LEARN TO CODE JOE......what a buffoon lol

A Harvard Law Professor was WRONG?????


You speak about the impossible, since Harvard Law Professors are NEVER WRONG..... or something like that....
Who ever said Harvard Law professors are never wrong? :cuckoo:
That damned North American Ice Age 40-1 million years ago.... that's what pushed those hydrocarbons into that stone....

Antarctic stone under Antarctica's glaciers is likely loaded up the same way...
Does Joe do BASIC? (-:

Seriously, I don't get the former coal workers' gripe. Today these guys are highly technically trained. They don't use picks and wear hats with candles anymore. The jobs are NOT coming back in coal, and WV or NH or wherever is not where energy sector jobs are happening. We've always been a nation where we moved to get jobs. westward expansion. The black migration to Chicago. The WWII migration to S.Cal and the West Coast.

Well don't you think if these people could "learn to code" they would have done it long time ago?
Not according to Impeached Trump. He says they lack the imagination to leave their mine.

He hasn't been impeached yet. Do try and keep up.

Suuure, he hasn't.


Until the hag sends the Articles over to the Senate he has not. Even one of the professors the dems hired for their stalinist trial told her that.

What incentives did natural gas get that coal did not?

That’s a technique, not a incentive. If one resource is easier to collect than another, that’s not something the government should try to fix.

Saying that fracking is not an incentive is foolish. Markedly lowering the price of extracting a fuel is a huge incentive.

This is not the kind of incentive that was being discussed.
I'm surprised Crazy Quid Pro Joe didn't say coal miners could just become rocket surgeons.
This thread is yet another example of how Trump has twisted the Republican party against its conservative values. Biden's "bootstrap" comments would have traditionally come from a conservative. Usually it's Democrats arguing for stupid policies in the name of working-class populism. Here Trump takes up the cause, and dipshit Republicans don't even notice the switcheroo. It would all be hilarious if it wasn't pointing toward the downfall of our country.
Does Joe do BASIC? (-:

Seriously, I don't get the former coal workers' gripe. Today these guys are highly technically trained. They don't use picks and wear hats with candles anymore. The jobs are NOT coming back in coal, and WV or NH or wherever is not where energy sector jobs are happening. We've always been a nation where we moved to get jobs. westward expansion. The black migration to Chicago. The WWII migration to S.Cal and the West Coast.

Well don't you think if these people could "learn to code" they would have done it long time ago?
Not according to Impeached Trump. He says they lack the imagination to leave their mine.

He hasn't been impeached yet. Do try and keep up.

Suuure, he hasn't.


Until the hag sends the Articles over to the Senate he has not. Even one of the professors the dems hired for their stalinist trial told her that.

And two other Harvard Law professors said the first one was wrong. And of course, we have the Constitution conferring power to the House to establish it's own rules...

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

... and the House rules say a person is impeached upon the adoption of articles of impeachment....

... and Madame Speaker declared there were 2 articles of impeachment adopted on 12.18.2019...

"Article I is adopted." ~ Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House

Impeched Trump is impeached. Deal with, con.

No, you have to have an aptitude to do certain jobs. He doesn't have it, and neither does my sister--his mother.

Years ago she was getting prepared to sell her house. She was in a panic because my father could no longer do jobs like replace the floor tile she wanted in her hallway. She said she would do it herself, but she had no idea how to do it. So I suggested that she go to Youtube. They must have a hundred videos on how to remove and replace floor tile. She admitted she could never follow a video. She too has a college degree, and makes nearly six figures a year.
Not knowing how to do something is not the same as not being able to do it. You seem to think people are incapable of learning new things. I don’t.

What I think is that some people cannot learn or do certain things. Not only do you need to have an aptitude for something, you need to have an interest as well. You will never be good at anything you hate or don't enjoy doing.

I used to run into that all the time at work. Inexperienced drivers who could not back their trailer into a dock. Some people I was able to help, others were simply hopeless. No matter what I told them to do, they would do the opposite. They simply had no concept or ability to back into a dock door. This was especially true of foreigners.

Nonsense. I think you might just be a bad teacher.

You just want to whine, argue, and troll.

To deny that people have certain talents that others do not is just foolish.

IF what you claim was true, there would be millions of guitarists equal to Eric Clapton or Jimi Hendrix, millions of brain surgeons, millions of entrepreneurs like Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos and the list goes on.

Do you deny that overall, women score better in languages and worse in mathematics than men? If you do, you're just ignorant.

This is a troll thread. If I’m trolling, I’m not the only one.

People on the right have been saying that we have to subsidize the jobs of coal miners. I say we find them different ways for them to be productive. The counter argument from the right is that they have no other skills and no other options.

All you guys have is “they can’t”.

So when did subsidization of coal minors ever come up?
Not knowing how to do something is not the same as not being able to do it. You seem to think people are incapable of learning new things. I don’t.

What I think is that some people cannot learn or do certain things. Not only do you need to have an aptitude for something, you need to have an interest as well. You will never be good at anything you hate or don't enjoy doing.

I used to run into that all the time at work. Inexperienced drivers who could not back their trailer into a dock. Some people I was able to help, others were simply hopeless. No matter what I told them to do, they would do the opposite. They simply had no concept or ability to back into a dock door. This was especially true of foreigners.

Nonsense. I think you might just be a bad teacher.

You just want to whine, argue, and troll.

To deny that people have certain talents that others do not is just foolish.

IF what you claim was true, there would be millions of guitarists equal to Eric Clapton or Jimi Hendrix, millions of brain surgeons, millions of entrepreneurs like Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos and the list goes on.

Do you deny that overall, women score better in languages and worse in mathematics than men? If you do, you're just ignorant.

This is a troll thread. If I’m trolling, I’m not the only one.

People on the right have been saying that we have to subsidize the jobs of coal miners. I say we find them different ways for them to be productive. The counter argument from the right is that they have no other skills and no other options.

All you guys have is “they can’t”.

So when did subsidization of coal minors ever come up?

After his election. There have been numerous proposals to find ways to prop up the coal industry with government subsidies. None of them have panned out yet because he doesn’t have the legal authority.
What I think is that some people cannot learn or do certain things. Not only do you need to have an aptitude for something, you need to have an interest as well. You will never be good at anything you hate or don't enjoy doing.

I used to run into that all the time at work. Inexperienced drivers who could not back their trailer into a dock. Some people I was able to help, others were simply hopeless. No matter what I told them to do, they would do the opposite. They simply had no concept or ability to back into a dock door. This was especially true of foreigners.

Nonsense. I think you might just be a bad teacher.

You just want to whine, argue, and troll.

To deny that people have certain talents that others do not is just foolish.

IF what you claim was true, there would be millions of guitarists equal to Eric Clapton or Jimi Hendrix, millions of brain surgeons, millions of entrepreneurs like Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos and the list goes on.

Do you deny that overall, women score better in languages and worse in mathematics than men? If you do, you're just ignorant.

This is a troll thread. If I’m trolling, I’m not the only one.

People on the right have been saying that we have to subsidize the jobs of coal miners. I say we find them different ways for them to be productive. The counter argument from the right is that they have no other skills and no other options.

All you guys have is “they can’t”.

So when did subsidization of coal minors ever come up?

After his election. There have been numerous proposals to find ways to prop up the coal industry with government subsidies. None of them have panned out yet because he doesn’t have the legal authority.

Since it was not brought up in this particular conversation, I would say not many if anybody here on the right would support that.
After his election. There have been numerous proposals to find ways to prop up the coal industry with government subsidies. None of them have panned out yet because he doesn’t have the legal authority.

What are those proposals?

Could Biden be any further out to lunch? The man has no clue what it means when someone has dedicated their ENTIRE LIFE to one job.

You people will take any small perceived gaffe you can get huh? I suppose that’s needed in the age of Trump.

at least you acknowledge it as a gaffe. A hugely made one at that. A vote eliminating gaffe. But you still don't get it. you would instead mock the same people Biden made his gaffe about. Cause you have as little tact as creepy, sleepy.

It is a dumb thing to say, but what i don’t understand is how you give Trump a pass on the retarded things he says on a daily basis.
Trump to Playboy: Coal miners are too stupid to leave the mines.

Trump to coal miners' faces: I love you guys and am going to bring back your jobs!

Democrats: Look, man, it's over. Coal is dead. You need to find something else as soon as possible, for your own sake.

I can understand how it is tempting to bleev a huckster who lies and feeds you a delusion. But the man actually thinks coal miners are genetically inferior.

Why the hell are they not lynching him?

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