Leave North Korea and Kim Jong-un alone

What's that supposed to mean?

The way many in America conduct themselves for support of war, without thinking it through is downright primitive.

At the core of America, are a bunch of British rejects, and I don't think regular Brits are much better.

I think Europe sent it's rejects off to those islands, bunch of primitives.
We became what you can't do

I come from a 1 million dollar + household, while many British Americans live in trailer parks. LOL

Is that what you think?

The U.S.A South is mostly of British heritage, and absolutely a good deal of them live in trailers.

I am a Pollock and German American and live in a 5 bedroom house.. along with my two dogs

You sound uber-American.


9.3 Public opinion According to the EOS-Gallup Europe poll of January 2003, a clear majority of 72 per cent of Polish citizens did not regard national involvement in the Iraq war to be justified.
We became what you can't do

I come from a 1 million dollar + household, while many British Americans live in trailer parks. LOL

Is that what you think?

The U.S.A South is mostly of British heritage, and absolutely a good deal of them live in trailers.

I am a Pollock and German American and live in a 5 bedroom house.. along with my two dogs

You sound uber-American.


9.3 Public opinion According to the EOS-Gallup Europe poll of January 2003, a clear majority of 72 per cent of Polish citizens did not regard national involvement in the Iraq war to be justified.

We're doing something you can't

Why are we trying to goad North Korea into war?

N Korea hasn't invaded anyone for almost 70 years. It has a tiny navy and an antique air force. Most of the army's equipment is out dated WWll surplus with no spare parts. The country's guided missiles can barely get off the launch pad before exploding. And those that do, have trouble hitting the Pacific ocean, let alone Hawaii.

Sure its leader Kim Jong-un is a brutal dictator. But heck, most of the countries in Africa and Asia are ruled by dictators just as bad as little Kim.

Why don't we just ignore him and his antics. And quit pretending like N Korea is some kind of a global threat. ..... :cool:
Shh! Trump is trying to goad them into nuking California.
I come from a 1 million dollar + household, while many British Americans live in trailer parks. LOL

Is that what you think?

The U.S.A South is mostly of British heritage, and absolutely a good deal of them live in trailers.

I am a Pollock and German American and live in a 5 bedroom house.. along with my two dogs

You sound uber-American.


9.3 Public opinion According to the EOS-Gallup Europe poll of January 2003, a clear majority of 72 per cent of Polish citizens did not regard national involvement in the Iraq war to be justified.

We're doing something you can't


There.are.stark.differences.between.the.general.population.and.our.PolishAmericans.respondents.on.the.issue.of.war.in.Afghanistan..29.2%.of.the.respondents.believe.that.the.war.is.worth.fighting,.compared.to.52%.of.Americans.. They.are.also.more.likely.to.express.the.belief.that.the.war.is.not.worth.fighting. compared.to.the.general.public.and.are.more.likely.to.be.“not.sure”.about.it..The. public.in.Poland.expresses.similar.sentiments.on.Polish.participation.in.the.war.. The.most.recent.CBOS.poll.of.Poles,.taken.in.September.of.2009,.shows.that. only.20%.of.Poles.support.Polish.involvement.in.the.war,.while.76%.are.against. Polish.participation.in.this.effort.

http://www.piastinstitute.org/assets/library/Polish Americans Today Survey Book 2012.pdf
Is that what you think?

The U.S.A South is mostly of British heritage, and absolutely a good deal of them live in trailers.

I am a Pollock and German American and live in a 5 bedroom house.. along with my two dogs

You sound uber-American.


9.3 Public opinion According to the EOS-Gallup Europe poll of January 2003, a clear majority of 72 per cent of Polish citizens did not regard national involvement in the Iraq war to be justified.

We're doing something you can't


There.are.stark.differences.between.the.general.population.and.our.PolishAmericans.respondents.on.the.issue.of.war.in.Afghanistan..29.2%.of.the.respondents.believe.that.the.war.is.worth.fighting,.compared.to.52%.of.Americans.. They.are.also.more.likely.to.express.the.belief.that.the.war.is.not.worth.fighting. compared.to.the.general.public.and.are.more.likely.to.be.“not.sure”.about.it..The. public.in.Poland.expresses.similar.sentiments.on.Polish.participation.in.the.war.. The.most.recent.CBOS.poll.of.Poles,.taken.in.September.of.2009,.shows.that. only.20%.of.Poles.support.Polish.involvement.in.the.war,.while.76%.are.against. Polish.participation.in.this.effort.

http://www.piastinstitute.org/assets/library/Polish Americans Today Survey Book 2012.pdf

You do know I am American right ?2nd a Pollock and German..

We're a fighting for your freedom..as much as your's
Why are we trying to goad North Korea into war?

N Korea hasn't invaded anyone for almost 70 years. It has a tiny navy and an antique air force. Most of the army's equipment is out dated WWll surplus with no spare parts. The country's guided missiles can barely get off the launch pad before exploding. And those that do, have trouble hitting the Pacific ocean, let alone Hawaii.

Sure its leader Kim Jong-un is a brutal dictator. But heck, most of the countries in Africa and Asia are ruled by dictators just as bad as little Kim.

Why don't we just ignore him and his antics. And quit pretending like N Korea is some kind of a global threat. ..... :cool:
1. The Korean War ended in a "truce," not a peace treaty and therefore, North Korea is still technically at war with South Korea.
2. North Korea has two allies: a. China b. Russia
3. South Korea has one ally: the U.S.
4. North Korea's army consists of 950,000 troops.
5. South Korea's army consists of 495,000 troops.
If North Korea breaks the treaty and again attacks South Korea, China and Russia will step in and provide assistance, perhaps even additional troops as they did in the Korean War.
South Korea has a defense treaty with the U.S, which it has had since the Korean War was halted with a truce. The U.S. will honor its treaties with such nations as South Korea, Japan, et cetera. You give your word, you keep it. In this case, you sign on the treaty line, you keep your word.
North Korea keeps threatening the U.S. and South Korea because they do joint military exercises. The U.S. does joint exercises with other nations as well, it's part of having defense treaties with various nations, so doing them with South Korea is no different, it's just that in this case, the opposing force is headed by a belligerent, narcissistic, communist dork, who wants exercises to stop so he can consider another invasion.

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