Leaked Plan: Construction on the 50 Foot Concrete Wall Starts in March

You're really quoting Ann Coulter as your source?

Check her sources. I'm not depending on her authority. Is what she says true or not?

Politifact says she is wrong. Who do I trust more? Ann Coulter or Politicfact?

Our ruling

Johnson said Mexican immigrants are not "murderers and rapists" but are actually "more law-abiding than U.S. citizens and that is a statistic."

Numerous studies by scholars and partisan groups show that the foreign-born population is less likely to commit crimes than the native-born, and experts say this includes Mexican immigrants.

Researchers agree more data is needed to get a better understanding of immigration and crime, but the information available does not disprove Johnson’s point. We rate Johnson’s statement Mostly True.

Libertarian candidate challenges Trump on Mexican immigrants

I'm serious when I ask this, do you have a learning disability are you this dumb on purpose? If it a learning disability I can at least give you some slack, but if it is on purpose I can't feel sorry for you.

You do realize statistics show that immigrants commit crimes in the U.S. at a lower rate than naturally born citizens? You want to talk about the costs of paying for illegal immigrants, show me numbers, then we'll compare that to the cost of the wall.
Oh so its OK for use to have to waste money on illegals just because they commit less crime supposedly...and you want to call ME stupid. I don't want 1 damn cent spent on people who SHOULD NOT BE HERE. I hope President Trump uses GITMO for the likes of you.

No, I was showing you the point that the criminal justice system spends more on native born Americans than immigrants.

I'm sorry, I can't take anything you say seriously when you think White Europeans are the ones that founded this country, and that Native Americans weren't here first.
1. Big difference between BEING SOMEWHERE and actually Establishing a country,political system,rule of law etc out of it.
2. I don't care that native born Americans use the criminal justice system. That's kind of to be expected when blacks who are US citizens unfortunately make up for more than HALF the crime in this country despite being less than 15% of the population.
3. Google solutrean theory we were here first.

So you are basing your knowledge on a theory that few if any highly educated people believe in. Genius!

You are also basing your theory on the founding of the country is based on the idea that European settlers set up their own system... I hate to tell you genius, but Native Americans, whom were here first, had their won set of rules.
Yep, and they had no rules about property ownership. They didn't believe you could own land. The European settlers proved them wrong.

Haha so you are ok with Europeans coming to America and killing Native Americans to take the land? Gotcha, remember that when some dude with a sawed off shot gun comes to your house and steals all your stuff. It's not wrong, it's just them showing you it can be done!
Trump's Wall Plan LEAKED... This Will Infuriate MILLIONS Of Americans

That boy Trumpster!!! You live up to this promise and I am donating the max to you in 2020!
Yet Congress can't pass a jobs bill...

The regulation has already been passed. The executive branch just needs the balls to enforce it. The last 2 regimes didn't

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The regulation has already been passed to take tax dollars to build a wall... but that isn't what Trump promised. He said Mexico would pay for the wall.
You're really quoting Ann Coulter as your source?

Check her sources. I'm not depending on her authority. Is what she says true or not?

Politifact says she is wrong. Who do I trust more? Ann Coulter or Politicfact?

Our ruling

Johnson said Mexican immigrants are not "murderers and rapists" but are actually "more law-abiding than U.S. citizens and that is a statistic."

Numerous studies by scholars and partisan groups show that the foreign-born population is less likely to commit crimes than the native-born, and experts say this includes Mexican immigrants.

Researchers agree more data is needed to get a better understanding of immigration and crime, but the information available does not disprove Johnson’s point. We rate Johnson’s statement Mostly True.

Libertarian candidate challenges Trump on Mexican immigrants

I trust Ann Coulter more. Politifact is a leftwing propaganda organ.

You didn't contradict a thing Coulter said. All you did is refer to the sources that Coulter already discredited.
You're really quoting Ann Coulter as your source?

Check her sources. I'm not depending on her authority. Is what she says true or not?

Politifact says she is wrong. Who do I trust more? Ann Coulter or Politicfact?

Our ruling

Johnson said Mexican immigrants are not "murderers and rapists" but are actually "more law-abiding than U.S. citizens and that is a statistic."

Numerous studies by scholars and partisan groups show that the foreign-born population is less likely to commit crimes than the native-born, and experts say this includes Mexican immigrants.

Researchers agree more data is needed to get a better understanding of immigration and crime, but the information available does not disprove Johnson’s point. We rate Johnson’s statement Mostly True.

Libertarian candidate challenges Trump on Mexican immigrants

I trust Ann Coulter more. Politifact is a leftwing propaganda organ.

You didn't contradict a thing Coulter said. All you did is refer to the sources that Coulter already discredited.

Ann Coulter couldn't discredit my left testicle.
Oh so its OK for use to have to waste money on illegals just because they commit less crime supposedly...and you want to call ME stupid. I don't want 1 damn cent spent on people who SHOULD NOT BE HERE. I hope President Trump uses GITMO for the likes of you.

No, I was showing you the point that the criminal justice system spends more on native born Americans than immigrants.

I'm sorry, I can't take anything you say seriously when you think White Europeans are the ones that founded this country, and that Native Americans weren't here first.
1. Big difference between BEING SOMEWHERE and actually Establishing a country,political system,rule of law etc out of it.
2. I don't care that native born Americans use the criminal justice system. That's kind of to be expected when blacks who are US citizens unfortunately make up for more than HALF the crime in this country despite being less than 15% of the population.
3. Google solutrean theory we were here first.

So you are basing your knowledge on a theory that few if any highly educated people believe in. Genius!

You are also basing your theory on the founding of the country is based on the idea that European settlers set up their own system... I hate to tell you genius, but Native Americans, whom were here first, had their won set of rules.
Yep, and they had no rules about property ownership. They didn't believe you could own land. The European settlers proved them wrong.

Haha so you are ok with Europeans coming to America and killing Native Americans to take the land? Gotcha, remember that when some dude with a sawed off shot gun comes to your house and steals all your stuff. It's not wrong, it's just them showing you it can be done!

Thugs never use sawed off shotguns. They normally carry handguns. They won't get far when they a pumped full of holes from my AR-14.

The European takeover of America is a fact of history, and it was inevitable. When primitive cultures clash with more advanced ones, they inevitably lose. That's how Europe became civilized: The Romans vanquished all the indigenous peoples. I don't see you crying any crocodile tears about that.
You're really quoting Ann Coulter as your source?

Check her sources. I'm not depending on her authority. Is what she says true or not?

Politifact says she is wrong. Who do I trust more? Ann Coulter or Politicfact?

Our ruling

Johnson said Mexican immigrants are not "murderers and rapists" but are actually "more law-abiding than U.S. citizens and that is a statistic."

Numerous studies by scholars and partisan groups show that the foreign-born population is less likely to commit crimes than the native-born, and experts say this includes Mexican immigrants.

Researchers agree more data is needed to get a better understanding of immigration and crime, but the information available does not disprove Johnson’s point. We rate Johnson’s statement Mostly True.

Libertarian candidate challenges Trump on Mexican immigrants

I trust Ann Coulter more. Politifact is a leftwing propaganda organ.

You didn't contradict a thing Coulter said. All you did is refer to the sources that Coulter already discredited.

Ann Coulter couldn't discredit my left testicle.

You're obviously too stupid to realize you lost the argument.
No, I was showing you the point that the criminal justice system spends more on native born Americans than immigrants.

I'm sorry, I can't take anything you say seriously when you think White Europeans are the ones that founded this country, and that Native Americans weren't here first.
1. Big difference between BEING SOMEWHERE and actually Establishing a country,political system,rule of law etc out of it.
2. I don't care that native born Americans use the criminal justice system. That's kind of to be expected when blacks who are US citizens unfortunately make up for more than HALF the crime in this country despite being less than 15% of the population.
3. Google solutrean theory we were here first.

So you are basing your knowledge on a theory that few if any highly educated people believe in. Genius!

You are also basing your theory on the founding of the country is based on the idea that European settlers set up their own system... I hate to tell you genius, but Native Americans, whom were here first, had their won set of rules.
Yep, and they had no rules about property ownership. They didn't believe you could own land. The European settlers proved them wrong.

Haha so you are ok with Europeans coming to America and killing Native Americans to take the land? Gotcha, remember that when some dude with a sawed off shot gun comes to your house and steals all your stuff. It's not wrong, it's just them showing you it can be done!

Thugs never use sawed off shotguns. They normally carry handguns. They won't get far when they a pumped full of holes from my AR-14.

The European takeover of America is a fact of history, and it was inevitable. When primitive cultures clash with more advanced ones, they inevitably lose. That's how Europe became civilized: The Romans vanquished all the indigenous peoples. I don't see you crying any crocodile tears about that.

Great Conservative tactic! Defelct!!! What does the Romans have to do with it? We are talking about America and Native Americans.
You're really quoting Ann Coulter as your source?

Check her sources. I'm not depending on her authority. Is what she says true or not?

Politifact says she is wrong. Who do I trust more? Ann Coulter or Politicfact?

Our ruling

Johnson said Mexican immigrants are not "murderers and rapists" but are actually "more law-abiding than U.S. citizens and that is a statistic."

Numerous studies by scholars and partisan groups show that the foreign-born population is less likely to commit crimes than the native-born, and experts say this includes Mexican immigrants.

Researchers agree more data is needed to get a better understanding of immigration and crime, but the information available does not disprove Johnson’s point. We rate Johnson’s statement Mostly True.

Libertarian candidate challenges Trump on Mexican immigrants

I trust Ann Coulter more. Politifact is a leftwing propaganda organ.

You didn't contradict a thing Coulter said. All you did is refer to the sources that Coulter already discredited.

Ann Coulter couldn't discredit my left testicle.

You're obviously too stupid to realize you lost the argument.

No, I'm sorry, you are too stupid to think Ann Coulter wins you the argument.
Trump's Wall Plan LEAKED... This Will Infuriate MILLIONS Of Americans

That boy Trumpster!!! You live up to this promise and I am donating the max to you in 2020!
Yet Congress can't pass a jobs bill...

The regulation has already been passed. The executive branch just needs the balls to enforce it. The last 2 regimes didn't

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The regulation has already been passed to take tax dollars to build a wall... but that isn't what Trump promised. He said Mexico would pay for the wall.

They will still pay for the wall, but we aren't waiting for that before we start building it. Construction will commence on March of next year.

Eat it, you open borders douche bag.
Check her sources. I'm not depending on her authority. Is what she says true or not?

Politifact says she is wrong. Who do I trust more? Ann Coulter or Politicfact?

Our ruling

Johnson said Mexican immigrants are not "murderers and rapists" but are actually "more law-abiding than U.S. citizens and that is a statistic."

Numerous studies by scholars and partisan groups show that the foreign-born population is less likely to commit crimes than the native-born, and experts say this includes Mexican immigrants.

Researchers agree more data is needed to get a better understanding of immigration and crime, but the information available does not disprove Johnson’s point. We rate Johnson’s statement Mostly True.

Libertarian candidate challenges Trump on Mexican immigrants

I trust Ann Coulter more. Politifact is a leftwing propaganda organ.

You didn't contradict a thing Coulter said. All you did is refer to the sources that Coulter already discredited.

Ann Coulter couldn't discredit my left testicle.

You're obviously too stupid to realize you lost the argument.

No, I'm sorry, you are too stupid to think Ann Coulter wins you the argument.

I don't think Ann Coulter wins the argument. I think the facts she listed win the argument. You failed to even dispute anything she said.

You lose.
Trump's Wall Plan LEAKED... This Will Infuriate MILLIONS Of Americans

That boy Trumpster!!! You live up to this promise and I am donating the max to you in 2020!
Yet Congress can't pass a jobs bill...

The regulation has already been passed. The executive branch just needs the balls to enforce it. The last 2 regimes didn't

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The regulation has already been passed to take tax dollars to build a wall... but that isn't what Trump promised. He said Mexico would pay for the wall.

They will still pay for the wall, but we aren't waiting for that before we start building it. Construction will commence on March of next year.

Eat it, you open borders douche bag.

He lied to you to get elected... he has been the POTUS elect 4 days and he has already back peddled on four major things. I'll be laughing my ass off at you right wing nut jobs as he continues to change his stance on policy after policy that got him elected.
Politifact says she is wrong. Who do I trust more? Ann Coulter or Politicfact?

Libertarian candidate challenges Trump on Mexican immigrants

I trust Ann Coulter more. Politifact is a leftwing propaganda organ.

You didn't contradict a thing Coulter said. All you did is refer to the sources that Coulter already discredited.

Ann Coulter couldn't discredit my left testicle.

You're obviously too stupid to realize you lost the argument.

No, I'm sorry, you are too stupid to think Ann Coulter wins you the argument.

I don't think Ann Coulter wins the argument. I think the facts she listed win the argument. You failed to even dispute anything she said.

You lose.

I don't need to refute what she said, because it is all BS... coming from Ann Coulter. Your entire argument is based on Ann Coulter...
Trump's Wall Plan LEAKED... This Will Infuriate MILLIONS Of Americans

That boy Trumpster!!! You live up to this promise and I am donating the max to you in 2020!
Yet Congress can't pass a jobs bill...

The regulation has already been passed. The executive branch just needs the balls to enforce it. The last 2 regimes didn't

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The regulation has already been passed to take tax dollars to build a wall... but that isn't what Trump promised. He said Mexico would pay for the wall.

They will still pay for the wall, but we aren't waiting for that before we start building it. Construction will commence on March of next year.

Eat it, you open borders douche bag.

He lied to you to get elected... he has been the POTUS elect 4 days and he has already back peddled on four major things. I'll be laughing my ass off at you right wing nut jobs as he continues to change his stance on policy after policy that got him elected.

The big secret is that none of Trump's supporters care if Mexico doesn't pay for the wall, so long as it gets built. It would be sweet, but it was mostly just a toss off line. However, if Congress refuses to fund it, then Trump can take the money out of Mexico's hide. What Trump is making clear is that Democrats have no way to thwart building the wall. It will get built whether they fund it or not.
Last edited:
I trust Ann Coulter more. Politifact is a leftwing propaganda organ.

You didn't contradict a thing Coulter said. All you did is refer to the sources that Coulter already discredited.

Ann Coulter couldn't discredit my left testicle.

You're obviously too stupid to realize you lost the argument.

No, I'm sorry, you are too stupid to think Ann Coulter wins you the argument.

I don't think Ann Coulter wins the argument. I think the facts she listed win the argument. You failed to even dispute anything she said.

You lose.

I don't need to refute what she said, because it is all BS... coming from Ann Coulter. Your entire argument is based on Ann Coulter...

You haven't proved it's BS. You only proved that you can quote obvious propaganda that proves nothing.

My argument is based on the facts she published. Address those and quit whining about who mentioned them. That's an ad hominem argument, but no one is surprised that you rely on logical fallacies.
Trump's Wall Plan LEAKED... This Will Infuriate MILLIONS Of Americans

That boy Trumpster!!! You live up to this promise and I am donating the max to you in 2020!
Yet Congress can't pass a jobs bill...

The regulation has already been passed. The executive branch just needs the balls to enforce it. The last 2 regimes didn't

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The regulation has already been passed to take tax dollars to build a wall... but that isn't what Trump promised. He said Mexico would pay for the wall.

They will still pay for the wall, but we aren't waiting for that before we start building it. Construction will commence on March of next year.

Eat it, you open borders douche bag.

He lied to you to get elected... he has been the POTUS elect 4 days and he has already back peddled on four major things. I'll be laughing my ass off at you right wing nut jobs as he continues to change his stance on policy after policy that got him elected.

Maybe you could do us the courtesy of listing these "four major things" --- with proof, if you please.
Trump's Wall Plan LEAKED... This Will Infuriate MILLIONS Of Americans

That boy Trumpster!!! You live up to this promise and I am donating the max to you in 2020!
Yet Congress can't pass a jobs bill...

The regulation has already been passed. The executive branch just needs the balls to enforce it. The last 2 regimes didn't

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The regulation has already been passed to take tax dollars to build a wall... but that isn't what Trump promised. He said Mexico would pay for the wall.

They will still pay for the wall, but we aren't waiting for that before we start building it. Construction will commence on March of next year.

Eat it, you open borders douche bag.

He lied to you to get elected... he has been the POTUS elect 4 days and he has already back peddled on four major things. I'll be laughing my ass off at you right wing nut jobs as he continues to change his stance on policy after policy that got him elected.
He hasn't "back peddled" on diddly squat, moron. If you imagine anyone is going to become soured on Trump because of your ludicrous attacks, you're delusional.
Yet Congress can't pass a jobs bill...

The regulation has already been passed. The executive branch just needs the balls to enforce it. The last 2 regimes didn't

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The regulation has already been passed to take tax dollars to build a wall... but that isn't what Trump promised. He said Mexico would pay for the wall.

They will still pay for the wall, but we aren't waiting for that before we start building it. Construction will commence on March of next year.

Eat it, you open borders douche bag.

He lied to you to get elected... he has been the POTUS elect 4 days and he has already back peddled on four major things. I'll be laughing my ass off at you right wing nut jobs as he continues to change his stance on policy after policy that got him elected.

Maybe you could do us the courtesy of listing these "four major things" --- with proof, if you please.

Mexico isn't paying for the wall.

He isn't going to repeal Obamacare, he wants to amend it.

He isn't deporting all the 11 million undocumented immigrants.

He isn't draining the swamp, in fact some of his cabinet are going to be the same types of people he railed against Hillary for being friends with.

Four things he has already back peddled on.

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