Leaked Plan: Construction on the 50 Foot Concrete Wall Starts in March

What a waste of resources. We're falling in education every single year and our healthcare system sucks, but hell, lets build a Soviet like wall. lol
And Illegals coming over putting MORE strain on those things make them WORSE. I know about the schools especially. My daughter attended a school last year with a lot of mexiscum....had to have extra teachers who only spoke Spanish,it slowed EVERYONE down...it was idiotic. These bastards don't belong here. Don't like then LEAVE.
You have been an opponent of border enforcement and an amnesty supporter since you joined this forum. One thing I note is that all such douche bags oppose building the wall. It's obvious that you oppose the wall because you oppose effective enforcement of the border. Any claims that other methods are more effective is pure bullshit. Nothing would be more effective than a wall. That's why Israel and Saudi Arabia both built one.

Fort Knox is a small place within the confines of a military base swarming with soldiers, tanks and other means of defense. It doesn't need a 50 ft wall. However, our border is mostly in the middle of nowhere. A more substantial barrier is required because it will take manpower defending the wall more time to reach any attempted incursions. The wall will require less manpower than any other proposed solution that doesn't include it. That much is undeniable.

We already know the wall works because we have working examples of such a wall. Anyone attempting to make holes in the wall will be apprehended in short order. Any holes can be repaired quite cheaply. Tunnels can easily be detected.

The bottom line is that walls have worked for thousands of years. Anyone who claims they don't work is blowing hot gas out his ass.

I have been? Prove it. Show where I have said I am against border enforcement. You can't. What I've said however is that if there are people already here, that are contributing positively to society, working, paying taxes, and so forth... there is no reason to send them back now. Hell amount of money that will be spent on this new deportation squad, the deportation centers that will need to be built, and then the cost of sending them back will be astronomical. Sending back criminals and people that are here for the purpose of just collecting government funds on the other hand, I have no problem with.

In other words, you support amnesty. All illegals are criminals. They broke the law when they crossed our border without a visa. The cost of sending them back is far cheaper than all the welfare and government services they will consume over their life times.

It's funny how you Trump supporters were fine and dandy with accepting Trump's proposed wall when he said Mexico was going to pay for it. Now it has come out that Trump plans on using an existing law to build the wall and use tax payer money... and you are still fine with it. You got duped and you are in denial. Funny how you think that someone building a tunnel or making damage to the wall will be found in short order... it is a 2,000 mile wall. :booze:

Morons like you who oppose the wall like to pretend that no one will be watching it even though you also claim it will require thousands of people to man it. How will anyone get away with damaging the wall if there are guard towers every half mile? How will they tunnel under it when there will be all kinds of ground detectors watching for exactly such tunnelling?

Israel has built a wall, and it works marvelously. It has cut the incidence of suicide bombers to almost nothing. The empirical evidence shows that you are a douche bag who opposes effective enforcement of our border.

Funny, you said walls have been working for 1,000 of years, history disagrees with you.

Donald Trump's Great Wall — it didn't work for the Ming Dynasty either
Wrong, dumbass. Prior to building the wall, northern barbarians raided China every year. After they built the wall, they succeeded in penetrating it only every few hundred hears. Your belief that "success" equates to it never being penetrated is leftwing bullshit.

Civilization has been building walls for thousand years. Prior to the invention of gun powder, virtually every sizeable city in the world had a wall around it. Rome built a wall across it's border with Scotland. It also built several other walls. The empirical evidence shows that walls work. The fact is undeniable except by douche bag partisan morons like you who won't want to enforce our border.

Oh... you mean Hadrian's Wall? If you are going to mention walls at least know their names dickweed. You mean walls that held people out before uh... technology? We should arm all of our military with spears and bows and arrows! I mean primitive man killed Whoolly Mammoths with spears! So that's what we should be using now!
What a moron. The technology of wall building has also improved since Hadrian's era, douche bag. Your arguments against the wall are getting dumber and dumber. Of course, none of them are smart.
The West Bank wall is 440 miles, that's about a 5th of the size of the wall Trump is proposing. A guard tower every half mile!?!? Holy crappoloa. So 4,000 guard towers? I'm guessing manned by at least two people every 8 hours, so with three shifts, not to mention someone to cover days off, that's like 8 border patrol agents per tower. So... 4,000 towers times 8 agents, that's 32,000 border patrol agents making say, $50K a year. So on top of this wall you are proposing, you are talking about $1.6 BILLION dollars a year to man just the guard towers. Not to mention actual patrol agents that would have to check the wall for damages and possible tunnels. This of course also includes the border patrol agents still manning the gates.
Lew, you're a dingbat. The West Bank would might be 550 square miles, but the border with Israel may be 40 or 50.
The Israeli wall is 440 miles long.
The Border Wall is his Metallurgische Forschung. Just a front to raise money for other purposes.
The West Bank wall is 440 miles, that's about a 5th of the size of the wall Trump is proposing. A guard tower every half mile!?!? Holy crappoloa. So 4,000 guard towers? I'm guessing manned by at least two people every 8 hours, so with three shifts, not to mention someone to cover days off, that's like 8 border patrol agents per tower. So... 4,000 towers times 8 agents, that's 32,000 border patrol agents making say, $50K a year. So on top of this wall you are proposing, you are talking about $1.6 BILLION dollars a year to man just the guard towers. Not to mention actual patrol agents that would have to check the wall for damages and possible tunnels. This of course also includes the border patrol agents still manning the gates.
Lew, you're a dingbat. The West Bank would might be 550 square miles, but the border with Israel may be 40 or 50.
The Israeli wall is 440 miles long.
You are right. I got the West Bank confused with the Gaza strip. However, that wall includes Israeli enclaves within the West Bank where walls have been built accounting for a significant amount of that. There are no official Mexican enclaves within the US, although that might be another good idea if Trumps border wall does not come to fruition.

But Lew is still a dingbat.

Thank you.
The West Bank wall is 440 miles, that's about a 5th of the size of the wall Trump is proposing. A guard tower every half mile!?!? Holy crappoloa. So 4,000 guard towers? I'm guessing manned by at least two people every 8 hours, so with three shifts, not to mention someone to cover days off, that's like 8 border patrol agents per tower. So... 4,000 towers times 8 agents, that's 32,000 border patrol agents making say, $50K a year. So on top of this wall you are proposing, you are talking about $1.6 BILLION dollars a year to man just the guard towers. Not to mention actual patrol agents that would have to check the wall for damages and possible tunnels. This of course also includes the border patrol agents still manning the gates.
Lew, you're a dingbat. The West Bank would might be 550 square miles, but the border with Israel may be 40 or 50.

I'm a dingbat?

At a total length of 708 kilometres (440 mi) upon completion,

Israeli West Bank barrier - Wikipedia

Where do you get your numbers?
Its very simple. Those that don't want a wall are 1 of a few things

1. They USE illegal aliens for their cheap labor
2.They hate America and want to see its founding race wiped out which is what illegal Mexican invasion is doing
3. They think its MEAN to want to defend ourselves and our nation from criminals

Its ALWAYS one of those 3 things if you DON'T want a wall. Especially a wall we won't pay for. I guess you enjoy having border guards being murdered? Drugs pouring across the border? The extra strain on our welfare,medical and education systems. Deny all you want the proof is in the pudding. ILLEGAL MEXICANS bring NOTHING positive to America and A LOT of negative to it. If you love Mexicans so much MOVE TO MEXICO!
Its very simple. Those that don't want a wall are 1 of a few things

1. They USE illegal aliens for their cheap labor
2.They hate America and want to see its founding race wiped out which is what illegal Mexican invasion is doing
3. They think its MEAN to want to defend ourselves and our nation from criminals

Its ALWAYS one of those 3 things if you DON'T want a wall. Especially a wall we won't pay for. I guess you enjoy having border guards being murdered? Drugs pouring across the border? The extra strain on our welfare,medical and education systems. Deny all you want the proof is in the pudding. ILLEGAL MEXICANS bring NOTHING positive to America and A LOT of negative to it. If you love Mexicans so much MOVE TO MEXICO!

Founding race wiped out? Uh... white Europeans already did that. They killed millions of Native Americans and then made them live on reservations like criminals. Now with the wall, it allows them to destroy Native American grave sites without relocating the remains, and just bull dozing over them.

I do like how you decided all people against wasting money on a wall fall into your three categories, it works well with your other racist comments throughout the forum. At least there is one thing I can say about you, you're consistent.
Look, I am not going to call you gullible if you believe in the wall, but you are crazy if you think Congress will build and maintain it!!
I'm a dingbat?

At a total length of 708 kilometres (440 mi) upon completion,

Israeli West Bank barrier - Wikipedia

Where do you get your numbers?

You're in Prague? So wait... you are commenting on a wall in the U.S., that you don't even live or pay tax dollars here, that would go to pay for that wall? GTFO...
Listen dingbat. I am an American citizen and have been since birth. That does not exempt me from American taxes or voting or other responsibilities or civic duties that you have. However, it does exempt me from mooching off the federal government, unlike you.
Its very simple. Those that don't want a wall are 1 of a few things

1. They USE illegal aliens for their cheap labor
2.They hate America and want to see its founding race wiped out which is what illegal Mexican invasion is doing
3. They think its MEAN to want to defend ourselves and our nation from criminals

Its ALWAYS one of those 3 things if you DON'T want a wall. Especially a wall we won't pay for. I guess you enjoy having border guards being murdered? Drugs pouring across the border? The extra strain on our welfare,medical and education systems. Deny all you want the proof is in the pudding. ILLEGAL MEXICANS bring NOTHING positive to America and A LOT of negative to it. If you love Mexicans so much MOVE TO MEXICO!

Founding race wiped out? Uh... white Europeans already did that. They killed millions of Native Americans and then made them live on reservations like criminals. Now with the wall, it allows them to destroy Native American grave sites without relocating the remains, and just bull dozing over them.

I do like how you decided all people against wasting money on a wall fall into your three categories, it works well with your other racist comments throughout the forum. At least there is one thing I can say about you, you're consistent.
Cupcake, Asiatic Indians didn't found jack....European American men founded this country and its systems. Now if you can't comment on the topic I suggest you fuck off.

Oh and we waste more money in 1 year on healthcare,education,welfare,criminal justice system etc for these Illegal scum than we would on the wall if we were even paying for it which we aren't. You pathetic loons STILL haven't comprehended how easy it is to get Mexico to pay for. There are MANY options it just depends on how hard Mexico wants to make this whole thing. They are already crumbling on NAFTA its just a matter of time for the Wall as well. The Mexican president got his ass chewed up one side and down the other after Trumps visit a few months ago imagine what happens when people sending money back to Mexico have a nice hefty tax put on it!
I'm a dingbat?

At a total length of 708 kilometres (440 mi) upon completion,

Israeli West Bank barrier - Wikipedia

Where do you get your numbers?

You're in Prague? So wait... you are commenting on a wall in the U.S., that you don't even live or pay tax dollars here, that would go to pay for that wall? GTFO...
Listen dingbat. I am an American citizen and have been since birth. That does not exempt me from American taxes or voting or other responsibilities or civic duties that you have. However, it does exempt me from mooching off the federal government, unlike you.

Wrong. Unless you live in a country that is not part of the U.S. list of countries allowed for American citizens to live and receive benefits, then you can still mooch off the U.S. government. There are only a few of those countries, like China, Cuba, and North Korea for example.
I'm a dingbat?

At a total length of 708 kilometres (440 mi) upon completion,

Israeli West Bank barrier - Wikipedia

Where do you get your numbers?

You're in Prague? So wait... you are commenting on a wall in the U.S., that you don't even live or pay tax dollars here, that would go to pay for that wall? GTFO...
Listen dingbat. I am an American citizen and have been since birth. That does not exempt me from American taxes or voting or other responsibilities or civic duties that you have. However, it does exempt me from mooching off the federal government, unlike you.

Wrong. Unless you live in a country that is not part of the U.S. list of countries allowed for American citizens to live and receive benefits, then you can still mooch off the U.S. government. There are only a few of those countries, like China, Cuba, and North Korea for example.
Come here and try to get your foodstamps and Section 8 benefits. Try it!

Social security is not mooching. If you were less of a parasite and more informed you would understand these things.
Its very simple. Those that don't want a wall are 1 of a few things

1. They USE illegal aliens for their cheap labor
2.They hate America and want to see its founding race wiped out which is what illegal Mexican invasion is doing
3. They think its MEAN to want to defend ourselves and our nation from criminals

Its ALWAYS one of those 3 things if you DON'T want a wall. Especially a wall we won't pay for. I guess you enjoy having border guards being murdered? Drugs pouring across the border? The extra strain on our welfare,medical and education systems. Deny all you want the proof is in the pudding. ILLEGAL MEXICANS bring NOTHING positive to America and A LOT of negative to it. If you love Mexicans so much MOVE TO MEXICO!

Founding race wiped out? Uh... white Europeans already did that. They killed millions of Native Americans and then made them live on reservations like criminals. Now with the wall, it allows them to destroy Native American grave sites without relocating the remains, and just bull dozing over them.

I do like how you decided all people against wasting money on a wall fall into your three categories, it works well with your other racist comments throughout the forum. At least there is one thing I can say about you, you're consistent.
Cupcake, Asiatic Indians didn't found jack....European American men founded this country and its systems. Now if you can't comment on the topic I suggest you fuck off.

Oh and we waste more money in 1 year on healthcare,education,welfare,criminal justice system etc for these Illegal scum than we would on the wall if we were even paying for it which we aren't. You pathetic loons STILL haven't comprehended how easy it is to get Mexico to pay for. There are MANY options it just depends on how hard Mexico wants to make this whole thing. They are already crumbling on NAFTA its just a matter of time for the Wall as well. The Mexican president got his ass chewed up one side and down the other after Trumps visit a few months ago imagine what happens when people sending money back to Mexico have a nice hefty tax put on it!


I'm serious when I ask this, do you have a learning disability are you this dumb on purpose? If it a learning disability I can at least give you some slack, but if it is on purpose I can't feel sorry for you.

You do realize statistics show that immigrants commit crimes in the U.S. at a lower rate than naturally born citizens? You want to talk about the costs of paying for illegal immigrants, show me numbers, then we'll compare that to the cost of the wall.

You're in Prague? So wait... you are commenting on a wall in the U.S., that you don't even live or pay tax dollars here, that would go to pay for that wall? GTFO...
Listen dingbat. I am an American citizen and have been since birth. That does not exempt me from American taxes or voting or other responsibilities or civic duties that you have. However, it does exempt me from mooching off the federal government, unlike you.

Wrong. Unless you live in a country that is not part of the U.S. list of countries allowed for American citizens to live and receive benefits, then you can still mooch off the U.S. government. There are only a few of those countries, like China, Cuba, and North Korea for example.
Come here and try to get your foodstamps and Section 8 benefits. Try it!

Social security is not mooching. If you were less of a parasite and more informed you would understand these things.

Wait... so now you are amending your statement to fit your needs? Gotcha. Bet you didn't think I knew about the benefits a person can receive outside of the country huh?
Its very simple. Those that don't want a wall are 1 of a few things

1. They USE illegal aliens for their cheap labor
2.They hate America and want to see its founding race wiped out which is what illegal Mexican invasion is doing
3. They think its MEAN to want to defend ourselves and our nation from criminals

Its ALWAYS one of those 3 things if you DON'T want a wall. Especially a wall we won't pay for. I guess you enjoy having border guards being murdered? Drugs pouring across the border? The extra strain on our welfare,medical and education systems. Deny all you want the proof is in the pudding. ILLEGAL MEXICANS bring NOTHING positive to America and A LOT of negative to it. If you love Mexicans so much MOVE TO MEXICO!

Founding race wiped out? Uh... white Europeans already did that. They killed millions of Native Americans and then made them live on reservations like criminals. Now with the wall, it allows them to destroy Native American grave sites without relocating the remains, and just bull dozing over them.

I do like how you decided all people against wasting money on a wall fall into your three categories, it works well with your other racist comments throughout the forum. At least there is one thing I can say about you, you're consistent.
Cupcake, Asiatic Indians didn't found jack....European American men founded this country and its systems. Now if you can't comment on the topic I suggest you fuck off.

Oh and we waste more money in 1 year on healthcare,education,welfare,criminal justice system etc for these Illegal scum than we would on the wall if we were even paying for it which we aren't. You pathetic loons STILL haven't comprehended how easy it is to get Mexico to pay for. There are MANY options it just depends on how hard Mexico wants to make this whole thing. They are already crumbling on NAFTA its just a matter of time for the Wall as well. The Mexican president got his ass chewed up one side and down the other after Trumps visit a few months ago imagine what happens when people sending money back to Mexico have a nice hefty tax put on it!


I'm serious when I ask this, do you have a learning disability are you this dumb on purpose? If it a learning disability I can at least give you some slack, but if it is on purpose I can't feel sorry for you.

You do realize statistics show that immigrants commit crimes in the U.S. at a lower rate than naturally born citizens? You want to talk about the costs of paying for illegal immigrants, show me numbers, then we'll compare that to the cost of the wall.
Oh so its OK for use to have to waste money on illegals just because they commit less crime supposedly...and you want to call ME stupid. I don't want 1 damn cent spent on people who SHOULD NOT BE HERE. I hope President Trump uses GITMO for the likes of you.
What a waste of resources. We're falling in education every single year and our healthcare system sucks, but hell, lets build a Soviet like wall. lol

It's infrastructure and will create jobs. You should love it.
Its very simple. Those that don't want a wall are 1 of a few things

1. They USE illegal aliens for their cheap labor
2.They hate America and want to see its founding race wiped out which is what illegal Mexican invasion is doing
3. They think its MEAN to want to defend ourselves and our nation from criminals

Its ALWAYS one of those 3 things if you DON'T want a wall. Especially a wall we won't pay for. I guess you enjoy having border guards being murdered? Drugs pouring across the border? The extra strain on our welfare,medical and education systems. Deny all you want the proof is in the pudding. ILLEGAL MEXICANS bring NOTHING positive to America and A LOT of negative to it. If you love Mexicans so much MOVE TO MEXICO!

Founding race wiped out? Uh... white Europeans already did that. They killed millions of Native Americans and then made them live on reservations like criminals. Now with the wall, it allows them to destroy Native American grave sites without relocating the remains, and just bull dozing over them.

I do like how you decided all people against wasting money on a wall fall into your three categories, it works well with your other racist comments throughout the forum. At least there is one thing I can say about you, you're consistent.
Cupcake, Asiatic Indians didn't found jack....European American men founded this country and its systems. Now if you can't comment on the topic I suggest you fuck off.

Oh and we waste more money in 1 year on healthcare,education,welfare,criminal justice system etc for these Illegal scum than we would on the wall if we were even paying for it which we aren't. You pathetic loons STILL haven't comprehended how easy it is to get Mexico to pay for. There are MANY options it just depends on how hard Mexico wants to make this whole thing. They are already crumbling on NAFTA its just a matter of time for the Wall as well. The Mexican president got his ass chewed up one side and down the other after Trumps visit a few months ago imagine what happens when people sending money back to Mexico have a nice hefty tax put on it!


I'm serious when I ask this, do you have a learning disability are you this dumb on purpose? If it a learning disability I can at least give you some slack, but if it is on purpose I can't feel sorry for you.

You do realize statistics show that immigrants commit crimes in the U.S. at a lower rate than naturally born citizens? You want to talk about the costs of paying for illegal immigrants, show me numbers, then we'll compare that to the cost of the wall.
Oh so its OK for use to have to waste money on illegals just because they commit less crime supposedly...and you want to call ME stupid. I don't want 1 damn cent spent on people who SHOULD NOT BE HERE. I hope President Trump uses GITMO for the likes of you.

No, I was showing you the point that the criminal justice system spends more on native born Americans than immigrants.

I'm sorry, I can't take anything you say seriously when you think White Europeans are the ones that founded this country, and that Native Americans weren't here first.

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