying taxes, and so forth... there is no reason to send them back now. Hell amount of money that will be spent on this new deportation squad, the deportation centers that will need to be built, and then the cost of sending them back will be astronomical. Sending back criminals and people that are here for the purpose of just collecting government funds on the other hand, I have no problem with.

It's funny how you Trump supporters were fine and dandy with accepting Trump's proposed wall when he said Mexico was going to pay for it. Now it has come out that Trump plans on using an existing law to build the wall and use tax payer money... and you are still fine with it. You got duped and you are in denial. Funny how you think that someone building a tunnel or making damage to the wall will be found in short order... it is a 2,000 mile wall. :booze:

Your words make no sense.
I bet you didn't even like Pacific Rim.

Their walls didn't work did they?
The "walls" were more like long hurdles to knock over or jump over to the Kaiju.

I really hope you don't think Mexicans can break through concrete with their bare hands.

They don't have to. They can use dynamite, or drills, or tunnels. Any person on this forum that thinks building a wall is going to stop tunnels is really off their rocker.

If illegals are blowing up US government facilities, especially manned government facilities, we need to stop calling them illegals, and start calling them invaders, and responding accordingly.
I bet you didn't even like Pacific Rim.

Their walls didn't work did they?
The "walls" were more like long hurdles to knock over or jump over to the Kaiju.

I really hope you don't think Mexicans can break through concrete with their bare hands.

They don't have to. They can use dynamite, or drills, or tunnels. Any person on this forum that thinks building a wall is going to stop tunnels is really off their rocker.
Tunnels take a lot longer to make than you think.

As long as drug cartels and gangs like MS 13 make money off of running drugs and human smuggling, those tunnels will continue to be built, and ways will be found around the wall.

Any such "ways" will be more difficult, slower and much less effective in moving people and drugs than simply walking across open ground.

That you needed to be told that, is very strange.
What a waste of resources. We're falling in education every single year and our healthcare system sucks, but hell, lets build a Soviet like wall. lol

You would obviously know whether the wall is necessary or not. Your research source, CNN said it was a bad idea. It must be so!

Walls actually work...

If Matthew would ask the Israelis if walls work, he would change his tune.
Trump's Wall Plan LEAKED... This Will Infuriate MILLIONS Of Americans

That boy Trumpster!!! You live up to this promise and I am donating the max to you in 2020!
Yet Congress can't pass a jobs bill...

The regulation has already been passed. The executive branch just needs the balls to enforce it. The last 2 regimes didn't

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The regulation has already been passed to take tax dollars to build a wall... but that isn't what Trump promised. He said Mexico would pay for the wall.

And if you fucking people read the argument you will see exactly how he will force Mexico to fund it!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The West Bank wall is 440 miles, that's about a 5th of the size of the wall Trump is proposing. A guard tower every half mile!?!? Holy crappoloa. So 4,000 guard towers? I'm guessing manned by at least two people every 8 hours, so with three shifts, not to mention someone to cover days off, that's like 8 border patrol agents per tower. So... 4,000 towers times 8 agents, that's 32,000 border patrol agents making say, $50K a year. So on top of this wall you are proposing, you are talking about $1.6 BILLION dollars a year to man just the guard towers. Not to mention actual patrol agents that would have to check the wall for damages and possible tunnels. This of course also includes the border patrol agents still manning the gates.

YOur assumptions are completely unfounded, and seem to be based on artificially inflating the estimate to make a point you can't make honestly.
You have been an opponent of border enforcement and an amnesty supporter since you joined this forum. One thing I note is that all such douche bags oppose building the wall. It's obvious that you oppose the wall because you oppose effective enforcement of the border. Any claims that other methods are more effective is pure bullshit. Nothing would be more effective than a wall. That's why Israel and Saudi Arabia both built one.

Fort Knox is a small place within the confines of a military base swarming with soldiers, tanks and other means of defense. It doesn't need a 50 ft wall. However, our border is mostly in the middle of nowhere. A more substantial barrier is required because it will take manpower defending the wall more time to reach any attempted incursions. The wall will require less manpower than any other proposed solution that doesn't include it. That much is undeniable.

We already know the wall works because we have working examples of such a wall. Anyone attempting to make holes in the wall will be apprehended in short order. Any holes can be repaired quite cheaply. Tunnels can easily be detected.

The bottom line is that walls have worked for thousands of years. Anyone who claims they don't work is blowing hot gas out his ass.

I have been? Prove it. Show where I have said I am against border enforcement. You can't. What I've said however is that if there are people already here, that are contributing positively to society, working, paying taxes, and so forth... there is no reason to send them back now. Hell amount of money that will be spent on this new deportation squad, the deportation centers that will need to be built, and then the cost of sending them back will be astronomical. Sending back criminals and people that are here for the purpose of just collecting government funds on the other hand, I have no problem with.

In other words, you support amnesty. All illegals are criminals. They broke the law when they crossed our border without a visa. The cost of sending them back is far cheaper than all the welfare and government services they will consume over their life times.

It's funny how you Trump supporters were fine and dandy with accepting Trump's proposed wall when he said Mexico was going to pay for it. Now it has come out that Trump plans on using an existing law to build the wall and use tax payer money... and you are still fine with it. You got duped and you are in denial. Funny how you think that someone building a tunnel or making damage to the wall will be found in short order... it is a 2,000 mile wall. :booze:

Morons like you who oppose the wall like to pretend that no one will be watching it even though you also claim it will require thousands of people to man it. How will anyone get away with damaging the wall if there are guard towers every half mile? How will they tunnel under it when there will be all kinds of ground detectors watching for exactly such tunnelling?

Israel has built a wall, and it works marvelously. It has cut the incidence of suicide bombers to almost nothing. The empirical evidence shows that you are a douche bag who opposes effective enforcement of our border.

Funny, you said walls have been working for 1,000 of years, history disagrees with you.

Donald Trump's Great Wall — it didn't work for the Ming Dynasty either
Wrong, dumbass. Prior to building the wall, northern barbarians raided China every year. After they built the wall, they succeeded in penetrating it only every few hundred hears. Your belief that "success" equates to it never being penetrated is leftwing bullshit.

Civilization has been building walls for thousand years. Prior to the invention of gun powder, virtually every sizeable city in the world had a wall around it. Rome built a wall across it's border with Scotland. It also built several other walls. The empirical evidence shows that walls work. The fact is undeniable except by douche bag partisan morons like you who won't want to enforce our border.

Oh... you mean Hadrian's Wall? If you are going to mention walls at least know their names dickweed. You mean walls that held people out before uh... technology? We should arm all of our military with spears and bows and arrows! I mean primitive man killed Whoolly Mammoths with spears! So that's what we should be using now!

You are being a sophist.
I have been? Prove it. Show where I have said I am against border enforcement. You can't. What I've said however is that if there are people already here, that are contributing positively to society, working, paying taxes, and so forth... there is no reason to send them back now. Hell amount of money that will be spent on this new deportation squad, the deportation centers that will need to be built, and then the cost of sending them back will be astronomical. Sending back criminals and people that are here for the purpose of just collecting government funds on the other hand, I have no problem with.

In other words, you support amnesty. All illegals are criminals. They broke the law when they crossed our border without a visa. The cost of sending them back is far cheaper than all the welfare and government services they will consume over their life times.

It's funny how you Trump supporters were fine and dandy with accepting Trump's proposed wall when he said Mexico was going to pay for it. Now it has come out that Trump plans on using an existing law to build the wall and use tax payer money... and you are still fine with it. You got duped and you are in denial. Funny how you think that someone building a tunnel or making damage to the wall will be found in short order... it is a 2,000 mile wall. :booze:

Morons like you who oppose the wall like to pretend that no one will be watching it even though you also claim it will require thousands of people to man it. How will anyone get away with damaging the wall if there are guard towers every half mile? How will they tunnel under it when there will be all kinds of ground detectors watching for exactly such tunnelling?

Israel has built a wall, and it works marvelously. It has cut the incidence of suicide bombers to almost nothing. The empirical evidence shows that you are a douche bag who opposes effective enforcement of our border.

Funny, you said walls have been working for 1,000 of years, history disagrees with you.

Donald Trump's Great Wall — it didn't work for the Ming Dynasty either
Wrong, dumbass. Prior to building the wall, northern barbarians raided China every year. After they built the wall, they succeeded in penetrating it only every few hundred hears. Your belief that "success" equates to it never being penetrated is leftwing bullshit.

Civilization has been building walls for thousand years. Prior to the invention of gun powder, virtually every sizeable city in the world had a wall around it. Rome built a wall across it's border with Scotland. It also built several other walls. The empirical evidence shows that walls work. The fact is undeniable except by douche bag partisan morons like you who won't want to enforce our border.

Oh... you mean Hadrian's Wall? If you are going to mention walls at least know their names dickweed. You mean walls that held people out before uh... technology? We should arm all of our military with spears and bows and arrows! I mean primitive man killed Whoolly Mammoths with spears! So that's what we should be using now!
What a moron. The technology of wall building has also improved since Hadrian's era, douche bag. Your arguments against the wall are getting dumber and dumber. Of course, none of them are smart.

LIberals spend most of their time talking to other libs who never question ANYTHING that fits the lib narrative.

He is not used to people actually addressing his points in a serious fashion.
They can do both. Anyone who says not to build the wall is trying to allow illegal immigration to continue.

Nice fallacy. :blahblah:

Anyone that doesn't want to send a mission to Mars wants the human race to die off. Anyone that doesn't cheer for the Cleveland Cavaliers hates the citizens of Cleveland. Anyone that uses paper thinks that the Rain Forest of Central and South America aren't important. See how that works?

It's not a fallacy. It's an observation of the character of all those who say we shouldn't build a wall. They are all douche bags who have supported a "comprehensive immigration bill" - amnesty, in other words.

A wall isn't the only answer for the immigration problem. That's the point. So the fallacy remains. It is not a clear relation of If not A then B. Take for example Fort Knox. They use ground vibration sensors outside of their fences. These would work great along the border because they would not only detect people trying to cross the border, but also would detect people trying to dig tunnels. Then drones could be used to find the people and follow them until border patrol agents caught up with them. All of which would be much cheaper than building a 2,000 mile long 50 foot wall.

The wall is the best answer to illegal immigration. that's the bottom line. For one thing, it can't be made to disappear at the stroke of a pen when a new administration comes in. Any other scheme can be abolished simply by failing to enforce it.

Fort Knox has a big fence around it and plenty of soldiers guarding it. Ground sensors are useless without a wall. Your plan would disappear the minute another Obama got into office. Furthermore, a wall would still be cheaper and more effective. Your plan requires a lot of manpower. The wall reduces the amount of manpower required. Over the long term, manpower is far more expensive than infrastructure.

Of course, we all understand that you really don't want the border to be enforced. You're an open borders douche bag, so all your "solutions" are disingenuous.

See what you do there? Because someone comes up with an alternate solution to your's, they don't believe in the same results and you attack them. Seriously, how can you expect anyone on this forum to take you seriously? You act like you have the social abilities of a 5 year old.

Yeah, Fort Knox has a fence and soldiers, but do they have a 50 foot wall!?!? Nope... and it is one of the most secure places in the world. Do you think with a 50 foot wall all of a sudden there is no need for border patrol agents? Uhhh I hate to break it to you, but they aren't going to be laying any of those guys off. And your 50 foot wall? Yeah people will continue to dig tunnels under it. Hell, unless people continue to patroll it, people can cut holes through it, or even blast it down in sections. This wall isn't going to be built out of Vibranium... it's concrete.

The use of motion sensors as well as ground vibration sensors all along the wall would alert the border patrol to someone digging a tunnel or cutting a hole in it.

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